Page 29 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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Libr'lj!ry ·:iestern Marylar_d College ;;:estDlinster, Ivlt1. r;:::::::====7 MINUTE SEE ACP MYSTERY POLL .... PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Vol. 30, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 10, rsss Kroll Wins May Queen Crown Gates, RayAnd Pyrtle Elected Wheatley Discloses Staff Appointments Chambers Plays To Edit Second Semester GOLD BUG For Gamma Bet Senior Court Representatives Dr. Evelyn Wenner, Sweetheart Charles Wheatley, editor-in-chief of the GOLD BUG, disclosed today 'the 'Ball Nancy Kroll was elected Queen of the 1953 May Court at the list of staff appointments for the 1953 spring semester. SGA assembly in Alumni Hall on February 9. The other members faculty advisor, confirmed all of Ihe selections. of her court are: Kay Gates, Senior Duchess; Patty Ray and Janet Gamma Beta Chi will sponsor the Pyrtle, Senior Attendants; Pat Fetcho, Junior Duchess; Janet Cross Gus La Mar, former news-feature editor and copy editor, has been named annual Sweetheart Ball in Gill Gym, associate editor. Gus, a sophomore, is a member of Gamma Beta Chi. Valentine's Day, February 14, at 8 and Adeline Allen, Junior Attendants; Sue Dorsey, Sophomore Duchess; Bea Ford and Gretchen Pier- p. m. Music will i be furnished hy Rivers Price Heads Class OF '56 ~I~'au~c:,h~~:;~m~~te~~:~::~; S:ea:;~ Chambers, whose orchestra recently appeared on the hill' at the Christmas Members of the Class of '56 elected !~:!~~:~ts~nd Pat COllins, Freshmen Dance, last year. class officers, who will hold office until Nancy Kroll hails from Catonsville, Otto bel' of next year, in an S.G.A. as- In keeping with the spirit of ro- sembly yesterday morning. Maryland. She is a Home Economics mance, the Gamma Bets have planned Bruce Price was chosen president major and President of Sigma Sigma appropriate valentine hearts and stars Tau Sorority. Nancy represented her as the theme for the dance. of his class, with Bill Shelfo as vice- class on the May Court during her president. Chairman of the dance committee . Elected to the position of secretary sophomore year. is Fred Hubach. Heading the refresh- was Shirley Gootee. Kay Gates is a member of Phi At, ment sub-committee is Tom Pearce, Beverly Reiber will serve in the ca- pha Mu Sorority, and English major, with Peck Carter as' assistant. In pacity of treasurer. and a prominent member of the Col- charge of decorations are George An election will be held in the neal lege Players. She has received much VanNostrand and Don Haut, Jim Le- future to fill the office left vacant by praise for her recent starring role in vay.arld Glen Ashburn are handling the election of Price. Bruce automati- "Goodbye, ]\Iy Fancy". dance publicity and posters, Carville Patty Ray is making her third ap- NEW GOLD BUG STAPF: Pictm'ed left to right (standing) Maurice cally becomes a member of the S.G.A. pearance on the May Court and was fIfobly, Ma'J'se Kotanu, Pat Collins, Carol Coleman, George Gipe, Mary Lee Downs and Art Shanklin are taking cabinet with his election to the presi- Homecoming Queen last semester. She care of the programs, and clean-up l'j)u?1geJ'~CJ'aig Soh1nall. (Seated) Anne Nuttall, Harry Grander, Gus LaMar, chores arc in the hands of P. B. Sch- dency. is a prominent cheerleader, a member Paul Lambertson, Nancy C~1cey. of Phi Alpha Mu Sorority, and a Home mall. Other members of the club are Nancy Caskey will fill the post of serving as members of the committees Fraternities Name Economics major. managing editor. She is a member of and will be checking coats and taking Pyrtle a Baltimorean and the Assem~ly Features Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority tickets. Janet Pyi-tle, hailing from Balt.i- Tickets may be purchased from any Semester Omcers Home Economics Club, of which she more but possessing a Southern ac- serves as treasurer. Nancy is in the C&P Demonstration Gamma Bet or at the door for $2. In their recent and respective elec- cent, is a Sociology major and a mem- class of '54. The dance will be semi-formal and tions, the four fraternities on the Hill ber of Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority. She News editors this semester are Western Maryland students will be non-corsage. was also sophomore attendant on the Carol Coleman, a sophomore, and Pat entertained by a "Microwave" demon- "Ii you haven't; got a sweetheart," selected officers for the second somes- Homecoming Court. two years ago. Coilins, a freshman. Carol is a mem- stration' at the next