Page 55 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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The Gold Bug, M~y 19, 1953 I - - I Netsters Top Baseball Team Ends Season by Jim Roac~ Catholic U. Showing 6. And 8 Season Grantland Rice recently informed us that he was happy to see that spring sports here 'Onthe hill had, for the most part, been suc- WMC 5 - Catholic U. 4 WMC 9 - Hampden-Sydney 8 cessful this year. He envisioned the softball game between the boys Western Maryland's tennis team JHU 5 - WMC 1 and girls' teams. He felt that such a game created as much good pulled a major upset in the Mason- A four-run rally in the bottom of A neat five-hitter by Charlie Blades, feeling as did the Gamma Bet-Phi Alph basketball fiasco a month Dixon Conference play May 1 when the ninth gave Western Maryland a ace Johns Hopkins University hurler, or so ago. From where he stood, not only the players, but the spectators, as they scored a 5-4 win over a visiting 9-8 triumph over a visiting Hampden- gave the visiting Blue jays an t!asy well, had a good time. (Anyway, his suggestion might be followed hy'vthose Catholic University squad. The result Sydney nine on Friday, May 1. 5-1 win over Western Maryland April willing to promote such a classic. C'mon, you frats and sororities, get together.) broke a Conference string of over fifty Pat Biddle in relief of starting 30 on the Westminster campus dia- Some guys really take baseball seriously. Take Dave Sack, for instance. victories rolled by the Cardinals. pitcher Don James received credit for mond. the victory while Tom Glascock, the We've been informed that Davey went out to the cemetery and prayed after Merril Trader, Art Saltmarsh, and loser, was spelled by Jack Lester in The Green and Gold tallied their his N.Y. Yankees took one on the chin. Looks as though the New Rochelle Ray Davis notched singles 'trfumphs the ninth. only run in the first inning and from Lad will do a lot of praying before the season ends. while the doubles combinations of Da- this point it was all Hopkins. The Not much has been said ab~ut the Rifle Team this year. This aggregation vis and Saltmarsh and Henry Taitt Western Maryland outhit the Jays tallied once in the first, once in compiled a fine record against such teams as Maryland (the nation's best), and Trader captured the match for Tigers eleven to six with Brad Jones, the second, twice in the eighth, and once more' in the ninth. V.M.f., etc. Their overall record: 5-5. They beat Johns Hopkins (hooray!) the Green and Gold. rightfielder, belting a triple and twice for the best team sC0'je in three or four years. Returning lettermen Singles single. Dean Lester and Bill Snead Bill Clem was charged with the set- got a pair of hits apiece for the losers. forming- the nucleus for next year's team: Fred Hubach (succeeding John Kobren, Catholic, defeated Tonel- back with Pat Biddle twirling the Clayton as captain), Paul Lambertson (ranked as No.1 man), Dick Titlow, son, 6-1, 6-4. Hamp.-Syd. . 020 320 010-862 ninth in relief. Bruce Mills had a WMC _. 004-9113 100 040 Nick Gwynn, and Bob Herzog. Mineweaser-, Catholic, defeated Sil- triple and a single in three at bats. On the basketball scene, Kaiser Wilhelm has been named to the staff of berstein, 6-2, 6-0. Washington 7 _ WMC 1 JHU 110 000 021-592 the BRA (Basketball Referees' Association). A prominent official in that or- Green, Catholic, defeated Taitt, WMC 100 000 000-153 ganization saw The Kaiz in his famous shirt and immediately signed him to a ·7-5,6-3. The Shorernen of Washington Col- contract. It might be said Mr. W. Makes a pretty good official, even with his Trader, WMC, defeated Lor rena, lege scored an easy 7-1 victory of JHU] - WMC 0 sprained ankle. The clown!! Trying to playa young man's game... 0-6, 6-2, 9-7. ;I~~:~~l~y~~': ~::t~~ns!:r aca!~:: Johns. Hopkins Uuniverslty pushed Speaking of the Bachelors, they recently rated Ken Childrey "Athlete 6_1D~~~S, WMC, -defeated Tompa, May 2. over a single tally on a single, a sac- rifice and an error in the bottom of ~!~~e !~a~;' l:~rr:~c~~~C~~da~s~~re;h;~~e::rt !~\~:c~:::~ ~~~~~~ ~:~ r!