Page 48 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, May 16, 1950 Wedding Calendar Sho,tSto,y Wedding bells will chime thia'eum- mer for many s_tudents and gradu- It All Stinted Two7Years Ago'. With A 'First Prize' ates. Below is a list oi the prospective brides and grooms and the dates they b1l EUe1). Rudolph, have selected for the happy day, May- be you could find a spare vacation I Don't ask me why we did it. I guess lame excuse about hockey practice Dick's work and had asked him to do spread it on the floor, and poured afternoon for a little rice throwing secretly t-ve're all ashamed of what and beat it. Whew! a scene from Gatesleigh. The school paint right out of the jars on it, when Western Marylanders go to the happened-all except Frank. He's He really had a rare sense of hu- is on a hill, and you can see the roll- scratching the colors together with a altar. probably never eVM thought ewtce mor-it showed up at some of the ing farm land for quite a waye, but stick. Then he glued scraps of paper, June 3 about it. The reason I'm bringing up midnight parties we used to have with Dick chose a little glen, right up near bread crusts, rubber bands, orange everything im- Mary Ellen Hess, '51, and Jack the whole affair after a year, when crackers and cheese and some smug- the school, with a brook, trees, and a peels-anything and sheet. It was the gled beer. The boys would chip in most of the boys would rather forget have been aginable wooden bridge. It might on that Fritz, '50. it, is that the other day I saw Dick with their packages from home and corny, but it was very pretty. Mr. weirdest looking thing you ever saw. June 10 working in an A&P store in Highland- Frank would get the beer. That Johns wouldn't 'let Dick paint it "Bet Dick can't beat that for modern Betty Linton, '51, and Dick Wallace town. He was thinner than ever, and Frankl He could do anything! At first modernistieally-he clamped down on art," he roared, and we all laughed. Beverly Millsteed, ex-'5i, and John his pale face had a defeated look, we just asked Dick because he was him and made him paint it so the The next day the pictures were all Gruber, '50. somehow. I know he saw me, but he new and he might get some good food average person could recognize it. up in the corridor, ready for judging. Joan Wmiarnson, ex-'51, and Joe didn't smile or speak. Can't _say I from home. We soon found out that Unwillingly, Dick did it-not like a Frank was making fun of Dick's Fowler, '50. blame him-I have the feeling that we he never did--once his mother sent photograph, but trying to express the "Little Nigger Gal," as he called it, James Thomas, '51, and Audrey boys changed his life 'for the worse. him a soggy cake, but that was aU- atmosphere of the quiet little valley in ..,and asked Dick if that was his girl Schaaf. It all started two years ago when but we kept asking him because we spring. It was really neat, and Mr. friend. By this time I was beginning June 17 Dick first came up the long path to liked to see him clown around. Gosh! Johns got quite enthusiastic about it. to get a little sick of Frank's silly talk, Virginia Clayton, '50, and Bill Bow- our school-c-a. skinny, delicate little • That crazy kid! He would sing, imi- I think his standing there among the so I walked out of the room, but as I man. guy with a sensitive face. I remember tate Milton Berle or Fred Astaire- other teachers went up a notch or two left, I saw Frank get a bunch of our Betty White, '50, and Steve Covey, hanging out the dorm window with do anything! And he would drag out -the art department at Gatesleigh crowd in a corner and whisper some- '51. " J aek and Frank, craning my neck to thi~ collection of pipes he had-any- had never been stressed very much. thing to them. Muffled laughter came Jean Benneyan and Andrew Korda- see the new arrival. We sized him up thing from a yellow corncob to one On the strength of the popularity of from the group, but I didn't bother to lewski. from the minute he came, put a label shaped like an elephant's head with that picture, Mr. Johns announced a find out what was so funny. June 24 on him, and never gave him a chance. ivory tusks-s-end would smoke them school art exhibit. The idea had al- First Prize Flo Rice, '50, and Dick Dunlop, '50. Frank yelled out the window, "Gonna all, one after the other. He really liv- ways been dear to him, but he never The results of the judging were to Fran Wilhelm and John Dorgan, join the football team?" And all us ened those parties up. Sometimes I had the support of the administration be made known that afternoon. Dick '50. guys howled with laughter. Everybody think