Page 49 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 49
The Gold Bug. May 16, 1950 Women Athletes GJid Stars Among Athletes Have Successful R d F M G d ti Year In Sports ea y or ay ra ua Ion D~pleti~n Of ·Squads Pos~s Serious Problem To The Lady Terrors, despite weather and sickness drawbacks, have had notable turnouts in all sports played Varsity Coaches For Competition N~xt Year this year. The names of many fine athletes have graced the rosters of the various The hockey team split two encoun- teams representing western Maryland College, through the years, but it is ters with Towson, while in intraclass competition, the junior class took first doubtful that this school has ever seen a graduating class "before quite like honors. Outstanding players on the this one. In 1946 Charlie Havens began building a football squad that was frosh team this season were Bobbie to show Terror fans some of the best football seen in a Green and Gold uniform Davison, -Mary Sebastian, Nell since the days of Dick Harlow, and now the nucleus of that team is enjoying in Along with them go standouts on the Hill. their last days as students Hughes, and Sarah Wilson. every eld in which Western Maryland participates, and we, as representative Western Maryland met Towson of the student body, wish them the best of luck wherever they go, and know again, this time in a badminton that they will continue to exhibit the highest type of sportsmanship in what- tournament, but dropped four out of five matches. Those girls playing were ever they do. N. Hughes, V. Clayton, J. Graf,· C. Below is a list of those men who Schofield, J. Preston, M. Sebastian, have taken part in a varsity sport at B. Callendar, and P. Smith. some time during their tenure on the Hill. Harry BUBh The basketball season proved to be more successful for the girls, as they Al Bright-mainstay of the golf squad returned with victories from games at for four years. Soccer Team, Football Suffer ~te~::~~~!:::e~~:c:o~atn:da i~e~~~~ H~:l~ !~!~t--center of varsity foot- ereeing county and class court con- Harry Bush-performed at center for Heavy Losses This Spring tests, WMC set a precedent in the na- H~mer Campbell-earned letter play- who ~~V~~:~~~·rk ~~u~fiee::e. man ;~~~~ ~~~:\:~:k:!~a~a!:s~~t~~a:i:: by Blackie Brandt SportB Editor ~~~~~l~~~~e ~~~:; ~en;inJ~~:irG;a~- _ J~n~o~~; of finest guards ever Betty Shepter, and Mari~n Auld. Lo~\ to attend ~MC, J~e .is also ,;elI ' Much has been said about the star athletes to le)..,e Western Maryland cal ratings were won by Ruth Allen known for hIS exploits m the boxing this spring, but now in thi~ final issue, it would be appropriate to say a few Bertha Brittner, Charlotte Janney: ring and on the lacrosse field. Mem- words about some of the less publicized members who also did outstanding and Dolly Dalgleish. ber of the Medford quartet. work for the Terrors in the field of sports. After only two days of volleyball Hank Corr~~o--------cxcenedat the full- There are plenty of fellows who plugged away day practice the Lady Terrors were forced back pO~ItIon,.Hank also w~s the after day and got little recognition for their efforts, but to relinquish all sports activity be- extra-point kIcker: l\~r. Inaide of not everyone can be mentioned, so several standouts have cause of the flu epidemic. However, D theldM~dford comb~n?tion. been chosen as representative of the group. • Gene Frank First on the list is George Winfrey, who was a main- :=a~I~;e~Pt~:~:~sc:~~;o!~: ;:e;::; !:~a~d ~:~i;iI~~~c~~:~~d on bo~- stay on the soccer team, and last year gained a berth on Charles Kidd-rifle team four years. the Middle Atlantic All Star squad. This spring George te~~~~baftlf~ra:~~:e~rYdes:~t: ~!!~~~~DI~~s~~:~~;-;::~)ty tennis player In Charles Kobosko-cfour-vear man for conditions, eontinued, and in the short gr-idders at end posit~n. ~e~n~e:~uca~~o~:~~{:! ~~;~:~ ~i:r~~~~~~nd~~re~~~e;a:;!;~ time left, the teams are contesting Joe Kovaleski - varsity golfer for way and developed into a M k k W II before he came to WMC, but learned for the ehampionship. Games are four years. the hard scheduled from May 8 through the Tilo Margarita - standout at guard e lver 17th, with several games scheduled position for three years. Fourth ste:!~t=:: ~~:a~::e~f:'~i:rbest ad- a os Y I for 6:30. The teams are as follows: member from Medford. fite~:~:o~;~Returning Veterans This year's season of sports activi- David Patten-rifle team four years. ;;:c~!:n~nco~~:p::i~e:f ties was culminated by the annual Edwin Ransford - grid linesman for last fall. Jim also made second string The Western Maryland varsity golf spring party in Harvey Stone Park three seasons. fullback on the 1949 All-Maryland squad posted five victories and a tie in sponsored by the Woman's Athletic eoceer aggregation. In the spring he fifteen matches played up to and in- Association. Interesting talks about Edward Seerner - defenseman on la- turned his attention to lacrosse, play- cluding the Gettysburg contest. summer camp work were given by crosse squad. ing at midfield for the stickers. Nell Hughes and Anit.a Rowan. These Howard Shannon-boxed in 125-1b.di- WMC 3, Mt. St. Mary 6 Football also figures in this short WMC 6, Baltimore U. 3 were followed by installation of next vision. sketch of sports personalities on the WMC 1, Juniata 8 year's board members who are: Peg George 'Vinfrey - soccer four years, hill. Harry Bush has been a rregular WMCO, G & W9 Brown, Pres.; A. Yearley, V. Pres.; tennis in his senior year. Steady at center for the grtddera since 1946, WMC 1%, Maryland 71,2 C. Janney, Sect.; Ina Grice, Treas.; competitor. and not until the Gettysburg encoun- WMC 3, Gettysburg 6 -B. Davison, Hockey Manager; J. John Sgariglio-----varsity football three ter last October did he miss a game. WMC 6, G & W 3 Newell, Badminton manager; . J. years, boxing two. During his freshman year Bush par: WMC 5, American U. 4 Hoyt, Basketball manager; N. Win- Tony Byron-------
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