Page 56 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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4 The Gold Bu'g, May 19, 1953 eJlUjh (jh <11t.e did/. Red Hot Salesmen Students Condemn Three Fraternities Give WMC Three Leaders; Haunt Men's Dorm Race Discrimination by Elmer Richa.1'Wl In S~rorities, Frats Voss, Rhoads, Shank/in Participate In Campus Activities Red Hots! This rafter·rattling shout announces the beginning of the (ACP) Most college students are by Fred BUl'lUl'ide nightly round of two raucous sen- against discriminatory clauses in fra- The year, nineteen hundred an~ iors, John Traband and Pat Biddle. ternity and sorority constitutions, ac- sixty-three, we see a very distinguish- Doors are pushed open, coke tops fly, cording to the ACP National Poll. ed man in his early thirties, with pre- heaps of mustard splash on freshly- The poll was taken last December maturely gray hair. He strikes you as boiled franks. Their calls resound against a backdrop of increasing stu- a sincere, honest, and successful per- through numerous halls. "Don't be dent dissatisfaction with national son and upon impulse you strike up a bashful, don't be shy, step right up bias clauses. Student governments at conversation. Immediately you are at- and buy and buy." "Ham, ram, chick- more than a dozen universities and tracted by his responses and person- en, and Jamb." "Guess where? Guess colleges have -ser- deadlines for- rra, ality. when? Guess why?, Guess who? Yes, ternities to get rid of bias clauses on You talk about various subjects and it definitely is. The Red Hot Man." penalty of expulsion. find him well versed in most all of The indefatigable warriors negotiate ACP asked the question: Some fra- them. You finally channel the conver- the never-ending stairs with gazelle- ternities and sororities have clall.-8es sation so that he is speaking of his ease. A door is kicked open, three juicy in their cOllst'itutUms sta,ting that they childho~d school background and his dogs whet the panting hunger of an- will accept ae members only indi1Jid- family. As he does so he molds his other satisfied customer. uals of the white race. How do you thoughts- into pictures while you sit feel about this policy? The answers: and listen. Cuts the Mustard Approve ..... .__.25 per cent Pat, the Mu~tard Man, i,s equally Disapprove _._... 65 per cent School Activities have it no other "J would He tells you of the community of well known as an ace portside relief says a student from the University way," of hurler on the diamond, and as a rich, Millersville where he was born and Jim Voss Dave Rhoads A7,t Shanklin expressive baritone. His "Dreams Be- the South, Tenn., referring to all- raised, of his schooling at Patterson gin" is a serenading favorite. Pat pro- white fraternities. by Art Saltmarsh by John Wilhelm Park High School, of how he became reeses proudly that he is crude, rude A freshman at the University of James Martin Nuttle Voss, alias If you have been on this campus interested in science and how he de- and likes girls. He ia the steadying Nebraska is sorry he approves of bias Finance Inc., hails from a suburban for more than a half an hour, you veloped an interest in becoming better influence in Hot Dogs, Inc. Common- clauses. "Wish I felt differently," he area off the- coast of South.. Africa, can't help running into David Rhoads, educated, of college-ahout being sense, guts, a playful good humor, ,says, "but habit and training are known as Denton, Maryland. The pop- or hearing his Model A horn, unless V.P. of his class in his freshman and and devoted friendship make Patty hard to overcome." ulation of this town over the years of course, he is .vont" for the eve- junior years, about his fraternity well-liked and a thorough and ef- increased to three hundred. Conse- ning with some of his friends or a (Gamma Beta Chi), about the sports ficient salesman. quently, in September, 1949 in order "doll." he played in (wrestling, lacrosse, and to maintain that phenomenal figure, Dave hails from a town (using the intramural), about how he met and Man of Letters "Big Jim McClain" Voss was sent term broadly) called Rocks, which is wooed and married Bobbie, about how A self-professed man of love, letters, C.O.D. to Western Maryland. situated in Harford County, Mary- he became enmeshed with the army. and life, John is the money-changer Extra .Currtcular bind. He came to this campus in 1949 A Great Person of the firm. His frankness, drive, and During his four years at WMC, after graduating from Jarrettsville cutting, clever wit are important in Jim has made a very commendable High, where he proved himself to be He then tells you he is sorry to the success of the dog business. record. In his junior year, he was the truly one of those sterling Harford leave; he offers to give you a lift if "Baldy" plays a rougb, steady game Black and White representative on county athletes. Dave has played four you are going his way. He says it has of lacrosse, and has recently exhibited the Interfraternity Council, and he years of varsity soccer as a fullback, been a pleasure talking to you and serious dramatic talents, with the hopes to see y-ou again. also became a member of Tri Beta. three years of lacrosse, and has been As you walk along you think truly help of Tennessee Williams and Miss This year, Jim has served as presi- a straight shooter on the rifle team there is a- great citizen and man, a Smith. Once intent on becoming a dent of Tri Beta and assistant man- for roue years. person you would like to have as a minister, it is rumored that he is now ager of the ALOHA. However, these friend. You say to yourself, there