Page 30 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 10, 1953 l ~at,7" qaq Iuj...a. II. o. Biology Explained--By Dubious Expert "~J\.e .. Tee';>. ~,,(®j'f? . biology is over, and some of my an- 2. List five ways of telling the mi- first that semester Well, now croscope from the lab assistant. tagonism worn recapitulate has a bit-as off, I'd like to of 3. DropophiUa mellanogaspztor or (true or false) bust! a matter ~~~~~~~e- and ~ fact, a lot. During the course of the 4. Who, was the first President of go with appropriate praises and ~ course, several rather intriguing lab- the United States! hopes for the future and nobody If oratory experiments were presented 5. Did your mother ever tell you (Be =rr: upon us); (forced I'd en- therefore, notices them too much. It is also joy seeing them once more in print as about tarzlyzyyyzzz myzopia? n :taffU~~ r~~:~u~~~aa .~~li~~i~~ , I remember them. which they will adhere. In an Experiment No.1: Use of the scien- Experiment No.6: Respiration-How attempt, however, to avoid the tific method and the microscope. to Use and Eliminate it. trite statements and verbose Explanation: The scientific 7nethod is Expl~nation: Respiration is a univer- promises the forthcoming policy as follows: sal process which takes place in all for the new staff can best be ex- L Formulate an hypothesis. cowardly plants and animals. There pressed in a single word ... SER- 2. If possible, formulate it a bit :;:Pi::~io~:(Pae:d°bn~:~~~~r~~i:~. In- VICE. more. (You may use a wrench.) This service will be pursued 3. This hypothesis must be tested. Respiration comes from the Lat- along new avenues in addition Bend it in the middle. Will it in word Rcs1mta-s, which means, to the traditional ones of the break? "Throw a stone on him, Harry!" past: 4. Kick it. Bite it. Curse violently. The formula for In-respiration fol- 1. A new service for the day. Tear at it with your fingernails. lows below. - > hops. GOLD BUGS will be placed Throw fungi at it. C.H.O + Practically anything in the current literature room of 5. If your hypothesis survives, it is HCKMnDaF + HAHAHA the library on each Tuesday accurate. Bundle it up warmly In the reaction, HCKl'IfnDaF is an example of an overweight, night of publication for the stu- and feed every hour. Try to fatty, acid which was formed. v cr dents who commute daily to the make it fecl at home by calling 01Lt- college. This will supplant the it a familiar name such as 1"cspiratitm also had a formula but former method of mailing these Henry. we lost it. The study of respiration students a GOLD BUG which lVarning: The scientific method is Organic and hlm'ganic is called Biology, was not received until several only for scientists. Any student which, because of its far-reaching days after the rest of the college by Pasty Hermam: caught using this method who is not scope, is sub-divided into the two had been supplied. A men's council has been formed go to the Cheerleaders. The S.G.A. a duly registered scientist will be following classes: 2. A new service for clubs. In within the Student Government Cabi- greatly appreciate their efforts to punished immediately - He will 1. ORGANIC Organic and Inor- order to facilitate the procure- net. This gvoup includes all the men raise the spirit of the student body have lab twice a week. ganic Biology meni of club news, a box will be on the council and will be advised by during basketball season. P)'ocedure: Get a microscope. If there 2. INORGANIC Organic and In- placed in the book store bearing Dean David. This smaller organiza- Assemblies are the important issue is not one in the cabinet, steal one organic Biology a GOLD BUG label. All club tion will facilitate the management this month. The Student Government from YOltr n.eighbor. Then, with the Prooedure : Place some germinating heads are urged to avail them- of affairs not involving women stu- Council is sponsoring one for the butcher knife in your dissecting wheat seeds in a thermos bottlc. selves of this opportunity to dents. It will become one of the per- election of the May Queen and her kit, cut off the earlobe of the stu- Then, place some more germinating publicize their activities. Dead- manent working organizations on court, and later in February the Bell dent sitting next to you. Place it wheat seeds in another- thermos, lines for each issue will be print- campus. Telephone Company will present a under the microscope and close one bottle. Now place still some more ed in advance. Thanks must be extended to all stu- program. eye. What do you see! DTaw it, germinating wheat seeds in another 3. A new personal service col- dents who own cars. The problems of Close both eyes. What do you see thermos bottle. Are ymt gel,ting sick umn. There will be a personal. speeding and reckless driving on cam- Repairs are beginning to take place now? Draw it. and !