Frank got a little jealous, be- before. Every boy was compelled to was so worked up he could hardly eat. July 8 always laughed at Frank's jokes. The cause he had always been the main at- enter some original piece of work. It must have meant a lot to him- Phyllis Blattner and Ned Maeen- little kid didn't even look up, but I traction before. One time when Dick One of Mr. Johns' friends, a well- more than we all realized. About four helmer, '50. could see his face turn red. was especially funny, Frank went known artist, was to be the judge. Of o'clock Frank came over to where Dick July 15 Iron-clad Customs Kept. over and picked him up in both hands, course the guys were pretty disgusted was sitting out in the vestibule, biting holding him straight up over his head. Shirley Bankert, '51, and Richard Another thing that made it tough Ceee, was that ever a sight! This with the whole idea. Frank was the his nails, and told him to come quick to see the pictures, that they had been leader of the opposition. I think he Murray. for Dick is that he was put in our skinny little kid with bugged out, was sore because his lacrosse victory judged. Dick jumped up and almost August 26 dorm. I don't know why the adminis- , frightened eyes, waving his arms and over St. Peter's had been overshad- ran into the hall. I followed along Peggy Sisler, '52, and Hillard Hayz- tration of the school did it. Gatesleigh legs, but not saying a word, and pow- owed by the excitement Dick's pic- with some other boys to see what had lett, '52. is pretty closely knit, and through the erful Frank, grin flashing, showing ture caused. It was the first time his won first prize. We were all pretty Ann Thompson, '50, and Walter years, iron-clad customs have grown off his knotty muscles. After that epi- athletic ability had been ignored, and sure that Dick's picture had won, Shocky. though. I was thunderstruck when I up that are strictly kept. The floor we sode, Dick never came back to our he didn't like it. But Mr. Johns had September 4 were on was always reserved for the parties. We never asked him, and he gotten Dr. Martin, the president of entered the hall and saw, in bold, Betty Taylor, '50, and Ed Miller. boys with bigger allowances and big- never bothered to come. Gatesleigh, interested in .the art black letters upon the picture oppo- September 9 get- muscles and less inclination for Fought Like A Girl show, and Dr. Martin said that no boy site me the words "First Prize." It Dottie McClayton, '50, and Dick study than the average Gatesleigh could pass the semester's work unless was Frank's "Garbage Can." I saw Flavin, '50. boy. And then, knowing this, they Frank began to get tough with Dick he entered something in the contest. Dick's face go white and pinched. He Frances Warren and Tony Byron, went and put thiS puny little squirt after that, and started to bully him. We were all stuck. took a huge gasp of air and steeled '50. ' with his box of paints, who was there He'd kid Dick about his skinny arms, Show Causes Excitement himself to shake Frank's hand. "Con- on a scholarship, in the room down the and his dull clothes, and his good gratulations," he mumbled, and turned September hall from us. At least they had marks, but he never made any im- Dick was really exicited over the to leave. I thought he was going to Warren Bourguin, '52, and Nancy enough sense not give him a room- pression on him until he made-fun of show. He spent weeks planning what pass out. "Hey pal, wait a minute. Smith, ex-'52. his paintings. That hit home, and he would do and how he would do it. You didn't do so bad yourself. You got mate. September Dick never did make any close Dick flew at him, scratching and bit- Under Mr. Johns' urging, he compro- honorable mention," Frank called. J oanne Koehler, '50, and Ken Hoo- friends at Gatesleigh. He stuck to his ing. Fought just like a girl. But one mised his modernistic leanings and did "Honorable mention." Dick spat the ver, '50. room or the infirmary-he was always lazy slap of Frank's arm floored him. something in a recognizable, though words out. He turned again to leave sick-and scarcely spoke to anybody. I don't think tRer~ was one boy at modern style. And I have to give it to and ran blindly out of the room. We picture was darn good, It him-the And paint! All that guy did was draw school who ever looked at Dick after later found out that he packed his Pop Quizl or paint. Not anything sensible-just that. What a sissy he wae! wasn't beautiful-far from it-but it stuff and left the school right after leaving his teachers mystified. that, This state of affairs, with Dick on turned your heart over inside. It