Page 42 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 42
The Gold Bug, April 25, 1950 g~(j".gqlJ Boys Outnumber Girls Oclcls'n Encls So you've been wondering what College Needs Th,,tud'~~;'::::~'"t is nowAs Spring App~oache~ those mean-well, here's the scoop! Gar- excavations in Robinson den a tunnel are not digging No, they Alumni Support working into shape the final plans A visitor wandering through the college campus, especially after lunch in from McDaniel to Blanche Ward, it's on May for the May Day activities Those of us who are active in 6th. The Women's Student Govern- front of Old Main, and around the Dining Hall, would never believe our en- just a replacement for the sewage student government and inter- ment, headed by Betty White, has rollment consists of approximately an equal number of men and women. Boys, disposal pipe. The workman have not fraternity circles are frequently charge of the crowning ceremonies boys, boys! You see them everywhere-c-on steps, on porches, under Old Main, only marred the landscape, but have confronted with questions and and also the May Pole Festival which or just standing around. It would not be a great surprise to see a few in the also disrupted the happy home of complaints about certain facili- will be given in place of the usual trees. Every spring, along with the forsythia and the robins, comes the annual Mrs. Robin who has deserted a lonely ties on campus. Many times we play. Harry LeFew, Stu Abrams, and loafing around of the stronger sex in God's great out-or-doors. Where do they blue egg in her near by nest. are asked such questions as, Lloyd Umbarger from the Men's Stu- all come from? Some haven't been seen all winter. Perhaps they were sitting This spring the young men's fancy "Why the room deposit fees? dent Government were appointed to on the radiator in Albert Norman Ward; perhaps they were bundled up so has really turned to thoughts of love Why the activities fee? Why is construct the :May Pole. The day's tightly in the cold weather that they were unrecognizable. as evidenced by the new crop of en- the tuition or room and board activities will be culminated by the The casual visitor would also won- gagement rings flashing on campus. being raised 7" May Dance sponsored by the Pan-Hal der j~st what the_}ads' purpose i~ in Personal.'t.'es! The happy couples are: Mary Ellen Within the last few years, a Council. standing around. Some are talking, Hess '51 and Jack Fritz '50, Jeanne number of articles have been The Ree room committee, headed by to be sure, but most are just lounging Hoyt '52 and Arthur Shearer ex '52, published in alumni bulletins Harry LeFew, has written to several around and looking. At what? Well, Fulfilling an important campus job, Eleanor Nettleship '51 and Orville colleges in this vicinity asking for and educational journals with pennants to be used for decoating the the obvious answer is girls. You know Always seen braving the mob, Bowersox, Jr. '49, Ann Thompson '51 the sincere intent of showing to walls of the Rec room. The committee the familiar saying, "In the spring Is a great guy named --, and Walter Shoeky. interested parties the reasons will greatly appreciate any help from a young man's fancy ... " But where Who sees that ;:e !et/ed. why there has been a gradual in- the student body in this project. If are the girls? Oh, there are a few The Maryland Division of The crease in tuition and room and you have some pennants and wish to here and there, talking or hurrying A May Court beauty and a canary, American Chemical Society will meet board fees over the last four or over to the Post Office, ducking the too in McDaniel Lounge on April 28 at five years. For example, the give them to the SGA, please get in barrage of stares and comments, but She's most entertaining doing the 8 p. m. with a large assemblage of tuition at Western Maryland touch with "Harris" as soon as pos- on the whole, there is a decided ab- Blues. notabJe authorities. The speaker will College this year was stated sible. The SGA also requests that you sence of them. They could be in the Someday she'll gain greater fame, be Dr. R. E. Gibson from the applied in the catalog at $350 ($175 per refrain from bringing the benches Grill playing bridge, or on the tennis And you'll be proud to know her physics laboratory at Johns Hopkins