Page 38 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 38
The Gold Bug, April 11, 1950 Tryouts Urged Gullible's Ravels One's Room Often Becomes Bunnies And Bonnet. Highlight Easterlime For Paper· A Close But Strange Fr.'end What do you want the Easter bun- to~:~~p~::n!:'.";b;\j;;::~~;,:,.~"';;~ mornings It pays to stay m bed. Here ny to bring you? As children, we I am gayly popping out of bed, with eagerly awaited the Easter bunny's Have you ever wanted to be A familiar surrounding which envelopes one with its comforting an .editor ? Perhaps your ambi- the vitality of a milk-moist; corn flake, security is sometimes a most valuable friend. Such a place consti- visit. In fact, even after we were told tion doesn't include editor-in- jauntily lathering my wash rag with tutes a haven, a place in which an individual may be completely at by older brothers and sisters that chief but you may be interested my tooth paste and vigorously brush- ease, drop the personality inhibitions necessary in social activities, bunny does not really exist, we pre- in news, features, sports, copy ing my teeth with my soap. and allow the real, pent-up emotions full freedom. Here the misty tended to believe in him. We weren't or some other phase of news- The bell for -first period finds me veil o"'fsecretiveness drifts away and the heart, thus bared, reveals so dumb-we merely wanted the paper work. The GOLD BUG dressed from uncombed head to mis- hidden thoughts, emotions, and desires. One may pause here for a colored Easter eggs, chocolate candy, has staff vacancies now and will matched socks. With psych book in while in solitude, and leave feeling refreshed and ready to again baby chicks, and other presents that soon have more. Also some hand, I jog along to history class. Due play the social role. The surrounding need not be of a pretentions he brought. In later years, and es- trainees are needed to take over to some strange quirk of fate or the nature and is not necessarily one's home. For some, who feel freer pecially now, the girls' thoughts turn when the present staff finishes kind intervention of my guardian and more relaxed when not restricted within brick walls, may find to clothes, What a marvelous excuse its tour of duty. angel, I find myself in my seat hale their soul-satisfying rest out of doors. for buying that longed for suit! Anyone interested in trying and groggy but disgustingly healthy, At the present, my haven is my see me wreathed in smiles, obviously Blanche Ward and McDaniel have out for a position should leave a having made the journey from dorm dormitory room. It is here that I give extremely happy; yet, if that Sante become veritable houses of fashion note in the GOLD BUG office or to class without mishap. vent to my real feeling which, be- person could see me after the door featuring new suits and dresses in contact the editor. Indicate the Finds Self in Strange Room cause I do not want to seem unpleas- closes behind me, she would wonder all sizes, colors, and designs. And sort of work you have done or those Easter bonnets! A wisp of veil- would like to do. Feature writers When the roll is finally called, I ~:!o:e~;~rle:e~~tU~d~0~:~e;~7s:sn:::' :~::n~:~a!nt~a~~~y !:~O~eCe%r:d.t~i~: ing here, a flower there, and they call are asked to submit an article of ~:;:,I~e~:~:e ~ho~h~~;r:;~d~es::rt~: but it does seem better in certain example, but at eighteen such things it a hat. Helmets, poke bonnets, and approximately 400 words and sailors are particularly prominent news writers should turn in a from the truth, In fact, I'm getting '~~~~d~C~o!~o!~~~kIs~~e~!i ~:!~a:n;~ ~:~ :;i~~ ~i~i :O\~~a;:~~:/n:~~~ t~ this year. The girls wearing their new news article in which they point :e~s. ~~e n~i t~:rem!~u:~, 'l;~ ~:r!a~ one to know me so completely as to all outward appearances I was as finery and escorted by their best out the essentials of news writ- beaus make a stunning picture on Easter Sunday. We go to church to ing. a strange room with signs almost com- ~e t~~~~ t~h~;~wE::n t~O;g;;~m~~~:: ~17,~~~~~:t:~~e~: ;~ :~o:~~·o:~~C!n~~ hear the story of the first Easter told However, any person who de- ~~~l~~~ ~l~~~~~n~et~ss:~:!~,""~~~;~; and I, although we are very close, do this strange friend, knows that my cides to work for the paper must again and to sing the joyous hymns. be prepared to work. When you are not Proper Measurements of ~O:rek~Ot:re:~iC:g~!h~~~o:!i:~~;af~t~~ ::~lel ::::~e~ortom~n~::s~:u~:~~~n~~~ Some of us get.up before the''break of the Sunrise Service, dawn to attend accept an assignment or a posi- ~1ti~~:~:i~~lit~~' "~::::,~re ~P~~~:: gradually, increasing one's knowledge fate of womanhood. Why could I}ot and feel that it is well worth the loss' tion you must fulfill its require- of a few hours' sleep. After church, ments. Place all Complaints in Box Below :il t:heeO!~e; ~~~~ ~: ~!t~:~,b~td:e~~~ ~~::ll~a\::nat:~:~:~ef?a;~:titf:.