(ired of doing this? Write your service column in this and pus throughfares have greatly dimin- on the Grille's chairs. The shakiest Questions Pertaining to Experiment answer at the bottom of the page. each succeeding issue containing ished since the Student Government ones have been removed and repaired No.1: books wanted, or for sale, rides Cabinet began its drive. ones put in their place. Gradually the 1. Is a sporanzor-oytzxyl a germa- Qnestions P(J1·taining to Experiment No.6. remainder will be put in good condi- offered and desired, articles for Cheerleaders Praised tallizic? tion and there will be an ample sup- 1. What do you think of germinat- :~~~~.d ~~::eit:~ic~~ a ~i~ilib~ Another round of applause must ply of chairs again. ing wheat seeds? (true or false) MINUTE MYSTERY No.2. 2. When the instructor's back is f~~cebdo~ks\~~eG~.!dD !W~:o:u~~ ,------------------------, IIiLL turned, do trochmenorozzl coax- anteroo? lished free of charge as far as 'k/ItoJ. 'k/Ito. oIf, rllte, Behind The Meat B.II 3. Be truthful-Did you think ger- space permits. 1~ dtl Padlock Holmes winced, regard- 4. Service in reporting on ing the huge lump of hamburger ly- minating ~heat seeds came from school events. Perhaps this serv- PROFESSOR DEAN WHITE HENDRICKSON ing on the kitchen floor of the Wakes- GermallY? ice, an accurate and interesting "Whan that Aprille with his shoures to be killed in the Second World War; dike mansion. 4. Who won the War of 1812? coverage of school events, is the sote the Milton Hendrickson Scholarship "Gazooks, what do you make of 5. Which of the following has a primary and most essential role "The droghte of Marche hath perced Fund was set up in his memory. this?" asked Dotson, Holmes' ignor- cell wall? of. any school paper. This can be to the rote ... " Charles Hendrickson, now stationed ant, but opaque, assistant. a. All of the above accomplished only if every mem- Students of English literature who at the Philadelphia Naval Base, and Before the sleuth could reply, how- b. Alcatraz ber of the college community have waded through the above pas- Robert, aiding in a Johns Hopkins ever, into the, kitchen strolled John c. None of the below considers himself also in the sage will be interested to discever research project, make up the rest of wakesdike, clutching a bloody meat Well, there you have it-my great dual role of reporter and critic. that the forty-eight lines of Middle the family. grinder. He started noticeably upon moments in biology. Greedily, I'm Contribute those items which English making up the remainder of viewing the hamburger on the floor. looking forward to next semester. you consider to be of interest to the introduction to the Prologue to Though not a professional writer, "Leaping Sperm whales!" he croaked, Just think, each of us dissects a whole the campus, and criticize ob- Chaucer's Canterbw-y Tales can be Professor Hendrickson has contrib- pointing at the mass, "That's Aunt rbinosceros! jectively all materials printed quoted from memory by WMC's well- uted several articles to cultural pub- Maude, I'd recognize her anywhere!" which you do not feel have ful- known associat~ professor of English, lications, the most widely-noted of "Aha!" smiled Padlock. filled these specifications. Dean White Hendrickson. which was a controversial little piece "I didn't think she'd do it," moaned I ·Pins 'n Points Pardoner's Hair- "The entitled, 5. Service in providing recog- Familiar to students on the hill Abundant or Sparse!" which ap- Wakesdike, thrusting a crumpled nition. The GOLD BUG wi1l at· through his 28 years as a college in_ peared in Model"l~ Languagfl. Notes in note at Holmes. It read: With Valentine's Day in the near tempt to bring adequate recogni- structor here, Professor Hendrickson the J.H.U. Press. In addition, he col- flear Nephew John, future it is appropriate once more to tion to those persons or organi- is one of the oldest n:~mbers of the laborated wit.h Doctors Makosky, Life holds no more for me, so 1 zations who are legitimately en- faculty in years of service. am going to commit suicide by survey the diamond situation. Those titled to such bec.:1.use of their Though sophomore "Hendrickson running myself through the meat new gals with the right finger of the outstanding service or accom- classes" are one giant maze of fran- grinder. left hand well protected are Lee Gong- plishment. tically scribbled notes, even non-Eng- Aunt Maude. loff, Nancy Reter, and Helen Pretty- 6. Service through entertain-. lish majors agree that the prof's Holmes meditated. "\Vakesdike, man. Proving that WMC is I'ather ment. We believe that through sparkling