Page 47 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 47
The Gold Bug, April 14, 1953 IlItIJe.M,q.~ I Track Team Netsters Whip Shoremen Terrors Clip Cards In Tenth In 1953 Curtai"raiser Begins Drills Western Maryland's tennis team . by Jim ROM" opened the season on a successful note To Capture Season's Opener Over the holidays, a group of us - last Saturday at Chestertown, Mary- reporters, including Grantland Rice It has been .quite some time since land, with a 5-4 triumph over Wash- The Oraen Terror baseball team ning pitcher as he worked six and and Red Smith, got together and se- W.M.e. has come out with a regular ington College. opened the season on the winning side two-thirds innings after taking over Ieeted the teams we thought would full-squad yarsity track and field The doubles combination of Art of the ledger last 'Saturday when they .From Faby. Clem allowed a pair of win the pennant races this year. We team. Over the past few years ecttv- Saltmarsh and Ray Davis put the downed a visiting Catholic University runs, four hits, and four walks while like the Cleveland -Indian s in the ity in the sport has been confined to Hillsmen in a tie in the next to last nine by an 8-7 count in a ten-inning striking out eleven. Joey DellaRatta American League and the Brooklyn the intramural meet held every event when they defeated Shoremen tilt. Thus the season's opener was a went the entire distance for the losers. Dodgers in the National. spring. Murray and Maryott, 6-3 and 6-4. belated one, the first scheduled game He fanned five, issued eight walks, As "dark horse" choices, we picked Coached by Harlow The Terror duet of Chick Silberstein was to have been April 9 but was and was combed for twelve hits. the Chicago White Sox and the Phil- Last spring a group of about eight and Al 'I'onelaon won the match with washed out by a heavy morning down- Catcher White, with two singles adelphia Phillies. The season covers a or ten interested students got to- a victory over Davis and Kaufman, pour. and a double, and First Baseman long span, so who can tell! gether a "pick up" team and ran in 6-1 and 6-1. Henry Taitt, Ray Davis Hard Fought Contest Kaufman, with a trio of one base What well-known Western Mary- the Baltimore Olympic Relays and and Saltmarsh also posted singles vic- The game was an exciting, hard knocks, paced the WMC hitting at- land basketball player recently out- the Mason-Dixon Championship. Be- tories for the Green and Gold. fought one all the way with both tack while Colonero, Cardinal right scor-ed All-American Gene Shue of ing fairly successful, the champion- This was the first match of sixteen teams banging out twelve base hits fielder, had four for five, th~·ee singles Maryland U. Jn a cage tournament in ships (shot put and high jump), this scheduled ones for the Western Mary- apiece. The Cardinals broke the scor- and a two-bagger. Frederick? This lad also won a trophy group more or less provided an im- land netsters. Coach Frank Hurts' ing ice in the top of the third inning Box score: as the best defensive player of the petus for a regular track team here men meet Catholic University April when they dented the plate three Catholic AS PO A tournament. Not bad, huh? Hello, on the hill. This year, Mr. Dick 15 and Maryland April 16, both away, times, but the Western Maryland Hughes, s. _. ..._... 4 2 4 0 S Halli.ey, 2b ._. ._.5 Junia. Harlow, of football and boxing fame, before they 'perform on the home squad came right back in the same Vaeth, ef .__ ._. S 2 0 Professor Hurt and his tennis team has consented to coach the thin-clads. courts April 18 when Mount Saint inning on hits by Don Hutchinson, DellaRatts, p ._.___ 3 0 0 4 0 Shilmuellcr,3b_._.2 deserves an apology: this writer Four meets have been scheduled so Mary's furnishes-the opposition. Charlie White, and Captain Bob Powderly, lib __ .... .._ 2 2 11 0 S 0 Curtain,lf_._. stated last time that the golf team far with the possibility that more will Results of the Washington College Kaufman plus a couple of walks Donohue, If ._. __ .__ 2 0 0 .______ was the only consistent winner in be slated. ..... match: which produced three runs and a tem- CoIoncro, rf c ..__ .