Page 52 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gold Bug, May 6, 1952 High. On The Hill Students Discuss Sur~ey Discloses Negro Admission Big Colleges Own On March 26, the Social Relations Hart, Makovitch, And Press Lauded AsOutstanding Athletes Commission of the SCA sponsored a Greatest Cheating debate on "Should We Admit Negroes (ACP)-How many students cheat by Alton Davison by Walter Hart by Ed Kelly to Western Maryland College." Essel on their examinations? Very few, in Many of the students on the Hill One of the first sludents I met This will serve to introduce a young Thomas and Dick Titlow took the the opinion of the majority of college know of Walter Hart, but few know upon entering Western Maryland was man who should need no introduction negative and Betty Parsons and Bob students. of his activities off the field of com- Vic. At first glance, one would think to anyone who has seen the Green Leather took the affirmative side of Students across the nation were petitive sports. I've known \Valt since he was just a nice, friendly guy. and Gold perform on the hardwood. the debate. Some of the points which asked by the ACP National Poll of Hl40, when he and I entered the sev- Since I have gotten to know and ad- From this you know I mean none were brought out in the negative Student Opinion: There has been a enth grade at Southern High School mire him, I have found out much more. other than "Artful Art Press." lot of talk about college students in Baltimore. Let's take a thumb-nail sketch of his U not on the basketball court, you'll 1. The negroes, a minority group, cheating on tests and examinations. In 1946, Walt graduated from life up to the present time. find him in the afternoons roaming the would be unhappy if they would be In your opinion, how many students, Southern High with the highest male Vic was born in Elmira, New York, greens in his colorful golf outfit. "He included in our college but excluded if any, make a practice of this at your graduating average, yet still manag- shoots, he sccree!" is a cry heard time from some of our "in groups." school? ing to play three years of varsity and again from fans cheering Art's 2. Admittance of some negro stu- The results: football, baseball, and basketball tin- performance for the Terror squad. dents would lead to the admittance of National WMC der- the fine coaching of Ernie Rau, Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, others and a final crowding- out of 1. Very few _.. 51% 54% who himself is a legend at Southern. Art's favorite song is "Peg 0' My white students. 2. About one-fourth _.240/0 389'0 Walt played on some of the best Heart," which he stoutly claims was 3. About one-halL._._.12% 4% teams ever turned out at the school. dedicated to his attractive wife. Art 3. The admittance of negroes would 4. About three-fourths .. 4% 20/0 In his senior year, the basketball team 'being a one-girl' man married his throw off the balance of town relation- 5. Almost everybody ..__2% 0% was invited to Madison Square high school sweetheart, Peggy Ryan. ships. } 6. No cpinion c.c.. •..• _ 7% 2% Garden and Durham, North Carolina, Press, a loyal member of Delta Pi 4. One debator was afraid of per- "we have an honor system," ex- where they .placed second in the Alpha, can always he found leading sonal relationships that might result. plains. a coed at Wheaton College, South's high school play-offs. a crew in singing the Preacher song. 5. Some of the alumni would with- Mass., who thinks that very few of her An enlistment in the Navy for two He played an active part in leading draw their support. fellow students cheat. Ninety-nine years delayed \Valter's entering col- the Purple and Gold to many of their 6. It would be better to put money per cent of the students at Wheaton, lege until 1948. In February of 1949, athletic triumphs. into a new negro school than more incidentally, make this same estimate dormitories and supplies. of the amount of cheating done there. Some of the important pro argu- A student at Regis college, Mass., ments were: has a similar opinion but a different 1. This is a church-related (God- explanation. "There's hardly any related) college and should be first to cheating here," she says. "We're proc- renounce segregation. tored and wouldn't have the chance to 2. Negroes have the same emotions cheat if we wanted to." as we, and only react differently if Either there is more cheating done they are suppressed. at the larger schools, or students twenty-three years ago. He attended there are more aware of it than at Elmira Free Academy where he made he!~S:~e ss~~~~~t;::s,jUodrgeg~::;~~iZ~~~ smaller sc~ools. ~aylor Unive;s.ity, a name for himself in basketball and .. 