comments on details of what are you doing with that meat successful at the match-making game to are Tom Pearce who is engaged the media of cartoons, stories, things British keep interest at a grinder in your hand?" Kathrine Wiley, Tom Douglas and and anecdotes, we may con- maximum. At the termination of the "Er ... I was going to make some bottie Phillips, and Al Trevethan .and tribute to the enjoyment of English lit course, one is not only meat balls for breakfast ... yes, Ethel Coffman, best wishes to all! college life in general. well "versed" in prose and poetry, but that's it!" The Staff takes this opportunity to , 7. Service in serving as a has developed muscles like a miller as "Sir," said Padlock, tasting a bit welcome all of the transfer students sounding board for public opin- a result of three hours a week jug- of Aunt Maude, "I arrest you for to WMC. It's nice seeing you around. ion. Although this service is fre- gling the 17-pound textbook over a running your dear old aunt through Along \vith the 600 in the infirma_ quently overlooked, it is indeed microscopic desk. this mcat grindel'. Come along, it'll be ry is Dr. Ensor, who was recently an important one. Discuss those thirty days in jail for you!" topics which you consider un- Attended F. H. S. HOW DID HOLMES KNOW THAT suffering from flu. We are all glad he had a speedy rccovcry. satisfactory or inadequate. Let- Professor Hendrickson is a grad- WAKESDIKE WAS THE ,MUR- Welcomc back Miss Todd! We hopc ters to the editor will always-be uate of Frederick High School, and DERER? you have completely recovered and welcomed. from 1914 on attended the University An~wer to Minut<> Mystery: By p","iou. in_ are glad to sec you're with us again. Take an active interest in of Virginia at Charlottesville. From .pection. Holmes h"d not....::lthHt there w"" no your GOLD BUG so that it, in June to December of 1918 he served ~~:::~1t~:\~"~":d!~~~~il~~~'~l:r~~\si',,~~i turn, can better serve you. in thc Army, then returned to pick up for th~ purpolSe of makinll m""t ball. out of THE GOLD BUG his .l'.I.A. degree the following year. her-which i. illegal. Turn.bout At Toledo I He has done additional study at Johns Prof. Dean White Hendrickson Hopkins University. Students 'taking Liberal' Arts at the Extra-curricularly, Professor Hen- Personal Service University of Toledo will get a chance drickson has been for 17 years an Wills, and Wenner on a freshman to tell their instructors this semeste( associate member of Tri-beta, nation- handbook in English. exactly what they think of them. al hQ1lorary biological fraternity. "At RIDE WANTED to W""hin(l'ton. D. C. or near_ second period.Saturd"y,Feb. 21. Gu. The facility there votcd last week the time when 1 joined," he says, Reading is a Must by. "fter 215 ANW. • Member L"Mar. to let students rate their teachers' per- "Dr. Bertholf stated that 'Hendrick- An avid newspaper reader, Pro- BOOKS-Two .copi,,", uo....::l,of "Art in the Associ.ted (01l1:91.t. Prell formance at the end of the semester. son comes to meetings and drinks our fessor Hendrickson nonetheless has w...tern World·'. prd. well underlined. Box. Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Questionnaires will be unsigned, so a tea, so we'd better make him a mem- amassed a large library of classics 1002. College. highly critical student need not fear ber.''' the wrath of his professor. While in Virginia, Professor Hend-;i~le:~i~t~n~!r~~~:nii:~~ ~~~~~:r~!~~~C:8~!~~y~n~~~~tulrt ~~ considers !:~:~!if:~~ltto;::£~~~u!i~hni:~J1~ The Cmnpll8 Collegian was opti- rickson courted and won Miss Mary literary works of the Medieval and . k· mistic about the plan. It declared, Meridith Humphreys, daughter of the Reniassance periods. He "This is a progressive step which we former professor of Greek at the Uni- Hamlet "the most enjoyable, philos- heartily endorse. Now, instead of versity, Dr. Milton W. Humphreys. ophical, and moving", of all Shakes_ ~~~;'-~I~';,ch:ltv~r~n th" dIning hall. Lita griping in the cafeteria, students will peare's plays. FOR SALE-Rine. Remington .13T. tArget at least have an opportunity to offer Has Three Boys Besides the etymology of words, model. R....::Ifle]dsi!{ht". sling. D"ve Rhoad". 132 some constructive criticism. Instead of Happily married since 1917, Pro- Professor Hendrickson has another -Ward H"II. __ complaining that he has nothing to do, fessor Hendrickson is quite proud of a student can ask his professor for his family. His oldest son, Milton, ~::i~~;~;Ch;~~'ll ~e:~:r~ .l'.~~~I~::! f~r~~:-~&~:::i:'~~f:J'7:eL~~::~:f~i~ more homework. . was the first member of the Tri-beta about that yourljelf. Sf3nXN{.;,."ppears to be a !,lirl·8.Cbarhe Clark.
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