Page 28 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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4 The Gold Bug, Jan. 20, 1953 eII«;It. (jn ~Iu!. oIIdl Epidemic Still On Lessons Point To Rentko And Henclerson Score In do;rs c~:~':ue:~;:~~;gek~::ledge. Easy Gracluat;~n "Crawling out of bed", "crawling to This excerpt was taken from the WMC Gricl Ancl Class Activities breakfast", and "crawling to class"- University of Baltimorfl's newspaper, all these cliches we're but as fog be- The Boloo. tween my head and the nearest lamp by Dwight Scott by Gil Stange post. Now, with the elements (and 1. Bring the' professor newspaper "Tackled by Rentko," has been a the help of- Kellerman and Williams), clippings dealing with his subject. If Faye Though TV's Emerson frequent announcement on the Hoffa not be aware of the capabilities may of I understand that "crawling" is a you don't flnd clippings dealing' with Field public address system for the \VMC's "Skitch" Henderson, most ev- basic swimming stroke---most India- his subject, bring in clippings at past few years for Mike Rentko has eryone on the hill for the past four pen~abJe between classes in the rain. random.' He thinks everything deals been a defensive sparkplug of the A bit. inexperienced in the art of with his subject. Terror grid team during his four years knows of him, both on and off combating the falling weather, I've 2. Look alert. Take notes eagerly. the gridiron. Hails From New Jersey been most pleased to see the old vet- If you look at your watch, don't stare into diving and shake it. at it unbelieving the here er-ans around Corning to Western Maryland from what he calls "God's Country" mood (there'd be less clothes to dry. 3. Nod frequently and murmur (though others may have a different if we spelled it with an "n") of etr- "How true!" To you, this seems exag- name for New Jersey), Skitch began cumstances. gerated. To him, it's quite objective. playing football as quarterback on the H~:: ~.~ ~~~ :o;:,~ ~~iC~~r~:~nts on:; i~i~:~ i~:~~~ ~::~a~i~~v;:~Tlies freshman team. The next season he advanced to varsity and helped spark during previous monsoons at Marine 5. Laugh at his jokes. You can tell. WArC to a fine season. 'ren-ee- (it ain't firma) Oceidentalis If he looks up fro~ he his notes and a has expectantly, told smiles (nor accidental). As a junior, he passed for several The firm of· Sturdivant, Isanogle, jo·ke.- touchdowns before a mid-season in- and Kershner sacrificed an enthr-all- 6. Ask for outside reading. You do jury sidelined him, as the team ing lab on gametes (meetings where not have to do it. Just ask. chalked up an undefeated year. This girls show their legs) for one en- 7. If you must 'sleep, ~rrange to be Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. year he co-captained the Terrors to a Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. titled "The Rise and Fall of the called at the end of the hour. It Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Floating Rib", as outlined by Dr. I. creates an unfavorable impression jf Evenings 9 p. rn. Inhalc. • the rest of the class has left and you Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Down the colonnade from this sit there alone, dozing. Holidays apropos revision, two M's, one H, 8. Be sure the book you read duro and a W in the English department ing the lecture looks like a book from WED., THURS., JAN. 21, 22 were holding spccial lectures on "Pair the course. If you do mathin psychol- THE HAPPY TIME 0' Dice Lost", 01', "The Last I Seen ogy class and psychology jn math Charles Boyer Marsha Hunt 'Em, They Was Capsized on the class, match the books for size and years at WMC. This is not overtook. Corner of Seven and Eleven". color. ing Mike's stellar playas a blocking The Psych (as in ville) sanctum's D. Ask any questions you think 11e FRI., ,SA'T., JAN 23, 24 back in the offensive set-up-he has occupants were engaged (aren't we can answer. Conversely, avoid an- MY PA~ GUS been an outstanding all around foot- all, since the holidays) in a debate