semester), the lowest charged outside the Rec room .... This furni- courts, or on the sun porch of Me- University. His topic will be Rockets by any college of comparable ture has not been finished for use Daniel. It is hard to believe that they and Ram Jete. All interested students size and standing in this area. outside. Mr. Black's force is now are in stuffy old rooms or classes You can find her busy from night to are invited to attend, The actual cost of tuition how- building new benches to be used ex- studying. Noone studies in the spring. ever has been in the range of clusively for outside. is also called to the At any rate, they are noticeable only On her sleeve she wears a horn. Ye Olde Towne of Westminster has Her policy is helping in every way by their Your 'attention absence. $500 to $525, the rest of the student government assembly on Men- new hopes ~f a fuce-liftfng since the money coming from the endow- no~:ed~~;~:mCsh::!e:v:!t:rn!h:h:f!~~~ Whether it's cl~ss,"Ph! Alphs, or SCA " architects and landscape ment, contributions to the living day, May 15th. At this time, WM artists" of the urban soc. class have endowment, and from such aux- letters will be awarded to those men ner bell rings, for the number of A bright young gal from the started to work on their municipal who have participated in varsity ath- iliary enterprises as the college letics and Bill Simpson, student presi- persons of both sexes on the campus Pres~:~~e:~ !~O~~gmas, what is more improvement projects. They will even Grill. One can readily see that dent-elect, will be presented. ~:r07::rem~:ea ei~:~d A~:gi~~te~od;~~ . Teaching Math soon will be this miss know how many motor vehicles travel gifts from alumni and friends Rec room (or the Grill, if the meal Sure, you guessed it, her name is-. the streets. are greatly depended upon in order to keep the college from Full Scheclu/es wasn't too good). Still the boys stand Beauty and brains, a great Congrats to the Juniors on their operating in the red. in clusters, up the steps and along combination most enjoyable Follies! The venture Such is the case even with the the walks, and any girl brave enough She combines them in Math showed what real cooperation and en- state and public universities Equal College Life to pass them must run a gauntlet of education. thusiasm can produce at WMC. More that receive allotments from wolfish gazes. For the shyer girl, an If fourth fioor Blanche Ward sounds power to any project that can inspire insane, them are the easy way of evading ~Jhf:ha~tflc~u~~vde~~~:tsu~~~ ea!e:s~l~t ~:a~::i~:-:Oio;d i~~!IYh!: walks down to Blanche Ward or the It can be attributed to -. such school spirit within- the student body. dirt path to McDaniel. money contributed by alumni to already overcrowded brain and wor- It would be an interesting problem U1ltu~nnDaunt ·9 keep the institution from being rying about the Spanish test tomor- to find the pschological causes behind P~0Pl.U1l'I1lIn:JsPd .f> Save your gripes 'till later, stu- merely a-mediocre public school. row-all at the same time. Needless all this. To the visitor, it is an enigma Plnv UO!UW ·S dents, the tough courses come with Western Maryland College re- to say, she is a bit perturbed at this -maybe the squirrels and the robins ll~q:JllH AnaH 'a the Fall! P.S. Have you registered ceives finapcial help from the point and is almost ready to throw in have the answer. for next semester's classes yet?! state but III return the college the chips offers 58 scholars~i~s which. The a~ount of studying she must cover the cost of t~l~lOn, room, minutes of today and amid her too. Sunporch Provides Toclay's Thrilling Activities Lure remaining few the sandwich into and board. Alsocaddrtional echol- ';'F-.:~ arships are g'rven III Carroll many activities of tomorrow is over. Philosophers From Their ~ooks County ::1!d these cover the whelming. Right now she would like Interest 'For Many stated tuition cos~ only. nothing better than to scream and There was a bme w?en en- then have a nice case of hysterics, What place on campus is most It's the day of the big game be- menalist and is ordered off the field, down;ent f~nd~ could be mvested but there is no time for dramatics. To heavily guarded by the women and tween Teleology Tech and Noumenal but he gets out of it by the principle at faIrly hIgh