~::l, 6_0sa~:~;arsh, WMC, defeated Dugue," Willie Gillis spun a five hitter for the fourth to notch a 1-0 victory over Western Maryland in a game tho, due to injuiries. How courageous can you get!? ,. Doubles ~~c~i~v~nt:e~~: ~~:s :~nI::~n;e;~tc~~~ played May 9 at Homewood in Balti- The ~~:~eos~o~o~~';f~::r~':dte~4ni~t~::::~f:::::!:,fi~e 1~:::~~:11~i:: ~:~~::tGreen and Mineweaser, Catholic, ~:~f!:~y s;n~e:l"~::: ~~d~~~:eeB:~ more. record over the years now stands at 160-74! ~~:~~~~: Tonelson and Silberstein, bats to pace what there was of a Charlie Blades allowed only three hits in governing the win while Walt Spike Dennie's family recently bought him II special television set, which Davis and Saltmarsh, WMC, de- Terror attack. will enable him to get Milwaukee channels. Now the Spiker will spend the feated Tompa and Dugue, 6-1, 6-0. Washington 220 000 003-7120 Sanders was charged with the loss. Bill Clem relieved Walt in the eighth summer waching his beloved Braves, rather than tuning in the "Country Taitt and Trader, WMC, defeated· WMC 000 000 001-154 inning. Gentlemen" (Red Sox). Kobren and Lorrenz, 6-4, 6-4. Luke Suwall was the chief instigator in a prank last summer. Seems as Bob Kaufman, Bruce Mills, and though a track man from Washington College, attending summer school here, WMC 6 - Gettysburg 3- Duhl Wins Discus Brad Jones got the Terrors' singles aroused the attention of a few of our boys with his daily jaunts around the while the Bluejays were collecting track. Challenged to a hundred-yard dash by Luke, he accepted and lost. Tom Scoring wins in four singles events four hits. Scott also beat him. "Luscious Luke" added insult to injury by suggesting that plus a pair of doubles triumphs the InConference Meet WMC _ 000000000031 the guy move on his toes. To strengthen his toes, Luke claimed that picking up Green and Gold tennis team downed JHU . _ 000 100 OOx 142 grass with his bare feet would aid greatly! The lad followed the advice, and Gettysburg May 1 by a 6-3 margin. With Jack Duhl and Phil Lawyer could be seen every day, picking up grass with his toes. The boys had their Ray Davis, Henry Taitt, Merrill the point getters, Western Maryland's laugh, but what did the Washington coach say when he found out? • Trader and Art Saltmarsh posted the track team captured eight points in the Linksters Finish Slate singles victories while Trader and Intramural softball has. really had its t.hrills. For instance, the Bachelors Taitt and Saltmarsh and Davis annual Mason Dixon Track Meet held With 5-5 R.ecord and Preachers played to a 3-3 tie, weeks back; largely on the strength of a teamed up to win in the doubles. last Saturday at Catholic University seventh-inning, two-out home run with a runner on by John Thomas. In the in Washington. 'Western Maryland's golf team fin- playoff, the Preachers reversed the tables. Trailing 7-11 in the last of the' Singles A heave of 125 feet in the discus ished up their season May 11 when seventh, t.hey came up with 5 'runs. Mike.Rentko got a base knock with Uie sacks Greybill, Gettysburg, defeated Ton- event gave Duhl a first and he picked they engaged in the Mason-Dixon drunk to send across the winning run. Joe Bury's team pulled a surprise punch, elson, 6-2, 8-6. Hamer, 6-3, up additional points in the shot put Conference Tournament held at the Taitt, WMC, defeated when they beat the Preachers, 9-8. But when the chips are on the table, old 6-1. when he placed fourth. Mount Pleasant course in Baltimore. Delta Pie seems to have it. You might call them the "Yankees" of 'VMC_ How Rice, Gettysburg, defeated Silber- Lawyer tied for fourth place in the The Terrors, with Captain Ed Coff- about the game between the Baby Terrors and Bachelors? Grander vs. Stewart. stein, 6-2, 6-4. high jump. man showing the way, placed third in Very Good Game. The Gamma Bets (especially Geo. Van Nostrand and Ashby Trader, \VMC, defeated Hershey, Team scores for the meet were: a field of seven schools. Collins) liked the offerings of Spike Dennie so well, they clubbed him for four- 6-4,6-2. Catholic University, 41 %; Johns Hop- The scores of the western Mary- baggers. Cohen's Cookies, featuring a bunch of never-has-beens and Rube Davis, WMC, defeated Almy, 6-0, kins, 40; Roanoke, 29; Bridgewater, land linkstirs final matches were: (King Farouk) Bard have done nothing. They've had fun, tho. Guys like Salga, 6-3_ 23%; Loyola, 21; Hampden-Sydney, University of Maryland 8, WMC, 1; nik, Don Horowitz, and the King himself have really clubbed the ball. The Saltmarsh, WMC, defeated Mann, 13% Towson, 8%.; Western :Mary- WMC 6, American University, 3; league has been quite successful. land, 8; RandOlph-Macon, 7'h; Gal- Juniata, 61h, WMC, 'h. 6-2,6-2. laudet, 6; Lynchburg, 5; Washington Ed Coffman has started a' mixed couple golf tournament, known