Page 47 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, May 16, 1950 High On The Hill Band Presents Whitfield, Royer Plan Study Tours Concert Series by Alice A. YcaTley by Joe Culotta. by Rufhie Allen On _the nights of Thursday, 'May 4 During the summer, two members and 11, the WMC Band presented its of the college faculty will take exten- "Once upon a midnight dreary, first two concerts of a series of three. sive trips. while (he ponders) weak and weary These concerts, held in 1J1e Carpe Professor Philip S. Royer, member .. ", Charlie Shook gropes his way Diem, were sponsored by the SCA and of the college music department, is to the-embrace of Morpheus. Even the directed by Joe Culotta, retiring Band planning a trip to Europe to visit the latest Esquire Magazine must be un- captain. The third and last of these Old World musical centers. Dr. Theo- read; for, after one of his average spring concerts will be given Thurs- dore Whitfield, head of the history days, Charlie wants only rest! day at 6:30 p. m. department, has accepted an exchange Living in the quiet (?) section of Two concerts already given have in- teaching position at the College of the Ward Hall known as The Inner cluded such numbers as: The ROA Pacific in California. Sanctum, Charlie shares his room March, by Lt. Col. Koenig; The Boost- Mr. Royer will go to the continent with his brother, Ken, who wryly ad- er, by J. G. Klein; Invercargill, by A. of Europe and to England along with mits, "We don't throw bricks at each F. Lithgow; March Salutation, by R. a group of musicians from many east- other any more. We've improved; now F. Seitz; and the famous Billboard. ern institutions. He will leave Phila- we just throw each other. Each morn- Mareh, by J. N. Klohr. Featured on delphia by plane on July 29, and he ing, I make the beds; and Charlie the program was a comedy number, will arrive in Paris via Newfoundland sweeps the room-with a glance." County Fair, built on such themes as: on the following day. Indeed, a glance is all the average The Fermer In The Dell, The Band The trip, lasting for thirty-two WMC'er can catch of Charlie as he Played On, and Home On the Range. days, will include a tour of many cities sweeps through the campus-music The Black and White Melodiers ad- made famous by the masters who lived hall, education office, dean's office, ded their fine voices to the program, and worked there. Black and White club room, and Mc- bringing hack many old memories to While in Paris, Professor Royer Daniel Lounge (ahem!). Since his Betty Lee Robbins the members of the faculty. will visit The Conservatoire, The sophomore year, when he began work- Louvre, and other museums. ing in Dean Free's office, Charlie has After spending a few days in the has become a favorite in College 'Calendar As 1 approached Marion the other survived the cigar. smoke to the point Petite, but so very competent, Betty French capital, the group will move day for -an interview" she hurriedly that he has become the Dean's "right- Lee Robbtne on to Vienna, where they wil l visit rushed past me saying, "I've just got hand man". the hearts of many here on the Hill. Tuesday, May 16 museums containing collections of old to find a long nightgown for dramatic Following the Hollywood technique, A native of ,Baltimore, she gradu- Baseball, Johns Hopkins, home. instruments, and original manuscripts art, and then I'll be right with you." I asked, "Charlie, what was the big- ated from Western High School, where Golf, Dickinson, away. of ~ome of the early composers such Having known her for three years, gest thrill in your college career?" she served as a class officer and as the Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, 9:00 as Schubert, Haydn, and Strauss. this was not unusual, for ever since With no hesitation, he humbly ad- editor of her yearbook. Soon after her p. m. They will also have the opportunity to that first day I met Marion Auld at mitted, "Being elected president of the arrival at Western Maryland, she be- Wednesday, May 17 visit the graves and memorials to the seA picnic during Freshman Black and Whites!" In this capacity, came noted for her diminutiveness. Tennis, Gettysburg, away. Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, and 'week, she has always been working again, Charlie has proved himself and This was only the beginning. In the Lutheran Students Meeting, Me- others. on something, whether it be seA com- has become endeared to each of his four years which have followed, she Daniel Lounge, 6:45 p- m. The group will visit Salzburg, the mittees, Argonaut minutes, SGA ac- frat brothers through his quiet, con- has displayed many more noteworthy birthplace of Mozart; Lucerne, where tivities, dramatic art productions, or siderate, and sturdy type of leader- qualities. During her sophomore and Thursday, May 18 the Wagner museum is located; Lon- the religious activities of her sorority, ship. junior years, Betty Lee held the posi- Exams (Seniors only) don, and Edinburgh. Phi Alpha Mu. As president of the Inter-fraternity tion of historian for her class. This AM-3MWF While in Edinburgh, they will hear Being a minister's daughter, Marion Council, the man with the bow tie, year, as first semester president of the PM-3TTS the music of six of the great European has traveled from Tennessee to Penn- Delta, vice-president of the Inter- Band Concert, Carpe Diem, 6:30 symphony orchestras. and at ten d sylvania and has now settled down in sorority Council, and an assistant edi- p. m. operas, lectures, and music festivals Baltimore City. When asked how she tor of the ALOHA, she has shown her Trumpeters Tapping Ceremony, in Salzburg and Lucerne. The group feels being a "P. K." she exclaimed, characteristic generosity in giving her President's Lawn, 6:45 p. m. will return to the United States on "Oh, I just love it; you get to meet time and talents. Art Exhibit, Old !\lain, 8 :00 p. m. August 28. so many people and see the world. I And, speaking of talent, her pro- Friday, May 19 Whitfield To California am very proud of my father and his ficiency in the field of dramatic art Exams (Seniors only) work as a Methodist minister." She can not be overlooked. Every year AM-2TTS Dr. Whitfield, teaching at the Col- added, also, that she is very proud of Betty Lee seemingly goes into hiber- PM-ITTS lege of the Pacific, has exchanged po- her brother, who is to receive his nation-appearing only for classes Arts Symposium, McDaniel Lounge, sitions with Dr. Malcolm Rogers Ph.D. in psychology from Yale this and meals. Actually, all her spare 4:15 p. m. Eiseler, who wil! come here fro~ Cali- year. time is being devoted to rehearsing Baseball, ;Baltimore U., home. fornia. One of the hardest things Marion and memorizing parts for plays. But Tennis, Baltimore U., home. Dr. Whitfield and his family plan to has ever had to do, came last summer the results are well worth the effort Golf, Lehigh, home. leave on Jun,e 6 and he will begin when she was a camp counselor and as anyone who has seen Betty Lee on Saturday, May 20 teaching June 19. At the college, Dr. was trying to make a group of the stage will agree. A member of the Exams (All students) Whitfield will teach courses in Ameri- thirteen year old girls be quiet when College Players, she has appeared in AM-5MWF and Let 101 R. can Government and History of she wanted to be noisy. Anyone who three senior plays, one November PM-5TTS and Biol 302, Econ American Foreign Policy since 1896. play, and the Junior plays. 306 B, Math 352, 452. He will also teach a graduate course ~~:w;o:~~:s:':e;!Yi;;~:t:·e:~:e:n!h~~ -t When questioned as to her interests, Golf, Western Maryland Invitation in Civil War and Reconstruction. energy' and can always be quiet, she replied, "John and driving". The Tournament. . Dr. Elseler will teach courses here "when she's asleep." Jrst needs no explanation for anyone Sunday, May 21 first semester on the American Fron- During her four years stay on the Chcu'lie Shook who has noticed that nlee-looking Baker Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. tier and on the Roosevelt Administra- Hill, Marion has received many hon- blonde--otherwise known as Johnny tion. ors for her "always willing spirit" of beaming smile, wavy hair, and the Seiland-and his pint-sized fiancee Monday, May 22 After teaching one semester at the helping others. Perhaps the greatest F.D.R. paraonafity has done much to wandering around the campus. But, Exams (All students) College of the Pacific, Dr. Whitfield was being tapped as a Trumpeter last develop the new spirit of "campus- the "driving" did warrant some eluci- AM-2MWF and his family will take a general year along with playing the lead in minded ness" which has guided the dation. It seems that Betty Lee is the PM--4TTS tour of the country for the rest of the The Com. 18 G-reen and receiving her frats this year. proud possessor of a brand new car- Argonaut Banquet, Brethren national- rating in girls basketball this Charlie is remembered for his week a graduation gift from her parents. Church, 6:00 p- m. Dr. Whitfield has announced that winter. Surely anyone would be proud in the SeA, the Sunday School, last Much time has been spent in the past Tuesday, May 23 the second volume of his book, "Whit- to have just one of these honors be- year's varsity baseball bench-where few weeks on the skill of driving. Per- Exams (All students) field, Bryan, Smith, and Related Fami- stowed upon them. he wasn't struck out all