mterest rates, but add to her suffering, she is bothered most heavily watched by the men? Normal. The crowd here at Logos of the two fold truth. The teams get o,:",erthe last. five years, these with the sound of the French Na. Why the large daily migration to and Bowl has exceeded all expectations. into position again, with the Terrors YIelds ~rom Illve.stments have tional Anthem from the room next from Blanche Ward? What local re· Anthony Antimony. tells me that using ;'n extreme right wing forma- been gomg down m most cases; door, a loud-pitched conversation in sort is packed tighter than Coney Is- several celebrities have come to watch tion, which seems a bit radical. I while everything that the col- the hall, the phone ringing its heart land in July? The sun porch, of the game. I see Parmenides talking hear "Freddie" Nietzsche saying that lege needs to operate efficiently out because no one will answer jt, and course! with Agrippa, who seems a bit skepti. only a Superman can save them now. and effectively has been going last but not the least annoying, a There you will see about forty cal. Plotinus is seated in the far Spinozo is calljng off the symbols, the up to a very alarming degree. group of fine, upstanding gentlemen women, all greased like channel bleachers, apparently unmindful of ball is snapped, and Fichte goes Your big philanthropists were serenading the fair ladies. swimmers, some lying flat on their all the activity. Just listen to the stir~ through the line with a series of always few and far between but How much can one tortured soul backs, some lying prone, some col· ring music! The band, ably conducted thrusts. Two men were hurt on that now with the high income tax endure? The b-eat mental anguish lapsed against the side of the build· by Marcus Aurelius and his Cyrenian plaYj "Hippo" Hegel was hit between rate they are found to an even and· physical tiredness are leaving ing, and others sitting in groups of Cynics, is .striking up the Noumenal his Major and Minor Premises, and lesser degree, Also if a certain their marks-black circles under the six-four bridge players and two Normal marching song, "Schemata hasn't got a leg to stand on, and Des- Mr. X had given $150,000 in bloodshot eyes, sunken cheeks, a scowl kibitzers. Ask them why they are out Forever". cartes got a tremendous kick, a pas· 1939 toward a student union of which Frankenstein would be there and they will tell you they are And, here come the Transcendental teriori. building, the present day value proud, and a nasty, nasty disposition. strengthening the i r fortifications Terrors of Teleology Tech! "Shifty" Well, it seems that the game has of the money ~vouldbe approxi- And, as if the great burden of aca· with vitamin D. But you are really Schopenhauer is leading the team on, been delayed so long that it has got· mately $80,000. demics were not enough, a tiny, but witnessing a session of one of the followed by the water-hoys, Thesis, ten dark, and artificial light will be Most of the contributions to- most insistent corner· of the brain biggest rat races of the year-the Antithesis, and Synthesis. Here's the needed. But, Diogenes won't give up day must come from alumni in keeps hammering away at her social struggle to see who can get the star of the team, "Killer" Kant who's his lantern, (he says he's looking for small but frequent amounts. problems. Thoughts of biology are brownest in the shortest period of in a category by himself. "Spinner" someone) so the game is called on ac· And since these amounts are repeatedly being pushed aside by time. Spinoza trots onto the field, polish. count of darkness. There go the smaU, the alumni group must be these other brain waves, and she Dermatitis solare (just plain sun· ing his lenses. It seems that he's devel· players, ladies and gentlemen, fad· a strong and active one, struggles to suppress them. tan to you) has been so emphasized oped a new system, and is confident ing away into the ages from which We who are members of the How can she concentrate on studies and glamorized that the campus coed it will win the day. And, here comes they came, and this is your commenta· senior class expecting to gradu- when there are so many other things feels inadequate and unhealthy with· the opposing team, the Horrible tor, Reuben Schmaltzhausj returning ate in May