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L1brljry ·.7estern Marylar-d College ;-'pstnlJr",strer MO.. MARRIAGE RACE CALENDAR CONTROVERSY .... PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Vol. 30, No. 14 WESTERN MkRYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. May 19, 1953 Elizabethan Music, Authentic Settings New Orientation June Graduatiofl Culminates Slated For Shakespearean 'Twelfth Night' Plans Approved Activities Of Senior Week As a part of their commencement production of Shakespeare's The Freshman Advisory Council, a Twelfth Night, the College Players are including several musical new branch of the SGA, has been The commencement exercises for western Maryland's 83rd selections based on the old Elizabethan musical style. Miss Joy formed for the purpose of aiding the graduating class will be held in Alumni Hail on Monday, June 1 at Sleeper of the Music Department is orchestrating and arranging administration in planning Freshman 10 :00 a. m. an overture and background music for the play. These pieces will Orientation Week, and in advising The speaker will be Miss Bertha Adkins, former Dean of Wom- be recorded using instruments sim- new students ne~t sem~ster. en here and currently. the National Chairman of the Women's Di- Bar to the musical instruments of the Under the advisorsbip of Dean How- • vision of the Republican Party. Miss Adkins will receive an hon- Elizabethan period. Art Department ery and Dean David, the council has orary degree from the college. In keeping with the classical dig- named Jtm whitehurst and Harriet Others receiving honorary degrees will be Mrs. Henrietta De- to give a Features Exhibit nity of Shakespearean drama, every Cooley to head the organization. It is Witt, Director of Psychiatric Social Work for Maryland, Depart- stage setting is designed composed ef several students from ment of Mental Hygiene; Mr. Wilmer feeling of space and distance. Each The annual Student Art Exhibit of each class, both dormitory and day C II Ch PI A. DeHuff, principal of Balti~ore scene will include a view of sky, sea, Western Maryland will open on students, chosen on scholaatic stand- 0 ege air ans Polytechnic Institute; Rev. Robert and land. Thursday, May 21, from 8:00 p.m. to ing and campus activity. A. Parker, pastor of Northwood Meth- Original Sets Planned 10:00 p.m. in Smith Hall.' Calary Presents Plan St. Paul's Oratorio ~~~!,~';:~;~h~!ia~O~f ~h~P2~tl~;:: In addition, the sets will depict a Among the types of work to be in- Plans for such J body were first Div. in Korea, and Mrs. Mabel Garri- palace room containing stately col- cluded in the display are design, brought up by Charles Calary, who The college choir, under the direc- son Simonn, a former member of the umns, a cellar serving as background fOl' the well-known drinking scene, :~~~f~~~:'er~:fc~~~;d~~o~:~~:ea~~;: ~~~::~~df:: t~:er:v~:o~a;: t~ea~~:d~ !~:~~~e~;~t~li~r~ai~~L;:!i, ~~lF~~~ Metropolitan Opera Company. and a garden scene overlooking the drawing, pastel, and illustration. In ling of new students. Mendelssohn, at the Baccalaureate Activities Include Banquet seacoast of Illyria, now the' country addition to these, experimental work The FAC, in a series of meetings, service to be held in Alumni Hall on The activities preceding gradna- of Albania. Mr. Don Bailey is respon- in mobiles, string compositions, paper is working on the context of next Sunday, May 31, at 4:00 p.m. Miss tion exercises commence ,vith the sible for these creative, original, and sculpture, and silk screen painting year's freshman orientation program, Patricia Hammersley will be the ac- Senior Alumni Banquet on May 28 in unusual settings designed for the Col- will also be on exhibition. and on the advising of the incoming companist. the Dining Hall. This is the second lege Players' own conception of the An oil-paintIng entitled "Mail). students next fall. The soloists from the coll~ge will banquet of this kind, at which an imaginative and fantastic qualities of Street", a scene of Westminster by . "The purpose of the FAC is not -to - be Miss Josephine Kompanek, so- Alumni Citizenship Award'is given to the play. Jack Metherall, "Young Danus", a replace completely the big-brother- prano; Miss Marilyn Hardester-, con- the senior man and woman who have Another feature of this production sculptured figure by Sally Fisher, and big-sister program,"a member said, tralto; and Mr. Will,iam Biddle, bari- proven to be the most outstanding all is centered around a dance-the Eliz- a "Carroll County" painting by El- "nor to take the place of faculty ad- tone. Mr. Joseph McCaU, from the around citizens during their sojourn abethan Pavan. This court dance, tra- len Rudolph, are considered to be of visers, bnt to provide a closer advisory Peabody Conservatory of Music, will on the Hill. The award entitles them ditionally held on stately and cere- special interest to students, faculty, _ relationship with new students, which, sing the tenor solos. to a Iifeti me membership in the West- monial occasions, takes place at the and friends. it is felt, is not accomplished by the 'The setting of the oratorio is the ern Maryland Alumni Association. close of the play following the be- Several students are exhibiting present program. period of history when the Christian Last year's awards were given to trothal of the two couples. Take the play for "What You :::kS~~I;a;ii~~:r~~:;yA~I~:! ~::~ FCA To Advise Freshmen ~e~~~:~.inT~:ru;;~~:i:abe~~~:g !