Page 45 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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·6fa~u~t;ion ~~- .........-~-..,..._...---,.,.....----._...., Jim Hackman ~;~~~~ Maryland College To, Be Apley To Highlight Sr. Activities In Sr. Play Portraying Apley in the play, Mi,s May Russell The Late George Apley, will be annual This J ames Hackman. presented play -To Offer Address commencement College Players, by the senior At Commencement will be given in Alumni Hall on Friday, May 26, at 8 :15 p. m. To climax the commencement The play, by John P. Marquand activities of the week-end of and George S. Kaufman, is an adapta- May 26 to 29 the eightieth an- tion of Mr. Marquand's Pulitzer Prize nual graduation exercises will novel. be held in Alumni Hall at 10 :00 Under the direction of Miss Esther a. m. Monday, May 29. Smith, head of the Dramatic Art De- • Dr. Lowell S. Ensor -wlll present partment, this play will be the senior the diplomas to those who completed Pictu)"ed above ere the senior College Playel's rehcal·s·ing for the production, The Late GeoTg'e Apley, College Players final production. The the requirements for graduation both Undel' the diTection of Miss EstheT 8'mith. Reading [rom: left to right are: H. Adams, H. Haine8, J. Hackman, juniors are collaborating on the play in February and May. Miss May Rus- B. L. Robbim, P. Stacy, R. Ennis, Z. Jaquett, M. E. Smith, and V. Armacost. with the seniors as their last project sell, who graduated from WMC in for the year, during which they have 1943 and is now president of Saint been studying the various phases of Mary's Seminary and Junior College setting and designing. in St. Mary's City, Maryland, will The play itself is a comedy of men- give the graduation address. ners-a fascinating and penetrating study of a wealthy Boston family dur- Dr. Ensor To Speak ing the early part of the century. Essentially, this social, satirical On' the Sunday previous to com- drama shows the conflict between Ap- mencement the Baccalaureate Service ley's deep seated Puritan conscience will be heJd at 10 :30 a. m. in Alumni and the leisurely life his inherited Hall with President Ensor as the May 16, 1950 wealth has forced upon him. speaker. Vol. 27, No. 13 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. This last weekend of the school year Stacy Plays Wife George Apley and his wife Cather- , ~f ~~~:;: :~~e::, f::e~a;:a:~a~: Trumpefers To Tap Juniors Sororities, Frats Elect New Officers ine Apley, played by Peggy Stacy, are class of 1887 will be on campus. Regis- a couple in their early forties. They tration for the alumni begins at 9.00 Elected To Honorary Group John Spencer; secretary, Jim Cul- have two children, John and Eleanor, a. m. on Saturday, May 27, in McDan- During the past two weeks the hane; treasurer, Bill Rhoads; ser- played by Harry Adams and Betty iel Lounge. Various activities planned In a formal ceremony the trumpet- sororities and fraternities elected the geant-at-arms, Bill Jones; and chap- Lee Robins. John Apley has been for the day include a meeting of the ers will tap the girls from the junior following officers for the fall semester. lain, Paul Welliver. paired off with Agnes Willing, Rachel Alumni Association, a teatin McDaniel class, who have been elected to this Delta S'igma Kappa elected Angela The officers of Delta Pi Alpha are: Ennis, whose parents Horatio and Lounge and tours of the campus. society, on Thursday, May 18 at 6:45 Crothers, president; Sonja Wine, vice- president, Harry LeFew; vtce-presi-" p. m. president-; Dorothy Arnold, recording Banquet To Be Held All the girls from the junior class secretary; Jeanne Dixon, alumni sec- dent, Ed Rydzewski; secretary, Bern- ard Kelly: assistant secretary, Stan 111e highlight of the day is the will meet in Blanche Wa~d lobby and retary; Katherine Bliss, treasurer: Fieldman; treasurer. Al Sklvarek; Alumni Banquet held in the Dining 'walk to Dr. Ensor's lawn, where they Dorothy Lien, sergeant-at.arms j Bet- chaplain, Martin Tullai; and serg- Nancy and Hall at 6:30 p. m. Before