Page 34 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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2 The Gold Bug, March 14. 1950 Missing Books gpoiL«;ld(j",gqlJ Borrowed Bits Pins 'n Points Table Manners Change Since Times Medieval come To WMC with March's t-ear- About this time of year the regular Debaters from Washington College a swarm of little bugs called "Virus Take heart, all ye, who frequent A I arm Lb rary SGA columnist goes to bat for elec- have planned a road trip to the Phila- X". The alarming number of victims the College Dining Hall at meal time! the • I the area. delphia Gettysburg Government Student At perennial If you think yourselves encumbered in tions which take place before the Woman's Debate Team has officially they felled in their path caused the custom strait-jackets of etiquette and Books and magazines have spring vacation. Almost everybody opened its season. What has hap- faculty to take drastic steps. Did we manners, read the following excerpt been disappearing from the li- knows the story by heart, but it's one pened to the debating team on the hear someone complain because of no from a medieval' history book. brary at an alarming rate. Peo- that could bear repeating. Hill? Surely there are a few persua- tests these days? Hearty thanks, "Among the don'ts prescribed by ple take books without signing Speaking about one's duties in a aive talkers on campus. faculty, for your welcome prescrip- those dealing with table manners are for them and then never return community is thrown at us so "rre- At George Washington University, tion! the following: Don't pick your teeth them. There is no way to check quently that it becomes monotonous. talent is being sought. On March 24, \Vhat's that we see sparkling on with your knife; don't throw bones on up and find missing books when Call voting what you will ... a duty, a production will be featured called Roberta Lang's left hand? A dia- the floor; don't claw your back as if they are removed in this fash- a privilege, an obligation that takes the Ajl-Universtty Follies. Each mond all right, and the lucky fellow after a Rea, or your head as if after ion. With some people it is mere- you out of your way ... but it's a class will present a half-hour skit, is Bill Callas. Congratulations to the a louse; ... don't blow your nose-on ly a matter of remembering, part of the way we live. No one can centered around the general theme of happy couple! Congratulations are the napkin, don't spit over the table; with others it amounts to a very force us to vote, but the results of the half-century. also in order for Betty Linton and don't open your mouth too wide while plain case of theft. such an election will directly affect Dormitory competition and disputes Dick Wallace, Joanne Koehler and eating; don't sup your soup too loud- When something essential dis- all of us for the next year. First at Lehigh will be handled by a special Ken Hoover. ly; don't pick up a morsel from the appears, it must be replaced. then, be sure to vote. committee appointed by the Inter- Big things are in store for the Glee dish with your tongue; don't smack This pertains to libraries as well Cliques, clubs, and other or'ganiza- dormitory Council. Maybe something Club this spring. The girls, under your lips or gnaw your bones; don't as anything else. And, when a tions are supposed to be open-minded like that could be used at WMC. Miss Murray's able direction, are butter your bread with your thumb; limited amount of money is ap- to the extent that the individual voter Attending the Institute of World working toward a presentation before don't laugh with your mouth too full; propriated, it must first be spent should be given the liberty to vote Affairs at Twin Lakes, Salisbury, the Westminster Rotary Club on don't wipe your teeth or your eyes to replace the missing. There- for the candidate who seems best Connecticut, will be a junior from April 12. April 24 wiII see them vo- with the tablecloth, don't poke your fore, our library does not have suited for the job, regardless of Goucher. The .purpose of the Inett- calizing in the. assembly. fingers into eggs." all the new books it could have friendship's sake, old school ties, or tute is training youth for leadership, Orchids to all organizations for the With such a strenuous code of man- because it cannot afford to buy what-have-you. So far, the student creating a deeper understanding of great success of the SCA bazaar. Gay ners to follow, one shouldn't wonder both old and new. Also, some of body has shown common sense in their international problems, and promot- decorations and original ideas were that the medieval knight spent his these