the Devil'a Disciple. Ambitious to the positions are not indicative of this ,Frat Prexy hilt, John's econ major should assist man's true ability. Only as treasurer A very active member of the should be more people like Art Shank- , him to his life's goal-millionaire. of Pi Alpha Alpha for the past two "Bachelors", Dave was elected to the lin. May those who next year take up years, and as newspaper delivery boy presidency this semester, after which .the trade have the same drive, punct- has Jim's personality really exempli- he was affectionately nicknamed "The PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS uality, good humor and success of this fied itself. Head." The "Head" also proved to be year's "dog" ;nerchants. While serving - as treasurer for a very able party chairman for the the Black and Whites, Jim has been Bachelors during the first term. SMITH & REIFSNIDER known to have frequent nervous Dave spends most of his leisure Incorporated Compliments of disord~rs and heart attacks from fail- time in a very interesting hobby of his LUMBER-COAL ure of the members to pay their called "confiscating." Then, again he WESTMINSTER. MD. J. R. EVERHART monthly dues. On the business side, . may be found tiinkering with his car. "T-man" Voss is usually seen stroll- COLLEGE BARBER ing along the main thoroughfare be- Ocean City Fan At the Forks tween ANW and W Hall, delivering Going on the assumption th'at Dr. G.C. Murphy & Co. papers at 6 a.m. and in the early Spicer will come through, Dave will evening. (This training should prove graduate this June. He plans to sum- The Friendly Store invaluable in the infantry.) However, mer at Ocean City before going on when Jim comes around to collect his active duty as a Second Lieutenant in J. WM. HULL, Jeweler newspaper fees; it's best to lock 'your the U. S. Infantry. After two years Dormitory and Clal9toom door. with his "Uncle" he plans to enter the Supplie.a For Over Half Century Looking Ahead business field, a venture which un- Perhaps you believe that this man doubtedly will be successful. 6·10 West Main Street Expert Watch, Jewelry is "money crazy." Actually he isn't; Anyone who has ever worked with and Eye-Glass Repairing he just spends two hours each eve- Dave on anything from a Math of Westminster, Md. ning counting the "greenbacks" to Finance test to organizing a beer exercise his fingers. All kidding aside, party know him to be a very efficient 105W. Main Street this financial genius is well versed on and conscientious worker, who man- figures. He's a math and science major ages to maintain a level head at all and Jim hopes to apply his knowledge times-Even at times when you would IT'S A HITI The fun of a of the sciences on the farm and as a least expect it. He will do most any- train trip home with friends ••• teacher after he graduates this June. thing for his friends, or even his ene- enjoying roomy comfort and Nancy is expected to give him capable mies if he had any. So if you ever swell dining-car meals. assistance. Jim has always been a want a ride to the laundromat just let Continuous 1 p. rn. Saturdays. Holi- hard worker in club activities, and his him know. Go ahead, his father has a day shows continuous from 2 p. m. scholastic record speaks for itself. gas pump of his own and its only a Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Whenever you see "Gentleman Jim," short 40 miles home. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m, he's ready with a smile; don't be Such a likable guy as Dave is cer- continuous from 6:45 p. m. Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. afraid, as long as you don't owe him tainly deserving of High on the Hill Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. money. selection. Evenings 9 p. m. WED., THURS., MAY 20, 21 CLOSED Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays, and IT'S A STEAL I You and "Save up your pennies and Holidays two or more friends can each save 25% of regular round_trip come to BENNY'S It Pays To Look Well FRI., SAT., MAY 22, 23 coach fares by traveling home WED., THURS., MAY 20, 21 DESPERATE SEARCH and back together on Group Visit The THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Plan tickets. These tickets are also CRY OF TIlE HUNTED Lana Turner Kirk Douglas good generally between points Avenue B.rber Shop more than 100 miles apart. Or _ FRI., SAT., MAY 22, 23 a group of 25 or more can each SUN., MON., TUES., WED., save 28% by beading home in Where The Students Go MAY 24,25,26,27 BATTLE CIRCUS the same direction at the same HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON Humphrey Bogart June Allyson time _ •• then returning either 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Danny Kaye together 0' eeparateiy, SUN., MON., TUES., FRI., MAY 28 MAY 24, 25, 26 . CLOSED NEVER LET ME GO o "You"re Good For It At" Clark Gable Gene Tierney Congratulations to DAVID'S JEWELERS FRI., SAT., MAY 29, 30 SAFE AT HOME! You'll 19 K Main Street TEMPO WED., THURS., MAY 27, 28 get home promptly as plannea. the Class of '53 Westminster, Md. Howard B':l TONIGHT WE SING ••• with all-weather certainty Phone Westminster 1167 and Ezio Pinza . Roberto Peters no other travel can match. THE LEOPARD MAN (Technicolor) CONSULT YOUR lOCAl RAilROAD TICKET Bulova - Longines - Elgin Griffin's Benrus - Gruen STAGE SHOW High Calibre Entertainment A&EHT WELL IN AoYAHCE OF DEPARTURE DATE FORDETAILEO INFORMATION Wittnauer MAY 24, 4:00 HAND THE OPEN AN ACCOUNT THREE LITILE P.M. FRI., SAT., MAY 29, 30 EASTERN LONE PIGS Penthouse Players, N, Y. ""\ Joel Mccrea Barbara Hale RAILROADS .j
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