Page 35 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 35
The Gold Bug, March 14. 1950 3 Hurtmen Soon To Terrors Start Baseball Drills Begin Practicing As Opening Contest Nears For New Season It may seem like the usual pre-sea- RPI Furnishes Opposition For Green Opener; son optimism, but it looks as if the tennis team will again come through Maine, Trinity, And Penn State Also On Schedule with a winner. Although the Hurt- men will be missing the services of Winter winds are still blowing hard six of last year's starters, there is across the Hill, yet inside Gill Gym every indication that the racket- the crack of the bat and the slap of swingers are in for another good sea- horsehide on leather denotes the com- son. ing of Spring. The prospective base- The 13 and 4 record posted in the ball players have been practising for 1949 campaign wiB be a hard one to more than a week and waiting for Walt fJadjllk, Vance Hal!>, and Leo Lathroltm improve on, but on the basis of pre: warmer weather so they can start Finish College Basketball Careen vious performances it can safely be outside drills. said that Professor Hurt will get all are Prospects for the coming campaign assistant but as yet, uncertain Lathroum, Hale, I\nd Hajduk that is possible from his band of hope- coach Julie Dyke hopes to turn out a fuls. He expects to build a winning combination around Phil Sack and hustling aggregation capable of win- There of games. ning its share has End Terror Court Careers Bobby Talner, the only two returning been a marked increase in interest veterans. The uncertainties of the climate this year, evidenced by the fact that by Blackie Brandt have prevented any real practice so over fifty candidates are attending Sports Editor far, but at the first sign of warm wea- the daily practice sessions. There is a solid nucleus of veterans The varsity basketball team ended tice will begin very shortly. You ther the courtmen will start swing- returning from last season's team, ing. New clay is expected to be added its season last Tuesday with a loss might watch our baseball team this to the courts and this, it is hoped, will and many of the newcomers have had to the smooth-working Gettysburg year. _ . they have a great schedule add to their life and resiliency. considerable high school and sandlot quintet. Three Terrors played their and a progressive coach. Julie Dyke The schedule has not been completed John Spencer last game for the Fergusonmen in is busy rounding them into shape for and is only tentative at this point, this contest, and they deserve some a running start ... and I mean run- but one of the first matches may be Varsity Baseball experience. The catching department mention for their outstanding play ning! If they can't do anything else, against either Colgate or Carnegie seems to be the strongest point at the over the past four years. they'll be able to run. Tech shortl:;;: after Spring Vacation. Schedule moment, with hard-hitting Bob Doug- The three, Leo Lathroum, Vance The rest of the schedule would consist Iaa and reliable John Spencer ready to Hale, and Walt Hajduk will leave big mainly of teams in the Mason-Dixon April Home step in behind the plate. Douglas may holes in the line-up and their loss Kernmen Season Conference. 7 R. P. I. Home also be used in the outfield, while will be felt next year. Leo played 8 Maine Spencer saw duty at second base last part of the 1946 campaign, and even Comes To Close 11 Washington College Home year. Both are consistent .300 hitters. though he is only a junior, is ineli- 12 Penn State Away Freshman Pete Pomeranz and Sopho- gible for further competition. He was The Western Maryland varsity 14 Trinity Home more Bob Kittels are others expected captain of the 1949-50 squad and sec- wrestling team closed out its season 15 Trinity Home to help this department. ond highest scorer. As in football, he by competing in the Mason-Dixon 18 Loyola Home Infield Open has proven a steady, consistent ball- tournament at Johns Hopkins. De- 19 21 Randolph-Macon Away Most of the infield berths are wide Away Maryland player with plenty of spirit and skill, spite the efforts of the local matmen, Quantico Away open, and Dyke is looking for hold- and Leo will be a tough man to re- however, they came home with little 22 Cathulic U. Away overs Al Dodd, Kenny Shook, and place. success. 