~;t;:! When deadline time rolls Si~~: r!;t~:::~~l:~o:-~:~~: 1liVing completely demolish my wall of re- to make that public. After a few we hUlTYhome to Mother's wonderful in dinner, and then join our friends around you must be prepared to tht;}Easter Parade. put the GOLD BUG first. This room with plush carpets and an easy ~~:v~o~:~s~~:~e~~~~I;o:~~~:snta~! ~~~n~~~e;h~::o~:~vp:~~ve~i ~~~ :~:o~ often requires careful budgeting chair for each student. I should wor- It all adds up to a very pleasant of time and energy. There can ry where I am 1 Whatever it is, it i::~e:~i~~a~o~:!si~of~~~~~i~~o~, c~:~ ~~:O~~~doi;4i ~:~:e::s~~~Y2~0~~~~~d~.P day: everyone dressed in his best; be no delay because of work that ~~;: :~:i:.h~s ri;e~:a:~~;' c~~:~table. tred as it is, is most inviting. Here . I hurry back to' my haven after a strains of beloved Easter hymns fill- isn't turned in on time. No ing the air; scads of candy just wait- academic credit is given for stu- There are some magazines at my el- ~ ~:y s~~~;~ys: c~~~no~i~:~~ Hae~~ ~:~~~:~a;~n:~i~:o~S~ ~~!i~:~ ~~ ing to be eaten; the spring flowers dent publication work and there ~~:vh!;e,~a:efO~~:~~~t~:~:std~~f~:: rage to my heart's content. What loved place. Its fixedness and firmness attractively pinned to the lapels of is no monetary reward. How- stories the walls would tell, if they gives me a feeling of stability. No today's fashions, all colors blending ever the work is full of interest This certainly is the '-lfe. What could speak. In my moments of soli- matter what happens, I can always as in nature; and, for some best of and satisfaction and after a does the sign over the wall calendar.; tude, I think aloud-thoughts which return and "get away from it all." all, the traditional holiday dinner, It while you'll find that the' bare say7 011 yes-"Due to confusion which are shared with no one but my room. Now, horne seems unfamiliar and I is indeed a glorious occasion, and and dark old room has ..a very would result in marking school holi- Perhaps some can silently arrive at feel like an intruder, when once it when we think of the reason for out· _ special lure. days just take off every bank-holiday, world shaking decisions, as it were, in was my place of seclusion. So, times ceJebl'ation, it is little wonder tbat Why not come out and try three weeks at Christmas, and Spring the center of a crowd; but I must and rooms may change, but I think Easter is a day of happiness. The your hand at newspaper work? Vacation and two weeks for Thanks- hear my thoughts to obtain the most that I shall always need some place first Easter mal:ked the end of His Make student publication mean giving and between semesters." complete satisfaction. I weigh the to call my own, and in which I can suffering and gave new hope to the all students. I'll pick up a couple of these pam- issue, both pro and C(ln, arrive at a escape the mad whirl of society for world-a joyous event surpassed by Letter To The Editor ~~~et:t~~~: ~~m w~~:ng~n~~:es::;; ~~~~::te:~~e s;o~~~~~:~, Ian~el~o::- ~~~~~~:s!~S!~o~~::i~~:~ ~ ;:~;:~ :::r!~o~e::u::k~:fe;o:!: !::~~~:ie~ ~!m~~Icl~~e:~\o~~:::t.rate, the room ~:rtr~~~e a~:as~~s,m!~el~o~:mr~e~!;.~ Dear Editor, For the evening meal, dress re- this pamphlet." These students cer- Sometimes it seems as if my entire haps my most essential, although quirements are set from the pattern tainly lead a rugged life! mood changes when I enter the room. strangest friend. Joe Fowler of a traditional evening meal in your Professor Calls for Attention Anyone meeting nle in the hall may J. McL. The student government associa. own home. Men are requested to wear tion would like to congratulate the coats and tics. Uh-oh! Here's someone who seems newly elected officers and members The interpretation of the preceed- to know her way ar(lund. I wonder if who will make up the hub of next ing, taken from the 1949-1950 Hand- she's the pI'ofessor. She's calling for year's SGA. In addition to Bill Simp- book, is rather difficult. What "They" attention. "AU students who haven't son and Mickie Rupert, president and desire is that the women also dress in taken their 15th cut please leave. Its vice-president respectively, the class a manner befitting the occasion. too much book work for me to keep representatives will be Stu Abrams, The situation as it now exists is far straight, if you all haven't had the Karen Novack, Ginny Hale, Tom from this. It is not our purpose to same number." "Oh, you've all had Page, Harry LeFew, and Sonja Wine. demand police enforcement, but rather IS? That's fine. Now that that's During the next few weeks, the new to awaken more personal pride in straight we can start the lesson. On and old governments ~ll work to- each individual concerning his ap- second thought, though, let'~ not mess gether on such projects as the May pearance. up this beautiful spring day with Day Festival, the Awards Assembly, Each of us has the right to dress class-l don't feel in the mood to the school blotters, and the Freshmen as