the banquet, will form a semi-circle. There tapping sy Patterson, chaplain; representative. eant-at-arms, Albert Grimes. walker, will take place and will be followed by inter-sorority several class reunions are held and a a party given for the old and new Gaining offices in Gamma Beta Chi procession by the banquet is Iotas Choose Leaders are: president, Lou Pietroforte; vice- formed. All seniors receive invitat.ions members. Chosen by Iota Gamma Chi were: president, Dan Honemann; secretary, to ..this banqu~t and may secure com- ~ The girls are chosen by a point president, June Beaver; vice-presi- Jay Eggly: treasurer, Sidney Albrit- phmentary tickets from Mr. T. K. system. Points are awarded for all dent, Jean Dennison; recording secre- tnin; chaplain, Russell Deragon; and Harrison. th.e activitie~ on .t~e hill in accordance tary, Betty Shivers; corresponding sergeant-at-arms, Gill Clough. Sunday's alumni activities include WIth the competatton, work, and pres- secretary, Martha ttuchman; traasor- after dinner coffee in McDaniel tige involved in the activity. Each er, Amy Chamberlin: historian, Joan ,LesCaUette Eleeted Prexy Lounge and the presentntion of The year one to five girls are tapped. The Montague; and intersorority repre- Pi Alpha Alpha elected: president, EUjnh by the college choir. sponsor is Dr. Isabel Isanogle. sentative, Mary Bell Shawn. Millard LesCallette; vice-president, The officers for next year of Phi Mickie McCall; recording secretary, Annual Public Art Exhibit To Open; Alpha Mu are: president, Mary Charlotte Esaell Thomas; corresponding secre- vice-president, Ruth Janney; Jack tary, Jerry Lockman; treasurer, Williams; recording secretary, Phyllis Loper; and sergeant-at-arms, Michael Students To Display Year's .Vllork Smith; alumni secretary, Donna Kohl; Chirigos. treasurer, Alice Yearley; sergeant-at- arms, Jane Babylon; chaplain, Ma'ry To exhibit the work of art students, the annual art show will and sunshine chairman, Argonauts To Hold Jim Hackman opel'! Thursday, May 18 at 8 p. m. Jean Rupert; Jane Willing, played by Zach Jaquett Charlotte Reed. The art studios in Smith Hall will be open to the public until Traditional Banquet Sunday evening, May· 21. Many displays in different fields will Wills Heads Sigmas and Virginia Lee Armacost, are appeal to the interest of all students. The results of the elections in According to tradition, the Argo- frionds of the Apley family. ,Sigma Sigma Tau show: president, nauts will have a banquet as their Eleanor Apley falls in love with Mary Kay Wills; vice-president, Doris final meeting of the year. This annual, Howard Boulder, played by John Joiner; recording secretary, Jackie formal banquet will be held at the Seiland, who is of a different social Brown; alumni secretary, Corinne Church of the Brethren on Monday,. status than the Apley family. Schofield; treasurer, Dottie Phillips; May 22, at 6 p. m. Other members of the cast include sergeant-at-arms, Janet Preston; sun- Former Dean of American School of Georgc's sister and her husband, shine messenger, Sally Ray; and in. Classical Studies in Athens, Greece, Amelia and Roger Newcombe, played ter-sorority representntive, Marvina and at present professor at the Uni- by Mary Ellen Smith and Howard Munch. versity of Pennsylvania, Dr. H. La- Haines. Included in the fraternity elections, m~r Crosby will be the speaker o.fthe Auld Plays Two Parts Alpha Gamma Tau elected:' presi- evening. He will lecture on Greece Marion Auld plays the two parts of dent, Malcolm Meltzer; vice-president, Today and present Kodachrome slides Margaret and Lyeia Letoll. Wilson is concerning Greece. played by David Heiberg; Henry, by Rose Cup, Lantern Chain Officers.Inst.alled Leon Stover; Emily Southworth by Pat McLaren;' and Julian H. Dole by Associate Argonauts who will grad- To Be Held For Seniors uate with honors will become fellows William Dulany. In honor of the senior women, the of the organization during a ritualis- officers will also be installed. Senior Students traditional Lantern Chain and Rose tic ceremony at