__._ & ~ 0 S 0 1 Wendcroth, spring sports on the hill. It tUrRS out Three Meets Scheduled Bell, ·Washington, defeated Trader, porary tie. Whalen, 1b _._ ... S 13 1 that over a period of sixteen years The group has been working out for WMC, 6-1-, 6-1. The visitors knocked Western Mary- since he has been coaching tennis, the last few weeks, first in Gill Gym . Taitt, WMC, defeated Ward, Wash- land's Ray Faby out of the box with a II PO A Professor H's teams have won 148 and then outside when the weather ington, 6-2, 6-0. pair of tallies in the fourth but a matches a~d lost 70. A better than 2 permitted. Mr. Harlow has appointed Murray, Washington, defeated 'ron. four-run outburst in the bottom half to 1 average. The netrnen have had 13 Dwight Scott and Bob Lang'rafl to elson, WMC, 6-4, 6-l. ~f the frame put the Hillsmen in front winning seasons, two on the negative co-captain the squad. These two plus Saltmarsh, WMC, defeated Mary- again. Catholic U pecked away at the side of the ledger, and one ending in Phil Lawyer, Jack Duhi, Charlie ott, Washington, 6-3, 6-0. Tenor Jead with single tallies in the !r I a draw. The Prof has an envious ree- Phipps, and Pat Rogan form the Davis, WMC, defeated Lambden, seventh and ninth innings which sent ord---one he can be proud-of, My apol- nucleus from last year's small squad. Washington, 6-3, 1-6, 6-3. the contest into the tenth all tied up ogies, Professor. Thanks, Cambridge A total of twenty-five or thirty can- Hanst, Washington, defeated Sil- at 7-7. Ed. Tennis, Arthur? didates have turned out for the squad. berstein, WMC, 9-7, 6-3. White Doubles Catholic 003 200 101 0-7 12 4 The Basketball Referees' Associa- A rundown of prospects and their Bell and Lampden, Washington, Western Maryland won the ball WMC 003 400 000 1-8 12 2 tion has suspended t,vo local referees respective events: defeated Trader and Taitt, WMC, game when Bill Pfeifer drew a base 2B-White, Hutchinson, Hallisey, for unprecedented action in a recent 100-yard dash: Charlie Clark, John 6-4,6-0. on halls to start the bottom of the DellaRatta, Colonero, Wenderoth. Er- game between the Phi Alphs and the Carlucci, Ken Childrey, Tom Page. Saltmarsh and Davis, WMC, de- final inning. Jack Urion moved him rors c-c Hughes, DellaRatta, Wende- Gamma Bets. The referees, "Hunky" 220-yard dash: Charlie Clark, War- feated Murray and Maryott, Wash- into scor-ing position with a sacrifice roth 2, Hutchinson, Jordan. ER~ Spatz, and "Walt" Fetcho, have been ren Jones, Al Bopst, Ken Childrey. ington, 6-3, 6-4. and Nick Rausch put the issue in WMC 7, Catholic 7. Double play- given their walking papers ... These 440-yard dash: Warren Jones, Bob Silberstein and Tonelson, WMC, de- Charlie White's hands by getting a Powderly, Hallisey to Whalen. IP- two deliberately caused the Phi Alphs Crush, Dick Dix, John Carlucci. feated Davis and Kaufman, Wash- free pass to first. The latter came Faby, 3 1/3, Clem 8 2/3, DellaRatta to lose. They ought to have been fined, B80-yard run: Charlie Phipps, Bill ington, 6-1, 6-1. through in fine style by smashing a 9 1/3. Runs-Faby 5, Clem 2, Della- as well. Snyder, Russ Cook. ' long double that meant victory. Ratta 8. Hits-Faby 8, Clem 4, Del- The ping-pong tournament was suc- Mile run: Buzz Thomas, Gil Stange, Freshman Bill Clem was the win- laRatta 12. BB-Faby 2, Clem 4, Del- cessful and went off very well-the Mike Leftwich, Charlie Phipps. Gollers Drop First la Ratta B. SO-Faby 3, Clem 11, Del- Gamma Bets finally winning, after Two-mile run: Buzz Thomas. laRatta 5. Balk-DellaRatta. WP- some hectic battles. Merril Trader, 120-high hurdles: Pat Rogan, At Match Of Campaign Gridsters Schedule Nine Clem. HP-Pfeifcr. Left-WMC 13, of the Black and Whites, and Pat Bid- Bopst. Opponents For 1953 Catholic .9. die, of the Preachers, put on a fine zzo-Iow hurdles: Dwight Scott, Pat Western Mar yland'a golf team took show before Pat eaked out the win. Rogan. a 5-4 defeat. last Friday as they With Lafayette College of Easton, GBX's Peck Carter, and Lefty Kauf- Broad jump: Tom. Scott, Dwight opened their- season by entertaining Pa., added to a list of the same schools Nimrods Top Jays man, of the Bachelors, also put on a Scott, Tom Page. Loyola of Baltimore on the home faced last season the Western Mary- Sterling Performance. "Peck's Bad High jump: Bob Lang-all, Phil course. \ land Athletic Department schedule of In Season' s Finale haa an- Boy" won it, in what was probably the Lawyer, Hugh Howell. Loyola took three points in the first nounced a 1953 football best match. All of the players felt Pole vault: Bob Langrall. foursome and two points in the second nine contests. Western Maryland's riAe team that the tournament should be staged This list is merely a tentative in g'ar ner-ing" their five point total. The Green Terrors open September wound up its 1952-53 season March every year. How's chances of a match breakdown and as practice progresses Western Maryland gained _their points 26 with Dickinson College and clash 28 when they played host to Johns between the boys and the girls? the actual competitors will be chosen. in the final foursome as Denny Boyle with Gettysburg, Randolph - Macon, Hopkins University and edged them "Hudson" Hockstein, the hitch- and Jim Marshall scored victories for Lafayette, Hampden-Sydney, Penn- hikers' friend, paid the campus and The tentative schedule: the Terrors. Bill Gross 'of Loyola was sylvania Military Collegc, Drexel by a close 1366 to 1364 score. his friends an unexpected visit last A~W.