Page 39 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 39
The Gold Bug, April 11, 1950 On Top With Blackie Raqueteers Drop Baseball Tearn Loses First GolF, Lacrosse, And Baseball Opening Match Contests To Touring Squads To Colgate U. Tearns Under New Leaders Western Maryland's varsity tennis RIP, Maine Gain Decisions On Highschool Diamond, team opened a twenty-one game Cold Weather Hampers Practice On Hill by Blacki(} Brandt schedule against Colgate University Sports Editor on April 8. The Hurl-men lost to the The Boyermen played their first high-powered visitors by an 8-1 mar- game of the season against Rennaselar A belated winter is finally loosening its grip on the campus, and spring gin, Ned Brown being the only win- Polytechnic Institute on April 7. They sports are in full swing on every available athletic field. Three of the four ner for the Terror cour-tmen. outplayed the visitors from Troy, New squads are under new coaches, but it is too early yet to get a line on the product York, until the final inning, when a of their efforts ' Colgate had too much experience five-run -outburst beat the Terrors, 9- The golf team, led by Dr. Huber, will play its first and balance all the way down the line 6. , regulady scheduled mateh on April 13, and has excellent and took the rest of the matches in R. P. I. jumped off to a three-run possibilities of climbing through a tough card on the win- straight sets. The newly recondi- advantage in the second inning off ning side of the ledger. tioned courts and a cold wind sweep- starting pitcher Russ Shivers, but Edward Sparrow filled the post vacated by Al Paul as ing over the hill hampered the play- Western Maryland pulled ahead with coach of the lacrosse team and already the stickers have ing of both sides, but the outcome one marker in the second and four in two games under their belt. They've been pnsuccessful in was never in doubt. the third. Each side added a run be- both tries, but we must take into account the caliber of the Professor Hurt had Brown in the fore the fatal eight, when R. P. I. opposition. Williams College had a 9 and 5 record last year, number one spot, Phil Sack, two, scored five times without a hit. Two playing schools like Navy, Duke and Harvard, while Rens- George 'I'soupreke, three, Dick Deiner, hit batsmen, a like number of oases selar- Poly did even better. They won 10 and lost only 2, swamping Colgate, four, Bobby 'I'alner, five, and George on balls, and a wild throw did the Cornell, and Lehigh. Sparrow has fine Winfrey in the sixth position. The damage. Jim Boyer was encouraged players to work with in Honemann, campaign and is again developing a rest of the roster includes Art Salt- by the performance of Shivers, who Ebert, Landau, Needle, and Keenan, promising combination. Shorn of most marsh, Jay Lockman, Pat Huddle, but there are large holes in the rest of last year's strength: by g-raduation, and Blackie Brandt, of the lineup. Harris LeFew is com- Coach HUTt is building his club around Despite the drubbing the eourtmen football Schedule ing along fast in the nets, and may be holdovers Phil Sack, Bobby Talner, took at the hands of Colgate, Coach able to give the defensemen a much- and the sophomore sensation Ned Hurt was gratified by the overall for Coming fall Bob Douglas needed lift. Brown. The courtmen, and Brown, play of his charges, and feels that a displayed a good curve until tiring winning season is forthcoming. The baseball team is also under won a moral victory by turning back Football practice has been under in the later stages of the game. new management, Jim Boyer and Colgate's Ed Lust for the first time way since Spring vacation and will The Maine encounter, played the Julie Dyke collaborating in an at- in 40 straight singles matches. The continue for si.~weeks. Coach Havens following day, was a tighter ball- tempt to give us a winning nine after preceding day Colgate had beaten has been working out the team with- game and illustrated the caliber work many losing seasons. They dropped Loyola by a 9-0 count. out such standouts as the Medford of which the Terror nine is capable. the first two contests, but the situa- One wit ("h) when asked where fout'. However, there are a good many Great defensive play by Paul Tere- tion looks brighter now than it has Colgate ranked nationally, replied, holdovers from past seasons includ- shinski and Jerry Phipps helped for some time. The Maine and R. P. I. "Just above Ipana, I think." It was a ing: Leroy Merritt, back; Paul 'I'ere- moundsman Bob Bartl out of several games could have been won, with a joke allright, but the joke was on us. shinski, back; Hank Norman, end; holes, but the Maine squad featured few breaks, but flaws in the dejense Paul Welliver, end; Mike Chirigos, a curveball pitcher that held Green and a curve-ball pitcher that struck guard; Mitch Tullai, back; Frank and Gold bats to a six-hit effort. The out twelve Terrors made the differ- ~Krausz, back; Gus 'Tsottles, center; GolfersStartSeason George Tacupr-ake, center; Maynard home team rallied in the final inning The tennis team is the only warm- Fones, back; John Molesworth, end; on the strength of Joe Gianelli's triple, but poor baserunning effective- weather (1) sport operating under Under New Coach Ed Rydzewski, back; Stan F'ieldman, ly squelched the comeback. The final the same coach. Professor Hurt re- Sid Albrittan, end; Ira Zepp, score was Maine: 4; WMC: 2. turns to the helm for his fifteenth The varsity golf team, under the Makavitch, guard. Gianelli has led the batting attack The Green will play direction of a new mentor, Dr. Milton the following Terror team ending with to date, garnering three hits in four schedule one for R. P. J. and against Tennis Schedule J. Huber, will open the 1950 campaign Johns Hopkins as Homecoming foe. trips against Maine. The infield has four Lehigh when it takes the field against University on April 13. The schedule September rattled off four doubleplays in the two April this season consists of eighteen Away contests. 