on nouncing that you have found the Joanne Dru Richard Widmark ball player. ' how long it will take an ordinary answer to a question he couldn't SUN., l\WN., TUES., JAN. 25, 26, 27 Last spring, Mike shone as a new- STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER comer to varsity lacrosse, scoring" drip (of water) to drive a human answer, and in your younger broth- (Technicolor) five goals as a midfielder, (of the same phyllum) crazy; while er's second reader at that. Clifton Webb Debra Paget In intramural competition, the the nearby Rcligion course was com- JO. Call attention to his writing. pleasant Produces ex- an extremely pride of Sheatown, Pa., has been of forting (1) all with the reminder pertence connected with you. If you WED., THURS., .JAN. 28, 29 about the rain falling on the just and valuable service to Delta Pi Alpha as the unjust (we're all -In the same know he's written a book article, TIlE THlEF OF VENICE a hustling forward on the basketball boat, in case you hadn't Noahticed). ask ill class if he wrote it. 01' Maria Monte Paul Christian team, tr-usty backstop of the softball team, and durable quarter-miler on Harlow Henderson Eat, Drink, and be Meppi FRI., SAT., JAN. 30, 31 the track. season record of four wins and four "Budding (and who wouldn't, with IT'S AGAINST ALL FLAGS a11 the ) Greek historians Interested In Sports losses. changed their course (in the-middle of I College Ca{enclar Errol Flynn Maureen O'Hara Interested in all types of outdoor For three years, this loyal Preacher (Technieolor) . sports, Mike has done summer work supporter has been trying his luck at a stream, at that) for an indefinite Wednesday, Jan. 21 as a counselor in a boys' camp in basketball and baseball, too. Though period when Dr. MacDonald, begorra, Basketball, Mt. St. Marys, away SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 1, 2, 3 Maine. his efforts on the mound were some. dropped the arrow (no bombshells in Thursday, Jan. 22 1\1EET ME AT THE FAIR Mike's record of achievement does times slightly less than sensational, tliose days) that the ancient Greeks Dan Dailey Diana Lynn not stop on the athletic field, how- he proved his worth nevertheless. In wOl'shipped water_so scarce was the Wrestling, Loyola, away (Technicolor) stuff. the dis. (Ed. note. However, ever, as he has been II consistent the intramural field, Delta Pi Alpha handment of the class "dura ted" only Tuesday. Jan. 27 dean's-Hater since his arrival on-cthe is proud to have him on their basket. tcmporarily: After the professor an- 'I'ri-beta, McDaniel Loungc, 4:15 hill. A real campus leader, he has ball, volleyball and softball teams. nounced that the Hellenicans guzzled p.m. been chaplain, secretary, and presi- Who knows, he may try for track this Wednesduy, Jan. 28 dent of his frawrnity. This semester spring! wine in place of that rusty hydrogen Camera Club, 310 Science Hall, he has been president of the Inter- Majors in Beon hydroxide, attendance trebled). 7 p. m. fraternity council. In addition, he has Tn the academic field, Skitch has The Grille? Yeah, you guessed it-- Friday, Jan. 30 Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi· been active in Student Government held his own and will pass into the the place was packed with rain beanx. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. affairs, serving at the present as sen· world as an economics major come Trochaic Troches End of First Semester Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. ior class representative. gradnation. After that great event, On the via to the Physi~s nooks in Tucsday, Feb. 3 Evcning show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Named for Who's Who t~e Army al1d a certaiI1' Baltimore an endeavor to find a solution that Second Semester Begins, 8 a. D1. continuous from 6:45 p. m. Due to his outstanding background, belle have him in their clutches. wasn't all wet, I audioed a classic Basketball, Loyola, Gill. Gym, 8 Mike was among eleven named for But whatever happens, Harlow niurmur from Dr. Ridington's cove