should become active clamoring for attention! The biggest, out it. That her notion is pure fal· Hegelians! "Fighting Fichte" looks you to our Westminster Studio. alumni members. And maybe in most compelling urge is for sleep. Her lacy can be proved by certain mules in great form toda.y-he's joshing the not too distant future when eyes are propped open with toothpicks which have worked in coal mines "Butch" Berkeley about his pr~trud. and se~ondary THE GOLD BUG we find a few extra dollars in most of their lives and having seen ing substratum. This team ha.s rather our own possession, we'll con- as it is, for if she closed them for a virtually no sunlight, are just as commendable primary instantly she fall second, would tribute to the living endow· asleep. Oh, to sleep and forget it all! healthy as mules that work out-of- qualities. They have developed a good ment so that the students at- doors. Or, if you want an example of interactionism and are experts at tending WMC at that time will your own species, observe the Eski· shooting the ball. This is Teleology Tech's first game, so they're starting ~~~ s~~e ~~dt!~~~~~~~~ies/;ii Exchanges mos in the northern part of Green. the season with a blank tablet. Scho· land who are hale and hearty despite should have been .provided. the fact that a very small part of penhauer is yelling, "Where there's Member J.A.F. It seems springtime is blossoming their bodies is exposed to sunlight. a will, there's a way! Never say, I out time for most college dramatics. But do not feel, on the other hand, kantj" But let's not put de cart be- Associated Collegiate Press The productions range from Shake- that you can derive no benefit from fore the horse. speare to Hart. At Villanova College a sunbath. If you are"'suffering from Suhlllcriptlo~ Pdee J2.00 • Year the dramatic society staged an erysipelas or psoriasis, sunlight is the Hume Brought Down Elizabethan play, The Knight of the best thing for you. Visit the Sun There's the kick·off. Locke hands ..... NBnc,- Winblman '51 Burning Pestle, Hopping to the more Porch anyway, if for no reason other the ball to Hume, who is brought ...... Louis Pietro!,,""" '51 Nordby '50 Ed Iddy says: modern form of dramatics, Boston than the relaxation and society. But down hy Kant, jpst short of solipsism ........ ... Aliee Yeariey '51 The teams line up, the Hegelians Colle(Je presented Hasty Heart as a do not expect to study, because books ... June Be,...."'" '51 Blaekis Brandt Where are all those non.professional production. are used for headrests only. are using a formation with an un· .... . ... Stan Bowl.bey'52 '51 Jack library books? Better' This might be a solution to our Take just a sheet, a bottle of oil, sun· distributed middle. The ball is snap. Copy Editor .. ... . ...•. . .•.. Allan Loper '52 '53 Photographer Albert clean your desks out Friday night supper situation. Al- glasses, a deck of cards, and save a ped, and "Louie" Leibnitz fades for Typing Editor. Joyce Schmidt '52 and return them be· bright College holds an annual p·lace for us, because we'll be over a pass ... he's still fading ... and BUSINESS STAFF fore someone else Swedish Smorgasbord in the dining right after fifth period. he disappears completely! There's a Bu.ine •• Managers .. Betty Lovelace, '51 '51 Bailey. Larry does it for you! Stu· hall. All women members of the fac- horn on that dilemmaj the team is Ahertising Man.ger.... •.• Bill Rhoads, '51 dent Government ulty bring their favorite dishes. arguing with the referees; Zeno is O,rculation Mauger .... J._O.· ~iggin. '50 members are supposed From the Univ6Tsity of Wiscomin to read them? trying to prove that the ball couldn't CO~'TRTBUTORS. been possibly have forward moved to be looking for all comes a unique idea. A book club for April 4 was set aside as Vocational even one foot. It .would have to go ~:;:~~,~:l'~~:~;. the unreturned books. students has just recently been initi- Guidance Day at Geneva· College. ated. Each member buys three or Authorities in over 15 fields for future half that distance first, then half more books a year at 20 per cent dis· Cf!.reersvisited 'the cam_pus a.nd .spo~e that distance, etc ..~dsto.tle..has cal}.ed count. Whe~ does one ~~.t..the time to groups of students. the ref an epistomolo&ical. pheno.
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