was this crazy modern stuff. He would get real enthusiastic about his work. Once one side and the rest of the school a portrait of a thin colored women-c. He never came back. A worried glance toward a half I stopped in his room to borrow some with Frank as its leader on the other, 'just the head and shoulders against a Dick had no sooner left the room opened door_a knot of students con- matches; he was in there working on and a wall of mutual dislike in the yellow background-but it showed all when Frank and che other kids burst versing in murmured half-tones- this painting. For the life of me, I center, went on for a couple of months. the intense feeling and the struggle out laughing. I thought they'd never "think we'll get a pop quiz today"? couldn't tell what it was, but I said, It was about April, I guess, and boy, going on within the person. He called stop. "Hey, what's so darned funny?" An approaching figure glances over "That's some painting you got the;e." was Gatesleigh ever pretty that it "Let My People Go." Dick thought, I yelled. I was mad as hops---that his shoulder before joining the group, And he talked my ear oft'! Seems he spring! It came, upon me with a little and I thought, and Mr. Johns thought "Garbage Can" of Frank's winning then breathlessly asks "Is today T- was experimenting, trying the style surprise--I'd never noticed spring it was sure to win the prize. first prize. Was that artist crazy? day (for test, of course) 1" THE man of Whoozamacallit in his early period. much before. What started me to Frank, on the other hand, waited Frank, controlling his laughter with In tan tweed emerges from the glass One thing led to another, and he be- thinking about this was a picture of a till the last minute to paint his pic- an effort, said, "Look," and pointed to door of the English office gown the gan dragging out prints of pictures view from the school that Dick ture. A gang of us boys were in his Dick's picture. There, back where it hall. HiS energetic gait shows nothing and things he had done himself. Well, painted. Mr. Johns, the art instructor, room when he did it. I never laughed belonged was, in bold, black letters, of the tension in the breathless pace I know when I'm licked. I made some had become kirul of interested in so hard in my life. He took a sheet, the two words, "First Prize." of the intense students. A merry little blossom blooms from his lapel under the hall. That's hypocrisy for you. ex- Pins'n Points which lies a heart of stone for those Girls' Reactions To Mice Differ Ah, a pessimist lives here. "People before him. Darting looks are are no damn good; I hate 'em." And changed in the group which begins to Thank you Mr. Weatherman for co- "l mice found in an empty milk bottle. How here's another one yet; who bad the disperse. Timidly they approach that operating on May Day! Thanks also Are rether nue," or why it got there is a mystery, but reporter shaking in his boots with the ominous entrance to room 302. The goes to the Pan Hellenic Council and there it was. Which all goes to show, cheefful statement, "Leave hope be- threshold attained, their eyes meet the Student Government for the well- writes. poetess Christina Rossetti, but say the girls, what horrid little ani- hind, aH-ye who enter here." others filled with expectacy. Pages of planned festivities which added an- this sentiment would not be echoed by mals mice are--annoying even when Our reporter decided· not to enter "The College Book of American other happy memory to life at WMC. many occupants of the second floor of dead. so on she trotted down the hall, mov- Literature" flutter around the heads a certain girls' dorm. For this "second Does anyone happen to know the ing past such notices as "Old Shay of those bent on study, like moths Dan Cupid has struck again to add floor abounds with the little "critters," telephone number of the Pied Piper? Premium Beer" (Thank you, Gamma around the candle flame of knowlege. some new names to the list of en- and it is a well-known fact that girls I think I hear a mouse in the closet. Bets!), "ONLY YOU CAN PRE- The air is full of questions fired at gaged people on campus. They are and mice do not get along together. VENT FOREST FIRES", "Even at rapid pace among those seated. Jean Dennison, '51, and Buddy Smart; The girls on the floor fall into three this age, all the girls go for NAVY" "Where did Bryant attend college?" Peggy Sisler; '52, and Hillard Hays- categories, as regard mice; one group Signs On Doors (how true), "Men always welcome", "What was the name of the steam- Jett; Bob Fink and Marty waesehe. of the school "you let me alone, and "Please do not use your horn", "Your ship Franklin went to France on in I'll let you alone"; others (more nu- Prove Deceptive telephone orders will receive our 17741" The figure in tan approaches Little things can cause large com- merous) of the "Eeeek! A mouse!" the desk and firmly places his brief motion as proved last week when one _type, and a few hardy souls who ac- prompt attention", "Our price rates case on it. Will he pick up those care- small mouse got many screams from tually k~ll the ~easts and dispose of Men Wanted, Full Time - Part are reasonable. Inquire within." fully stacked yellow papers?