Page 26 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 26
2 The Gold Bug, Jan. 20, 1953 Sr.other Can You Expert Discloses Spare A Coke? Exam Remeclies A year ago, we were known as the "new" staff, and now we are Did you feel a strange, furry animal The semester thus far having been "Growth sounds so simple-but the "old" and retiring. It is diffi- rub past you in the dining hall today? one big psychological break, the pros- sometimes I have wondered if we . cult to put our feeling into Did you hear a strange scratching at pect of exams isn't too enticing. Just words at this time. To say it was your door? Did your coke mysterious- because .one can sleep until noon on a do not tend to think in terms of a a wonderful year is to be trite- Iy disappear? Please do not be machine making something, rather yet we can think of no other way alarmed. It is only Guzzler, Jr., a very few of those days doesn't signify that than in terms of a gardener growing something. By growth we mean a two- the week of the 23rd was designed to sum the many components of recent member of the student body. for catching up on sleep in order to our year. During this time we Concerning his vital statistics, Guz- look healthy for mother when one wa~ journey, inward and outward- have learned a lot (and left zler is a black and white Guernstein goes home mid-semester. If it is de- toward maturity of life as well as much "unlearned"); discovered (a very rare breed) calf-rather frail signed for any purpose beneficial to art." Perhaps a quotation is a strange that it was work at times, but and timid due to the loss of her the student (and this is highly doubt- way to begin a short sketch of a per- that was surpassed by the fun mother who died of excessive alcohol- ful) the extra sleep is probably to son for a school paper, but in the case we had; found th~t each ~dition. ism. She feels very insecure and thus counteract the inevitable nervous of Miss Esther Smith, we feel that it brought new and interesting ex- must be given a great deal of affection breakdown accompanying distribu- is fitting. The above passage was penences : and most Important, and understanding. tion of marks. On the day when noth- written by her sister, Miss Lillian the philoso- gained a new understanding of Guzzler's mother was indeed a most ing special has been planned for the Smith, and it summarizes people which phy of life, and art the meaning of cooperation. sad case. Being of a higher mentality morning, one may sleep (as suggested Miss Smith so well demonstrates in One of our aims was to make than most of her kind and not finding till noon), eat a leisurely brunch of her teaching as well as in hcr contact the GOLD !lUG truly a student acceptance in the human family, she mounds of joy, stroll into the exam with her students. publication, and we'd like to took to drink. She consumed all room, glance over question I and pass A great thank the students who helped liquids from ink to rubbing alcohol, out. Of course, one is not totally un- of dramatic many people tend to think ill terms of two pro- art us travel in this direction. With- suffering no visible defects. But the prepared. He sharpened a pencil. ductions per year. Miss Smith will be out their interest and support six bottles of Hadocol and ten of What more could any groressor ask? the first one to correct this miscal- we would have gained nothing. Pepto-Dismal finished the dear, frus- Perhaps a change of literature di- culation as will her sophomore, jun- We enjoyed having so many visit trated animal and left Guzzler all rectly preceding the trying days ior and senior students. These same us in our office, and we received alone. would help. One pattern offered students will also tolf you that it Is a more material than space per- Mter finding that Guzzler had in- by the foun'aer of this method goes course which cannot be reckoned in Dramatic Workshop of the New mitted us to use. Those unpub- herited her mother's exceptional men- from love comics to Captai~ Mar- terms of hours and points. Perhaps School in New York". It was at the Iished articles contributed more tality, it was decided that she should vel, progressing to the more in- this sounds rather unique in vicw of latter school that she appeared in the to the newspaper than perhaps be given the opportunity of higher tellectual ones such as "Weird the fact that credits seem to occupy role of the mother in "Sheep well" is realized and appreciated. learning. Thus she was brought here Science" and finally even "Classic a large portion of college life, but which was presented at a theater in We are going fa miss the where she might be free to frolic about Comics." Speaking of the system's Miss Smith revolves around the New York. GOLD BUG. Surely, we can still the hills and study nature. It is feared, fourider, it is interesting to note that growth "of life as well as art", cast- contribute, and we can still read however, that Guzzler has inherited he has recently purchased stock in a ing away the machine and concentrat- "Strange