~:h ~~:k s~e:~!l~r;Ol~~~e ~~~~~!!eWi~~~~ Will," a merry tale full of absurdi- Ellen Rudolph, Barbara Winters, c1~~~h~!~I~:~1l a~!~O:::;~:I~~;~ ~~ Stephen's accusation of blasphemy; Mr. Charles D. Bish, principal of ties, a comedy which has a serious point to make. It insists that things ~:~i~,e~hae~:l~~~~!s~n~~::-c:~:~ though it will not have the final say :~o ti:ia~re~:~t ~~st:a:!~~1~;~f S~~~~ ~:~~~.le6. High School in Washing- are seldom what they seem and con- ofsky, Carol Sause, Gloria Strickland, in okaying it. Faculty advisers will phen, resolves to continue his perae- cludes by pnlling off aU disguises. It and Robert Herzog. still have that capacity." cation of the Christian Glmrch, and Alumni Program Featured ' is appropriate that Shakespeare let Alumni Day will be Saturday, May the fool Festa sing while closing the sa~~H;:~ls~:~~~~a;~~u!:~;i~n~V;-~~' ~~s~~~~ purpose jo~rneys toward Da- 30. An Alumni Meeting ,,;nIl be held curtain with a voice full of melan- Fraternitif#s Tell men:ber. "Ercll of ,.:..;'yill have five or It is during his journey that he is in McDaniel Lounge at 10:30 that choly charm. six ne,v students under us, to advise called by the Lord to repentance. He morning. Julian Dykes has been or- High School Stndents Invited Election Results on matters beth scholastic and extra- then is baptized and ordained as a ganizing an Alumni Baseball team to This year a special production will :::i:~~~:n:e:n~i~~:;e:o~v~~~g ,~:~~ ~l~:'iS~!~:m~~;is:~~o~~m:f o~a~l~ ~~~~ play that afternoon, and an Alumni be presented on Thursday, May 28, "F,:~a:e,',n,'n·ttil'Ys.on the hill elected of- en. Also, it's being worked out to be known as Paul, consult how to kill Golf Tournament has been scheduled. at 8:15 in .Alumni Hall for the benefit fi ....'" • based on who lives near whom next him. The story of Paul's life, his min- Special emphasis on class reunions of high school students of Baltimore Named to head Alpha Gamma Tau year. That's why there is a male and istry, and his martyrdom evolves in of '93, '98, '03, '08, '13, '18, '23, '28, and this vicinity. The commencement next semester were: John Thomas, female chairman, although Jim is ov- a dramatic ending of praise. '33, '43, and 148. After an assembly production will be given on Friday, president; Jack Urion, vice-president; erall chairman of the whole thing." of the reunion classes, there will be a May 29, at the same time. Harry Grander, secretary; Bert At present, the council is working procession to the dining hall by all With the production of this play, Springstead, treasurer; Larry Lock- on the times and places for the social the classes. the College Players are acquiring a hart, chaplain; and George Antonas, activities of Freshman Orientation Sigmas,GammaBets A portrait of the late Dr. Alvey new insight into dramatics. Miss sergeant-at-arms. Week, such as the formal reception, Isanogle, will be presented at the Al- Esther Smith, director of the play, Pi Alpha Alpha elected Lou Jor- mixer, and picnic. Receive SCA Cups umni Banquet by Dr. Earl Hawkins, believes that "the students are not dan, president; Chick Silberstein, President of Towson State Teachers only aware of the beanty of a play vice-president; Bob Leather, secre- Nell Hughes, 1952-53 Student Chris- College, and a member of WMC's written by a genius and their respon- tary; Ellsworth Schabert, recording ROTC Officers tian Association president, awarded class of '23. sibility for interpreting it, but the fun secretary; Don Hensler, treasurer; the SCA Cups on May 13 to the fra- The Senior Baccalaureate Service they're having bringing it to life is an and Al Barnes, sergeant-at-arms. ternity and sorority felt to have car- will be held May 31 at'10:30 a.m. in experience they'll always remember." Chi 'Receive' Awards New officers of Gamma Beta ried on the most significant activities Alumni Hall with Dr. Ensor officiat- are Fred Hubach, president; "Spike" An almost perfect score was rp- during tIle past school year. The pres- ing. Strong Son of God by Francis - Sororities Select Denny, vice-president; Don Cham- corded by Maryland students at West- entations were made at the final SGA Scott will be sung by the College assembly of this year, along with sev- Choir as well as a Benediction taken Don Raut, treasurer; bers, secretary; Ken Ruehl, chaplain; Nick Gwynn, ern Maryland College last week when eral athletic awards. from Alfred Lord Tenneyson's In New Officers sergeant~at-arms; and Gus LaMar, six out of seven top ranking military A faculty committee, comprised of Memoriam. Jo Kompanek will be the awards were taken by Maryland boys corresponding secretary. in the Reserve Officers Training Corps Dean Howery, Dr. Kershner, Dr. soloist. The sororities on the Hill have Elected officers of Delta Pi Alpha here. Crane and Dean David, felt that Sig- and Gamma elected officers for the