~t~facy'. ~__. hom~ medalist with a 72 while WMC's Ed Tech, Lebanon Valley, and Johns Thus the Western Maryland team week. Dick, a former gridder, is in May 9 1.1. ~...lIom~ Coffman and AI Trevethan shot 74 Hopkins on succeeding Saturdays dur- finished up the campaign with a final record of five wins against Catholio four re- Philly awaiting wOTd of acceptance May 16 and 75 respe<;tively. ing the fall. versals. Paul Lambertson, Dave from dental school. Just like most M-D Champlon.hlp. Catholic 1.1. Results: Rhoads, and John Clayton fired con- graduates, he misses the old home- Gross, Loyola, defeated Coffman, sistently for the Green and Gold and stead, he says. Basketball's great Art the South or Far West. Whatever WMC,2 and 1. Bob Herzog was the outstanding Press really has a fine job in the happens out there, it does seem that Puisan, Loyola, defeated Steelman, freshman participator. Army: phys ed instructor at Camp serious efforts are being made to ·de- WMC,l up. DELICIOUS FOOD In the Hopkins-WMC contest Lam- Atterbury, Ind. Art has assistants emphasize athletics. Best ball, Loyola, 2 and 1. bertson, Roger VanRipeT, and Mac galore and his own private office. Another Indian has bitten the dust. Trevaethml, WMC, defeated Pis- McGready, the latter two for the Blue Tom Dorsey, with each practice, "Otts" Shearer, a pretty good lines- torio, Loyola, 6 and 4. at Jays, were tied for first spot as all looks better and better. Some people, man of a couple seasons back, has let Waldorf, Loyola, defeated Todd, including "Wedge" Winkelman, feel it be known that he intends to marry WMC, 8 and 6. fired 277 totals. Next closest man was Best ball, Loyola, 3 and 2. Tom will develop into one of the finest very shortly. His fiancee, Jean Hoyt, Marshall, WMC, defeated Williams, Griffin's the Terrors Nick Gwynn with a 275. Maryland: Summaries: \Vestern lacrosse players ever at WMC. By ~he another good athlete, graduated last Lambertson 98, 95, 84-277; Gwynn way, B.W., how's the bad shoulder? June, as did Otts. Loyola, 3 and l. 98,93,84-275; Rhoads 97, 88, 88- Boyle, WMC, defeated Wilson, Loy- Rain postponed the baseball team's Mr. Dick Harlow has called his 273 j Titlow 99, 87, 85-271; Boyte scheduled game with, Baltimore U. track team to the cinders, and so far ola, 1 up. 100,91,79270. last week, and also Ray Faby's debut they have progressed very impTes- Best ball, WMC, 3 and 2. for 1953. Although he wouldn't say sively. This year marks the first time so, Raymond had it that day, and in some years, that WMC has had a definitely was a little peeved because track team. Dwight Scott and Bob Win the race, bag the he didn't have a chance to throw in Langrall have been helping Mr. Har- trophy, and dunk that high, hard one. low. Campus capers call for Coke Pat Biddle's extra work finally paid Chllrlie Phipps got the scare of his the coxswain ... then off: he has develop'ed a new pitch- life a few weeks ago while he was ease up and enjoy the "Eastern Shore Mameluke Ball" docking one of the runners. Charlie the palUe thal re}re.rhe.r -a combination curve and slider that cut across the track just as a dise_us with delicious. practically disappears before it reach- thrower let go with a heave. Fortu- ice-cold Coca-Cola. es the batter. Oh, he'll blind 'em.. nately, he only got hit on the foot-a The team chose Jim BOYSlr"Coach stride less, and a serious injury could of the Year." That is, "Coach Sarcas- have resu1t.ed. After that incident, the tic of the Year." Principally because boys have watched where they're go- he's always jawing on the baseline. At ing. least, that's what the boys say. Three orchids this time: to Pro- Did you notice that a Midwest fessor Hurt for his accomplishments crediting association, covering a thir- in tennis that have gone. unnoticed for teen state area, llas clamped down on so long, to the state legislature for schools out there? Bradley U., with a appl"Opriating that money for the new low academic standing, has been dorm on the hill, to dark-horse candi- threatened with discrediting. Also the date Arnold Hayward for staging an University of Oklahoma and Okla- uphill battle to 'become next year's homa A & M, who were thinking of SGA president. Onions: to those guys withdrawing from their football con- who persist in breaking windows, es- ference and going into the Southern pecially in Albert Norman. The sec- Conference, have been faced with the tion door doesn't happen to be a back- same problem. stop. Many schools, including power- house Michigan State, will have to curtail subsidization of athletes if Compliments of they wish to remain accredited. The final result could have serious reper- Wine's Sport Shop BOTTleD UNDER AUTHOR tTY OF HiE COCA.COlA COMPANY BY cussions on football in the Midwest. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, INC_ Football players in the area, to obtain © 1953. THE COCA·COlA CO.MPANV a scholarship, might go to schools in ··C~b'· is ~ registered trade-mark.
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