season-and sonal experience indicates that the AM--4MWF lies" has been published and copies of With a major in sociology, "because the French Club-where he learned time was well spent. PM-IMWF it have already been sold in Hawaii, i liked Dr. E!lrp's blue eyes," and a the technique of a great lover! Per- After graduation, Betty Lee plans Rose Cup Ceremony, Robinson Gar- Canada, Tasmania, Australia, Eng- minor in physical education, Marion, haps Charlie is most famous for his to do social work at the Department den, 4:00 p. m. land, and states throughout this coun- who has made a name for herself on dynamic voice. "Singing is just like of Public Welfare in Baltimore. Mean- try. this campus as a leader, plans to teach breathing," he insists. "I must do Wednesday, May 2<1 elementary school in Baltimore City. hath!" while, she and John have scheduled Exams (Non-seniors) Whether or not she will continue to Aiter being "stretched-out" over so their wedding for sometime next 'sum- AM-no exams PM-3MWF take an active part in everything in- many activities, it is no wonder that SCA Meeting, Baker Chapel, Compliments of cluded in the adult world J cannot say, Charlie must sometimes refuse even Betty Lee, with her efficiency, her 6:45 p. rn, but of one thing I'm sure, her students a game of bridge or billiards with the dynamic personality, and her wonder- The Murray Cleaners will never have a dull moment. plea, "No, I'm going to hed I"~ ful sense of humor seems to be ex- Thursday, May 25 cellent proof of that old adage that Exams (Non-seniors) WMC Organizatian News good things come in small packages. AM-3TTS PM-2TTS Board Elects Member Friday, May 26 Art Symposium Wesleyanettes Exams (Non-seniors) Compliments of Pat McLaren spoke to the group on Following a huffet style banquet at Following the annual spring meet- AM-ITTS stag~et and make up at their final the home of Mrs. Welliver on Mon- ing of the Board of Trustees, Dr. END OF SECOND SEMESTER! The City;Restaurant meeting on !\fay 12. A steering com- day, l\Iay 8, the new officers of the Lowell S. Ensor announced that Mr. Sunday, May 28 mittee of Pat McLaren, Betty Love- 'Vesleyanettes were installed. These Hubert P. Burdette, of Mount Airy, Baccalaureate Service, Alumni Hall, lace, and Liz Kuhn was set up to start new officers are: president, Betty Mae has been appointed -to the Western 10:30 a. m. things off in the new year. Shepter; vice-president, Katherine Maryland College Board of Trustees. After-dinner Coffee, McDaniel Neal; and treasurer, Doris Reck. Mr. Burdette is president of the Lounge, 2:00 p. m. Wine's Sport Shop FTA Canterbury Club First National Bank of Mount Airy, Westminster, Maryland "Prospects for Future Teachers" As their final meeting of the year, and also head of the firm, Hubert P. Monday, May 29 Alumni Hall, 46 Pennsylvania Ave. Commencement, was the title of the speech given by the Canterbury Club will have a spa- Burdette and Son, Insurance. A char- 10:00·a.m. Phone 683-W Dr. Wilbur Devilbiss last night at the ghetti supper at the Ascension Parish ter'member of the Kiwanis Club of Full Line of Sporting Goods Future Teachers of America meeting. on Wednesday, May 17. At a recent Mount Airy, he is also president of Organization plans for next year were meeting the group elected Elizah_eth the Ridgeville Nurseries, Inc. Students For Sommer Work also made. Thomas as their president for next year. Serving with her will be NeB Among the largest single donations Last week 10 of our Junior Everybody Is Welcome Home Economics Club Hughes as vice_president and SCA ever made to the college have been salesmen earned in excess educa· of our selling $110 each With the girls modeling clothes representative, and Anne Smutny as the two made in the last month. tional product to the home. If To Stop In At of $256,000 contribution The first they had made during the year, the secretary-treasurer. was made by Mr. and Mrs. Walter you are mature, energetic and Margarel & Earl's interested in working this sum- Home Economics Club gave a fashion Davis of Westminster, for a new li- mer, we will give you complete show Wednesday, May 10, in McDan- sales training and pay you well fo' iel Lounge. New officers of the club brary. on an advanced commission were elected at the Monday, MaJ( 8, Griffins The other donation was a gift of basis. SANDWICHES- meeting. They are as foJlows: presi- $250,000 given by an anonymous mern- Write SOFT DRINKS dent, Mary Kay Wills; vice-president, Delicious Food ber of Western Maryland's alumni. MR. J. W. MICHELS Jackie Brown; secretary, Ginny Hale; Tbe college has not dete,rmined to' L.. TH:oGO~D ~UG J what use this sum lhall be put. and treasurer, Becky LeFew.
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