25 Gettysburg Away Art Press to meet some stiff competi- Hale Valuable Don McShane, the Terror 121 26 Towson tion. Shook is competing with Bob Vance Hale played three years on pound representative, drew a bye in 28 29 American U.-2 games Kaufman and Jim Moore for the first the varsity, and during that time ex- the first round, and gained a berth in May base position, while Jerry Phipps, hibited one of the best setshots on the semi-finals. He was then defeated 3 Dickinson Jim Gorden, Dave Buffington, Dick the squad. He showed flashes of bril- by Camille Desmauris of Gallaudet, 5 Baltimore U. Away Clower, Barney Annenberg, Bob liance but never got the chance he who tallied a fall. Bob Wilsey, 128 10 Lebanon Valley Away Hershberger, Henry Landy, Joe Deer- deserved. Next to Press and Lath- pounder, also rode into the semi-finals 13 Catholic U. Away ing, and Jack Mentzer should make roum, Hale was considered by many on a bye, but he was stopped here by 16 Johns Hopkins Home things tough for Dodd and Press. the most valuable player. John Taston of Baltimore U. There Competition for the outfield berths Hajduk only played varsity was no 136-pound representative for will also be keen with players like at Western Maryland for the Terrors. CourtmenDropFinal Joe Giannelli, Dick Durst, Jim Cul- two campaigns, and held down the Bill Bar-tg'ia, of the US-pound divi- hane, Don Phillips, Frank Wilsey, regular center spot for the past sea- sion, fought his way into the semi- Phil Sack Jack Urion, Walter Campbell, and son. The big fellow gave the Terrors finals by registering a win over Galla- Contest To G-Burg Bill J ones trying for the three posi- his some badly needed height, but his gher of Loyola. Bartgis pinned then Langrall Top Scorer tions. Stan Feldman is another foot- shooting was erratic. Waldo showed man in six minutes. Bartgis Western Maryland dropped its ball-turned-baseball player, but spring Hopkins. For Baby Terrors much improvement over last season, grappled with Harry Tighe, Mason- final basketball game of the season, football practice may hinder his dia- and his hard hookshots off the pivot Dixon champ from Johns on March 7, to a fast-breaking Gettys- mond career. helped him to fourth place in the After a strong effort, Bartgis was The junior varsity baskctball sea- burg five. The winners led all. the Pitching Unccrtain team scdring race. defeated. son carne to a close with the final way and at halftime held a 43-36 mar- The pitching staff is the most uncer- Spring sports are ready to go, at Marvin Seigal was pinned by Bill record standing at six wins and thir- gin. Gettysburg had too much height tain of all, with only one returning Western Maryland, and only the lack Hell, of Catholic U., and Tony Zil- teen losses. Aside from four consecu- and experience for the Terror squad, veteran. Leo Lathrourn pitched one of good weather is holding them back. lucu of Hopkins beat Jack Rall in the tive losses in the final games, the and only the accurate shooting of game for the Terrors last year, and The athletic department will not 165-pound class. Mike Chirigos, Green squad finished with a more potent Press and Lathroum kept the losers turned ill a good cffort. Consequently, issue any lacrosse equipment until a and Gold heavyweight, lost to Carter attack then the records show. in the game till the finnl quarter. he is looked on as one of the main- coach has been appointed. Another Beese of Loyola. This was the final One of the big reasons why the Press scored 27 points, Lathroum 18, stays of the staff. Dyke hopes to sure sign of Spring ... football prac- conteiit for the Kernmen. Baby Terrors had only a fair cam- and Phipps contributed 15 counters to round out the staff with men chosen paign was the Jack of sufficient the Green and Gold' cause. from Bill Hallmark, Russ Shivers, in reserves. The J. V.'s de- Cor/eto Drops Close Decision As • strength Baltimore U., 80-67, and Bal- Saints Edged Bob Bartle, Dick Stone, Skip Barry, Ed feated Jonas F. G. Ashburn, Eshelman, contests One of the most exciting Henderson. Hat-lowe Mittmen Compete In Interco//egiates timore Junior College, 67-48, but of the season was played in Frederick Toman, and experience and will be dropped a return match to the Junior Phipps and Durst have also had prev- Mount St. Mary's on Febru- against CoIlege five by a 43-37 count. Ameri- ious pitching The boxing team ended its season Harry LeFew gained