- He the girls in the dining hall. Then there them With their. b~re hands, Two Time. Steady Work (Rain or Shine) She was tired after hopping up and casually opens his roll book and be- is the brave type like the waitress roomm~tes ?ave hquldat~d a ~otal of Day or Night Shift. down the halls. She· had slumped gins to read the names of those who carried the frightened little crea- four mice smce October III thIS fash- Yep, that's what the ad says. If against the end door to rest for a gathered before him. A gasp of relief ture outside! ion. The notches of their mouse-tjilP anyone bothers to answer it, we minute when she spied overhead a fills the room for the crisis is passed are quite impressive. But there are guarantee it will not be what he ex- sign saying, "Dead Animals Removed. until the next meeting of the class. With the wailing of fire engines and still a few mice that scrabble around pected, mainly because this sign hap- We Buy Hides, Tallow, and Grease. Then another occasion presents itself the snap of military pomp, the Preach- in the wastebaskets. pens to be on the third floor of Blanche Always on the job." Afraid of waking for a pop-quiz. \ ers got in the May Day show with the At night, when almost everybody is Ward. In fact, our Inquiring Reporter up in a glue factory, the reporter gave herself a shot of adrenalin and hot- ljaising of their new flag outside of in bed, except a few poor people who is making a formal protest against footed it up to the fourth floor and the frat room in Alumni Hall. have a Whitfield test the next day, the women who put misleading signs on then down to the second. After en- mice organize ~foraging parties to their 'doors. She saw first this poem: The SGA has really "pepped up" MUsic! Music! Music! That's what scour the rooms for crumbs and old We are weary of days and hours, countering a sign saying, "No Hunt- Old Main recently with the added we've been hearing on Thursday cracker boxes. You'd think the girls Blown buds of barren· flowers, ing with Dog, Trap or Gun", she made benches outside and new college ban- nights this spring from the band con- would be grateful for the house-clean· Desires and dreams and powers her rounds on the first floor in two ners in the Rec Room-both practical certs in Carpe Diem. Sounds great. ing, but females are a notoriously un- And everything but sleep. seconds flat, and then beat it over to and dccorative ideas! fellows, and besides everyone likes predictable lot. Many a mouse has And expecting to find a dreaming our office to make her report. the variety of entertainment this gone to his death lured by a grilled soul within, she quietly entered, and What did our inquiring reporter Vacation time is rapidly approach- change of seasons has brought. cheese baited trap. ran into someone about as languid as find out? Only this-that two fourth ing with eager anticipation from the The inhabitants of one room noticed Anne Parker at a Communist Con- floor doors had signs; there was exact- students. Watch for this space next Dr. Joseph Hendren of the English a peculiarly Unpleasant odor in their vention. ly one sign on the first floor; on the year when we'll "pin" down the in- Department was elected Secretary~ room, but couldn't locate it. This went Further down the hall, in big black second there were three doors that had formation gathered on the sands of Treasurer of the Middle Atlantic on for a week, and finally the place letters about five inches high was the them, BUT-fourteen out of twenty- Ocean City (N. J. or Md.), 'n "point" Group of the College English Associa- was fumigated. The smell persisted. word SILENCE, emblazoned on the five freshmen girls had signs on their them out to you. tion at the annual meeting in Annapo- At last they eJeaned the room, and 10 door, which our reporter was in- doors! It makes you stop and think, Happy Exams! ! ! ! lis, Maryland, on April 16. and behold, a ve, y dead mouse was formed, belongs to the noisiest girl on doesn't it?
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