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Vol. 30, No. 1~3 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. April 28, 1953 Junior Class Offers Bishop Approves Pan-Hellenic Dance AnnualProduction; Seminary Shift Crowns Celebration Maryland's Western own "Corona- 'The Bore O~ •54' ster Theological Seminary from West- tion Ball" will be held on May 2nd, The plan the- westmtn- to move minster to the campus of American with a plush throne, coats of arms Friday, May 1, marks the date that University in Washington was ap- and a royal canopy adorning the en- MAY COURT, 1953: Standillg, left to right: Sue Dorsey, Sophomore Duchess; the Class of 1954 will present the Jun- proved in an announcement Sunday trance of Gill Gymnasium "Palace," Gretchen Pierson, Soplumurre Attendant; Janet C1'OS8, Junior Attendant; Bea ior Follies. The follies, called the by Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam. providing the nucleus of the regal Ford, Sophomore Attendant; gay Gates, Senior Duchess; Adelinc Allen, "Bore of '54", is an original script News of the announcement appeared atmosphere. Junior Atten.dant; Pat CO/lilIS, Freshman Attendant; Pat Fetcho, Junior bemoaning the trials and tribulations in yesterday's Baltimore Sun. The Ball will begin at 8:30 and end Duchess; Sharon Albaugh, Fl· Duchess. Seated, left to right; Janet of writing and producing the Junior western Maryland's board of trus- at 12 :00. Dean Helen Howery said Pyrtle, Senior Attendant; Nancy Kl·oll, IIfay Queen; Patty Ray, Senior At- Class presentation. tees voted last Friday to buy the that "because this dance is a truly big tendant. Abslmt; Peggy Al·tig-iamli, Freshman Attendant. The follies have been under the main seminary building and the event of tile year, the women's dormi- leadership of Lois Carmack, also the houses which adjoin it. The college tories will not be closed until 1;00 accompanist for the production. Jane will also gain the use of seven acres a. m." Women's Council Sponsors Hutchison has been serving in the of present seminary land. Grand Finale of Day capacity of director of the follies, This event, the grand finale of the which was written by Bev Stringfield, Depends On American U. May Day celebration, is sponsored Traditional May Day Fete Lois Cermak and Carol Herdman. B ish 0 p Oxnam's announcement annually by the Pan-Hellenic Council, made no statement of a definite date the combination of the Inter-Fra- Original Songs Western Maryland's traditional May Day celebration will be- The songs "The Bore of '54" and for the change. The news article said ternity Council and the Inter-Sorority gin with a procession of the May Queen and her court to the amphi- Love Duet were written b~ Carol it would depend on when American Counc"il there is a procession theater at 1:30 p. m. Saturday, May 2. 'I'hls-annual occasion is spon- on a $2,- Traditio~ally U. can finance construction Bauer. Carol Herdman wrote the mu- OOO,OOO.project on 10 acres of its of the May Court and their escorts sored by the Women's Council of the SGA under the general chair- sic of the Parody on Traditions and grounds. and the crowning of the queen by manship of Jane Mcl.eod. Following the procession, Dr. Ensor Harold's Song, while Bev Stringfield Mid-century improvement plans for President Ensor at the intermission. will crown the May Queen. The Girls' is responsible for the words of the two Western Maryland called for a new The members of the Court and their Glee Club, under the direction of Miss numbers. 'Bev Stringfield and Carol dormitory to be located directly across escorts are: Nancy Kroll, Ross Wag- Army Inspectors Evelyn Smith, will provide the ac- Herdman composed the words to the ner; Kay Gates, Jack Lambert; Janet companiment for the processional and Ward Hall, on Mars Song, sung to the tune of the from Albert Norman The state recently Pyrtle, Charlie Calarv: Patty Ray, Review Battalion recesstonal. 'I'his musical group will seminary property. Duckworth Chant, and the Sneaker Craig Hull; Pat Fetcho, Walt Hart; also present a short program. Girls' Song, to the tune of Ta Ra Ra approved an appropriation of $250,- of Janet Cross, Skip Berends; Adeline The Department of the Army In- May Day Origin Interpreted 000 to be used in the construction Boom del' A. a new dormitory here. Allen, \Varren Jones; Sue Dorsey, spectton team l from the 2nd Army Another feature of the program In charge of properties are Lee Lee Headquarters visited Western Mary- will be.» dramatic interpretation of Kline and Betty Norwood. Lita Rol- New Member of AICM Johnny Batista; Bea Ford, Jack the origin of May Day written by lins and Jane Collins are responsible Western Maryland has recently be- Duhl; Gretchen Pierson, Rod David- land College April 23 to look into all Beth Witzke. Under the direction of son; Sharon Albaugh, Bill Ward; phases of the ROTC program Pat here on for the makeup. Tickets are being come part of an organization known Collins, Lee Francis; Peggy Artigiani, their annual inspection tour. Ann Spears a group of the girls will taken care of by Barbara Almony, as the Association of" Independent Dick Linton. These men observed classroom, ad- participate in the May Pole Dance. and the designing of the program by Colleges in Maryland.