Page 50 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, May 16, 1950 Green Terror Sports In Review; Nine Closes With Hopkins; Athletic Brevities Of The Year Hurtmen· Hampered By Rain The sports year 1949-'50 has been Kern led his charges against seven an interesting one from a Western adversaries during the '49·'50 cam- B~ <'JumU Maryland standpoint, and while not paign, ekeing out a victory over Bal- the most successful, it had many sat- timore U. and tying Loyola. The mat- The swatsmiths will seek to con- The varsity tennis team continued isfying and entertaining moments to men were hampered by the loss of clude a dismal season- on a joyful note its season when they traveled to Bal- be' long remembered. Following is a Kern due 'to a shoulder injury sus- this afternoon when th~y meet tradi- timore to meet Johns Hopkins on brief review of the 'major teams, and tained in football. Returnees include tional foe, Johns Hopkins, on the local April 25. The Jays had too much their accomplishments. Jack Rail, Mike Chirigos, Bob and diamond. Past seasonal records leave strength in singles and topped the Frank Wilsey, Marv Seigal, Bill Bart- The Havensrnen, led by· Backs Stan little to-glory and yet it is not without visitors by a 6-3 count. 28, the Hurtpien On April Fieldman, Joe Giannelli, and Hank gis, Don McShane, and Harold Wagon. personal achievements. Although 21 host to Towson State Teachers, played blast. ad- Corrado, posted a seven and one rec- games were originally scheduled, the ministering a thorough 9-0 white- ord, losing only to Gettysburg. The Despite the co'mbined efforts at: weather forced cancelation of five. Of gridders kept the winning streak of Jim Boyer and Julie Dyke, the base- the 15 thus far played, the squad gar- washing. At this point it looked as Homecoming games unbroken with a ~ ball team could only garner one, vic- nered but one into the win column though the courtmen were hitting tory (with one contest remaining). when they downed Randolph-Macon their. stride, but a prolonged spell of That was a close 6-5 win over Ran- 6-5. The Jays boast a record compar- bad weather forced cancellation of dolph-Macon, due principally to Leo AlPaul able to Western Maryland and with a matches with Gettysburg, Loyola, Lathroum's fine relief hurling. Dyke FOlmer Terror Lacrosse Coach good performance, the Tenors can ~iC:~:::;;i~~~d American University . did a wonderful job trying to give the Now At Hoffstra rack up this second win. Finally, on May 9, the raqueteers Green and Gold a winner, but bad Russ Shivers will do the hurling for got in enough strokes to make it two Terrors Score 7-5 the nine, supported by the usual line- ;~~~~=~::~pe~~:~;e'in::~ta~~:te:o~r. up of Bob Douglass, catcher; Lefty in a row with a win over Delaware U. Next year the diamond squad will be Kaufman, first base; Julie Dyke, short The visitors could manage to take only one match from Western Mary- Lacrosse Triumph stop; Jerry Phipps, second base] Paul ~~~!k, ~re~~;dPhf;;!~s:!~g~:uf!e; land and left with an 8·1 drubbing. Tereshinski, third base; Ken Shook, and Paul Tereshinski, while pitchers, The 1950 lacrosse season ended last left field; Jack Urian, right field, and The contest scheduled for May 10 Russ Shivers, Leo Lathroum, and Bob Saturday with the "Big Green" on Joe Giannelli, center field. against Lebanon Valley was cancelled Bartl will return. the short end of a 10 and 1 record for because they didn't have a team this match against while a return year, The lacrosse team also ran into a the year. Standout Batters Towson, May 12, was cancelled be- run {If bad luck, winning one game in Looking into the past, we find that The team batting average, while cause of rain. eleven. The stickers overcame Frank- on April 26 the Terrors traveled to very mediocre, is offse~ by the output Iin-Marahal! on Hoffa Field by a 7-5 Hampstead, N. Y., to engage the of such standouts as J ulie Dyke, count. but lost the rest by sizeable "Flying Dutchmen" of Hofstra Col- wielding' the bat at .375; Joe Giannelli, scores. Returning members include lege. A nip and tuck battle was the .350; Jerry Phipps, .307; and Ken McLea, Bill and Dave Rhoads, Ear- order of the day, and at the end of Shook, .294. hart, Crawford. Hcnemann, Keenan, three quarters the knot was tied at Era tie fielding has mar-ned the best Barber, Shanklin, LeFew, Klohr, three goals apiece. Then the "Dutch- efforts of pitchers Leo Lathroum, Charlie Havens Council, Landau, and Wagonblast. men" broke the pace and threw in Russ Shivers, Skitch Henderson, and three goals in the final period to win Bab Bartl. Leo Lathroum holds cred- 25·6 victory over Hampden-Sidney, The raqueteers also had a lot of 6-3. it for the sale win over Randolph- and swamped Johns Hopkins 35-7 to trouble with the weather, having The next contest found the Green Macon. highlight a successful season. many of their matches cancelled. As and Gold battling the "Tigers" of The most consistent of the diamond- Returning players include Tullai, of now their record is 5-5, and they Penn State. The sbickmen from West- cutters are