Page 27 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Jan. 20, 1953 Courtsters Triumph In Two Gunners Split Green Terror Matmen Beaten Of Six Games Two Matches In Their Opening Three Bouts Wregtling matches Bucknell scored four decision Rifle 'Team Matches ~!~Fr ..nklin & M.. ,."h..U J triumphs, two pins, and a forfeit. Feb. 10 Bucknell ~ Results by class: 7 VMI ._. . ._.__.__.home 17 B..ltlmore U.\! 123 pound: Frisbee, Bucknell, de- 22 Loyola 11 Frederick Natl. Guard __home ~1 Drexel Tech" cisioned Tone, WMC, 5:,2 14 Gettysburg .away borne 130 pound: Miller, Bucknell, pinned horne 21 Geo. Washington ._._ .._.__home Fe:1 I~u."~~ci.'J Tourney Balto. Preston, WMC, 5.56 M~;:28 M....on_Dixon 28 Johns Hopkins _.. away 137 pound: Won on a forfeit by Mar. 7 Callabdet.f Bucknell 14 VMI .__..__ _ __away F&l\I36 - WMCO 147 pound: Kelso, Bucknell, de- 21 Johns Hopkins ._.. .... .home Franklin and Marshall College'e . cisioned Ravenis, WMC, 9-4 Wl\IC 1314 - G-Burg. 1251 wrestling team spoiled the 1952-53 157 Pound: Davenport, Bucknell, de- debut of the Western Maryland grap- cisioned Bimestefer, WMC, 4-2 western Maryland's rifle team out- plers with a 3-0 shutout in Lancaster, 167 pound: Shanklin, WMC, pinned shot Gettysburg January 10 in a home Pennsylvania, December 18. Bowen, Bucknell, 5.20 match by a 1314-1251 tally. F&M scored victories in all the 177 pound: Tashjy, Bucknell, pinned Paul Lambertson was high man for eight matches. Five of these were Faby, WMC, 8.29 the Green and Gold with a total of falls, two were decisions, and the 268 and he was closely followed by other match was a forfeit. . Heavyweight: Lloyd Bucknell, de- Denny Boyle with a 265. cisioned Duhl, WMC, 4-0. Ray Buddemeyer was high for the Results by class: visitors with 267 and Dick Carr 123 pound: Self, F&M, defeated U. of Baltimore 35 • WMC 2 trailed with 257. Tone, WMC, fall The Green Terror matmen were Summaries: 130 pound: Thomas, F&M, by ior- whipped for the third straight time Gettysburg, Buddemeyer 267, Haf- feit January 17 when a strong Univer- ner 226, Taddiken 255, Stonesifer 247, 137 pound: Kurtz, F&M, over Le- sity of Baltimore team scored a one- Carr 256. vay, WMC,fall sided 35-2 victory in a match held in Western Maryland, Boyle 265, Clay- U7 pound: Stan Dubelle, F&M, de- the winner's gymnasium. ton 263, Lambertson 268, Hensler 259, feated Ravenis, WMC, fali, 4.02. Five Baltimore wrestlers pinned Rhoads 259. 157 pound: Bemiller, F&M, decision- their opponents, one won by decision, ed Bimestcfer, 7-0 Maryland 1435 - WMC 1331 167 pound: D'Amico, F&M, de- and another took a forfeit triumph. The University of Maryland out- feated Stewart, WMC, fall, 1.11 Jack Duhl provided the only consola- tion for the visiting Western Mary- WMC 69 • Towson 64 WMC 66 - Washington College 54 classed the Western Maryland rifle 177 pound: Keener, F&M, decision- land squad by battling Carl Walt- Western Maryland's varsity basket- Washington College's Shoremen team 1,435 to 1,331 last Saturday in ed Shanklin, WMC, 9~2 meyer to a draw in their heavyweight ball team captured its third victory of saw their four game winning streak a match held in College Park. Heavyweight: Meunch, F&M, de- contest. . the season December 16 when 'they snapped January 8 as Western Mary- Bud Barton of the Terrapins was feated Manlove, WMC, fall 1.49 Results by class: took an overtime 69-64 decision from land started the New Year off right the afternoon's high gunner with a 123-pound: Shofcz-, U. of Balto., Towson State Teachers. with a 66-54 victory. score of 289 while his teammate, Roy Bucknell 27 - Wl\tC 5 pinned Tone, WMC, 3.35 The Green Terrors trailed during The Green and Gold trailed by a Oster, fired a 287. Dave Rhoads led The Green and Gold matmen went f Su-pound: Testony, U. of Balto., most of the contest and only a des- single 'marker, 27-26, at halftime but the visifjn!\" Green and Gold with a down fighting for the second time pinned Preston, WMC, 3.58 perate rally in the final minutes en- they went wild in the final half and 272 and John Clayton shot a 267. January 10 when the Bucknell wrest- 137-pound: forfeit to U. of Balto. 289; l\Iaryland-Barton, Results: abled them to deadlock the fray and won going away. WMC outscored the Oster, 287; Walters, 287; May, 286; ling combine played the role of rude 147-pound: Brunner, U. of Balto., send it into overtime. Late in the losers 40-27 during the second half Lomolino, 286. Western Maryland- hosts and outecored the Terrors 27-5 pinned Stewart, WMC, 2.15 fourth quarter the winners trailed play. Rhoads, 272; Clayton, 267; Boyle, at Davis Gym in Lewisburg, Pennsyl- 157-pound: Palmer, U. of Balto., 56-51 but baskets by Needleman, High man in the scoring column was 266; Lambertson, 263; Adams, 263. vania. pinned Hall, WMC, 4.28 Campbell, and a foul shot by Al center Rick Brockell of Washington Art Shanklin posted the only vic- 167-pound: Millner, U. of Balto., Bopst knotted the count. In the