Page 38 - TheGoldBug1950-51
P. 38
The Gold Bug, Feb. 6, 1951 WMC Supports A Man With Vision Probably the largest army in the entire world is the one composed of the March Of Dimes by Jay Eggly Tom Page Let's all jump.for joy! 0, the heck arm-chair efficiency experts! It is so exquisitely .easy to relax in the comfort with joy-let's jump for old St. Val- of a well-upholstered easy chair and proclaim with loud and eloquent oratory Always, at this time of year, we entine, the lover's friend! Yes, this The second semester is now in full to all who will listen-and even to those who won't-what is wrong with the students notice little metal containers little man of old was a boy that has swing, and your student council, aid- world in general, and with every individual in particular. They know how to situated at various places on campus made many a modern gal's heart go ed by the recent addition of two run the Army, the Navy, the State Department, and the United Nations-to -but how many of us really note the just a little faster than a Sunday af- freshmen representatives, has begun say nothing of the affairs of a small collegeaucb as Western Maryland or its significance of these boxes? ternoon. This boy had real vision. formulating plans for the forthcom- official publication, the GOLD BUG. Unfortunately, few of these people are The March of Dimes Campaign is The old saint knew that the best ing May Day celebration. really doing constructive living. I.f they were, there would be little time to underway again. All of us should fully way to gain immortality was to ap- The committee assigned to investi- offer fantastic, impractical, or destructive criticism; they would be too 'busy realize the disastrous effects of infan- peal to the masses. With this in mind gate the possibility of installing a doing the many jobs that are crying t~ be done by intelligent people. tile paralysis as well as the important he came up with an idea of promot- Bendix washer here on campus has Accepting the editorship of the .... work our dimes and dollars do for the ing love. What could have more ap- reported that in the very near future, GOLD BUG carries a tremendous re- faculty and student body realizing the helpless victims of this ruthless kill- peal than love-O, sweet love? That's a Bendix Automat will be established in Westminster. The administration sponsibility, one which is awe-inspir- importance of working together, petty ", right, not one little thing. Love, had previously advised that the mat- ing, because it is not the job for one bickerings and misunderstandings You can do your part by giving brother, makes the world go 'round ter be thoroughly investigated before or even a few selected persons, but should disappear in the mutual con- generously when the dormitory solic- and keeps the sun itself from going any action was taken. As a result of one which calls for our entire bat- cern of building a finer college, a itors come around, or else by deposit- AWOL. talion of arm-chair experts to become most important 'aspect of which is ing those extra pennies in the con- Every now and then in our daily the report from the com.,!!littee, it is converted to realization that our pa- the school paper. veniently located containers. class work we are asked to tell just doubtful that the necessary approval per will be only as good as the con- In order that we may be able to The fraternities and sororities have who we think is the greatest man of will be obtained for the purchase of structive efforts of our whole college have some definite standards to meae- helped immensely with their contribu- the world. Most students come up a Bendix unit for the students. community. Each member must real- ure our achievement, it seems that tions, but we also need individual sup- with a list which is topped by Wash- Perhaps you have wondered why ize that the GOLD BUG is his paper. the following goals are worthy of port. \ ington, Lincoln, or Edison. If I were the new honer system has not been It is the responsibility of the editor consideration: Won't you give all that you can asked to make a list of this type, the introduced thus far. The basic rea- son for this delay has been the desire and staff to present news-past, 1. To print all available school news, afford to the March of Dimes? old saint would top it. 'to eliminate from the new proposal, present, and future~ Only those who so far as space permits, which Look what he has done for the lov- in so far as possible, all causes of have worked on a newspaper can reaches us by announced dead- ers of the world. He has given the friction that might arise when it is realize how very frustrating such an lines. If material cannot be used Letter,T 0The Editor bashful boy a chance to send a love- presented. Much progress has been assignment can be. Reporters often we shall make every effort to no- soaked note to the girl of his dreams. made towards this goal. However, it spend hours tracking down a clue, tify contributor. To The Editot;- The father of seven children once is an accepted fact that the final draft only to be told that the information 2. To commend activities and proj- Dear Sir: more looks on his wife with romance. will not meet with the approval of will not be ready until another date, ecta which merit praise. The results of the Faculty-Student Yes, St. Valentine. alone 'set a day everyone. While