as a DOltbles College, 2; and Mount Saint Mary's, On May 9 the Western Maryland Scotchman's Handicap. Come one, come all. Should start after exams are over. Grcybill and Hershey, Gettysbur-g, ". contingent traveled to Mount Union, The lacrosse team didn't have a successful season, but they did play some defeated Tonelson and Silbestejn, 6-4, Pennsylvania, and captured sixth good games. Against \Vashington College, the boys scored 8 Fergburgers, but 6-4. place in a field of twelve. Ed Coffman Washington got 13 goals. Ashby Collins ("The Battering Ram") came into his Taitt and Trader, WMC, defeated Hamer and Rice, 6-1,8-6. was third in the medal play. In the own that day. Really laid the She-men low. Danny "'bcLea, subbing for the in- Davis and Saltmarsh, WMC, de- Western Maryland Invitation held jured "Wedge," gave a very fine performance. And when the Wink finally got feated Almy and Mann, 6-2, 8-6. last week at the local course, Juniata into action lately, he played his usua~ great game. The Whitehurst boys got LAUNDROMAT was victorious, Loyola of the East into one game together-hats off to them. took second, Western Maryland third, Mr. Harlow's track team, in its first season in some time, did very well. 5 Locust Street "MEET AT and Johns Hopkins University fourth. Gettysburg They defeated Mt. St. Mary's and Washington College in dual meets, and lost Opposite Parking Lot also competed. and Baltimore University to Joe Della Ratta's Catholic U. The boys came in second in the triangular meet at Loyola. Overall, "Chautz" Clarke was the top point-getter. Except for DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 During regular season play the his loss in the hundred to Sam Lee of Catholic U. Charlie was undefeated in Green and Gold amassed a five and both the 100 and 220. Jack Duhl came next in points, with an only loss to Ma- FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 five record. comes of Loyola. His discus toss set a new Catholic U. meet record. High- Closed Wed. Afternoon To Get Your Eats" jumllers Bob Langrall, Phil Lawyer, and Hugh Howell were always in the PATRONIZE scoring column. , Westminster 1287 Main St. - White Neon Sign Little Dick Dix came through with flying colors to win the 440 against the OUR Mounties. Jim Dix did a good job as a sprinter. Charlie Phipps, Bill Snyder, and ADVERTISERS, Les Werner did well in the long distance grinds. Pat Rogan, handicapped by injuries, should be a standout next year, as John Carlucci. Weightmen Jack Snover, Gene Hedgcock, "Paws" Hunt, and John Batista ,vill chuck in next spring. The team will miss co-captain "Smackover" Scott, who was a consistent point-getter. To quote Grantie Rice: "... and when the One Great Seorer comes to mark against your name, he marks not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." We're closing the school year with a whole box full of orchids. Here goes: to the junior class, for staging such a fine Follies; to the May Court, for look- ing so nice; and to behind-the-scenes Jane McLeod, for putting on that extrava_ ganza; to The Wink, for playing and playing and playing on that sprained ankle; to Spike Dennie, for showing a great many of us what a real man is made of; to Roy Etzler, for getting his first hit in two years of college ball- he drove in those runs, although the Evening Sun didn't agree; to GBX, for winning the SCA Service Cup award; to Colonel Redfield-we'll really miss him; to Jim Moore and the SGA, for their fine work this year; to "Jolly Chollie," for beating Doc Marshall's footbaJl team; to Jack Duhl, for his discus toss of 122" 2%" Did I forget anybody? Onions: to the jerk or jerks who punched holes in the rec hall ceiling; to Campus capers call for Coke writers on the GOLD BUG who don't get their stuff in on time; to the guy or guys (punk or punks) who stole money from the Loyola lacrosse team while they weren't in the locker room. That act helps build a nice reputation for the school!!; to those people more interested in themselves than the school, and who criticize the school's sports. Bump you. And to those bums who talk dur- Commencement's a big day ing the Bardahl commercial. __•so get off to the right start. Pause for a frosty bottle of delicious Coca-Cola HAPPY LANDINGS -and be refreshed. Class of '53 BonLEtl UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING COo. INC_ "Coke' is 0 ''' © 1953. THE COCA·COLA COMPANY
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