Fruit" and Miss Smith the finished product, but that her mother's habit of drink. Last night new division of "Classic Comics" ing on the gardener. Miss Lillian Smith has already been isn't the GOLD BUG we know. a girl left some soapy water in the which will make it possible to obtain mentioned, but it is in regard to the We're going to miss the office, laundry tub and today Guzzler is text books in comic book form. Home is Georgia dramatization of her book, "Strange too. It has a certain charm that blowing bubbles. Also two bottles of If, however, there is not sufficient She was born in Jasper, Florida, Fruit", that Miss Smith again proved can never be duplicated in the ink have disappeared. So please keep time to take the cure and be con- and later moved to Clayton, Georgia, her ability as an actress as well as Student Union Building of West- all beverages hidden. With your help. verted into studying a bit, and the where she still resides in the sum- her interest in the technical aspect of ern Maryland's future. Maybe perhaps Guzzler will become a well- professors aren't overly impressed mer. For many years. she and her drama. She was assistant to Miss it's the spider webs and falling adjusted, contented cow and a worthy with the six cuts per, there is only sister, Lillian, ran a camp for young Lillian Smith in the dramntiaatlon of plaster! product of WMC. one way left. Put dramatic art into a people where they incorporatcd the "Strange Fruit", assisted the pro- in the casting, ducers and the author This is the time to express real life situation, visit the infirmary same ideas or ideals which Miss Smith and was technical advisor during the puts to use in her classroom. At pres- ~dft;rej~_~hr:f \;~Shi~t~t;, ~~\~ Minute Mystcries ... No. 1 frequently, but beg to take the exams ent, one of Miss Smith's hobbies is road tour and Broadway engagement. "in spite of it all." This may play on She took the part of Miss Belle in the hope that they have as pleasant (The GOLD BUG here p?'es6nta The rain, if I may use the term "Il!>oll " 'I"1UOlu'll a'll P;>ttl"'Wo~ aA&'1 PIn"" ",~u'l_.JIj>IU[OH '~.wj""H __~tnuHI[ 01 ~~"'.uV without the shackles, around here, is, FAMOUS SAYINGS are especially talented. It is open to Santa seems to have spent most of 1. If my initials weren't B. F., I'd anyone who desires an opportunity his time running back and forth be- to be Pacific, thorough. But, I like the make you swallow this oyster shell! for self-development. Western Mary- tween diamond mines-Audrey Phil- , GIVE DIMES FOR POLIO atmosphere it creates. in the House? 2. Gosh Delilah, you're the most land has every right to be especially proud of Miss Esthcr Is There an Albatross Smith and her lius, Barbara Bankson, Frances Scag- It {neuter]" has pulled the cork out beautiful girl in all Assyria! students strive to make the pride gs, Barbara Plasket, Rudy Lee, Byrd of a multitude of previously closed 3. If you don't stop making all that reciprocal. Schmidt, Nancy Kroll, Barbara Davi- noise, I'm going to slug you with this son, Mimi Whitfield and Pat Fetcho Continued on page four, column cotton gin I've just invented! are all flexing their left hands. We three ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE wish you all the best of luck and hap- 4. Aw, the cops'll never even sus- GOLD BUG piness and hope that the varions pect. sororities do not suffer noticeably 5. It's pronounced Bay-Tovcn, Bay with the forthcoming boxes of bon- Toven! Understand? I hate people THE GOLD BUG bona. who pronounce my name wrong! Over the holidays Kris Kringle and 6. Yes, I promise, mother, Just to his hclpers put in an appearance at satisfy you, when I grow up, I agree Alumni Hall. The result is appalling to prove that the world is round and with a slight cherubic overtone-a discover America. face-lifting was needed. ~ 7. John Wilkes Booth! What are you Member Whoever thought of the pep raliJes doing with that gun? No! Don't as- A"oci.te:d Collegllte Press for the basketball team should be sassinate me! DON'T!! AAGH! commended. It's a g.ood idea-if the EAMOUS PERSONALITIES Subscription Price $2.00 a Year students give it the needed support. a. Christophe-r Col1wlobua Reminder to victims of premature spring fever-Professors, although b.5f13-'164 susceptible to the same malady, do c. Benja'min Franklin ~::,:g~t!~~~== not take that into account while hold- d. Abraham Lincoln Feature Editol"ll__ ---, ing red pencil over small blue books. e. Eli Whitn(!y A word to the wise is sufficient? No, ~~;!:'Fe~~~t~:E.Jito_;:.=· _ Editor_ .. Copy but it was a good thought! f. Delilah TY)ling Editor __ .__ ~~~=:i.~=-=--.:=_ Bon voyage (merci Miss Snader) to g. Beethoven those who will be recetving their sheepskins in February. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE The departing staff wishes the new COpy staff the oest of journalistic luck. We'll be watching-and reading! "Oh, he's practicing for exams." ..!_.._ FEBRUARY 5 Bill Tribby, Jane Huf..,hison, Carol Coleman.
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