Page 44 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 44
Thf? Gold Bug, April 25, 1950 News Item Freshmen Attend College Calendar Tuesday, April 25 Miss Russell To Speak Soc Conference Baseball, Catholic U., away Girl Athletes Add life T~ Campus "United States, United Nations, Tennis, Johns Hopkins, away by Betty Lee Robbins by Mary France/J JOMB At Graduation Exercises and Point Four" was the title of a Wednesday. April 26 Chapel, 6:45 SCA'Meeting, Baker 'Miss 'May Russell will present the Washington week-end seminar, held Since 1946 when Ruthie left Wash- March 20th through March 23rd, in p. m. ington, D_ C. for the Hill, the appro- graduation address in Alumni Hall which five Western Maryland stu- Baseball, Gettysburg, home U., home Golf, George Washington May 29. priate motto to describe her has been,. At present Miss Russell is presi- dents participated. Those attending Lacrosse, Hofstra, away "every day in everyway, she's grow- dent of Saint Mary's Seminary and this meeting were Allan Albert, John Registration for fall courses begins ing busier and busier." She's here, Junior College in Saint Mary's City, Becker, Audrey Groom, Ruth Lee, Friday, April 28 there, and everywhere but not hard Maryland. and Janet Wiggins-all members of Carroll County High School Eis- to find if you walk the golf course, Miss Russell received her BA degree Dr. Huber's freshman sociology clas- teddfod, Alumni Hall. 7 :30 p. m. try every lab, search the gym, and in- from Western Maryland College in ses. Md. Section Meeting of American spect every room on first floor Blanche the class of 1934. Her further studies The Four Point Program which was Chemical Society, McDaniel Ward. Just follow the coats, books, included an MA degree from the discussed is based on the fourth point Lounge, 8 p. m. Innaugural Truman's President and shoes;' she invariably leaves at Teachers' Ocllega at Columbia Urri- of Address. This program would include Baseball, Towson, home every resting place and somewhere versii.y. She continued her graduate extensive foreign aid to help raise the Tennis, Towson, home along the line will be Ruthie. studies at Johns Hopkins University. standard of living i'h these areas and Golf, American U., away When she isn't concentrating on University of Michigan, and Harvard simultaneously stimulate world trade. Saturday. April 29 chemistry and biology for her B.S. University. Private conferences with individual Baseball, American U., away degree, she is probably exercising her Congressmen to discuss aspects of the Tennis, Gettysburg, home competent leadership abilities as Four Point Program were among the Golf, Johns Hopkins, home president of both the W AA and the events scheduled. Speakers included Lacrosse, Penn State, away Delta. To add variety to her schedule, Sophomore Picnic I Mr. I. F. Stone, columnist and contri- Sunday, April 30 Ruthie is also vice-president of In- butor to The Nation; a State Depart- Baker Sunday School, Baker tersority Council, woman's sports edi- Sara, Leo La1"l1WTe Cascade Lak~ ment official; and a United Nations Chapel, 9:15 a. m. tor for the ALOHA, Tri-Beta member May 12th - 2-9 p. ~. representative from the .Food and Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. and freshman biology lab assistant. "Of course yoti don't have to men- 50c Ticket Includes Ag).'icultural Organization. Correlated Monday, May 1 was an opportunity with the program From the beginning of her college tion that there were only eight in the Lunch, Swimming, Dancing to visit Congressional committee hear- - IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7p.m. career, Ruthie has been an outstand- class." Back home in Nanticoke High ings an dto observe Congress in ses- Baseball, Loyola, home ing athlete in a variety of sports School, Sara Lee was singled out as Tickets On Sale sion. Tennis, Loyola, home president of the Student Government April 28th The seminar was sponsored by the and valedictorian of her class. And, American Friends Service Committee, Golf, Loyola, home although there were only 8 in that Transportation Supplied under the joint leadership of the Wednesday, May 3 class. she has continued to be a leader Friends Committee on National Legis- SCA Meeting, installation of new here on the Hill. lation and the Director of College officers, Baker Chapel, 6:45 p. m. Home for this Eastern Shore gal Programs. Baseball, Dickinson, home (listen for that accent) is Tyaskin, Tennis. Dickinson, home Md. Sara Lee says, ","here really is Monarch Cleaners Golf, Dickinson, home such a place even though nobody ever Lacrosse, Baltimore U., away knows where it is." "MEET AT Friday, May 5 As volleyball manager on the WAA Cleaning and Pressing Arts Symposium, McDaniel board, first semester vice president Lounge, 4 :15 p. m. and second semester president of the PET E'S Baseball, Baltimore U., away Phi Alphs, Sara Lee has been kept Golf, American D., home busy on campus this year. She is also Westminster, Md. Lacrosse, North Carolina, away secretary-treasurer of the Interecrort- Phone 484 To Get Your Eats" Saturday, May 6--May Day ty Council. Sports are a major Inter- Pan-Hel Dance, Gill Gym, 8:00 p. m. est, also. As a golfer, archer, hockey, Main St.