Page 41 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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MiSS Wa:rd "r. M. C. Martha Schaeffer To Reign Over May Day Activities Festivities Open Pan Hellenic Dance With Dedication To Have Glen Gray Following the dedication of the in- Following in the footsteps of last firmary at 1 :30, May Day festivities year's success, the Pan-Hel Council this year will officia~ly begin with the is again bringing a name band, Glen May Court procession at 2:30 p. m. Gray and the Casa Lorna Orchestra, on Saturday afternoon, May 6. to the Hill for the May Dance to be held May 6 in Gill Gym. M!a~~;e:~~a::;tI~~~t :~~y~~s:~ Glen Gray, who has played on eadio assembly election in February, will and in many outstanding hotels and head the procession. Attending her clubs throughout the country, was will be Senior Duchess, Peggy Stacy; chosen by the Pan Hel Council under Junior Duchess, Betty Bachtell; the chairmanship of Bryan Hadda- Sophomore Duchess, Ginny Hale; and way. Featured voca1ists of the crches- Freshman Duchess, Sally Fisher. The tra are Jane Henry and Bill Ray- class attendants who will wait on mond, newest addition to the Casa Pictured above 1.8 the May Court to be prC8cnted May 6. Reading from left to 1'igkt are: Nell Hughes; Salty Fisher; their respective duchesses are Louise ..Lorna Orchestra. Anna Lee Park; Ginny Hale; Betty BacMell; H. L. Scarborough; Martha Scha,ejJm', Queen; Peggy Stacy; LOlt Hyder and He len Scarborough, Fowler Is Chairman Hyder; Mary Ellen Hese ; Mickey Rupert; Betsy Patterson; and Mary La.J.x. seniors; Mickie Rupert and Mary Joe Fowler, general chairman of EBen Hess, juniors; Betsy Patterson the dance, hopes to make this the and Anna Lee Park, sophomores; and biggest success of any social affair Mary Leux and Nell Hughes, fresh- held at Western Maryland. Tickets men. Other members of the court are have been printed, and each fraternity the trumpeters, Connie Weisenbach and sorority is sending tickets to its and Patty Ray. Sharon Ahrnsbrack alumni. Admission will be $4.00, and will be flower girl, and Billy Foutz tickets may be obtained from any will bear the queen's crown. \ fraternity' or sorority member or from McDaniel office. The dance will Ensor Crowns Queen be from 8:00 to 12:00 p. m., and will Upon her arrival with the court at follow custom in that it will be non- Vol. 27, No. 12 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. April 25, 1950 the amphitheatre, located at the north- corsage and semiformal. Highlight Ma,rty will west end of Hoffa Field, of the evening will be the introduction be crowned queen by Dr. Lowell S. of the May Queen and her court. Ensor. Charlie Shook will then com- Plan Decorations M. Laux, J. Seiland Mary Ruth Williams, Phil Kable ment on the history and the back- The Black and Whites and the ground of the May Day tradition. Sigmas have been placed in charge of representative To Star As Lovers Elected To Top '51 'Aloha' Posts Concluding the afternoon program of decorations with a and sorority to activities, from each fraternity a May Pole Dance will be presented by twelve girls. Those who aid them. According to Don Bailey, In French Club Play tor-in-Chief of the ALOHA for next year. Phil Kable was chosen to will participate in this dance are Rae the decorations w:ill contain some Mary Ruth Williams has been elected by the junior class as Edi- novelties and will be based Acher, Betty Lee Robins, Helen Ray, interesting be Business Manager. Dorothy Arnold, Sonya Wine, Ruth on the theme of a New Orlean's Le8 Rotnane8que8 by Edmond Ro- Mary Ruth has selected her staff Holland, Beth Witzke, Ann Fitzsim- stand will be presented at 8:15 p. m. for the yearbook, and they have been 1 mons, Betsy Tipton, Alice Yearly, Carnival. plans have been made to . Tentative Monday evening, May 15, in Robinson approved by Dr. Thomas Marshall, Dottie Lee Phillips, and Nancy Kroll. have tables outside of the gym for Garde,n as the French Club's annual adviser to the ALOHA. Associate