Student Govern- General Chairman Hubach remarked, Pat Fetcho is appearing on the May ber of the Sigmas, and is an English ment meeting, on February 24. Mr. "get one now, because we think the George Van Nostrand was chosen Court for the third time and has also of Gamma Beta Chi, with major. Pat Collins, also an English Alfred Boltz, who has presented this Sweetheart Ba~1will be one you won't president Langr-all, vice-president; Ray represented her class on the Home- Bob major, is a member of the F.T.A. and program in schools and for civic or- want to miss. Gamma Beta Chi put F'eby, secretary; Ed Coffman, treas- coming Court for the past three years. the I.R.C. She served previously as ganizations all over the state, will be on the Homecoming Dance in '51 and urer; and Stu Abrahams, sergeant-at- Pat is a member of Phi Alpha Mu news reporter. the "scijntist at large", the emcee, it went over very well-we're hoping arms. Sorority and a Biology-Physicol Edu-, of the production. cation major. Gipe Cartoonist for an even more successful Sweet- Officers named by the "Black and Mr. Boltz will be assisted by tech- heart Ball." Janet Cross, another Sociology ma- Ann Nuttal is the GOLD BUG fea- nician Herman Roemer. Whites" are: president, Clark Callen- jor, made her first appearance on the ture editor again this semester with The show, which introduces various der; vice-president, Roger Eyler; cor- Homecoming Court in her freshman George Gipe. Ann is a member of the scientific concepts, demonstrates them, responding secretary, Harold Johnson; year. She is a cheerleader and a mem- Delts and is majoring in English. She man, is to be sponsored by the Chesa- 11ua1rmnliam recording secretary, Arthur Salt- ber of Sigma Sigma Tau Sorority. and then analyzes these for the lay- is secretary of the sophomore class. marsh; treasurer, Jim Voss; and ser- Adeline Allen is an English major George Gipe is a former feature writer peake and Potomac Telephone Com- geant-at-arms, Arnold Hayward. from Front Royal, Virginia. She is a and cartoonist. His cartoons will be pany. About two years ago, 'a similar Delta Pi Alpha elected Dwight member of Phi Alpha Mu Sorority continued this semester. highly-acclaimed presentation appear- It is with deep feeling that we ex- Scott, president; Pete Warner, vice- and also has appeared on the May Taylor, correspond- Larry president; Harry Grander continues in the role ed on the campus under the auspices press our sincere sympathy on the ing secretary; Gil Stange, recording Court before. of sports editor. He is Alpha Gamma of the General Motors Corporation. death of Dr. Alvey Isanogle, former secretary; Willie Pfeifer, treasurer; May Attendant Last Year Tau's chaplain this semester, and is A microwave as defined by Webster dean at Western Maryland College Larry Crist, chaplain; and Pat Rogan, their representative to the Inter-Fra- is a very short electromagnetic wave; and late husband of Dr. Isabel T. Iaan- sergeant-at-arms. Sue Dorsey made her first appear- ternity Council. formerly any wave of less than 10 ogle. At the age of 79, Dr. IsanogJe Selected to lead the "Bachclora" ance as Freshman Attendant on the The backpage is in the capable meters, more recently any wave be- died in his home on January 27 after are: Dave Rhoads, president; John May Court last year. She is a music hands of Marse Kohout and Mary Lee tween 100 centimeters and 1 centi- suffering from a heart condition for Wolfe, vice-president; John Thomas, major and a member- of Sigma Sigma Younger as news-feature editors. meter. the last six months. secretary; Jack Urion, treasurer; Tau Sorority. Marse, an English-Phya. Ed. major, is How can such a bit of wave length As dean of education at this col- John Edwards, sergeant-at-arms; and Bea Ford is an English major and a member of the Women's Glee Club influence your life? Come, see, and lege for more than 26 years, Dr. Isan- a member of Sigma Sigma Tau So- and is on the WAA Board. Mary Lee hear IIfr. Boltz! ogle was credited as one of the most Harry Grander, chaplain. rority. This is her debut on the May is historian of the sophomore class and influential teachers in the course of Court. a new- Pierson Gretchen is also a chemistry major. Both Marse and higher education in Maryland. Among comer to the Court. She is another some of his former students who have Noted Lecturer Mary Lee are Sigmas. Alumni Sponsors Sociology major and a member of Mistakes will be kept at a minimum become well-known educators are Dr. Delta Sig-ma Kappa Sorority. member of Alpha Gamma Tau. Rita fFancy' Encore State Teachers College, and