first semester were Bill Pfeifer, president; Walter Cadet Capt. Carl F. Snyder was ma Sigma Tau Sorority were most wor- Price Treatise of the 1953-54 school year. Campbell, vice-president; Pat Rogan, awarded the highest military distinc- Beta Chi Fraternity Lois Cermak was elected president secretary; Larry Taylor, treasurer; tion in the 200 man unit when he was thy of the cups. of the 'Phi Alphs, with Marge Cher- Jimmy Tone, sergeant-at-arms; Lar- designated the outstanding cadet and Activities leading to this award of Reaches Finals ry, vice_president; Adeline Allen, ry Crist, chaplain; and AI Wahlers, presented with the Baltimore Su.n-~ the Gamma Bets included a 90 per secretary; Carol Herdman, treasur_ corresponding secretary. papers medal by Dean David acting cent blood donation within the fra- Bruce Price, president of the fresh- er; Barbara Almony, chaplain; Bar_ for President Ensor. ternity, contributions to welfare or- men class, is the subject of a treatise bara Harding, sergeant-at-arms, and Cadet Lt. Edgar D. Coffman of ganizations, and gifts to needy fami- in eighteen chapters which is among Debby Meyles, Inter-Sorority repre- Governor Vetoes Arlington, Va., received the Associa- lies du"ring the 'Christmas Season. six entries in the finals of a national sentative. tion of U. S. Army medal designating Sigma Sigma Tau, by selling cal- writing contest conducted by the New Iota Gamma Chi chose Laura Leigh Allotment Bill him as the outstanding student of the endars with the purchaser's name York Kline as president; Dorothy Krug, graduating group, presented by Lt. printed by his birthdate, made enough The treatise, one of 1,800 entries. vice-president; Jean Nicodemus, cor- Governor McKeldin vetoed the bill Col. Robert S. Redfield, commandant money to send several CARE pack- rcceived, was written by Miss Helen responding secretary; Janet Boller, calling for $250,000 for construction of the R.O.T.C. Unit here. ages to European countries. in their McKee, a junior 'at Fort Hill High recording secretary; Betsy Myers, of a men's new dormitory here late The other five awards went to School in Cumberland. Miss McKee treasurer; Shirley Jefferies, histor- last month_ An allotment for the same Maryland students. State Senator said she and Price will each receive ian; and Jimmie RII-e Mister, Inter- amount for Washington college was Stanford Hoff presented the Reserve $500 in cash and trophies as a result Sorority representative. also vetoed. Officers Association medals to Cadet Trumpeters Honor of her winning story. In the event she President of the Delta Sigma Kap- The state legislature in Annapolis Lt. David G. Rhoads of Rocks, Md., places first among the six finalists, pa Sorority next semester will be had approved last April the appro- the gold medal; to Cadet Lt. Franklin she will be awarded an eight-year Nancy Bayliss; Charlotte Egan, vice- priation in the state budget, calling G. Ashburn of Baltimore, the silver Two Junior Girls position in Europe with the Herald- president; Donna DeCourcey, secre- for state funds to be allotted to West- medal and to Cadet Lt. John H. Ed- Tribune corps of correspondents. tary; Betty Bixler, treasurer; Anne ern Maryland, Washington College, wards of Silver Spring, the bronze The annual Trumpeter tapping cer- The 596 page treatise tells how E~khardt, ~~haplain, and Gretchen and Princess Anne College. medal. emony was held Tuesday, May 12, at Bruce not only excelled scholastically, PIerson, busmess manager. \Vestern Maryland's proposed grant Cadet James M. Marshall, of Ca- which Pasty Herma'1 and Perk Par- but was a sports star at Allegany Sigma Sigma Tau elected Perk Par- came through an amendment to the tonsville, received the Pershing Rifles sons were tapped to become Trump- High School. During his high school sons, president; Bobby Summers, governor's bond bill, introduced by Medal, presented by Company M-5 of eters for their senior year. career he began preaching as a .lay vice-president; Lee Gongloff, secre- State Senators Fredrick Malkus and the National Society of Pershing The Trumpeters is an honorary so- minister in Cumberland Methodist tary; Betty Norwood, treasurer; Glo- Stanford Hoff. Rifles at Wester.n Maryland. And the ciety for senior women dedicated to churches, the treatise continues. When ria Bunting, chaplain; Mike Webb, Word of the AssembJy'~ approval final award was received by Cadet Lt. campus service. Members are chosen licensed to preach by the Methodist sergeant-nt-arms; Mary Lou Arnie, appeared last month in the Baltimore Paul R. Farnham, of Baltimore, who from the junior class according to a Church last year, he was one of the Sunshine Messenger, and Mary Lee Sun, the Westminster Times, and the commanded the Second platoon of point system based on leadership abil- youngest ever to attain this distinc- Yonnger, Inter-Sorority representa- GOLD BUG, and news of the gover- "B" company, which won the Com- ity, personality, character, and poten- tion. He is now a minister for the Mt. tive. nor's veto was reported late in April. petitive Drill Award. • tiality. Pleasant Methodist Church.
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