he pleases, and we would defend teach anyway, so you all may leave." Handbook. After thc first week in this right, but as we see it, our mode Can you beat that? I must be crazy. May, the present student government of dress is declining steadily. Well, as much as I hate to leave this will go into retirement and the newly We have had occasion (call it what easy chair, I guess I'll leave with the elected officers will take over the you like) to witness pajamas at break- rest, reins. fast, .. a long rain coat served as Psstl Wake up and sit down! The sufficient covel'. prof's looking at you. Psst! Wake One of the final projects handled In the past, the attack has been on up." Ugh! What a rude awakening. by the SGA will be the Awards As- the male members of the student body. Well, like I said before, some morn- sembly tentatively scheduled early in It is our belief that the coeds are in ings it pays to stay in bed, then you May. At this assembly WM letters need of the brushing up. Skirts and can dream in peace. will be awarded to college men who sweaters are fine in their place but Gllllibill have played on the varsity teams. Bill at least for Sunday dinner something Simpson will also be presented at more appropriate should be worn. this time and will outline briefly some The waiters in the dining hall are Ye Editor Snoops of his plans for next year. required to wear ties to dinner, and complain bitterly about it because the In Other Papers rest of the male students do not. We would estimate that 900/0 of the THE GOLD BUG maJe students dress for Sunday din- Snooping around into various col- ner. The percentage of coeds doesn't lege newspapers lends itself to the compare to this figure. discovery of facts as well as fiction. Let each of us attempt to improve At Lehigb University a method of if for no other reason than to appraising the faculty members has abide by a tradition previously evi- been introduced; the purpose of this sponsoring a food sale in Blanche is to make instructing Re- easier. dent at Western Maryland College, cently, Mary Hutchinson, famous per- Pins 'n Points Ward nightly-to be used in the sup- Member Sincerely yours, port of a Will' orphan. \Vorthy causes Associahd Collegiate Press An sorts of signs for spring seem The Dining Hall former of comedy sketches in mono- of to be invading the Hill since vacation, -both!! ! SubllcrlpUon Price U.OO a Year logue, appeared as a presentation Iddy Is Back the With Student Concert-Lecture of Com- as outdoor ROTC drill drew its first and sparkling Benneyan? the Congratula- of ~~!~iait~-C~~i~"r' ... ·~t~?i"~!:t~~~':~!:~~ happy face you noticed Hal'e 111 Washington the University National to the ball, lacrosse, golf, softball, Science and Andrew Kordalewski who are to be h'alure Editor.... Editor ..... .. SU.n AUBu Bowl.bey'52 '51 '51 '53 ring engagement mittee of Lehigh. crowd of student STAFF EDITORIAL spectators. Spring Miss Jean "Oh, presentation the sports with base- are in full swing tions to both her and her fiance, Mr. sophomores of. George Phaw", and ten- Alice Edilo" Yearl")". won the blue June .. is sport- "ew" Bea.ver '51 nis. Even Robinson Garden Bla.ekie Bra.ndt Sports Editor._ Fol- ribbon in the' first all.University marrie~ in June. ing a few blossoms these days. Now, News·Feature lies. windows open in Co!>y Editor Thanks go to the faculty members, Jack Loper '52 with Photographer Albert that according The tidbit Lewis Halls, the professors won't have students, and especially the infirmary Joyce Editor. Typing Schmidt '52 statistics from latest Card II chance to evade the ring of the bell. staff who did a swell job of taking afflicted with I,ovel"ce. Hoating snow What! !! Was that three times as many people kill their Bailey. virus X. Too bad the new epidemic Larry Mall"gel .-\dverli,j,,! while Canasta partners playing S (spring of virus J. C. Higgino '50 day or perchance a notebook Manager other Circulation compared with all other card games, Jddy says: Players and Dice Rollers Association, as past the windows of Science Hall the care of those recently fever) can't be B",incs. ~!'n"gers. ... Beny Bill Rho"d.,-'51 '51 '51 handled as efficiently. out the window of adolescent swept Do you have the missing library comes from University of Baltimore. psych by a balmy spring breeze 1 books? F 1" 0 m Washington College the On March 25-26 Dr, Kathryn Hilde- (Do you remember Iddy1 A few yesrs Washington Elm tells of a favored The Delts have been collecting old bran attended the annual meeting of ago he was the nemesis of all cheaters. activity which went over with a bang clothes in the dormitories to be re- the American Association of Univer· Now he is out of retirement for an· -a box lunch followed by an informal paired and distributed among D,P. sity Professors which was held in other campaign.) dance. Could WMC try it1 families in Baltimore, Phi Alphs arc Cleveland, Ohio,
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