over- College with 17 points while Shore- tory for the Hillsmen when he pinned decisioned Shanklin, WMC. time period both squads battled even- men Danny Semele scored 13 and Joe PATRONIZE Greg Bowen after five minutes and 177-pound: Golden, U. of Balto., ly until the final two minutes. Bopst, Berger 11.. OUR twenty seconds with a reverse half pinned Clark, WMC, 1.15 George Sipe, and Arnie Needleman For the victors five players tallied nelson and crotch hold. In the other W MC, scored in succession and the game was in double figures. George Sipe led the A DVERTISERS. Heavyweight: Duhi, U. of Balto. drew with. Waltmeyer, Western Maryland's. parade with 15 points, Arnie Needle- Compliments of Frank Lastner, pint-sized Teacher man hit for 14, and Harry Tull posted forward, lead the evenings scorers by 11. Both Charlie White and Al Bopst Good Health J. R. EVERHART swishing a total of 18 markers while chalked up 10 points apiece. COLLEGE BARBER LAUNDROMAT his teammate George Binder tallied G F P To 5 Locust Street Tilley ... 4210 ,. , 15 points from his pivot position. Appleby. f n a 5515 At the Forks Bergen George Sipe, Terror guard, topped JOIIePhB t p~ All Opposite Parking Lot e Brockell, the list of HiUsmen point getters by {; S13 g5414 e 010 leading the squad with 16 counters. Samele, II 4311 ., , From DAILY-7:30 - 5: 00 The other WMC guard, Tull, sank 13 Compliments of FRIDAY UNTIL while Needleman netted 14. 8 :00 We!l~n Maryland 12 14 18 22_66 REXALL G F P W ....hinl;lton College __ 20 7 8 19-54 Wine's Sport, Shop Closed Wed. Altern 000 a • a a s Mt. St. Mary's 85 - WMC 78 5 414 Westminster 128 Mount Saint Mary's handed West- ~L~ ern Maryland their fourth reversal of ~ ~ 1~ the campaign at Gill Gym January 10 when they scored a close 85-78 win. Baugher's Restaurant Both quintets battled evenly in the Tow"on 11 9 21 II 8--64 first quarter with the M'ounties show- J.WM. HULL, J.weier WMC __ ._. 11 14 17 14 lS......{l9 ing a 25-21 lead when the period Just Off The Campus American U. 82 - WMC 51 ended. The Terrors fell behind by ten, For Over Half Century 46-36, at halftime. In the second half FOR A MEAL OR SNACK American University spoiled the Expert Waich, Jew elry 1952-53 home debut of the Green Ter- the visitors pulled away and only a ; and Eye-GIass Repai ring ror basketball team December 18 last period rally by the Hillsmen made Complete Fountain Service when they scored a lopsided 82-51 tri- the contest close. umph in Gill Gym. George Sipe, playing one of his best 105 W. Main Stree The Eagles from Washington piled games of the season, garnered 22 Open Every Day up a 26-9 first period advantage and points and center Al Bopst tossed in had an easy time of it after that. one less. Charlie White also had a George Selby, American U. center, good night with 16 markers. Ted accounted :(01' 18 points which was ~::~n:~~ki9 Pc:~e:te;~:n~f;~~t~n;!~ tops for the evening. He was followed 10 and Tom Gulbin came through with by Don Beer with 13 and Bill Jones with 11. For the Green and Gold the 13 apiece. 14 point effort by George Sipe was high while Al Bopst dropped in 9. Jack""n,f ¥it~:afn a a " " , , • , f&~:man Bop"t. c Mabry !i:i Tull. II Sipe " , Campbell 4 all Totals 331985 rJ'~rt~hbr.l WMC 21 15 18 24-78 Mt. St. M..ry·8 __ ....25 211918--85 181561 WMC __ . 9 16 10 14--51 Hampden.Sydney 69 • WMC 63 Amer. U. 26 22 18 16......,g2 Hampden-Sydney edged a visiting ~alto. U. 78 - WMC 54 Western MaryJand team 69-63 last Taking an early lead, the Univer- Friday evening at the winners home He's a "heavy" in the play, sity of Baltimore rolled to an easy 78- court in Hampden-Sydney, Virginia. • 54 victory over Western Maryland in The Hillsmen led after the first but short on time. a game played January 13 in the city. period of play but the Tigers took a The taller Baltimore squad con- 37-36 halftime lead and held it for the Busy students need quick trolled the backboards throughout the rest of the encounter. The Terrors contest and spurted to in the final rallied slightly in the final quarter refreshment. That's quarter to turn the game into a rout. but were unable to overcome the Andy Anderson, Bee guard, paced Hampden-Sydney advantage. where Coca-Cola comes in. their attack with 21 points while for- Jerry Adams, dead-eyed Tiger for- wards Gil Felter and Bill Welsh netted ward, had a field day with twelve bas- 17 and 16 points respectively. For the kets and eight foul shots in eight at- Terrors Charlie Phipps was on top in tempts for a total of 32 points. Al laTHED UNOER ...UTIIORITY Of TilE COC ...·COL ... COM''''NY BY the scoring .with 12. Arnie Needleman Bopst and Arnie Needleman flipped WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTILING CO., INC_ scored 1'1 and Harry TuB and George in 13 each while George Sipe sunk 11 Sipe accounted for 10 apiece. for Western Maryland. "Coke" I. CI regittared trade_mark. © 1953, THE COCA·COLA CpMPANY
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