this banquet. Next Cup ceremonies will be held on May year's 16, at 9 p. Ill'. and May 23 at 4 p. m. Tbese new officers are president, Fred Keefer; vice-president, jackie Brown j Give Piano Recitals respectively. For the Lantern Chain, each senior secrctary, Angela Crothers; and girl will be escorted by a member of treasurer, Ralph Gorten. Last week Dorothy Alexander and the freshman class to the grandstnnd All Argonauts and faculty members Ada Lee Hardester, music students, on. Hoffa Field. The freshmen will are invited to this banquet which pre- gave their senior piano recitals in Le- then form the letters of each class and vious to this year has been held in the vine Hall. serenade the seniors. Following this, Charles Carroll Hotel. With D. Scarlatti's two Sonata..s for commit- Members of the invitation the program will be continued at tee for this occasion are Mary Ellen her opening selection, Dorothy con- The display grollps which will be Jack Metherell, Karin Nowack, Mar- Blanche Ward where the freshmen, Smith, chairman; Janice Benson, tinued her recital with Ballet des an!..- by Gluck-Freedman. ores heuTemses designated as design, charcoal draw· garet Rice, and Ellen Rudolph. sophomore, junior, anli senior women Jackie Brown, Angela Crothers, Mary She alsQ played Prelude and Fug1te will sing their traditional song. ing, pastels, lithograph, watercolor, Don Bailey and Cliff Pfaff are in Nell Hughes, freshman repre~ent- Jean Rupert, Larry Bailey and Fred in G ],fajo-r by Bach and Sona.ta, Op. etching, clay modeling, teJ.::tile craft, charge of planning the exhibit, w",!ich ative on the student government, is Keefer. 31, No. £, by Beethoven. woodwork, ceramics, oils, and illustra- is under the general dircction of Miss Other selections on her program in- tion, represent Miss Louise Shipley's Sh~~e:~hibit will be some work which Ch~~:;:s:f ~:~ !::;::_:~',under the Other Committees Named cluded Cantique d'Amour by Liszt, art classes. fwo Preludes by DebussY, and Rusk Advanccd students who will eJ(hibit incorporate the techniques o.f air. direction of the junior class officers, f The place card and program com- Hour in Hong Kong, by A. Clasins. works in more than one display group brush painting and silk screen work will be held in Robinson Garden. Imi- mittee consists of Ada Lee Hardester, include:' Virginia Armacost, Norma on cloth. These techniques have been tations will be given of all seniors, chairman; Betty Bachtell, June Bea- Ada Lee opened her recital with Avers, Nancy Burdick, Anne Krick- experimented with this year for the' and the history of the senior dass ver, Jean Dennison, Pat McLaren, Mozart's Rondo in D Major, K. 485. han, Chris Meinl, Libby Schubert, first time by Western Maryland art dramatized by underclassmen. Follow- Sonya Wine, and Alice YearIey. This was followed by Prelude and Aya Tokugawa, Howard Haines, Clin- students. Special projects which will ing the skits, the junior class officers The flower committee includes Mary Fltgue in C Sharp Major by Bach. interest ton Hisle, Cliff Pfaff, Wendell Young, be of particular coffee table are a modern will pass the traditional cup and pre- Frances Jones, cbkirman; Rae Acher, Other selections included St:maw. in (free-form) sent each senior with a red rose. constructed Joan Newell, and Betty Shivers. Gene Crause, Don Bailey, Janice by Wendell Young, local scenes done June Beaver, Peggy Kerns, Mary Bill Simpson and Bob Lizer are on D Major Op. 10, No.3, by Beethoven, Zaiser, Elaine Diamond, Roland Flei- in water color by Virginia Armacost,. Ruth Williams, Nancy Winkelman, the ritual committee. The transporta- Min8trels by Debussy, Three Dances, sher, Dottie Lien, and Pat McLaren. and a set of ceramic poodles fashioned and Alice Yearley head the junior Hon committee is made up of Dave by Shostakovich, and Scker~o in C Freshmen who will exhibit in l.1lore Sharp Minor Op. 39, by Chopin. than one group an : Elizabeth Kubn, by Nancy Burdick. . committeeS for this ceremony. Patten and Leon Stover.
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