'w h Id ! divid 11 k . Texas, typifies big- school opinion, baseball. It wasn't until his senior ;~:'h c!!t Pf':. ~~::o!;r o~:e~~u!:;:" a!~ year .that his outstanding ability on :p~:~os~~ b~:reo:e ;~d~velh~~. y now the football field was brought to the 4. All human beings are members of 16 per cent for "about one-half." surface. Prior to this time he was con- the same society. Who are we to judge Syracuse University is even more sidered too small but in his only sea- another member or to reject him from extreme. Only seven per cent of the son at the academy he was chosen on a school such as WMC if they are students there feel that "very few" the All-League Team and also on the academically and financially able? cheat, while 40 per cent think at least :4-11-New York.......Stat~ Team. Believe 5. Everyone is not created equal half of the student body makes a It or not, he played end. because everyone has different char- practice of cheating. Upon graduation, Vic tried working acteristics. Everyone-, should, how- A graduate student majoring in Walt Hart a year but decided to further his edu- ever, have an equal chance for educa- psychology in the South has this to cation. He entered Alfred University Art, who is an economics major, has tion and advancement. say about cheating on her campus; he enrolled at WMC after less than a semester at the University of Mary- in September 1948, where he played always ranked high scholastically. Al- On this question, we would like to "Lower classmen-nearly always, up- land. on the fr-eshman football team. In though he has been selected recently know your opinions. Drop your an- per classmen-not so much." As a Green Terror, Hart has played February 1949, Vic transferred his by the Baltimore Bullets in the Na- swers in the box that will be provided And an engineering junior at the one year of baseball, three years of talenta to Western Maryland on the tional Basketball Association draft, in the bookstore. South Dakota School of Mining and seems to lie in future his immediate varsity football, and four years of advice of his high school coach, Vic the hands of Uncle Sam as a commie- Technology declares, "The majority how- of cheat; don't who incidentally, is a WMC students Imperato, actually varsity basketball. He captained the graduate. officer. No ever, most of them do look over old basketball and foctbal l teams this All the students on the Hill know stoned o o exams before taking their tests. 1 past yea~. A highlight of Walt's bas- of Vic's achievements on the grid- A connoisseur of all types of deli- don't call this cheating." ketball career came in the Waynes- iron in his three years of competition. cacies from chow mein to Western \Vhy? _ ".. ..__ __. ..__ . boro tournament of 1952 when he won The climax came when he was picked Maryland hash, his preference is still three individual trophies, one for t.he on the' Associated Press's Little All- for Peggy's cooking. With the depar- winning team, one for all tournament American Team despite his size. What ture of "Artful Art" not only Fergy, Club News It Pays To Look W dl teams, and one for the most valuable he lacked in beef he made up for in but the whole college will lose one of offensive player. speed, ability and determination. the strongest and most colorful char- Visit The Mcneieur Hart is an original mem- ...Vic, like many other- athletes, is a acters ever to hit the "Hill." w1th Wesleyanettes ber of the trois rMusquetaire8, to- member of Delta Pi Alpha fraternity. his quick wit and ready tongue, in A combined banquet for the Wesley- Avenue Barber Shop gether with Callas and Davison. A He played on the frat softball and or out of the service, Art's star will ans and Wesleyanettes will be held at loyal member of the Preachers, he basketball team for three years. Al- always shine brightly. Wesley Church, Hampstead, Md., at Where The Students Go was once club treasurer and now though he isn't a constant Dean's 5:30 p. m. on May 9, 1952. The guest serves as president. He coached frat lister, he manages to get his share of speaker will he Dr. Earl Furgeson 85 Pennsylvania Avenue softhall and basketball, played frat B's. Economics is his major, and Vic I College Calendar from the Westminster Theological tennis, softball, and also held a frat is also a serious ROTC student with Seminary. bridge hand in league competition for his future for the next few years be- Friday, May 9 the past two years. ing mapped out by Uncle Sam. Tennis, American University, When not pursuing his studies as After looking over such a fine past, Horne. one of Dr. Townsend's economics 1 feel sure that Vic Mekovitch, with Saturday, May 10 majors, he finds time for bridge, golf, his friendly disposition, has a splendid . Baseball, Dickinson, Home. tennis, dancing, movies, and reading. future ahead .. Faculty Talent Night, 7:30 p. m. From all indications, Walter Hart Sunday, May 11· Continuous 2 p. m. Saturday. and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- appears to be headed into a line of Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, Holiday •. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. successes to add to his already im- Music Majors Present 9:15a.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4. p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. pressive record. Original Music Program Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15'p. m. Matinee 2 p. m.-EnninlJ1l 7 &; 9 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Monday, May 12 continuous from 6:45 p. m. Junior Childcraft To Explain vanced Harmony majors in the Ad- by Baseball, Mount St. Mary's, Horne. music Class taugqt will present Summer Job Offers Mrs. Jean Kordalewski compositions on a Student Government Assembly, WED., THURS.,. MAY 7, 8 WED., THURS., MAY 7, 8 Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. FLESH AND FURY program of original A group interview will be held on May 13 at 4:15 p. m. in Levine Hall. Tuesday, May 13 Tony Curtis Mona Freeman THE GREAT CARUSO Mario Lanza Thursday, J'lIay8, for the purpose of As the last in the series of Tuesday Baseball, Gettysburg, Home. explaining the opportunity awaiting afternoon recitals given the second Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, 8:45 those interested in doing summer Tuesday of each month by music stu- p. m. FRI., SAT., MAY 9, 10 FRI., SAT., MAY 9, 10 work assisting the Director of CHILD- dents, the program has been arranged Wildnesday, May 14 BATTLE OF APACHE PASS THE KID FROM AMARILLO CRAFT in Maryland. This will be as follows: Elizabeth Adams will play Canterbury Club, McDaniel Lounge, J elf Chandler John Lund Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette held in Room 204, Science Hall, at Theme ami Variations; Joan Grube, 6:45 p. m. (Technicolor) 4:00 p. m. Rondo; Josephine Kompanek, Theme Senior Graduate Record Examina- The story of Childcraft began at a and Va1"iations; Marion Martin, tion, Science Hall, 1:45 p. m. SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 11, 12, 13 White House Conference which was Suite; Janice Osborne, The-me and Thursday, May 15 SUN., .ilION., TUES., MAY 11, 12, 13 LET'S GO NAVY called to study the problems of child Variations; Paul Dawson, Suite for President's Reception of Seniors .. MY SO~ JOHN Bowe1'y Boys training and guidance. Experts at the Violin ami Cello. Marilyn Hardester Friday, May 16 Helen Hayes Van Heflin conference agreed that parents should composed "Song" on Longfellow's Satnrday. May 17 be helped in rearing their children to Night; Beverly Warrter, Lacrosse, Lehigh, Home. WED., THURS., MAY 14, 15. to become happy, successful, well-ad- Hymn Golf, Western Maryland Invitation WED., THURS., MAY 14, 15 LOVE IS BEITER THAN EVER justed adults. "Song" on Daffodils by Wordsworth; Tourname~t. Elizabeth Taylor Larry Parks As a result, a new child_guidance and Paul TlJronburg, "Vocal Quar- SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR plan called Childcraft was developed. tet" on Walsh's Rivals. Sunday, May 18 Joan Fontaine Ray Milland It was prepared by more than 50 lead- . Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, FRI., SAT., MAY 16, 17 9:15a. m. ing child specialists in 35 great Amer- Draft Test Date Set KENTUCKY ican universities and child-guidance Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. FRI., SAT., MAY 16, 17 Loretta Young Richard Green centers. (Continued from page 1) Monday, May 19 TALK ABOUT A STRANGER (Technicolor) Childcraft is endorsed by churches, General Hershey also has repeat- French Club Play, Alumni Hail, George Murphy Nancy Davis schools, libraries, and the press. At- edly stressed that no deferrtLfmt is an 8:00 p. m. tend this group interview and learn exemption. "A deierment is a delay Trumpeter's Ceremony, President's SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 18, 19, 20 how the executives of this company, or postponement," he said, "and in no Lawn, 6:30 p. m. SUN., MON., TUES., MAY 18, 19, 20 TREASURE OF LOST CANYON too, worked during their summer va- way cancels the duty of the registrant Tuesday, May 20 THE WILD NORTH William Bowttn Julie Adams cations doing this type of work. to meet his obligations." Rose Cup Ceremon_y, 4:00 p. m. Stewart Granger Cyd Charisse (Technicolor)
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