11 Washington College home matches and two tournaments, with 30 Gettysburg 13 American University Away the annual Western Maryland Col- The starting lineup: 14 University of Maryland home lege Invitation Tournament to be Bobby 'I'alner Mount Saint Mary's Away Kaufman-lb 15 Catholic University home held here on May 20. 14 Franklin and Marshall Away Gianelli--cf 18 Loyola College away 21 Dickinson Home Phipps-2b 22 Dickinson College home The roster includes an encouraging The Next Issue 28 Hampden-Sidney Home Douglas-rf 25 Johns Hopkins University away number of veterans from last year, of November Shook-If 28 Towson State 'home and it is expected they will win their The Gold Bug 4 Drexel Away Fieldman 29 Gettysburg College home share of the matches. Al Bright will 11 Lebanon Valley Home Tereshinski--3b play in the number one spot, followed Will Be Dyke-ss May closely by Joe Kovaleskie, an experi- April 25 ~18 John Hopkins Homecoming Dodd 1 Loyola College home enced and steady performer. Dr. Hu- Spencer-c 3 Dickinson College away ber was presented with a surprise 6 American University home package in the form of Freshman Ed GoI' Schedule 9 University of Delaware home Coffman. He has proved a capable 10 Lebanon Valley College away competitor, sinking a twenty-foot 12 Towson State away putt under pressure in a warm-up Lehigh University away 13 Johns Hopkins University home contest against Mount St. Mary. The 14 en. St. Mary's College home 15 !lIt. St. Mary's College home rest of the squad includes Don Ma- University of Baltimore home 17 Gettysburg College kosky, Hilfiard Hayslett, Ray Cush- " 17 Juniata College away 19 University of Baltimore home ing, and Paul Welliver. 18 Loyola College away 19 George Washington Univ. away Terror Stickmen Open Schedule 21 Gettysburg of Maryland home University home College 24 26 George Washington Univ. home With Loss To Williams College 28 American University 29 Johns Hopkins Univer-sity homc April lO-Green and Gold Lacrossers buried under 24-goal barrage by RP.I. May 1 Loyola College home The Western Maryland lacrosse It was the first contest 'under Ed- 3 Dickinson College home team played its first regular season ward Sparrow, the new coach, and the 4 University of Baltimore away contest on April 7 against Williams squad has had little opportunity to American Univeruityr home College of Williamstown, Mass. The practice under him. The stickmen Cettysburg College visitors had too much experience and played two pre-season scrimmages, Mason-Dixon Tournament balance for the outclassed Terror ten, with Lehigh and Swarthmore, but the 16 Dickinson College away and left with an 11 to 1 victory. results were inconclusive. It is hoped 19 Lehigh University home The smooth-working Will i a m s that adequate reserves can be devel- 20 Western Maryland College squad was in command from the out- oped to bolster a good first ream. Invitation Tournament home set, and it wasn't until the fourth The starling lineup against Wil- ~ quarter that Western Maryland scor- liams included: Defense: Tony Byron, ed its lone goal. Vince Landau Bill Rhoads, Joe Corleto; Midfield: averted a shutout, putting the ball Dan Honemann, Hugh Council, Ed in the nets with an assist from Bob Klohr; Attack: Norm Needle, Vince Ebert. Landau, Bob Ebert; Goal: Bill Dvorine, Harry LeFew. Member-s of the reserve corps who played were: Walt Hajduk, Ed Craw- ford, and Bob Earhart on defense; favorite gathering spot of students Jerry Ginsberg, Dick MacLeod, and at Pennsylvania State College is Art Shanklin at midficld; Paul Thronberg, Harold Wagonblast, and Graham & Sons because it is a Bill Bartgis on attack. cheerful place - full of friendly Lacrosse Schedule collegiate atmosphere. And when the gang gathers around, ice-cold April Coca-Cola gets the call. For here, 10 Rensselaer Polytechnic home 15 Washington College home as in college haunts everywhere- 22 Loyola College away • 26 Hofstra College away Coke belongs. 29 Penn State College away Ask for it either way. __ both May Al Bright 3 University of Baltimore away trade-marks mean tltt 'same thing. 5 University of N. Carolina away BOTTUO UNDERAUTHORITYOf THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY 10 Franklin Marshall College home WESTl'Inr-:STER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. PATRONIZE OUR 12 Virginia Military Institute home ADVERTISERS. 13 University of Delaware home ClI950,TheC""".C"'"C""'p<>ny
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