the semi- can U. beat the Terrors 53-38, and ary 28. A long set shot from mid- given a crack at mound duty. Phipps gave Western court by Jerry with a trip to Syracuse, New York, finals when he drew a first round bye. Hopkins won, 73-37. Mount St. Maryland a 78 to 77 victory over the Emphasis On Baserunning where they engaged in the Eastern He was then decisioned by John Mary's edged them out by a 75-70 Mounts in the last 30 seconds. The There will be special emphasis on score, while Longwood Prep, one of Intercollegiate boxing tourney, which Burch of Virginia. Ted Samekouris, the best teams the junior varsity hosts had led throughout up to this base-running and bunting this year, took place March 10 and 11 . also given a first round bye, was played, managed a 58-53 victory. point, and had a 47-37 edge at half- and the drills have .lncluded much Harry Lef'ew, Nick Denny, and Joe T.K.O.'ed in the second round. Nick time. Leo Lathroum led the Terror practice on these points. Dyke has Corleto received medals for advanc- Denny put up one of the finest fights, Gettysburg also won, 76-57. attack with 23 counters, while Press worked out an effective method for ing to the semi-finals. Besides going but was declsicned by Pete Munford Three of the outstanding players scored 21. Even after Phipps winning drilling the large number of players to Syracuse deficient in the 125, 130, of Army, who went on to win the on the squad were Bob Langrall, Her- shot, Mount St. Mary's had another in the gym, but he wants to begin 135, and ISS-pound weights, the box- 175-pound title. Joe Corleto lost on lowe Henderson ,and Bob Kaufman. chance at the basket with but three paring the squad as soon as possible. ers were without the services of 145- a decision to Chuck'Drazenovich of LangraIl boasted a 13.2 average per seconds to play. Ted Kachnowski Jim Boyer is the official coach, and pounder John Seiland, who suffered Penn State. Corlcto had previously game, Henderson, 9.1, and Kaufman missed a foul shot that could have will take over the team when he re- .a badly bruised eye and cheek in the decisioned his opponent in a match 7.6, for l~adership in the sc~ring de- tied it up. turns to Western Maryland from a Catholic U. matches the previous this winter. partment. They were eggresswe, han- The Fergusonmen ended the professional tour. After the first week. It was unfortunate that Sciland Corleto Loses dled the ball well, and were good on 1949-50 campaign with a 6 won, 15 couple of games, Boyer will again had to miss his last Intercollegiate The Terror spotlight was held on defense, but there were others on the lost record, and failed to gain the leave to assume his role as an umpire squad just Next season as talented. tussle, as he was eager to give a Corleto, and it was hoped that he we hope to see some of the J. V. Mason-Dixon Confercnce play-offs. in the American League. good account of himself in these would bring the heavyweight crown matches. horne to Westminster. Unfortunately, stant outs on the varsity. Final Basketball Statistics he couldn't break the bad luck that Field Goals Free Throws has dogged him in previous Inter- collegiate tourneys. But his old nemi- Westminster's ~ !l sis, Chuck Drazenovich, still held the New Modern Drug Store o 1 t hex on him. The fights between the ] 1 f 1 .. ~ two are always close, and Joe has a DRUGS £ -c Jl p: £ c, <: " definite edge in clase and power, but 169 33.9 147 113 76.8 451 21.4 one punch in the second round stag- SCHOOL SUPPLIES Press 21 498 65 39.3 107 72 67.3 202 10.6 gered Corleto and tipped the scales COSMETICS Lathroum 19 18 165 53 30.2 37 29 78.3 135 7.5 Phipps 175 in his opponent's favor. SODAS Hajduk 19 123 43 34.9 68 41 60.2 127 6.6 In the matches at Catholic U. on 39.7 25 8 32.0 78 3.7 March 3, the mittmen put up a very Makowski 21 89 35 22.9 35 21 60.0 65 3.0 96 fine showing against strong opposi- Bixler and Guild Rydzewski 21 10 105 22 23 21.9 22 12 54.9 58 5.8 tion. With the first three weights Drug Co. Hart 18 81 22 25.4 22 12 54.9 56 3.2 Hammaker forfeited to Catholic U., the results 18 81 16 5 3 35 in the remaining bouts were: John Hale 15 30 9 5 20 Seiland, decisionedj Harry LeFew, John and Main Sts. Sack 8 12 .3 8 10 K.O.'ed, first round; Samakouris, de- Pisetzner 6 3 3 1 cisioned. Cor1eto gained an .euy de- Albert ,2 2 Covey oi3ioD.
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40