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r l Foln~i~3r~s~ePromTo Highlight lJunior'W eekend 1ke qoiJBuy SPRING JOB ANALYSIS SCHEDULES PAGE 4 PAGE 3 April 11,1950 Vol. 27, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. Junior Class To Honor Seniors Russ Deragon JuniorFollies, 'Tradition', ToBeGiven With 'qo~den Jubilee' Prom Elected Prexy By Class Of '51 Friday Evening To Climax the Junior weekend, the Junior-Senior Prom will be Original Show To Feature Typical College Scenes; held Saturday night in Gill Gymnasium from 8 :30 to 11 :45 p. m. In the first campus-wide SCA bal- The theme of the dance, sponsored by the Juniors for the class loting yesterday the following officers L. Pictroforte, B. Bachtell Compose Music, Lyrics of '50, is Gouien Jubilee. The music for the occasion will be supplied were elected: president, Russell L. As their Junior Show, the juniors will present Tmdition, Friday, by the Melodiers. Deragon; vice-president, Kitty Lou April 14 in Alumni Hall at 8 :15 p. m. Jay Eggly and Harry LeFew have Oleweiler; treasurer, William David The show will consist of an all-star cast, with the leads being been chosen as co-chairman for the College Orchestra "Pat" Huddle; recording secretary, taken by Harriet Kahn, Kitty Olewiler, Betty Bachtell, Janet Her- dance. The decoration committee in- Elsie Dade Davis; corresponding sec- ing, Dottie Klinefelter, Jay Eggly, Jim Culhane, and Lou Pietro- cludes Kendrick McCall, chairman, retary, Karin Nowak. forte. The three non-juniors, who also have featured roles are Klein President-elect Deragon summed up Larry Bailey, Pat McLaren, and Dot- To Present Concert his policy for next year's SCA by say- Haddaway, Dottie Alexander and Joyce Warren, a freshman who tle Phillips. ing, "I hope that the SCA will be an will present an interpretative dance. Members of the publicity committee For its spring orchestra recital, the organization to provide a religious In addition to these performers, the are Elaine Diamond, chairman, Har- Western Maryland College Little outlet for all students on the Hill." riet Kahn, Mary Ruth Williams and Symphony Orchestra will present an The formal Installation Service for W. Simpson, M. Rupert ~::te~:r~~~~~ndo~u~~~et ::r~e?ct~~ Chris Meinl. Refreshment committee annual spring concert in Alumni Hall the new officers and cabinet members To Head Student Gov't television shows, a men's chorus, and members are Gill Clough and Russ on Friday evening, April 21, at 8:15 will be held Wednesday evening, May Deragon. o'clock. The program will include the 3. Until this time the old and new As a resulb of the elections held on a ~~:~~Sthc:~::~e;;~ t~ek:h;:~hiCh The ticket committee consists of three following major works: Over- officers will jointly direct SCA affairs. March 21, and 22, Bill Simpson and satirize campus life are a "typical" Sonja Wine, chairman, Douglas Paul- ture Consecration of the House, Lud- Mary Jean Rupert were elected presi- western Mar y Iand classroom, a sen, and June Beaver. The clean-up wig van Beethoven; Symphony in D Fireside on April 16, will be an dent and vice-president respectively glimpse into a women's dormitory, an committee includes Bill Simpson and minor, Cesar Franck; and Piano Con- Amateur Talent Show. Any persons of the Student Government Associa- evening in the rec room, and the Fred Keefer. certo -in D Major, Joseph Haydn. wishing to enter the contest may put tion. characteristic scene which takes place Attending the dance as faculty Miss Martha Schaeffer, piano ma- their names and skits in the box on During the past week, each class in front of Old Main after dinner sponsors will be- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde jor and student of Miss Gesner, head the SCA bulletin board. Prizes will' has also elected its representatives on Sunday afternoon. Last of aU, E. Ahrnsbruk, Dean and Mrs. L. of the music department, will play the be awarded on the basis of audience for next year's SGA. The freshman there will be a skit entitled, Homo- Forrest Free, Dr. and Mrs. Milton J. Concerto by Haydn. This work is applause. class elected Stu Abrams as its men's coming bay in Hell. Huber, and Dr. and Mrs. William A. characteristic of Haydn at his best-> representative and Karen Nowack as Simpson, Alexander Soloists MacDonald. gay, happy music, with a Hungarian its women's representative. Ginny Bill Simpson and Dottie Alexander According to school l,:lOlicythis is Gypsy mood predominating in the Western Mel. Choir Hale and Tom Page were elected by a semi_formal, non-corsage dance. final Rondo movement. the sophomores. The junior class rep- will be featured as soloists in the Members of the senior class will re- Gives Performances resentatives will be Harris LeFew ope n i n g chorus, TTadition. Other ceive free tickets to the prom. Others To He Dedicated May Day and Sonja Wine. musical numbers composed by Betty may purchase them for $2.00 per The orchestra, under the direction In State Churches Heads Submit Statement ,Bachtell and Lou Pietroforte are