the honor system is and may return time and time again 3. To challenge such activities and basketball game on January '1.7, 1951, aside for romance before our presi- not a new idea here at \VMC, the new to be disappointed, and finally receive projects as do not live up to the were most gratifying. I wish to sin- dents had ever dreamed up having a material that is not what was prom- standards expected of 'Western cerely thank you for the utilization of "National Drink Milk Day" or "Na- proposal does include several innova- ised. Often the material has to. be Maryland and its students. your paper and use the same medium tional Eat Peanuts Day." tions. The earnest cooperation of the omitted or supplemented at the last 4. To assist, whenever possible, ac- to express my appreciation tothe fac- student body is requested when this minute. Seldom is an article turned tivit.ies or groups who are work- ulty for a very creditable athletic per- system is initiated. With an intelli- in that does not have to be revised. ing for the improvement of West- gent recognition of the need for. a The issue goes to press, and immedi- ern Maryland. formance and to the students for an I Sorrowed Sits I positive honor system, let us mam- ately the "experts" begin to pan the 5. To provide material of interest overwhelming response. tain an open mind until the new one lack pf news, criticize the articles concerning the school for the It was heartening to see the faculty "What's a short trip?" The George has had an opportunity to prove and the style in which they are writ- alumni and friends. and students cooperate enthusiastical- Washington University HATCHET itself. it may appear To many students, ly for the purpose of raising needed ten, and cite' example after example 6. To continue to increase wherever money for the student loan fund. It is reveals that their glee club included that they are being continuously of news items which should have been , possible the already excellent rae- the hope of the SCA that this event an arctic stop at Anchorage, Alaska, asked to contribute to one cause or included. It never seems to occur to ulty-student relationship. on their recent Air Force C-54 enter- the other. Nevertheless, we would like them that the time to be interested 7. To build up increasing interest in may become an annual project to raise tainment tour. to call your attention to the fact that about what is in the paper is before school affairs-both cultural and funds for WSSF. -----++---- the March of Dimes Campaign is now not aftwo an issue has gone to press. athletic. Sincerely, A travel office has been established There is an old proverb which says 8. To keep students aware of impor- IRA ZEJ'P, liy the George Washington Student in progress. Any sum, great or small. "No news is good news." \Vith us, it tant events of military and na- . Ed·itor's Note-The GOLD BUG was Council for making contacts between that you may contribute to this is very different; restated to apply to tional importance as affecting glad to have had a part in the pro- -----++---- worthy cause will be greatly appre- us, it would read "No news - no college men and women. motion of this event and will support lonely drivers and hopeful riders. ciated. Your contribution may help GOLD BUG." 9. To increase and improve circula- such ventures in the future. Only at Is the WMC athletic program lack- save a life. Unlike political candidates who af- tion and advertising facilities. WMC could such enthusiasm have ing in vital acti"vi"fies? The Johns sea- !:Iurry, "Prof!" ter election frantically try to remem- 10. To be available upon request to been achieved. The teachers were will- Hopkins NEWS-LETTER discloses ber their campaign promises lest the discuss problems, gripes, policies, ing to forget professional dignity to that the intercollegiate fencing boards of their platform rise up to suggestions or ideas with any participate-playing or cheering- son has just begun. , smite them, a new editor has no cam- member of the school community with the students. Such could not be ---+>--- to Make Up The Exam paign promises or commitments that who is sincere in his interest to the case in every college. We at West- "Let's be friends!" According he is obliged to keep. The retiring improve existing conditions in any ern Maryland should be proud of our the Southern Methodist CAMPUS, by Jay Eggly editor and staff of the GOLD BUG phase of school activity. faculty! the university has adopted a well- have set high goals and have made A democratic way of life demands ingrained WMC tradition on a peri- Just how professors make out every effort to attain them-e-you have a volunteer system; the GOLD BUG odic trial system period devoted to exams has long been a problem which seen the results. It is. not to be ex- wants and needs all students who improving friendliness on campus. has pressed upon my feeble mind. Af- _ pected that some have not felt neg- have an interest in any phase of Pins 'n Points ---+>--- ter spending many weeks pondering lected, ignored, or even persecuted. In newspaper work, whether or not they Two Buckeye trees,. traditional over this subject, I came up with a spite of all efforts, there,is no way to have had experience. The work of \Vhen Dean Howery was introduced symbols presented by the Ohio State theory all my own. insure such feelings will not exist in