edi- the serving of reireshments. The Betty I play. tor appointments include Alice Year- women's White, as president of the Iotas and Preachers will work to- As- Government Student It is the story of two lovers, Perct- ley, Janice Benson, and Fred Keefer. net and Sy\vette, just out of college. The copy editors are Peggy Kerns, sociation, is general chairman of the gether in planning the reireshments Their fathers, longing for a marriage Nancy Lee Winkelman, and Dorothy May Day activities. Several others that would bring about the union of Arnold. have been chosen by the association to their own estates, feign Veronese head various committees which will be hatreds to obstruct "the course of S..crts 1i'..ditors Appoint~d responsible for the Day's program. true love". The lovers, who have been Walter Handles Publicity reading Romeo and Juliet fancy Charlotte Jan n e y and Blackie Betty Walter will handle publicity themselves the mu~h abused lovers Brandt are the new sports editors. for the event, while Mickie Rupert and created by Shakespeare and fondly The photography editor is Dottie Lee Dottie Alexander have been placed exchange their poetic vows over the Phillips and the typing editor, Pat in charge of flowers and mueie re- crest of a vine-clad wall separating Tobey. Proof readers include June spectively. Shirley Clark and Carol the two estates. Overhearing this- idle Beaver and Ralph Gorten. Brown are working on the invitations talk, the indulgent fathers hire Stra- Mary Ruth, the new editor, known and programs. Marion Auld has been forel, a skillful but harmless ruffian, to many on campus as "What," hails made responsible for the set-up of to furnish excitement. On a fragrant from Hurlock on the Eastern Shore, the program, while Nell Hughes will moon-lit night, Straforel enters the where she was editor of her high arrange for 'transportation. garden to kidnap Sylvette. Hearing school newspaper. An education stu- Mary Ruth Willirtms her cries, the lover intervenes and dent, she is majoring in English and ALOHA Editor-In-Chief heroically rescues his beloved. The minoring in history. In addition to Girls' Glee Club Presents plan succeeds, the betrothal ends the her active participation in all girls' Glen Gray existence of the obnoxious 'wall; and, sports Mary Ruth is a member of the Spring Recital Program and caring for the coat room. none the wiser for the mock-heroic college choir, editor of the. Phi Alph Club News Tickets and publicity are being scene of which they have been the yearbook, and works in the dining During the regular assembly period handled by the Delts and the puppets, Percinet and Sylvette are hall. When asked what her hobbies Canterbury Club yesterday the Girls' Glee Club, under Bachelors with the Phi Alphs and the triumphantly happy. were, Mary Ruth's only reply was Reverend 8chilwachter, new rector the direction of Miss Grace Cordia Gamma Bets taking care of clean-up. "sleeping." of Ascension Episcopal Church, and Murray, and accompanied by Miss Leux, Seiland Take Leads Martha Schaeffer, presented its The drama stars Mne. Mary Laux "Kable To Run Business his wife were honored at a supper spring program. Hackman Gets given by the Canterbury Club at the and M. John Seiland as the lovers, parish house on April 12. Representa- The following numbers were in- M. James Roach and M. Paul Peah- Business Manager, Phil Kable, is tives oi the other denominations were cluded: An Offering by Baldwin; Now Sr. Play Lead koff as Pasquinot and Bergamin, a pre-med student from Baltimore. ~ the Month of IIfaying .by Thomas. their fathers, and M. John Wilhelm He is a member of Alpha Gamma Tau invited to attend. and Morley; In These Delightful Pleasant As their final performance of the A meeting with the Lutherans in the role of Straforel. Hugh Ward fraternity and helped with freshman Methodists will be held on May 10 GroveB by Henry Purcell; Echo Song year, tbe senior- dramatic art students and Dave Rhoads will play the parts week this year. with Bishop Noble C. Powell, presid- by