I'm couple in McDaniel Hall office or from of Philip S. Royer, in performing the As the newly elected heads of the in Love With My College Prcfeeecr members of the junior class. Symphony in D minor by Cesar After a semester of preparation, Student Government Association Bill sung by Harriet Kahn; Hallelujakl, Dottie Phillips, a member of the Franck, is attempting the most the Western Maryland College Choir and Mickie submit the following state- by Kitty OJewiler and the Women's decoration com mit tee, commented, ambitious work in the history of its is currently presenting several per- ment to the faculty and student body: Chorus; A Long Walk by Janet Her- "This dance is a wonderful way to end annual concei-ts. In order to perform formances of Me ..:lelssohn's Elijah. "With deepest respect for our fellow ing and Louis Ptetroforte ; Tappa • a weekend of good entertainment. The this work, which calls for two flutes, On Thursday, April 6, the choir candidates, we thank you for our Kcgga Beer and The Sunday Song by surprise decorations are based upon two oboes, one English horn, two presented Mendelssohn's Elijah at _St. election. Until we assume full i-e- the Men's Chorus; and the Elevato)' the theme, Golden Jubilee. Come and clarinets, one bass clarinet, two bas- Marks-on-the-Hill Episcopal Church sponaibflit.ies, the newly elected Stu- Song, which will be sung by Charlie see!" soons, one harp, timpani, four in Pikesville. After the performance dent Government cabinet will be work- Shook. Bachtell will sing a special Betty French horns, two cornets, one trum- the Rector Richard Lungburg and ing along with the present SGA. In number, 0 L1!cl.'1JDay, the music and pet, three trombones, one tuba and members of the church entertained this orientation period we hope to lyrics of which were written by Dave Club News full strings, this the year by not will only be the choir. profit by their experience have started Heiberg. in carrying orchestra on the work that they augmented faculty members but many of their Easter Sunday the choir went to and in integrating new ideas and Don Bailey has been placed in Canterbury Club the Eastern Shore to bring the Elijah plans with the present program charge of the stage designing, while Elizabeth Thomas attended a con- children as well. Three students from to the members and guests of "It can not be said too often that Bill Simpson has arranged for the ference at Wilson College in Cham- Hood College and a few professional Bethesda Methodist Church in Salis> orchestra. Nancy Winkelman, Jay bersburg, Match 25 and 26. It was the players from the Baltimore Symphony bery. After spending the night in the the Student Government is a repre- Eggly, and Lou Pietroforte collabor- of the student organization first of its kind for the diocese of will be secured to complete the instru- nomes of the families of Bethesda sentative Without the interest and co- ated on the script. Others on the staff body. Harrisburg. Eleven colleges were rep- mentation. Church, the choir returned to West- are June Beaver, business manager; resented and Rev. Canon of Princeton Symphony in D Minor ern Maryland on Monday afternoon. operation of everyone on the Hill, the Pat McLaren, publicity; and Dottie SGA cannot to be effective. expect University was the leader. Phillips, tickets. The Overture,' Consecration of the The final 'pedormance of the Elijah But with an interested and active stu- Td Beta Honse by Beethoven is seldom heard by the choir this year will be for the dent organization, we are assured of Show to Raise Prom Money Notre Dame College in Baltimore in this country except by recordings student body. This will be on May 14. the full cooperation of the faculty and The purpose of this show is to will be the scene of the 1950 Regional over the radio. It was composed for Performing under the direction of administration. And following the provide a unique kind of entertain- Conference of Beta Beta Beta Satur- the opening of the Joaefataedter Mr. Alfred Delong, were the chorus traditions of a long line of capable ment for the campus while raising day, April 22. An interesting program Theater which still stands in the city and the following soloists: Elijah, predecessors, we sincerely intend to funds for the Junior-Senior Prom, to including guest lectures, laboratory of Viennu. The Overture opens with Dean L. Forrest Free; An Angel, do our utmost in helping next year which all Seniors are invited as guests' demonstrations, :reports of student a stately march theme which soon Dorothy Alexander; Obadiah, Louis be a fruitful one on the Hill." of. the Junior Class. research and a business meeting has develops into a fugue of great power Pietroforte; Soprano Soloist, Kitty Students are nrged to purchase been planned. and nobility. It too calls for a large William Pietro Forte Elected their tickets early in order to avoid All applications for the Milton instrumentation Olewiler; Ahab, the King, last-minute congestion at the box of- Hendrickson Scholarship must be in There is no charge