Page 53 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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Vol. 29, No. 14 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 20, 1952 Graduation T() Highlight Annual Art Exhibit Senior Weekend Activities To Feature Wide Graduation exercises for Western Maryland's eighty-second Range Of 'illork :r'he art labs will be open for the fl~~i~h:l:~~~i~~~~:~~i~~~er;:dia~ti~j~Je!~ a. m. on June 2,climax- annual exhibit on Thursday, May 22nd Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke, Methodist bishop of the Pittsburgh at 8 R. m. through Sunday, May 25th. area, will deliver the graduation address. Following this, Dr. Lowell Exhibits featured will be in the S. Ensor will present diplomas to fields of ceramics, wood crafts, oil those students who completed require- paints, drawing, etching, water color, ments for graduation both in Febru- College Choir Sings sculpture, design, and charcoal. The ary and May. Also, several honorary general directors are Elizabeth Schu- degrees are to be given. Oratorio By Brahms bert and Dorothy Lien. The chairman in charcoal drawing elementary for Baccalaureate Sunday is Charlotte Reed and for pastels is On Sunday, June 1, at 10:30 B. m., Johannes Brahms' A GeN"iw,n Rc- Barbara Winters, while chairman for President Ensor will conduct the Bac- qwfem will be presented by the West- elementary design are Gloria Strick- calaureate Service in Alumni Hall. ern Maryland College Choir; under land and Marcia Giles. Virginia At this time the College Choir, under the direction of Alfred deLong, on Schaellner will manage' the advanced the direction of Professor Alfred de- Baccalaureate Sunday afternoon, drawing displays, Mary Ellen Earl the Long, will sing Psalm 150· by Cesar June 1, in Alumni Hall. advanced design, Carol Sause the Franck and The Lord Ble8s You and Composed in seven parts, the Re- etching, Lucy Ann Grace the water 'Keep You, by Carl F. Mueller, with quiem: was inspired after the death color, Dorothea Schmidt the sculp- Am/a Lee Parte; Chuck Hommoker, and Mary Hawkins in a scene from Paul Thronburg taking the tenor of Robert Schumann. The text is com- ture, Sally Fisher the iIlustration, "The Barrette of lVimpole Street" • solo. Other Baccalaureate Sunday ac- piled from the German Bible, treat- Jack Metherill the oil, and Roland tivities include "after dinner coffee" ing the tr-anscience of earthly things, Fleischer, the seminary displays. to be served at 2 p. m. in McDaniel the bliss of heaven, and resurrection. College Players Stage Romantic Lounge for the graduating students, Part I, "Blessed Are They That Each Student Represented thus making 160 Comedy As Final Presentation their guests, and alumni. Then at 3 :45 Mourn", is unique for the simplicity, Each student taking an art course p. m. the College Choir will present clarity, and beauty of the choir voices will be represented, A German Requiem by Johannes against the background, while Part participants. Brahms in Alumni Hall. Jo Kompanek II, "Behold All Flesh Is As the The art department has experienced The· Barrette of Wintpole Street, this year's final production wllleing the soprano solo while Dean Grass", possesses a strain of the peas- with some new types of work this by the College Players, will lead off the events of .commencement Free will sing the baritone. ant and the music has the grotesque year as the mobile which W~6 con- week-end on Friday, May 30, at 8:15 p. m. An audience will also be at the 'same hour. admitted to Thursday evening's performance, Alumni Day tone of a Dance of Death. structed by Barbara Winters, Mary This will be the first period play the College Players have pro- Ellen Earl, and Ruth Hicks. Also the Annual Alumni Day will be Satur- "Lord, Make Me To Know", Part gouache and egg tempera works made • duced for several years. A three-act day, May 31, when graduates from III, is as stirring as Part II, with by Roland Fleischer and Elizabeth romantic comedy, which takes, place 1892 to 1951 will return to Western its solo baritone echoed by the chorus, Schubert. Rose Cup Honors in 1845, it is built.around the life of Maryland. Special emphasis will be while .Part J,.V, "~ow Lovely Is Thy Other oustanding work has been the Barrett family and the love story placed on the classes