Page 43 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 43
The Gold Bug, April 25, 1950 On Top With Blackie Courtmen Defeat Terror Stick Squed Expects Improvement Expected Over Two, Drop Four Initial Win Against Hofstra E IS· pring S par t L asses In Initial Contests Travel To New York For Third Away ' ar Y Th, Hurtmen had the distinction of Lacrossers byS!:~:i~!;:;Zt ~;~~~~in!hl:~~e:;~~d~~ct~~:;~st!~~Contest In Five Starts; Baltimore U. Next Opponent Maryland. After dropping their first The victory-starved Terror ten are How to-write about a loser? A question that plagues sports writers from match to Colgate University, the looking for their first win of the sea- time to time is posing a big problem here at Western Maryland. At the moment courtmen rebounded with a 6-1 vic- when they invade Long Island, the Terrors have four varsity teams in operation, totaling four wins in twenty- tory over Washington College. The Bon afternoon for a New York, tomorrow six starts. Most everyone heartily dislikes losing, but at this point it's almost a Terrors swept five of the six singles go against Hofstra College. necessary evil because of the expanding athletic policy at Western .Mary- matches and were victorious in the The lacroesemen are laboring un- land. The athletic deparhnent deserves much credit for its only doubles match played. der a double incentive for victory-c-Al efforts to raise the level of competition, and despite early. On April 13 the squad traveled to Paul, ex-Western Maryland lacrosse setbacks, we can look forward to an increasing show of Washington, D. C. to meet American pilot, is now assistant coach under ~trength as the season progresses. It's easy to see just U. Ned Brown was upset in the num- Howdy Myers, formerly of Johns what is being done by the school to better the situation. ber one position and the Eagles took Hopkins. Many of the present Green The best possible baseball coach. was obtained in Jim ' three other singles matches, Phil Sack and Gold 'crosser-a received tutoring Boyer, and the same can be said for lacrosse. Fred Stei- and Dick Diener being the only win- in the stick game from Paul, and ~e:~ ::~ ~v!~l:~~~s~ur~:~~e:v::c~~:::~~:d l~~o;~ea:;~! ~::~ f::m~;~at~~~tor;'on~h:as~~Ow~~ ~:t~!~;e \;~~~dt~~~a~:tt:~~y ~:~ee!~:~ as the man to mold a winning combination. Next year we doubles, but Bobby Talner and Diener their lessons well, but have learned could have a crack outfit, and Sparrow is working them had to come from behind to win the a-few more tricks under Ed Sparrow, Sgt. Puryear ~;:C~i:~t~e;~a;e:~d\~~e:~~~' ;:;r::!l ;~:~ ~::eU~i~:S~t~ ~i~:b:; 4:~~ t~~u~~:~~:~;h 1:;: ~;o~~ ~::en~: ;~a~~~;t~~' b:~~e;i~~:i:s ;~~~ of North Carolina on Hoffa Field- George Winfrey and Blackie Brandt victory over Hofstra last year. ......_--- in lacrosse that is! latter are unknown as yet; last year in the third combination. They swept The attackmen have taken the Better Baseball Seen WMC placed twenty-eighth in a field the first set 6-1, but lost the next two, The baseball team has had troubles that included teams from all over 6-1, 6-2. Dan Honemann the United States. Spring Fraternity too, but from here on in the wins Attention Charlie Havens Dep't.: Catholic U., Loyola lion's share in scoring honors thus should be more frequent. The infield There's a great new football prospect The raqueteers played their third far-three out of a total of five, that has been a strong point, rattling off on the campus. Specializes in kick- home game, against Catholic U. on Sports Disclosed . is. Vince Landau has scored two and an unusual number of double plays, ing ... heard said he has a mighty April 15. Number one singles and Bob Ebert one, while midfielder Hugh while the squad has three .300 hitters powerful right foot ... think his doubles were the only winners for the At the meeting of the interfraterni- Council has acco-unted for the re- in Dyke, Giannelli, and Shook. Mainly name is walkerlj hosts, and the Cardinals wjlnt away ty Athletic Council on Friday, it was maining .couple. The loss of Joe Kee- they seem to need improved pitching with a 5-2 victory. officially disclosed that the Preachers nan for the rest Of the campaign, due and steadier all-aro~nd performance. Thanks It was almost the same story when captured th~ intramural volleyball