unfound items are not re- representatives as witnessed by their ing world peace. the result of hard work and the time fighting. All should breath a placeable - particularly maga- administrators. To report the qualifi- Drama On Other Campuses splendid teamwork of all. The WSSF sigh of relief at the progress and de- zines. The loss of books not only cations that should be taken into con- Since the Junior Class presented fund has been pleasingly swelled. gree of liberation our civilization has effects replenishment of the lib- aider-at.ion : their plays here last Friday, let's Smooth teamwork and unprece- attained. rary, but it is also a bother to "Leadership, look at drama on other campuses this dented spirit marked an exciting bas- and This Is Spring, other people who want to use the Ability in personnel-relationship week. ketball season. In their final game, same boo k s. Disappearances situations, "Othello" will be produced by stu- Waldo Hajduk, Leo Lathrum, generally occur in the sections Scholarship". dents at the University of Maryland Vance Hale showed fiery skill that Time Of Poets most required by the student Before allowing the present SGA this month. This is the second Shakes- won't soon be forgotten. body. Some people neither care president to bow out, we ought to per-ian drama presented by University One of our ex-football heroes, With sweet Spring gently tapping nor can realize that they are realize that under his administration players. "Moon" Paul, is already doing assist- on the portal of passing time, I stand not the only ones responsible Homecoming, Christmas decorations, Another of Shakespeare's tragedies, ant coaehing at Hofstra College in on the crest of a high hill and bare for a particular assignment or pep rallies with their new personified "Macbeth" was successfully produced New York. my Cro-Magnon head to the elements. interested in a special field. Terror, and the ping pong tourna- by the Boston College Dramatic Socte- Congratulations also to those peo- Scrawny shoulders squared against Because so much inconveni- ment were planned and carried out ty last month. ple who took on roles at the last min- the gentle breeze, ears flapping a ence was caused with the open quite successfully. At Loyola a passion play, "The ute in the junior plays due to sick- good-natured hello to the swaying stack system, reserve books Also, the new 11:30 p. m. curfew Kingdom Come", will be presented by ness. They did a fine job. dandelions which carpet the multi- were placed on closed shelves. for the girls, and the ..opening of the the Masque and Rapier Dramatic colored countryside, I brace one leg This can be very annoying, but frat rooms to the women from eight Society on March 22, 23, and 24. An ian period, will be presented this against an old molding tree stump, it is the only way to insure the to ten o'clock on Sunday evenings is alumnus of the college wrote the play. month at Villanova College. Elaborate )lhade my eyes with my right hand safe return of books in continu- due in no small part to the present George Washington University dra- staging is being constructed for the while the left arm is held akimbo ous use. In many colleges, the administration under John Silber. matists appeared in "Noah" last week. production. • (isn't that a wonderful word!1) . closed stack method is used (In the absence of Joe Fowler, regu- Given a modern interpretation, the On March 22, Llpsafa College the left is held akimbo, and I gaze to- which means that no one but lar SGA columnist for the Gold Bug, play was described as "earthy and Players will present "Invitation to ward the horizon. the librarian may take books Lou Pietroforte is substituting tem- vigorous". a Murder". The play, by Rufus King, The horizon is slightly blurred due from the shelves. Naturally, porarily as the SGA spokesman. Edl-. "The Knight of the Burning had a successful run on Broadway in to my myopic vision, but my left arm this is a tedious, some-times tor) Pestle", a comedy of the Elizabeth- 1984. is still held akimbo, and I feel poetic. non-rewarding process. In op- This is a moment for ,Poetry. position to the closed stack "This", I utter with a sweeping, method is the system used at Not Even The Rich (:c1I_,nBuy Everything dramatic gesture of my right arm, Western Maryland known as not wanting to move the left, which is open stack. With open stacks, it by Shirley Lippy held akimbo, "This is my own, my na- is much easier to find books and tive land." I used to Reminds me of a picture magazines, and it takes less Raym~nd burst into his father's of- filth on the shelves, the slovenly, in- have. Hung right over the table. One Mumbo, jimbo, arm akimbo dolent men sitting