everyone from the editor to the new- to the new students at the Freshman Student Senate to each of its new This article could be called "The the future. With the assistance of est "cub" will become a pleasure if Reception last Wednesday night as football opponents, now grow .in Professor at the BrealUast Table" our new and capable staff and with the "young lady in wine," it was more Southern Methodist University soil. because there is a strong feeling that every member of the administrative each one of you considers yourself an ---++--- many exams are planned over the integral part of the paper and con- than Dean Makosky could do to con- "C'mon in! The water's fine!" A tributes accordingly, without persua- trol himself from saying, "I'm glad group of girls who dove into the uni- professor's morning coffee. Yes, we sion, coercion, or prodding. Let us the wine is around the young lady versity swimming pool at Phillips may say that the type of test given , Down With Strikesl make the GOLD BUG second ito no and not inside of her!" As for Dean University in Enid, Oklahoma, found depends on just how the professor feels, the color of his eggs, the news other school paper in the country! Howery, she was puzzled about the themselves in very hot water-after Because of the rail strike, the motive of the master of ceremonies, the installation of a new boiler. The in the paper, and the temperament of Bill Simpson, who referred to her as his wife and children. that makes them for us in' Phil- SGA Slates the "young lady", in view of the fact rate had accidentally been set at 110 awakened with a loud yell from one is picture cuts for this issue did Let us say that said professor degrees! not return from the company that he isn't taking any courses from adelphia. Therefore, a picture IIL'b D her. of his little offsprings. He may be of the new staff, some exclusive I rary ay II Lt. Charles Williams, '50, and Doro- greeted by a wet newspaper on his photos of the Faculty-Student February 10 seems to be a popular thy Frizzell, '5~.•• front porch and then a cold cup of Basketball game, and High on day for the ringing. of wedding bells left-over coffee. The juice that he is the Hill have had to be omitted Tomorrow has been designated by for students of WMC. Norm Reagan, Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, professor served is canned, and the "little '51, and Betty Litch, ex-'53, will be from this issue; these will ap- the, Student Government as ':Library married in East Orange, N. J. of English, was the guest speaker at woman" yells for him to put down pear in the next issue. Day"-a day when everyone IS asked Charles Shook, '50, and Kitty Ole- the Twenty-ninth Annual Commemo- that paper. Junior does not care to Our apologies, to check all their bookshelves and ration of Poe held by the Edgar Al- eat his eggs, and father, in this case The. GOLD BUG Staff. closets in search of books which be- wiler-, '51, are to be married in Ches- lan Poe Society of Baltimore last our professor, is forced to push the long to the College Library. ter, Pa., on that date. Baker Chapel January 21: His topic was" A Dream eggs in his little mouth. During the last school year, ap- will be the scene of the wedding of Within A Dream." Now after this pleasant meal, the proximately 190 books disappeared. "prof" sits down to write up a few THE GOLD BUG From an inventory of about one-fifth questions to give his students on the 65 books of the books in the libr-ary, Hill. As he sits there, he thinks of the are reported missing after only five left-over coffee and then makes ques- months of school this year. tion number one just a little harder A box will be placed inside the than he had planned. As he ponders bookstore for the convenience of those over number two, his mind runs to people who will return strayed books the wet morning paper and this ques- on this designated day. No questions tion becomes one for Einstein. With will be asked-just return the books! each idea for a question comes a It is in the interest of the students thought of another part of a bad that this drive is being made. Due to breakfast. By the time the exam has the decreasing enrollment, the library been compiled, he has compensated appropriation has been cut. If a bock for a poor breakfast by giving his is taken, it must be replaced with the college "brains" a test that would money which would have been used to make 'the famous "quiz kids" sit up purchase new publications. and pass out. As a matter of courtesy to the li.- Now that. I have given my theory brariana and to our fellow students, for my own protection and self- let's try to remember the library rules preservation, I would just like to add Any and adhere to them. All books should a few well over-used words. of this between characters similarity BUSINESS STAFF ~~!~r'ii:in~B~t:n"~gen;:""__M~~:r~r!b;::U all-out drive to improve our library article and any persons living or dead the books and keeping by returning Circulation ManBKen __ . peg Brown. '61 them there for our use. After all, it's is purely coincidental. Glen Ashburn,'63 for our own benefit. CONTRIBUTORS be signed out and returned or renewed DEADLINE FOR NEXT'ISSUE ~J;f~:~i~:~~y;f~i~i~~:!~~ before the reminder tbat they are ":C'd~~Y, COPY: - overdue is mailed. Let's .make this an'. ¥e"!'ru!lry 14
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