· Other mem- McKissick's Orchestra's Debut ministrative, and parade ground ex- Also on the program is a musical Lois Cermak, Be:' Stringfield and bers. are Hood College, St. John's in Maynard McKissik's Orchestra, of hibitions of the Infantry Reserve Of-- combo consisting of Betty Parsons Carol Herdman. The lighting of the Annapolis, and Washington College. Carlisle, Pa., will make their debut at ficera' Corps, now under the command playing the violin, Irma Lee Hohman presentation is in Bill Shoemaker's Dr. Ensor is president of the essoela, this college on May 2nd at the "Coro- of Lt. Col. Robert S. Redfield, USA playing the bass fiddle, and Jean hands. r Lion. nation Ball." Infantry. Hendren playing the accordion. Last In the main speaking parts are Bill Its purpose, according to a recent The Black and Whites are in charge Demonstration Given year's May Queen will be invited to Harvey as the director; Al Trevathan 'release, is to raise funds through a of decorating Gill Gym, tile publicity, Part of the morning program in- attend the celebration. as the stooge; Charles Wheatley as united appeal to business leaders. The various eommittes in cha;;ge of Smiley; Carol Bauer as Janet and Bill programs and tickets are being taken cluded a rifle squad demonstration of the day's program are as follows: among simulated maneuver a tactical Schneider as Harold. care of by the Gamma Bets, and the combat conditions. Under the guid- Properties, Harriet Cooley; Music, Bachelors will serve the refreshments. Tap Dancers Featured Junior Women Plan The Preachers are the royal janitors ance of ht Lt. Charles L. Crouch, the Pasty Herman}-Flowers, Beverly R~i- "I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say responsible for cleaning up. Each fra- cadets threw smoke grenades, han- ber ; Publicity, Beverly Rye; Invita- No" is to be sung by Betty Parsons. RoseCupCeremony ternity is assisted by its sister soror- dled machine guns, and charged tions, Connie Weisenbach; Programs, Elsie Maytrott. Barbara Almony will sing "Romance" ity. across the field to capture the ob- from the Desert Song by Sigmund The annual Rose Cup Ceremony, in jective. Flower Girl and Crown Bearer Romberg. Carol Sause is scheduled. to honor of the senior women, will be Lambert Set for The flower girl will be Lucy David sing her rendition of "The Man I held on Monday, May 18, in Robinson . I tio~o~~~~;;~;!Sh:~;~~stehea:it~~s:o:c~ and the Crown Bearer will be Charles Love" by George Gershwin. Tap Garden at 4:15 p. m. Jane Hutchinson MU51ea Program ' on Hoffa Field. Such aspects as uni- Griffen. The Announcer for the day dancers on the program feature Ray 'and Bev Stringfield, Secretary and form dress, care of rifles, and mili- will be Jim Roach and trumpeters will Root, who will dance to Arnold Hay- Class Historian of the junior class re- tary discipline were particularly ta- be Bob Malonee and Ernie Green. ward's arrangement of a melody of spectively, are co-chairmen of the pro- June Lambert is scheduled to pre- ken into consideration during this in- Following the program, sororities songs by George Gershwin, and Pat gram. sent her voice recital at 8 :00 p. m. in spection. and fraternities will hold open house Rogan and Don James performing a In opening the ceremony the under- Levine Music Hall on May 8. Complete Satisfaction Expressed for all guests on campus. There will dance act to the tune of "When Fran- classmen will present a minute skit Among the selections are Begli. Col. Robert C. Lutz, Armored Div., be several athletic events during the ces Dances With Me." designed to imitate a particular sen- acchi -meroi, by Tenoglia; MlW"l1UJ.id8 chairman of the inspecting commit- afternoon. May Day is also High Joan Kellogg and Carol Herdman ior girl. Following this, the seniors Scmg by Haydn; AmOlilii by Cac- tee, expressed to President Ensor School Guest Day on campus. will do a comedy routine to "We're A will dramatize college life in each of cini; With Ve:rdure Clad (The Orca- complete satisfaction with the results and congratulated Couple of Swells" by Irving Berlin. their four years at WMC in four tion) by Hadyn; Erete Bci[chen. him on the flne condition of the unit. Freshmen Schedule of the inspection Lovers of drama will be in store short skits. Mondnacht by Schumann, and ll[uni for a treat as "The Shooting of Dan At the close of the ceremony, the liubc is' grtun by Brahms. Other members of the inspection team McGrew" or the Class of '54's adapta- rose cup will be passed to each senior June will also sing Debussey's Beau were Lt. Col. Willimn C. Kish, Maj. Lantern Pageant tion "Call Me Lou" is "unfolded". girl while the other participants sing Soil'; "Addio de lI1imi" (La Boheme) Karl F. Decker, and Capt. Glenn A. The cast includes Carville Downes, the traditional farewell song to the by Puccini. Ships of A1'cadi by Head; Ellis. The freshman girls will honor the Dangerous Dan; Spike Dennie, Lou; women members of graduating class. Epiwph of a B1tUe1·/l-y by Bauer; Cadet commandant of the unit here women of the senior