-Red Neon Sign Tennis, American U., home volleyball; and basketball player, she participates in every sport season. Sunday, May 7 Her ability in this field is shown by Baker Sunday School, .Baker her nomination to 'the honorary Save Money Chapel, 9;15 a. m. hockey and basketball teams. Save Trouble Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Ruth Allen Other vital interests are Don, the Westminster Laundry Monday, May S insurance business, and ye ,noble art Golf, Gettysburg, away from basketball to bridge. Just name of knitting. Just before Christmas BAUGHER'S special Laundry and Dry Cleaning Tuesday, May 9 the sport and Ruthie has played it- Sara Lee became fascinated with Pick Up And Delivery Tennis, Delaware, home playa card and Ruthie will trump .it. knit one, purl two. Since then, she MEAL TICKETS Wednesday, May 10 lt is popularly believed that her suc- has completed two pairs of argyles- Service SCA Denominational Meetings, cess lies in an uncanny power of "for a Baltimore friend"-and has Now On Sale in 6:45p.m. . concentration, but it could very east, almost finished a sweater. Home Economics Show, McDaniel ly be due to just plain ability. This sociology major who plans to Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Basement of Old Main !:.ounge, 7 p. m. She likes nothing, better than to teach elementary school is full of Baseball, Lebanon Valley, away let loose with. her infectious, Inde, "wim", "wigor" and "witality" (pro- Tennis, Lebanon Valley, away ecrtbeble laugh and this lasting good nunciation, courtesy of Dr. Riding- Lacrosse, Franklin and Marshall, She al- humor has caused her to be the victim ton's first year Latin class). and has home ' ways works enthusiastically of much teasing about her "Petty" a natural faculty for attracting Thursday, May 11 legs and that middle name, Amelia. friends. But there's one thing Sara President's Reception for Seniors, Come graduation day and that B.S. Lee has which is the envy of most President's Home, 6 p. m. degree when she starts forth on a new every girl on the Hill. Friday, May 12 career as a lab technician, there is When Western Maryland weather Sophomore Picnic no doubt that Ruth Amelia will be is in its usual state of dampness, Recital, Ada Lee Hardester, Levine the best discovery any laboratory has Sara Lee goes blithely on her way- Hall.Sp.rn. ever made. she has no,turally curly hair.' Tennis, Towson, away Lacrosse. Virginia Military Ineti- tute, home Saturday, May 13 Baseball, Catholic D., home Tennis, Johns Hopkins, home Lacrosse, Delaware, home Sunday, May 14 Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Baker Sunday School, Bsker Chapel, 9;15 a. m. Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Chapel, College Choir, Elijah, Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week· Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. Monday, May 15 ,-- April 26 French Club Play, L08 Romonee- April 26~27 VALLEY OF VENGEANCE qU6B, Robinson Garden, 8:15 p. m. WOMAN OF DISTINCTION Bnster Crabbe IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7 p. m. Rosalind Russell Ray Milland Tennis, Mt. St. Mary's, home April 27-28 Golf, Mason-Dixon BOMBA ON PANTHER ISLAND Tuesday, May 16 Tournament April 28-29 also Lantern Chain, Hoffa Field, 9 p. m. LIVES OF A BENGAL LANCER MASTE~ MINDS Baseball, Johns Hopkins, home Gary Cooper Franchot Tone Apri129 FENCE RIDER Whip ~ilson Compliments April 30-May 1-2 of April 30-May 1-2 WABASH AVENUE CAPTAIN Betty Grable Victor Mature Alan Ladd CARRY U.S.A. is always a friendly crowd of stu· 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. Wanda Hendrix May 3 dellts. And, as in colleges every- May 3-4 STAGE TO CHINA where, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps CHAIN LIGHTNING George O'Brien Virginia Hale Humphrey Bogart Eleanor Parker May 4 & 5 make these get·to-gethers some- G.C. Murphy & Co. AMAZON QUEST thing to remember. With the college The Friendly Store May 5-6 also crowd at North Carolina State as FLYING SAUCER THE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS with every crowd :- Coke bwngs. Dormitory and Qassroom Gene Autry Sheila Ryan May 6 Supplies OVER THE BORDER ~lsk JOY it either way .. ooth. Johnl'lY Mack Brown trade_marks mean Jh~ same thin'g. May 7-8-9 6-10 West Main Street ''I' lonu:D UNCE~ AUTHORITYO~ 'mE COCA...COU. COMPA,," CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN May 7-8-9 WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Westminster, Md. (Technicolor) BARRICADE Clifton Webb Jean Crain Dane Clark Roth Roman
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