Jerry Phipps in his de-. Fieldman, Rydzewski, Terreshinski, have an excellent chance of finishing minster fought hard and- played a' fense of the keystone area and Julie Moretti, Renaldi, Henderson, Sykes, good game even though 'defeated 17-4, Dyke performing at shortstop. This and Makowski, in the backfield. by a more potent host. combination has given the Terrors a George 'I'soupreke and Al Donnelly Lose To B. U. strong unit in this area of the die- are expected to hold down the center On May 3 the Sparrowmen trav- mend. position, while at the ends will be eled to Baltimore to engage Baltimore Next Year Norman, Miksinski, Collins, Durst, University. Once again the victory- Looking toward next year's pros- Renko, and RaIl. At tackle will be AI- starved 'I'errors-had to be denied and pects, it is noted that the squad will brittain, Rusinko" and Molesworth, were on the short end of a 13-4 score. lose Julie Dyke and Joe (Mr. W. M. while at guard Makovitch, Rudisill, In hopes of breaking into the win Football) Giannelli. Except for these Samakouris, Chirigos, Marsh, Rhyne,-"""""_ column, the Terror stickmen jour- and Sullivan, will cavort. neyed to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, two the squad will return intact. Dyke has been a definite inspiration The basketball squad couldn't get to meet the "Tar Heels." However, to his teammates with sparkling con- on its feet. after four straight early the Westminster ten could not hold on sistency both in the field and at the SMITH & REIFSNIDER losses, and after upsetting Catholic to a 3-1 halftime lead, and watched 11 plate. When Jim Boyer left for Ameri- Incorporated U., lost eight contests in a row. They foreign goals "zip" into their nets can League umpiring duties, Julie started a four game win streak by during the second half-score 12-4, N. took over piloting the squad in the LUMBER-COAL swamping Hopkins 65.38,; among C. U. Perhaps the 100 0 temperature dual capacity of player-coach. WESTMINSTER, MD. them a thrilling 53·52 victory over caused by a scorching Carolina sun Hampden-Sidney on Ernie Makowski's came in handy for the hosts? last minute field goaL' The courtmen First Win were undoubtedly hurt by the injury If you do not succeed at first, try,. to Walt Hart, and Coach Fergueson try again .... And try they did, for hopes to better the 6·15 next fall. Joe Giannelli the "stickers" of western Maryland The boxing team participated in' got their first win by downing Frank- four meets during the winter but man- above .500. Phil Sack, Ned Brown, lin and Marshall College on Hoffa aged only to beat American U. In all Blackie Brandt, Bobby Talner, George Field by a 7-5 count. However, not Ull- fairness, however, the mittmen went 'I'aouprake, Pat Huddle, and Art Salt- til the last period did the winning out of their class against Army.-Penn ma~h will serve as the nucleus next goals come from the Green sticks; State, and Ca~holic U. spring. breaking a 5-5 deadlock. The highpoint of the campaign May 12 found the soldiers of carne when the boxers traveled to V.M.1. invading Hoffa Field to do bat- Syracuse, N. Y., to take part in the "MEET AT . tle with the W.M.C. clan. A hard Eastern Interoollegiates. Joe Corletto battle ensued but the outcome found put up the finest battle, in the heavy- the Terrors once again behind. This weight division, but was edged out by PET EI'S time by a 15-6 score. Chuck Drazennovich' of Penn State. The final game of the season found Next winter Molesworth, Samakour-is, the University of Delaware mauling Luby, LeFew, McLea, Dix, and Camp- the Green and Gold by an 18-2 verdict. bell will compete for the Terrors, To Get Your Eats" A few words of credit should be while Watson Solomon and Leroy given to the men who paced the West- , Merritt are undecided as yet whether Main St.-Red Neon Sign ern Maryland lacrosse team. The hard- they will return to the ring. fighting and sharp-shooting team, On the wrestling front, mentor Bill though soured from the first by lack of facilities and coaching, played spir- ited ball throughout the season. Best QuaJity Engraving Welcome Students INVITATIONS The Avenue ANNOUNCEMENTS Coffman~Fisher CALLING CARDS Barber Shop Company P. G. Coffman Co. ite gathering spot of students at Phone Westminster 401 DEPARTMENT STORE Tulane University is th~ Student 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 Center because it's a cheerful place Where The Students Come -full of friendly collegiate almos· G.C. Murphy & Co. phere. And when the gang gathers Nearest The Campus around, ice-cold Coca-Cola bets the Westminsh:r Laundry The Friendly Store call. For here, as in university Laundry and Dry Cleaning haunts everywhere---Coke belongs. Dormit0l'}' and Classroom Pick Up And Delivery Supplies Service Ask/or iteifher way ... both 85 Pennsylvania Ave. in trade-marks mtan the saine thillg. 6·10 West Main Street BOTTLED UNDER AIJTI"IORITY OF TH~ COCA·COLA COMPANY H Basement of Old Main WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING COo. INC. Westminster, Md.
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