around, the large time. However, it is also easier fice, his face flushed with excitement. day --." His voice droned. Wing di11g This is Spring. to remove them illegaly. As he entered, Percival looked up and cat lounging on a sack of Rour-all While Sam reminisced, Percival The beauty that was Grease, and of these things younger Immediately, with frowned. the filled Percival The Student Government, in. man stopped and regarded his father disgust. . was occupied with his own thoughts. trying to solve this problem, has almost fearfully. One glance of dis- Glancing swiftly around the room, It was becoming increasingly difficult the grandeur that was Rome sweep a huge past my vision, and I breathe made some improvement. But, pleasure from Percival would cause his eyes came to rest on an old, white- for him to keep his usually even tem- breath of the warm air which comes short of searching rooms, there any man to hesitate, and his son, who haired man. Surrounding him was a per under control. Careful, he warned gamboling over the tundra. is no real remedy under the pre- had always been the chief object of group of men who appeared to be himself silently, don't seem too eager. Suddenly my nostrils dilate, my sent system. Neither the library his domination, lived in constant listening to him intently. Yes, decided Let the stupid one take his time. prehensile toes grasp the soft sod, staff nor administration can do dread of arousing his temper. Percival, this must be the poor half- Just as abruptly as he had begun and my ears quiver .. Borne on that more than has been done. Peo- "I'm sorry to interrupt you, wit he was looking for. Slowly, the his rambling, Sam returned to the breeze is the unmistakable scent of my ple who have books out illegally Father," began Raymond. Then, as well-dressed stranger edged his way topic at hand. "Yep, guess I'll jest love. I throw myself upon the soft have been requested to return he remembered his reason for being toward the group. keep that book." Then there was l\ sad, bury my head in the soft sod, note of decision in his voice which them at once. But, because a there, the excitement returned to his "Mr. Samuel Hodges?", inquired annoyed Percival. However, he was and beat with my feet upon the soft small section of our student voice. "Father, I've located a first Percival. not a man to give up something which sod. Dh, not to have myopic vision so Martin body is notoriously opposed to edition of The New England Primer I" The old man Asks About Book he wanted so easily. that I could see my love when she was seemed to give the All signs of anger left Percival's any form of regulation, requests face. "You're sure it's a first edition?" question deep consideration. Finally "Even though you don't intend to afar off and thereby be inspired to will not bring back the missing questioned his father. he replied, "Wal, reckon so." sell the edition, could I please see it?" write sweet verses in reference to my books. It is up to the rest of the "There can be no mistake. I've "I'm Percival Martin," the new- Sam rose without answering and love passing by afar off! I have to be students to protect their own in- learned of this from a reliable source." comer continued. "I understand that limped toward the front of the store. different ... how unaesthetic to terests by watching for unre- "Is it for sale? How much are they you happen to have an old copy of Just as he got to the door, he turned have to 8mcll her first! The scent turned books. If the person who asking?" The New England Primer. He eyed to the younger man and remarked grows stronger, and I am inspired. has illegal property shows no "That," continued Raymond tri- Sam questioningly. When there was causually, "I'll be back." Wheeze breeze, 8Wel!'t scent sign of complying with the rules, umphantly, "is the most interesting another long pause before the answer Percival Waits Impatiently Soft 80d There she went. return the books of your own ac- part! You see, it belongs to an elder- came, Percival's usual calm self-as- Impatiently, Percival awaited his I am crushed, for it was but the cord. ly gentleman who lives in a small surance was shaken. Surely, he return. The store had grown unusual- passing of a mother skunk with her Massachusetts town. As far as I can thoilght, this illiterate old fool can't ly quiet since the well-dressed strang- find out, he is totally unaware of the know the value of the book. er had entered. Now that the conver- little loved ones trailing along behind value of the book. His name is Samuel Sam's voice broke in on his sation between the two men had ended her, just like in the New Yorker car- abruptly, been do recollect "Believe THE GOLD