p. m. WED., THURS., JAN. 21, 22 Who's Who Am.Ql!g Amencan Col. "Skiteh" Henderson's great athletic which snmllJed conditions up rather Wednesday. Feb. 4 LEA VE HEU TO HEA YEN lcgcs and Universities fOl' this year. versatility will remind his many well (don't let the stars get in your MSM banquet Gene Tierney Cornel Wilde Anyone who knows this hardworking friends that he stands high on the eyes-that ~dverb is also a noun): Friday, Feb. 6 (Technicolor) lad from the Anthracite Region hill. "By Jove". National Symphony Orchestra, realizes that he is deserving of the The fizzieists (phonetic fanatic in Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. FRI., SAT., JAN. 23, 24 honor. every woodpile) were certainly living Wrcstling, Towson, Gill Gym, 3 BOHDER SADDLEl\fATES A history major" planning to prac· Clifford's Jewelers up to their name: Water was drop- p. m. Rex Allen Mary Ellen Kay tice teach this spring, Mike plans to EXPERT REPAIRING ping on their heated, genius.wrapped Saturday, Feb. 7 work in the field of education in the Exclusive Agent for bodies and boiling itself back into"the Basketball, Bucknell, 8 p. m. SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 25,26,27 future. However, like many others, STIEFF SILVER clouds on the ceiling. The Doctor of Sunday, Feb. 8 EIG l-IT IRON !'lIEN he will be obligated to Uncle Sam for 51 East Main Street this land of cumulus n.ebula and pen- Mary Castle David McMahon about two years after graduation. dulums shook with fervor as he lec· Sunday School, Bakel' Chapel, il:15 WED., THURS., JAN. 28, 29 a. m. With his characteristic industry tured: "Even if I dew point this out OUTLAW WOMEN and ability, Mike Rentko should be a to you, you'll eventually sec that 'the Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. snccess wherever he goes. POPCORN - PEANUTS so~t drops of rain pierce the hard Monday, Feb. 9 and marble'" (the ingrown quote is by French Club, McDaniel Lounge, TROMBA THE TIGER MAN SMITH & REIFSNIDER CANDY John Lyly-and, with the name, you 6:45 p. m. Incorporated know as much about him as I do). Tuesday, Feb. 10 FRI., SAT., JAN. 30, 31 LUMBER-COAL THE TREAT SHOP Gee, Wheeze! Assembly, Lecture Committee, APACHE COUNTRY WESTMINSTER. MD. From the spacions roof garden of Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. Gene Autry this building, I could hear the soaked SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 1, 2, 3 "Save up your pennies and strains of "Night and Day" oozing up "You're Good For It A}" TIIUNDER·BJRDS John Barrymore, come to BENNY'S from Levine as some female sponge DAVID'S JEWELERS John DelTiek Mona Freeman Jr. verse one; with could view gargled with alarm the PEesident's home, , Griffin's which, by this time, was beginning to Phone 19 E, Main Street 1167 JIi "PISTINiUE '....n. and could Md. Westminster, resemble an Ensol'rection; tilt my 11ead back and get spit in the Westminster izer to my left nostril, and adjust the I Bulova - Longines'- Elgin that iris little white cirrlls by the DELICIOUS FOOD lac;~'~~,la::di shift my Vick's Vapo~- ' Benrus - Gruen keg of Pertussian suspended Over my Wittnauer ~1 Therz ~========~ mouth, I can nasalate to you, my OPEN AN ACCOUNT friends: "Ain'd collidge grand? nod adnodder plaze wherb youb cand • r (i6 BY hab suj a downdpourb of exper- THE P.S. And, as for Gene Kelly, Deb. G.C. Murphy & Co. IUJE 7lIJG 1JIJS It Pays To 'Look Well yenzes." COFFMAN· FISHER bie Re.¥nolds, and Donald O'Connor, Visit The t!i'ey're tempting streptococcus and The Friendly Store ..qu. 111£ COMPANY public wrath by singing that song_ Avenue B.rber Shop yellow rai,!coats or not. Dormitory and Classroom SMART ntJPJ.13 po,l DEPARTMENT STORE Suppliu Where The Students Go ALOHA 11 E. Main St. - Phone 102 Serving Maryland,Ohio,Pennsylvunia, 85 Pennsylvania Avenue Westminster This is the last week 6_10 West Main Street / Virginia and West Virginia from to order an ALOHA Westminster, Md, Westminster, Md. and make the first paYll1ent. Bus Depot Phone 199
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