Page 51 - TheGoldBug1951-52
P. 51
The Gold Bug, May 6, 1952 Locals Capture Hurt-Men Lose Locker Room Lowdown Jays And Cards Pair, 5-0; 2-1 To American Spoil Athletic Last Saturday the Hut't-eoached BY With southpaw Pat Biddle allowing raequeteera of WMC took to the road, May Day Tilts but seven hits in his first starling traveling to American University en- role of the season, WMC gained a 5-0 gaging the tennis squad there and among the ten colleges and athletic Hopkins and Dickinson played hav- singles victories by Ray Junior Figures victory over their 'Vashington hosts, losing to their hosts 7-2. clubs entered .. Catholic University, April 29. Excepting- The highlight- of the day in the way oc to the hopes of hundreds of May Day spectators last weekend as they In each of the previous four Mason- Davis and Art Saltmarsh, the team of the local effort was Phil Lawyer's set back the Terrors- 12-2 on the dia- Dixon Conference tilts that the locals found it rough going all the way. Heavily In Stick 5 ft. 7 in. high jumping, that resulted mond and 6-4 on the lacrosse field, have competed in, Biddle has trotted Tonnelson lost a heartbreaking in a tie with Bob Moore of the U. S. respectively. to the mound in relief, but last Tues- also fell in defeat by a slim margin, Team Offense Naval Prep Station at Bainbridge, Getting off to an early start, the three set match, 4-6, 7-5, 6-2; Taitt day it was Biddle the full nine innings both vying for first place honors ... Jays of Hopkins grabbed a two run and Western Mp.ryland's second win losing 8-6, and 6-4. "Our schedule is a rough one and Jack Duhl, Terror entry in the shot lead in the opening frame, off the over Catholic U. this spring. In doubles competition, Trader and with more than a half of the players put, placed a close second, narrowly slants of lefty Pat Biddle. In the Ken Shook, with Catholic U. runners Tonnelson took their hosts to the limit inexperienced in tactics of the Indian behind Johnny Andrae, of the Balti- third and fifth, they added single tal- on second and third, make a running, before bowing. game we have pretty tough going, more Olympic Club.. lies, while in the sixth three more diving catch of a hard hit drive off In winning American University but we may, and probably will, come Congratulations to Art Press, WMC were added. The clincher came in the the bat of first baseman, Johnny Dell- brought its conference record to 3-5 through yet." cage stalwart of the past three cam- ninth when they drove five across the Ratta, thus averting the Cardinal up- and dropped the Terror record to 4-7. Speaking was Howar,d Wagcnblast, paigns, who has recently been in- home platter. l'ising and keeping clean the run to- Excepting Thursday, the tennis better known to us on The Hill as cluded in the Baltimore Bullets' draft WMC was forced to use three tals of the Washington school. team will see action every day this "Wag", experienced attackman on the of the National Basketball Associa- rncundsrnan in an attempt to get back Twice squeeze-lrits produced tal- week. 1952 Terror stick team. tion. Press was one of 12 professional into the ball game. The usually reli- lies, while the other runs represented Claiming Cockeysville, Maryland, prospects listed by the Bullets, who able Biddle was tagged for seven hits run-batted-in efforts from the bats of as his hometown, Wag came to West- are Baltimore's entry in the NBA ..•. and four runs in five innings. Don Charlie White, Lou Fogler, and Pat Cage Terrors Win ern Maryland after completing his It is interesting to note that all James then took over, lasting two and Biddle .. secondary school studies at Towson draft choices of the pro team, ex- a third frames, when Ray Faby took A base hit by left-fielder Charlie National Recognition High, where he won a letter in Ia," cepting Press and Bernie Purcell of over the mound chores. Biddle re- White and an error by second base- Murray State, are registered as being ceived credit for the loss. man, Johnny Davis, gave WMC a 2-1 tiC::~, ~:l::~:~ ~~~~!~ya~~~~~ll~~;~s; cr~si~e~ehis arrival here on. Th~ Hill 6'2"ortaller .. The loss dropped the Terrors from ninth inning victory over visiting basketball statistics to the 'GOLD, three years ago, he has studied In the Four ground rule doubles enabled the top rung into a second place tie Drew University last Wednesday be- BUG last week. physics and science departments, pur- Washington College to gain an 8-oi with Baltimore University in M-D fore 375 fans. Ranking 17th in the nation in indi- suing a major in physics. verdict over Towson State last Tues- conference, each sporting 6-2 confer- With one away in the final frame, vidual scoring for small colleges was With the loss of Vice Landau and day .... This win represented Wash- ence slates. The Terrors overall log, White slammed a drive into right Norm Needle from last year's squad, ington's ,second straight wi~ after at this, is an impressive 8-3. during May Day, activi- Elsewhere field. Two pitches later White stole Art Press with a 20.8 average. Press Coach Bruce Ferguson was faced with three earlier losses in the conference. ty was seen on Hoffa Field where the also ranked free 12th in the nation second and scored soon after when quite a hole in his forward wall when local stickrnen, showing an aggres- Davis