BUG Hodges, and it is the general opinion thoughts. like. Pretty I old book, ain't so listening turned those to who one had another toons. But hark! Is that not the chirruping somethin' Most deficient. he is mentally that Offici..l student new.p~per 01 Western. M,,1"")'· of his time is spent in a small general it?" awkwardly, trying to make their of a robin red breast? Chirrup, cheer- up, chirrup, cheerup, chirrup, giddap. inconspicuous. eavesdropping land College, published semi·monthly on Tn_ store in the town; so you could prob- "Oh, is it a very old edition?" day, durin, October. November, Janu ..ry, ably see him there. Since he seems to questioned Percival, restraining the After what seemed to Percival an The latter being a nearby farmer who Febru ..ry, March and April, ..nd monthly duro ing September, December, and May. Entered be a pauper, I imagine he'd be more eagerness which he felt; '''Then of interminable period of waiting Sam is goading his mule, Bessie, to move 80 second c1.... m..tte:r M West.minde:r POlt tban willing to receive a few dollars course it's probably quite worthless. re-entered the store. He regarded so that he can get his field well cov- Office, uuder the Ad 01 March 3,1879. in return for an old book which he Still --," he paused, appearing Percival as though surprised that he ered with potash, so that his corn Memblllr undoubtedly can't read." to consider. "Maybe I'll buy it despite should still be there. Then, suddenly will grow tall and strong, so that the Associated Collegiate Press Plans Trip To Massachusetts its used condition. I'm trying to com- recalling why the stranger was look- starving children in Europe will have Before his son had finished his plete a collection J have." ing at him so expectantly, the old man sufficient gruel for their Sunday BllbfleripUon Prlu '2.00 a Year shrugged his shoulders. "Didn't find story, Percival was busy forming "wher you from, Mr. Martin?" breakfast while the starving children plans in his mind. He'd make the trip "New York City." the book. Maybe I burnt it, can\ in America suck hominy grits through to Massachusetts himself to be sure "Come right far jest fer an old rightly recall." With those words he carious teeth. Editor·in·Chi.f •.... Nancy Winkelman '51 apparently dismissed Percival. If the Associ..te Editor Lnuis ·PiBtroforte '51 of securing the priceless volume. Per- book, ain't you? Nigh onto three Ah, yes, it is a Tobin red breast. He M..n8ging Editor Ed NordbY '50 hundred miles." man refused even to show him the Feature Editors Mi.~y Rupe" '51 '51 haps he should leave immediately. "I was coming up this way on busi- book, there was little Percival could is pulling a worm from out of the soft Alice Yearley Noticing preoccupa- father's his .: :Bi:cki: :~!:dt:;! tion, Raymond quietly left the room. ness," Percival assured him. He do. Thoroughly disgruntled at having sod, and it must be Spring, for if the ... Stan BowlSbey'5Z scrutinized the old man's face as he made the trip for nothing, he re- sod were hard, robin red breast would ....... J8ck Loper '52 The huge black car pulled over to be having the deuce of a time trying .... AU..n Albert ·53 the curb and Percival stepped out in- spoke. Securing this book might be turned to his car . to pull that worm out. The worm is .. Joyce Scbmidt '52 a little more difficult then he had an- As the door closed behind him, the to the dusty street. He turned toward turning the earth, helping the afore- BUSINESS STAFF _ the general store which was dwarfed ticipated. The thought of this irritated storekeeper asked Sam, "Did you mentioned farmer till the ground, so ..... BeUy Lovelace '51 by the enormous Cadillac he had just him; he was accustomed to getting really lose the book that stranger was Larry Bailey. '51 that his corn will grow tall and .... J. O. Higgins '50 parked in front of it. Hesitating but nearly anything he wanted without lookin' for?" strong, so that the starving children, a moment, he entered the building. trouble. "Guess it's around the house some etc. Once inside, he looked around with an Sam spoke. "Mighty glad you place, but I couldn't find it. He Churn, chu.rn little worm air of disdain. It was beneath his didn't make no special trip. 'cause wouldn't want it after he saw it no- It is Spring haughty dignity to find himself in I ain't fixing to part with that book. how, it's all marked up. Some fella The worm will tu.rn. such distasteful surroundings. The Right fond of it, I am. Fuimy how named Cotton Mather wrtt stuff }n ... Lott.Putroforte. rolls of dirt under, the eotmter, the a body gits attached. to !f..uff like that. all the margins."
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