to a shoulder injury was a severe Dyke claims to have a potentially fine In this, the next to last issue of the Hur tmen played in Baltimore diadem. Under the capable tutelage blow and has forced Dan Honemann Western Maryland baseball team un- THE GOLD BUG, the writer would against Loyola. Phil Sack managed of Bill Monroe, the Preachers posted to do much of the midfield work, as an der his wing and feels that they have like to acknowledge the valuable as- to salvage one singles match for the a perfect record in league competi- experienced operator. He has been an excellent chance to finish first or sistance he has received from several visitors and avert a shutout. Ned tion. The final standings were: supported by Ed Klohr and Ed Craw- second in the Northern Division of the members of the student body. John Brown played an I excellent match ford. Defensemen Tony Byron, Bill Mason-Dixon Circuit. Sgariglio has been very helpful, against Jerry Laroque of Loyola: Preachers W 6 L 0 Rhoads, and Joe Corleto will share Rifle Team writing several articles on the boxing Bachelors __. . 4 2 the duties in the crease, while Bill Let's go back to a winter activity and wrestling teams, and more re- Gamma Bets _. . 2 4 Dvorine and Harris LeFew will al- for the moment and take a quick look cently baseball. Paul Peshkov and Black & Whites 0 6 ternate in the nets. at the rifle team. Tb,ey didn't win Jim Sullivan collaborated to give the Losing Streak every match, but they did have prob- JV and varsity basketball teams some T.he schedule for the intramural ably their best squad in many years. fine write-ups, while Ellsworth Bunce softball league has been drawn up, The Sparrowmen have dropped According to Sergeant Puryear, the helped out with lacrosse and the rifle with competition slated to start on four straight, the last two being at ramrods averaged higher scores this team news. Malcolm Meltzer wrote the Wednesday, April 29. This year's the hands of Washington College and season than ever before and managed inter-fraternity report to be found circuit is composed of eight teams; Loyola. The Sho'mcn poured fifteen to gain a place in the National Inter- elsewhere on this page. Thanks a mil- the Bachelors, Gamma Bets, Black points into the nets, while Council one for the collegiate Matches. The results of the lion, fellows. - and Whites, Preachers, Chow Hounds, scored two and Ebert College also de- Comets, Freshmen, losers. Washington and: Wild Cats. BaseballTeamBreakslrito Victory Game time for the month of April feated the University of North Caro- lina, by a 14-4 margin. The Terrors will be 6:30 p. m., but in May, when on May 5 at Column By Defeating Ran-Macon' daylight saving time has taken effect, will meet the 'Ear-heels Carolina. of Chapel Hill, North time will be moved up to the starting On April Greyhounds 22 the 6:45. Each team will face every other Western Maryland's varsity base- tors, and was replaced later by Bob club once, two games being held Loyola trounced score. Western Maryland Landau Vince 19-1 by a ball team opened its Mason-Dixon Bartl. Loyola was outhit by their op- nightly. Hoffa Field and the football League campaign against Washing- ponents, 14 to 9, but the former were practice field will be the sites of the averted a shutout for the losers with a goal in the second quarter. ton College in Westminster on April unfortunately able to score the most contests. The games will be conducted 11. The Sho'men, winners of last runs, marking up a 12-6 win. Among under the official softball rules for year's Southern Division champion- the Terror hits were two triples, by 1950. Golfers Drop Bees ship, came out on the long end of an Dyke and Joe Giannelli, and three Ned Brown Golf Tournament 11 to 3 score. doubles. Sloppy fielding was the both participants drawing much ap- The date for the intar-frnternity Sullivan, pitching for the Chester- principle factor in the loss of this plause from the spectators. After golf tournament has been set for For First Victory town crew, struck out fourteen Ter- game. splitting the first two sets, Brown Thursday, May 11. Each squad will rors and limited the home team to First League Win weakened and Laroque came back consist of four players. The golf team, led by Dr. Milton J. seven hits. Julie Dyke belted a home The