Page 2 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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2 The Gold Bug, Sept. 27, 1951 Dr. Lowell S. Ensor Meet The President I After several months lay-over, the good ship Western Mary- eJldL land stands staunch and strong, ready to raise anchor and embark on another lap of this never-ending journey called Life, The skipper, wise in the ways of charting the course, and the One of the nicest things about he is as interested in the sports officers, experienced in reading the charts, stand ready to brief us, "Western...l\Ial'~land is that everyone and extra-curricular activities of the the crew, For it is to be a cruise upon which no hand may be idle from the president down to the new- \VMC'ers as he is in their academic if a successful landing is to be the goal. . est freshmen is a well known person- progress. In this way he helps us to There are those of us who are ality on campus. That is to say, our obtain that goal of becoming a well- approaching the end of our trip. president is not merely a nice man We look back and remember our who sits at a desk in that office. In- rounded person. It is encouraging to know that he takes a personal interest ~i~~uO~ll.ed~:~~i~~ t~~lf:nJse~: stead, he is, as some of the students- in his students; that we are 110t mere- phrased it, "one of us". . would see, the fields we would by Tom Page Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, a native Balti- ly names in the college register. Dr. Ensor, with his many duties to conquer. Some of us are just at After an eventful summer, there are morean, entered JHU'after graduat- fulfili, does not have much leisure the half or the quarter mark of many familiar faces on the campus ing from Ba)timore City College. time to spend with his charming wife am' journey. Have we accom- and a host of new ones. To the fresh- Here he received his B.A. degree and and daughter, Caryl Jeanne. One of plished our desires? Have we men class, your SGA bids a hearty then received his Bachelor of Divinity heaved to with a will sufficient to welcome; and to the upperclassmen, degree own uuule from Drew Univer-, his extra-curricular hobbies is refinish- weather the gale? Or have we welcome back. versity. He' was ordained in the ing antique furniture, but his over- turned faint at the sight of As in the previous years, the stu- Methodist miniata-y in 1931, and was crowded schedule doesn't leave much breakers and crept down below dent council is ready to assume its time for that. On campus, our presi- until the danger was past? responsibilities. In the last school as- pastor of the Methodist Church in dent dresses conservatively; but Mrs. This week, we welcome new sembly, your SGA president listed Westminster for seven years prior to Ensor confides that on vacations he crew members aboard. They are the immediate objectives of this school his appointment in 1947 as the fifth Dr. Lowell S. Ensor prefers louder sport shirts. Someone full of ambition, curiosity, -en- year as follows: to initiate a new president of Western Maryland Col- once remarked that all men are chefs thueiasm, and sportsmanship. honor system here at WMC, to install lege. The students see Dr. Ensor daily, constant attendance teams can be sure at heart; Dr. Ensor's speciality is at all school June- cooking outdoor steaks, and he has his tions. The athletic To tell them the trip will be :0:' ~~t ~~g~;ec:~~::~~~ncoi~~:~r. participating in the ev:ents that con- that, if at all possible, their president own particular procedure. However, serene would be futile-perhaps ately on the lattice for the Rec hall, stitute college life. He and his wife is sitting in the grandstand-a most Mrs. Ensor said that with meat prices they have already run into a bit to become official members of the Na- have endeared themselves by their loyal and ardent fan. It seems as if being what they are today, he doesn't of foul weather. tional Student Assembly, and to have have too-frequent opportunities to We can tell them, however, .a light placed in the vicinity of Albert display his skill! that they have chosen the proud- Norman Ward Hall, adjacent to Gill College! What An ..Oclcl Place! The students have been mentioned est ship afloat for their travel; Gym. These are the immediate objec- above frequently, for it is impossible that no storm in the past has tives; many more will follow. by Anhibald Snallyg(),$ter, '55 to sever Dr. Ensor from them. We are succeeded and no storm in the The Student Government requests very proud of our president, and future can succeed in turning from the students the same high cali- I have decided! College is an odd selor in high school had told me that what is more important, we like him. her from her course. We can tell ber of cooperation that they have ex- ,place! Not only that. college people WMC was a very friendly place, that Friendliness is a keyword on the Hill, them that on no other trip will tended in previous years. To para- are odd people! I cannot understand everyone speaks