class in the an- Charles Wheatley, Dirty Dan; Don Everyone is cordially invited to at- ThnJat by Marley and At the Well by is Lt. CoJ. Edgar Coffman. His staff nual Lantern Chain Ceremony on James, "MUkbar" Tender; Ed Kelly, tend. Hedgemann. officers are as follows: Cadet Ashby Thursday, May 7, at 9:15 p. m. Bev. (Contl~nued on page 4) / Collins, Adjutant; Cadet Glen Ash- Reiber, freshman representative to College Players Reveal Plans For burn, Executive Officer; Cadet How- the SGA, with the representative, is aid of Harriet Cooley, sophomore WMC Entertains Shakespearean 'Twelfth Night' ard Wagenblast, S-3. in charge of these proceedings. freshmen, the in white, Dressed Students As Guests Questionnaire Data carrying lanterns, will assemble on the senior the top of the hill with The College Players of WMC mas ending the Christmas festival. women and open the ceremony by This year's High School Guest Day will present William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" is a masque of love Notes Weak Areas singing the Alma Mater. They will will be held on May 2nd, the day of Twelfth Night, or What You Will as and comedy involving cross-purposes then proceed to Hoffa Field where the the annual May Day festivities, as the commencement play for 1953 on arising from the confusion of part- Two meetings have been held at Dr. freshmen will form the numerals rep- has been the custom previously. May 29 at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. ners and is full of song and jest. Ensor's home, regarding possible al- resenting each of the four classes with Playing student host to the antici- The cast is as follows: Orsino, Wil- Shakespeare was only 37 when he leviation of student problems and an appropriate song for each class. pated one hundred and fifty plus high liam Harvey; Curio, Harold Posey; wrote this play. It is the last of the grievances through the aid of the After returning from Hoffa Field, school seniors, will be this year's Valentine, Charles Wheatley; Pages, great comedies. questionnaire distributed in the doi'- the girls will proceed through Carpe sophomore class. The visitors include Shirley Jarvis and Ruth Lee; Viola, Shakespeare is first and foremost a mitories recently. Diem to the side entrance of Blanche those students whose applicatio!ls for Nell Hughes; Sea Captain, Kenneth magnificent poet, who had the ability Attending the meetings were Dr. Ward. Here each class will in turn entrance next year have been ac- Ruehl; Sailors, Richard Brenneman to use this gift through drama. He Ensor, Dean Howery, Dean David, sing its class song,. composed in the cepted by the college, those high school and Dennie Bliss; Sir Toby Belch, wrote, supremely, with his eyes and Kay Nowack and representatives freshman year. In closing, the under- seniors from Maryland and neighbor- Carroll Warner; Maria, Elizabeth ears in the theater. What he heard from the SGA, SCA, and the GOLD classmen will sing the Farewell Song ing states who are interested in be- Walter; Sir Andrew Aguecheek, John and saw was not technical stage ef- BUG. to the senior class. coming more familiar with Western Traband. fects but the emotions and thoughts Development of the project is, at Everyone is invited to watch this Maryland, and their parents. Others in the cast are: Feste, Eliz- underlying all human behavior and this date, still in a statistical stage. traditional program in honor of the At 10:30 the visitors will register abeth Kuhn, Olivia, Kereseley Gates; understanding. Work has been concerned primarily graduating class. Following the cere- in McDaniel Lounge. A tour of the Mulvolio, Michael Trupp; Antonio, Last Thursday saw the celebration with the isolation of areas indicated mony, there will be a reception il) Mc- Hill will follow, for which displays Tom Douglass; Sebastian, Paul Daw- of Shakespeare's birth 389 years ago. as critical by the 66 per cent of the Daniel Lounge for all women stu- have been prepared by the Depart- son; Fabian, James Dix; Officers, According to Barbara \Vard of the student body who returned the ques- dents. ments of art, biology, education, home Ken Ruehl and Richard Brenneman; New York Times, "The spell Shakes- tionnaire. economics, military, and physics. Sir Topas, Dennie Bliss; Lords, Ray peare casts is the spell of life itself. No concrete interpretation has been An after-lunch address of welcome Rott, and Jim Levay; Ladies, Ruth Among his highest achievements was drawn on any facet of student reac- Notice will be given in the dining hall by Dr. Lee, Shirley Jarvis, Jane Logan, and not only his creation of living men tion to the questions. This cannot be Tomorrow and Thursday will be the Ensor, and an invitation extended to Estelle Zies. and women, but also the recreation of done until specific problems indicative final registration days for the fall join with the college in the celebration The name of the play is derived the meaning and sense of human to weak areas are determined through semester. of the Mar'" Day festivities. from the twelfth night after Christ- life." further research and investigation.
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