Terrors won their first league strong to take the match. Brown has Plans are also being made for track, Huber, got off on the wrong foot when run with a man off base to furnish outing by registering a 6-5 triumph a fine chance to beat Laroque when it dropped its opening match April 14 the only bright spot for the Green and over Randolph-Macon at Ashland, they meet again on the Hill on May 1. which is considered a major sport in against Mt. St. Mary's by a 6-3 count. Gold. The game was called in the Virginia. They capitalized on nine frat competition. The date tentatively The contest was played on the home eighth inning because of cold weather. errors made by R-M, and the superb Second Win selected for the track meet is Thurs- links under adverse weather. condi- relief pitching of Leo Lathroum. The day, May 18, the day following the Baseball In The Snow The tennis team gained its second Carroll County track meet, also to be tions. WMC next traveled to Penn State tall right-hander entered the game in win of the campaign on April 22, held on Hoffa Feld. The various The Huber-men broke into the win to play a team anxious to win its the second inning with bases loaded when they overcame Dickinson Col- events include the 100, 220, 440, half- column the following day when they opener. The first five innings were and no outs. He walked the first man lege by a 5-4 margin. Brown, Sack, mile and mile races, the mile relay, trounced the University of Baltimore played in the snow-and a barrage he faced, forcing in a run, and then and Talner registered victories for shotput, broad jump, and the running by the same 6-3 score. of Penn State hits. The contest was proceeded to retire the next three the Green and Gold, while the first high jump. finally called because of the weather. batters. From that point on he was two doubles combinations clinched the Tennis may possibly round out the Juniata Wins Final score: Penn State 11; WMC O. master of the situation, yielding only verdict for Western Maryland. Bobby intramural spring sporta program, Three straight away contests fol- The following two games were four hits and no runs for the' rest of 'I'alner played very well in winning, but no definite decision concerning lowed, the first being against Juniata played against a touring Trinity Col- the contest. WMC pulled the win out while Dickinson had Brown and Sack the court game has been reached as College on April 17. The Terrors lege nine on April 14 and 15. They in the final canto when Dyke tripled down 5-1 and match point. They could garner only one point in a los- are considered one Q:f the better with a man on and then scored later fought back brilliantly to triumph 6-4, yet. ing cause and the final score was squads in the East, and proved it to himself. 4-6, and 7-5. Juniata-8, WMC-1. The matches the hosts' satisfaction by taking Big Inning against Loyola and George Washing- both games, 7-2 and 9-2. The Boyermen put up a stiff battle ton U. followed the same pattern, Western Maryland's second attempt against the Old Liners from College with Western Maryland coming out at a league victory was thwarted by Park on April 21, holding them in on the short end of 7-2 and 9-0 scores Loyola, on the Evergreen diamond. check until the seventh inning. But T. W. Mather & Sons respectively. Jonas Eshelman started for the visi- Terror pitcher Russ Shivers weakened The linksmen returned home to en- in that frame and allowed Maryland gage the University of Maryland to score nine times, making the final Department Store' golfers on April2L The hosts dropped count 14-4. their fourth straight by a 7'\4-1% margin, but Dr. Huber feels that his Free Delivery charges will settle down and come through with a successful season. The Westminster's competition has been unusually tough New Modern Drug Store I this year, but the locals should im- prove with each match. DRUGS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Best Quality Engraving COSMETICS Everybody Is Welcome SODAS INVITATIONS To Stop In At ANNOUNCEMENTS Bixler and Guild CALLING CARDS Don Makosky Margaret '& Earl's Drug Co. £0' P. G. Coffman Co. SMITH & REIFSNIDER SANDWICHES- John and Main Su. Incorporated. SOFT. DRINKS Phone Westmin'Ster 401 LUMBER-COAL . WESTMINSTER. MD~
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