to everyone, whether as exemplified by Dr. Ensor who sets they be able to travel with so phrase an old maxim, the SGA is only why I have so many difficulties,' be- one knows everyone or not. I didn't the pace for us. As was said before, many grand ship-mates, people as strong as those who support it. The cause I have tried so hard to do what want to be considered stuck-up; so I we students feel that he is "one of who are ready and willing to success of the SGA is entirely depend- everyone hae advised me to do. I called, "Hello! I'm Archibald Snally- us"-which is our way of expressing work and play together in a real ent upon the cooperation it receives want to be popular, but something gaster. Who are you?" highe~ tribute. • spirit of true friendship. We can from the student body. If you want an always seems to go wrong. I guess it's "I'm Lowell Ensor," he replied. tell them that we are glad that active and successful student govern. just because I'm among odd people. "Well, Lowell, I'm real glad to they have come aboard; and if ment, sland behind it in its many Fur instance, my father gave me a meetyou-" thought they wiggled under my they join us and give of their endeavors. Cooperation is the keynote man-to-man talk before I left -home : I was just getting ready to tell him weight; but Wilen I stopped and tried time and talents, that they, too, of success. "Archy, my boy," he said, "One of to shake them, they didn't shake-it will soon become infected with your greatest failings is tardiness. all about myself when he interrupted was the walls! the spirit that is Western Mary- You are never on time. Now when me, "Mister Snallygaster, please look When I got to my room, my two land. Pins In Points you go away to school, make a prac- around the campus and enjoy your- roommates were there. So I wasn't the We should all take inventory tice of always being on time. It's bet- self. You will have to excuse me. I am only early one after all. I decided of our successes and our fail- ter to wait an hour yourself than to very busy." i maybe I was making a mistake to ures, our dreams and our disap- During the summer a few more be late and make someone else wait Now that's what I call down-right speak first; so I just stood in the doer- pointments. Wherein have we WMC co-ed's became the proud pos- for you. Start YOu\'college life right- unfriendly. Here I was prepared to be way and looked. left the course? Why did we run sessors of the cherished diamond. wln., always be on time!" real chummy. I'd even called him aground? nie Spenser, '53 and Bill Dulaney, '50, So---when my notice came that col- Lowell, and then he pulls that Mister that "Hey," one said, "Are you the bird our possession of has taken Another year faces us; a new .Betty Duvall, '51, and Ed Early. '52. lege would open Monday morning, I stuff on me. Now don't you agree room?" lap of the journey is beginning. Anne Placht has also joined the ranks. decided that I would follow Pop's ad- something's odd? "I haven't taken any thing.· 1 just Whether it will be the starting Barbara Harris and Anne Placht vice and go on up on Sunday so that There I was, all alone again. So I put my stuff in here. The man with or finishing lap, let us determine hare transferred to Towson, Audrey I would be sure to be there on time. thought I'd do like he said and look the cigar said put it anywhere." that it will be our best effort, Groom to George Washington and Al- My father had to hurry back home; so around some more. My history teach- that at the end of the year we lison Hammon to Goucher. he helped me unload my stuff in the er had told me when I was in a "well, you did--everywhere!" said can stand proudly on deck and basement and left right away. strange place always to go in and look the other, gently, "And now would know that in every way we have McKinstry had a professional face- a college around inside the buildings, as many you mind selecting one bed. one desk, Now wouldn't you suppose made a bon voyage. lifting job done during the summer. would want people to be early? I of them hold treasures of art, history, and ouc closet in anyone section in- stcad of occupying the entire room?" I decided to start with and literature. Serve Your GOLD BUG I Forty freshman girls have moved in. guess they didn't, because 1 hunted the new-looking, brick building down "Certainly," I answered. I was and hunted for someone to give me a to do. They The GOL1) BUG is proud that' it A hearty welcome to Joe Giannelli. key. Finally I found a door open; and the street. 1t was named for some glad to have something patient-sorta painfully looked lady named Hall. The door was open; so can call itself truly a 8tudent newspa- A '50 graduate, he has returned to after my eyes grew accustomed to the so I walked in. I didn't see any treas- like my mother when I don't under- iter. If it is in reality one which is to assist Coach Havens. smoke, I saw a man at a desk, puffing ures of art and history, hut I decided stand what she wants me to do after be representative of the students on the stump of a cigar. He said that to search further. 