bobled a slam off the bat of throw percentage race, dropping 78.2 spring practice began the last of Fr;nklin and Marshall set back sive, eager, impressive, determination- Ken Shook. per cent. March. However, soon Wagonblast Johns Hopkins on the Mount Pleas- to-win spirit, were playing host to Meanwhile, the local Terror team was called upon in an attempt to plug ant golf course last 'week 6-3. Ray Faby we~t the route for the the lacrosse-men of Dickinson, who Terrors. ranked 12th in both fewest personal the gap in the downfie1d positions left FROM THE RECORD BOOK. wrestled the laurels from their hosts fouls committed and free throw per- by the graduating members of last The world's record baseball throw is centage. In the first department the year's team. This he ably did and has 426 feet, 6lh inches .... Golf clubs in a hard fought 6-4 contest. Green and Gold had a 18.2 average since proven. himself quite a fact_or in cost in 1672 about the same as now. The_Cardinals quickly jumped to a while in the latter the percentage was the "building up" of morale and . . . Indian lacrosse games had as 3-0 lead in the opening pcriod. they lead taken However, saw this at 66.2. "keeping up" the punch in the green, many as 1000 players on a side; each from them in the waning minutes of but aggressive, squad. player carried two sticks .... Tennis the first half, when, in a little more To Waggy and the other members caused the destruction of many valu- than four minutes, three shots by !\Iother Loves to be of the '52 stick team the GOLD ,BUG able manuscripts. The vellum was attackman John Traband knotted the REMEMBERED - says "hats off" and "our beat-of-luck" torn into strings for tennis racquets. score at three-all. wishes go out to you during the re- You'll Love to Remember But with a minute and a half re- Your Mother mainder of the season. maining the Dickinson attack teamed , With II Mother's Day Card" to sneak a goal around Terror goal- Hats off to waatam Maryland's tender, Barry Winkelman, giving from "pick up" track and field team that Flashback In Sports them a 4-3 halftime advantage. CoHman', Card Shop competed in the second annual Bal- One Year Ago. Mann break into the clear and score The second half saw freshman Sam timore Relays held April 26 at Clif- Time Bldg. Westminster, Md. ton Park. The local men competing With Vince Landau scoring five on an unassisted shot from about 16 in the ten-event meet with but eight goals the Terrors' lac rose squad yards out, again tying the count at .H ..Um.. rk Carda_for t.hooe who OBre enoulI'h to "end the very bHt men, made an outstanding showing, trounced Georgetown U. 12-3. four. Lefty Krwfmann scoring 13 points and ranking sixth Dickinson University's tennis squad Late in the final period the visitors 195£ Baseba.1l fell prey to the netmen of WMC, 8-1 rallied, scoring a pair arid taking , on local courts .... The Green links- away a hard fought, well deserved vic- SMITH & REIFSNIDER Compliments of men topped the visiting University of tory. Incorporated Baltimore squad 8·1 as Ed Coffman came through with a low 74. LUMBER-COAL Griffin's Wine's Sport Shop championship. WAA awarded WESTMINSTER. MD.- Two Years Ago ... Maryland lacrosse fifty-five freshmen class numerals for The their to one or more point-giving ac- Western team annexed its first win of the sea- tivities during the season. Compliments of son by downing Franklin and Mar- Ten Years Ago ... team J. R. EVERHART Good Health shall College on Hoffa Field by a 7-5 ran Western string Maryland's tennis to nine . As the baseball season count. its of victories COLLEGE BARBER To • closed, the following batting averages straight as they defeated Bridgewater At the Forks were released: Joe Giannelli, .350; on the local courts on Tuesday, May All • Jerry Phipps, .307; and Ken Shook, 6, 7·2.... Junior girls won the cov- .294. eted softball crown by- pounding out From Five Years Ago. a 24-11 vict;?ry over the sophomores. FRESH! Slaughtering the Preachers and Compliments of Pop Corn REXALL Black and Whites, and going on to PATRONIZE defeat the Bachelors in a forced third OUR the won AVENUE LUNCH Caramel Corn game, Gamma Beta Chi volley ball ADVERTISERS. Interfraternity League Peanuts 104Yl Penna. Ave. or Home-made Candy prolon_geth life, THE TREAT SHOP and causeih health" "MEET AT G.C. Murphy & Co. &lIp" Rowr Doi.tlu P Eres The Friendly Store Cares fade away and good cheer Dormircey and Cla .. room joins the gathering when frosty bottles of Coke are served. To Get Your Eats" Suppliu Main St. ~WhiTe Neon Sign 6-10 Wett Main Street WUbninster, Md. EARN $1000 THIS SUMMER Here's your opportunity for pleasant, profitable Sum mer J. WM. HULL, Jeweler work with a lIIarshall Field owned organization. Openings For Over Half Century fQr College men and women to Expert Watch, Jewelry assist the director of Childcraft work in your home state. and Eye-Glass Repairing A group interview will be held 0' 10Tl\.El) 1JHDl:RAlmIOIIITY COMPANY IT THE COCA.COlA Thursday, May 8 in Science 105 W. Main Street WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Hall, Room 2M at 4:00 P. M. Personal interviews will follow. "ODi." it CI' ,...,.,_., '-'-'-". © 1952. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY
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