of admission for Simpson; Jezebel, the Queen, Eliza- fice. There are no reserved seats. The by April 20. this spring concert. and the public is beth Simpson; A Youth, Imogene To National Post~ tickets, which are $.50 each, may be cordially invited to attend. Weybright. purchased from members of the Argonauts Representing the Iota Chapte~f Junior Class or at McDaniel Hall Of- "American Iconography" was the Alpha Kappa Alpha fraternity, two fice. on Fri- New Thompson Infirmary Opens subject of the lecture by Dr. Joseph delegates were present at the na- W. Hendren at the meeting tional convention of the fraternity day evening, April 7. Copies of the nished by Mr. Daniel Mac Lea, the held at Harrisburg, Saturday, April Music Students Present proposed new constitution Were dis- Made possible by the gift of Mrs. grandfather of Dan Mac Lea in the 1. tributed and will be acted upon at the Thompson and the late Dr. William freshman class. Dr. Burkhardt of Cedar Crest Col- Regular Recital Program next regular meeting. J. Thompson, the Thompson Infirma- lege was elected president of the ry is completed and already 'in use on The women's isolation ward has fraternity for 1950-1951. WMC's Lou Today at 4 :25 p- m. in the Music Classics Club this campus. been furnished by Agnes Atkinson Pietroforte was elected as vice-presi- Hall another in the series of student On Thursday, April 20, at 4:15 There is a total of twenty beds. In Harris; . the men's by Dr. James dent. Lou is the first undergraduate recitals was given. p. m. in Room 203, Science Hall, Miss case of another epidemic, army cots Pearre Wantz Sr., in memory of his to hold a high office on the national The following students took part: E. Lucille Noble will show koda- can be set up. To date there have wife, Carie Reinhart Wantz, the Julia Damuth played: Sarabande by chrome slides of Roman Remai1l8 in been three patients, ail girls. mother of 1\Irs. David Taylor the council. on the council are Coselli, Rondeau by Rameau, and Members-at-Iarge Brif.ain and will talk on the British president of the alumni association. represented by students. Jerry Lock- Piece in A Major by W. F. Bach; Secondary Educational System. Miss Structure in New Style Other furnishings were made possi- man was elected to represent Western Marian Martin played: Garrothe, and Noble, now a teacher in Upper Darby, The structure is a one-story brick ble by gifts from organizations on Old French piece, Allegno by Hassler, Pennsylvania, has recently spent a building of Georgian design conform- the hill. The reception room was Maryland. the Little Man" a paper Sonatina by Bendo, Bourree by J. S. "Whither year as an exchange teacher in ing in style with that of the newel' furnished by Gamma Beta Chi fra- Bach and Mer'ry_gO_TOUnd by Tano- Britain and her talk will be on the buildings. It contains a men's and ternity, the nurse's room by the Pan- written by Lou Pietroforte, was one man. at the basis of her personal experiences in women's ward, a treatment ,room, an Hellenic Council from the profits of of those selected to be read president Also, Winifred Spencer sang: Langi convention. George Franko, teaching there. isolation ward for serious cases, a '49 May Day Dance, and the office and of Iota Chapter, was appointed as da caro bene by Secchi, Voi Che reception ro(;"m,a kitchen BlId rooms treatment room by the 1949 Aloha. sapete from Mozart's "Marriage of \Vesleyans for the nurses. All these are located Our new infirmary will be formal- student chairman during the reading Ada Dr. Oliver Collins from the Fi~t on one floor. There is an attic and ly dedicated on May 6 as part of the of the papers, and Lou was selected Figaro". Prelude Lee and Hardester in pre- C Fugue. sented: Methodist Church in Baltimore will basement but their use has not yet May Day Program. It is anticipated to introduce the president of the fra- Sharp Major from Well-Tempered speak at the April 14 meeting. by the administration that the dedica- ternity. The president addressed the been determ.ined. group on "The Philosophcr and His Clavichord Book I by J. S. Bach. H:'me Economics Club Dr. Charles R. Foub;, a medical doc- tion will bring additional visitors to Tools." Finally Louis Pietroforte sang: Die A number of the members of the tor from Westminster and father of the hill. for her opinion con- Dr. Justus Buckler of Columbia Schonc Mullerin by Schubert---MQr- Whcn asked Home Ec. Club are planning to attend Mr. Charles R. Foutz, Jr., of the book- University, the principal speaker at gcngrtl88, Die Siebe Frarbe, U1lge- the regular meeting of the Maryland store, furnished the women's ward in cerning the infirmary, one of the the convention, spoke on "Preface to duld, Der Neugierige.. Mr. Oliver State Home Economics Association at memory of his wife, who is an alumna nurses, Dorothy Causey could only a Theory of Communication". Spangler was the accompanist. Hood College on April 22. of WMC. The men's ward was fur- reply, "Fine, fine, fine!!"
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