1was just about to she has carefully explained. It was so themselves, a large proportion of the The grapevine tells us that there I wasn't supposed to be here but open a closed door when a lady ap- quiet that I just had to say some- student body -must participate in its were several more weddings and en- guessed I'd have to stay since I didn't peared like as if by magic. thing. preparation. For this reason, every- gagements we did not hear about. have any place else to go. He made me "Young man!" I turned quickly. "I can see you guys want to start one who has had experience in the We'll catch up in the next issue. feci .ver-y uncomfortable when he sug- She was wiping her glasses'as if to right, too. You came up early like I newspaper line or who is interested in gested-uhat my reading ability must makc sure I was really there. "Young did!" such work but has never found time Attention future teachers: The re- be low, as the notice very distinctly man," she repeated, "What, are you for it, is urged to lend his efforts to- cent fire which damaged the Educa- stated that freshmen were due Mon- doing here? Just where do you think "We came up because we were in- tion room and qeused great excitement ward his COLD BUG. among the students in Summer School day morning. you are going?" She was looking at vited. Now don't toll us yon were in- There are openings in all fields. had no disasterous after-effects. The I finally got my stuff carted to the me like I was a microbe in a labor a- vited-because we know better." During the next few weeks, a new department will carryon as usual. third floor and stashed it here and tory. I felt most uncomfortable, but "No, I wasn't going to tell you staff must be selected. Whether your there. Then I decided to take a walk I thought I'd better answer. that. I was going to tell you ... " interest lies in news-reporting, rea- DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE and look the place over. A bell rang. ture-writing, sports-writing, copy- . COPY: I saw a man come out of the big "Well, you see--l-the gentleman "Saved by the bell," the tall one reading, typing, business, circulation, brick building on the corner and start who lives in the big house up there said. told me to look around-c-" cartooning, or photography"""ou are Wednesday, October 10 across the street to a nice, pretty, "I'm sure he didn't tell you to look "Are you supposed to eat in the invited to join us. white house. Now my vocational coun- around the girls' dormitory!" dining hall?" A meeting of prospective members "No, sir, I mean, no, ma'm. I don't will be held Monday evening at 6 :30 know where the girls' dormitory is." "That's what the man with the o'clock in the GOLD BUG office, lo- cigar said," I offered, "but he didn't cated in the basement beneath Me- Somehow I found myself outside look happy about it." Kinstry Hall. Those of you who are again. I still can't understand why "I can understand," the other one willing to offer your services are the lady was so upset. Oh, well! said. "Well. come on, now, we don't want to miss chow." I tried the next door, but it was urged to attend. If you cannot be lockcd; so I guessed I wasn't wanted We came down the stairs, and I pl'esent at the meeting but are inter- there either. I decided I would go tried again. ested in working for the paper, please back and finish unpacking. Coming help me? I contact the editor or some other mem- down that path was a gentleman ""Would you gentlemen ber of the staff as soon as possible. want to learn to be a success in col· fairly flying. I'll try once more, I Icge. Will you teach me?" thought. "Teach you, SOil? It will be a THE GOLD BUG gaster; who are you?" Snally- pleasure! \Ve'll start tomorrow morn- Arehibald "How do---I'm ing, but first we'll need a good night's "I'm Dean Schofield." rest and a hearty breakfast." Now I'm not so dumb as .to make It is still Sunday, but it's been the the same mistake twice-no more fir8t longest day of my life. Maybe tomor- names! row I'll mcet some more people who "Well, Scholfy, old boy, I'm sure are new and have to ask questions. I glad to meet you-" can introduce them to Lowell and "Young man! I see you are new Schoffy and the man with the cigar here, but I suggest that you become and my roommates! I won't be so new morc careful in your mode of ad- tomorrow. dress." And he kept on flying, only it But I'm convinced that col!ege is an seemed like he was going even faster! odd place, and the people are odd; I still don't see why he brought my but I'll be all right tomorrow, because dress into the conversation. I don't my roommates are going to teach me think I dress any different from oth- how to be a college boy. I guess I Gee, it's really wonderful the way you upper-class boys gi\'e up your free time er college boys. won't notice things then because I'll just to help us litt.le ole rreshmen! T climbed up the stairs. Once I be odd, tool
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