of '92, '97, '02, Dwelhng Place", IS serene and restful done in oil painting by Jack Metherell by Senior Women of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert '07, '12, '17, '22, '27, '32, '37, '42, '47, after the violence of the preceding and Paul Dawson, in illustration Browning. It is a tensely interesting and '52. McDaniel Lounge will be sections. "Ye Now Are Sorrowful", Virginia Schollncr, Jane Hutchinson play, ranging from, scenes of light- Alumni Headquarters and registra- Part V, was inspired by the loss of and Kay McLaug:!1in in crafts, by As a tribute to the graduating sen- hearted gaiety through romantic love tion will begin at 9 R. m. The annual Brahms' idolized mother. Ed Early and Liz Kuhn, and in ior women irom the junior women. to violent passions. The author is Ru- meeting with the election of officers The Protestant counterpart of the sculpture by Sally Ray. the annual Rose Cup Ceremony' was dolf Bester, an English dramatist for the next two years will be held Catholic Diee lrae opens the climatic The flowers will be arranged by -beld this afternoon, May 20, at 4:15 with several other plays to his credit, at 2:30 p. m. There will be a tea for Part VI, "Here On Earth We Have Janice Zaiser. p. m. in Robinson Garden. though this is considered his best all alumni at 3 :30 and the banquet in Continuing Place", with dull hope- All art work is done under the Seniors, faculty, and student body work.' (Continued on page 6, column 5) lessness, then culminates in an exul- supervision of Miss Louise Shipley watched the proceedings which began First Performance In 1930 tant fugue. Following the supreme and ....Mr. Donald Bailey .• with a skit depicting this, each year of college. the Following under- has The play Music Department SI.tes climax is the final section, "Blessed classmen gave an imitation of each being twice turned had a rough' time, down by London Dead", with a decrescendo Are the senior girl. Then the rose cup was Violin, Voice Program returning the listener to the material Pi Alpha Alpha, passed around to each senior, and as producers, before being presented for the first time at the Malvern Festival world. each one received her rose, the tradi- I Mary Bell Shawn, soprano, Betty Sigmas, Phi Alphs tional rose cup song was sung to each in August, 1.930. When it reached the by it United States, was refused P?r~ons,. vi~linist~ and Miss Fernanda WMC Keeps An by the circle of juniors. Concluding twenty-seven New York producers be- Dona, pmmst, WIll.perform on Wed- the ceremony was the singing of the fore being read by Katharine Cornell. nesday, May 21, at 4:25 p. m. in the Accredited Rating Take SCA Awards Alma Mater. Miss Cornell was so pleased with the Music Hall. Secretary of the junior class, Bob- play that she undertook it for her The program includes La Parterao; President Lowell S. Ensor an- Ira Zepp, 1951-52 Student 'Chris- bie Davison, and Class Historian, first attempt as an actress-manager. Beethoven; A8 Whcn the D(1)e (Acis nounced that Western Maryland Col- tian Association president, awarded Jane McLeod, were co-chairmen of As producer in this venture, she hAd and Galatea), Handel; Stars with. lege has been continued on the list of the SCA cups to the sorority and fra- the event. her husband, Guthrie McClintic. She Little Golden Sandals, Franz; Cradle accredited colleges. Are-evaluation ternity which carried on the most first presented Barl"etts in Cleveland; Sono, Schubert; The Nut Tree, Schu- study was made in March by the com- significant activities during the past since then it has had over seven hun- year. The presentation was made at mann; and Serenade, Strauss. mission on higher education of the the annual Award Assembly on May Sophomore Test dred pcrformances. The second part of the program in- Middle States Association of Colleges Mary Hawkins will culminate her Sigma Sigma Tau and Phi Alpha Results Explained cludes Illy Lady Walks in L01)eliness, and Secondary Schools. 