Orlando di Lasso; A Song of will present the play The Lrtte of two ruffians and Mr. Philip S. Even though the ALOHA elections ing Episcopal bishop of Baltimore, as Music by Paul Hindemith; Out of the George Apley, Friday, May 26, at Royer and Karl Yount will be musi- this year were later than usual, the Night, a Finnish Folk Song; I Am 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. cians. The performance is under the staff hopes to start work as soon as speaker. Wesleyans Joy by Davis; and The JUexican Hand In the title role is James Hackman. direction of Miss Margaret Snader of Plans have been made for the Wes- Glrtpping Song, a folk song with Other members of the cast are: Peggy the French Department. leyan banquet on May 5, while the Dorothy Alexander as soloist. Stacy as Catherine Apley, Harry Wesleyanettes are planning theirs for This year the glee club had an Adams as John Apley, and Betty Lee Five Music: Students May 12. "orchestra" with Winnie Spencer as Robins as Eleanor Apley. Methodist Students a violin, Marilyn Hardester as the Marion Auld plays the two parts Offer Organ Recital town Pike will be the scene of the bass, and Harriet Kahn as the clari- of of Margaret and Lydia Ley ton. Wil- Big Pipe Creek Park on the Taney- Hering net. Janet took the part played David by Heiberg, son is This afternoon at 4 :25 in Alumni roller-skating party planned for May the trumpet; Nell Hughesv the Amelia Newcombe by Mary Ellen Hall, students from Miss Grace 17. French horn; Mickie Rupert, the pic- Smith, and Roger Newcombe by Cordia Murray's organ classes pre- scs. colo; and Jo Kompanek, the flute. The Howard Haines. sented a recital. Inauguration of next semester's girls were assisted by Pat McLaren Zach J aquett plays Horatio Will- who was the back stage director. Patricia Shear played two hymns: officers will be held May 3 at 6:45 i.n ing; Virginia Lee Armacost, Jane . Sweet Hour of Prayer and Come ThOll Baker Chapek Russ Deragon, the r-r- , :~~~:~;; ~:~a~:c~~UI~;ni~ ~;;:~ Almighty King. Shirley Bankert newly elected president, will speak. played Communion by Lemmens; Home Ec Club by John Seiland; Emily Southworth Tric, by Rheinberger; and Prelude in On Saturday, April 22, the Home Don't Forget by Pat McLaren; Julian H. Dole by C MajO?' by Bach. Ec Club attended the state meeting William Dulany; and Henry by Leon Stover. Berceuse by Vierne and Calnz;omJ. at Hood College where Jackie Brown The production is under the direc- in D Minor by Bach were played by was initiated as Western Maryland's The Deadline for tion of Miss Esther Smith. Donald Audrey Myers. William Scheder delegate for the year 1950-51- Bailey will manag,e the lights and played Puer Nrttus EBt by Titromb. Tentative plans have been made to ALOHA various stage equipment. The final numbers were played by present a fashion show in McDaniel Tha Lo,t,e GeO?'ge Apley in book Mary Ann White. Her numbers were Phil Kable Lounge on May 10. subscriptions is: form was written by John P. Mar- Toccatn. in E mi"IWT by Pachelbel j My Business MamJ.ger, '51 ALOHA quand and received the Pulitzer Soul Doth Magnify the Lord by International Relations Club APRIL 29! Prize for the best novel of 1988. Mr. Pachelbel; Ch<1rale PreludeB includ- possible. They have already begun to Discussing present day relations in Marquand and George S. Kaufman ing Au" MtmBchen mlUslm Sterben consider ·possible contracts. the Far East, Miss Natalie Disbrow See your dorm published the story in play form, and and lch ruf :tit DfJT Herr Jeau Christ As many pictures as possible will was guest speaker at the Interna- it was an immediate success in this by Bach; Elevation by Couperin; and be taken this spring including spring tional Relations Club L'tStnight. Miss solieitor. form as evidenced by its long run on P't-elude and Fugue in C Major by sports, senior infonnals and snme Disbrow is assistant professor in the Broadway in 1944-45. Bach. new views on the campus. history department.
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