Dr. Wil- Sharon Albaugh, as a freshman and by "Stretch" Hasllp, a junior and Earle Hawkins, president of Towson Slated To Speak Burket continues her position as typ- bur W. DeVilbiss, dean of education Whether life will ultimately be one newcomer to the Court, is a Sociology- She hails major. Physical Education ing editor. .,. On February 20th at 8:30 p. m., the at the University of Maryland. Dr. of bitter fate, of poverty, want, and from Frederick, Maryland curtain will rise at Forest Park High Isanogle also instructed many county oppression behind the Iron Curtain, Artigiani hails from Peggy Balti- • Winkleman Returns School in Baltimore and the College school superintendents, high school or a life of freedom and faith in a more. She is a Math major making A Bachelor returning to the staff is Players will re-present the Fay Kanin principals and teachers during their democratic society, will be examined her first appear-nee on the May Court. Barr-y Winkleman, as circulation man- comedy, Goodbye, Illy Fancy. earlier years as students. in. an assembly on Tuesday, February Pat Collins is an English major ager. A sophomore, Barry was se- Those of you who saw the produc- Dean Isanogle graduated from the 17, by Mr. Donald Grant, a lecturer fl'om Bethesda, Maryland. She also is lected for the All-Star Lacrosse team. tion when it was given here in No- Millersville State Teachers College at of note, who has been influencing stu- a newcomcr to the Court and News Millersville, Pa., received his master's Jim Marshall, a history major, is a vember will recall that it concel'llS a degree from Johns Hopkins Univer- dents in Britain and America for the Editor of the GOLD BUG. Gamma Bet and a sophomore. He is congresswoman, Agatha Reed, who sity, and attended Columbia Univer- past twenty· years. advertising manager this semester. returns to her Alma Mater to discover sity for further studies. A Highland Scot, and a graduate of Known to his friends as "Doc", Craig that girlhood dreams often vanish in In honor of the late educator a Edinburgh University, Mr. Grant was Sororities Pledge honored with Gold Medals of Vienna Schmall returns to the GOLD BUG the light of adult reality. The part of painting has been completed which and Innsbruck Universities after staff, as exchange manager. "Doc" is Agatha Reed is played by Kerseley will probably be presented to the col- World War I. He was the Director of Seven Members a sophomore and a member of Gamma Gates. Supporting her is a cast of lege at the June Commencement ex- European Student Relief, and was edi_ Several women students accepted Beta Chi. nineteen including Mike Trupp, Paul ercises. Plans for-the presentation of tor of the three language Vox Stu- sorority bids at the meetings on Feb- Complementing the staff is Maurice Dawson, Elizabeth W a I t e r, Nell this portrait of Dr. Isanogle were an- dentium. ruary 4th. . Mobley. Although only a freshman, Hughes, Pete Warner and Liz Kuhn. nounced by Dr. Ensor. Mr. Grant lectured for the British Accepting Iota Gamma Chi's bids "Schlitz" has already distinguished The Baltimore Alumni of Western Ministry of Information during World were Fran Paul, Sylvia Taylor and himself as a fine photographer. Maryland are sponsoring this produc- War II, and after the close of the Gwen Blohm. Responsible for the distribution of tion and the proceeds will go into a war, worked in Germany on the invi- Debby Meyles accepted Phi Alpha the GOLD BUG in the women's dorms, scholarship fund. Notice tation of the American Military Gov- Mu's bid. are Lou Spoerline and Dotty Wade, Since this is the first time the Col- ernment. He has served as an inter- Delta Sigma Kappa welcomed Don- overdue library Beginning today, both freshmen. lege Players have ever left the Hill as notices will be discontinued and will preter of Britain and EUrope in the na DeCourcey into their group. Carter United and Summers Marie Ann States, and as an jnterpreter Those named and their staffs will a group, the support of everyone is be replaced by an overdue list posted of America for them. Baum accepted bids from Sigma Sig- serve in their present capacities in an urged. Tickets may be purchased at on the main bulletin board outside Old A question period has been planned ma Tau. The Sigmas held their pledge attempt to publish a paper consistant the special student rate of $.50 at the Main on Friday mornings before noon. for 2: 00 that afternoon in McDaniel ceremony immediately following the with the standards of the past. Public Relations Office. Lounge. acceptances.
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