12in Alumni Hall. work in the College Players in playing Charles; Think on life, Scott; A Lit- Dr. Henry G. Doyke, dean of George the part of Elizabeth Barrett. Her tle China Figure, Leoni. Washingron University, was chair- Mu tied for the sorority award, while father, Edward Barrett will be por-" Songs with violin obligato are man of the inspection group. Western Pi Alpha Alpha took the fnlternity In February, 119 sophomores took trayed by Chuck Hammaker, and Devel- Educational Lethe, Boott, and Si1!g, Smile, Sl1~1n- Maryland was first accredited by the cup. The awards' are judged on the G.E.D. (General in the Social Studies. Robert Browning by Roland Fleischer. opment) Tests bcr, Gounod. association in 1922. basis of an achievement sheet com- The other members of the Barrett piled by each sorority and fraternity. These tests were evolved by national family include: Henrietta, Ann Lee Donald Smith received the cup for agencies to be used as part of the Park; Arabel, Dorothea Schmidt; Oc- Sororities, Fraterniti~s Elect OfAcers the Black and Whites, whose activi- education program for people in the tavius, Roger Ault; Septimus, James armed forces. Each student took two ties included giving blood donations, forms of the test: one of these was a Dix; Alfred, Donald Smith; Charles, Recently elected sorority and fra- Bobbie Plasket, inter-sorority repre- making section markings during Ini- new form, the Western Maryland Alton Davison; Henry, Paul Thron- ternity officers are as follows; sentative; Skip Edwards, chaplain; tiation Week, entertaining at the scores being used with other scores burg; and George, John Isaac. In the Delta Sigma Kappa selected Joan and Jane Collins, sunshine messenger. Strawbridge Home for Boys with a to formulate norms; the other test remainder of the parts are: Bella Grube, president; Sally Fisher, vice- Elected by Delta Pi Alpha was' football game, and forming the Black was one previously used in colleges Hedley, Donna Kohl; Wilson, Velma president; Dottie Lawyer, secretary; Mike Rentko, president; Bob Winfrey, and White Quartet which has sung and the armed forces. The two sets Hall; Boctor Chambers, Pete Warner; Annette Schick, treasurer; Jayne vice-president; Pete Wa;rner, secre- at various functions both on the Hill of scores are compared to work out Doctor Ford-Waterlow, John Moles- Hisle, chaplin; Dottie Bliss, serge- tary; Dwight Scott, treasurer; Wes- and away.· relationships between the old and new worth; Henry Bevan, Kenneth Ruehl; ant-at-arms; and Nancy Bayliss, in- ley Gebhard, chaplain; Dick Carvel, Sororities' Contributions tests. The scores from the older test and Captain Surtees Cook, Paul Daw- tersorority representative. sergeant-at-anns; and William Pfeif_ have been returned to the campus and son. Last but not least there i~ Flush, Iota Gamma Chi chose Nancy Wag- fer, corresponding secretary. Sigma Sigma Tau, during the year, are available for those interested. Elizabeth's cocker spaniel. ner, president; Diane Carey, vice- Gamma Bet Chi chose Stu Abra- has sent five $10.00 CARE packages president; Joanne Althouse,· secre- hams, pre~ident; George Van Nost- o,'erseas as a result of its calendar WMC Scores Superior The entire production is, as usual, There on the project, contributed 90 questions were tary; Laura Leigh Kljne~ treasurer; rand, vice·president; Ed Coffman, to the World Student a rotal of $9.25 test. The average number correct for under the direction of Miss Esther Smith. The scenery is based on that Service Fund, Barbara Wilson, corresponding sec- treasurer; Fred Burnside, secretary; invited foreign students to their Western Maryland students was 53.4. used in Miss Cornell's production, but retary; Beverly Stringfield, historian; Jim Butts, sergeant-at-arms; and parties, contribu,ted to the infantile In the 51 institutions on which the the setting is an original one, designed and Dottie Phillips, intersorority rep- John Mallonee, beta pi. paralysis campaign, and sent coal, published norms for this test were an4 executed by Mr. Donald Bailey. resentative. based, nearly 5,000 students averaged Phi Alpha Mu elected Estelle Zies, Pi Alpha Alpha elected Harold Mc- clothing, and toys to a Westminster 48.7 answers correct. The Western president; Dorothy Fr~edrich, vice- Teer, president; Ed Foote, vice-presi- family at Christmas. Maryland average is superior to 63% president; Barbara Davison, secre- dent; Tom Dryden, corresponding sec_ Selling food in the dorms enabled of the scores of all students involved CONGRATULATIONS tary; Nancy Holloway, treasurer; retary; Clark Callender, reC
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