Page 30 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 30
The Gold Bug, Feb. 28, 1950 lI"lJ~ America Promises Guess Who? Brotherhood Prevails On Hill bli(£uty who's tall and Since this is the time of the year when Brotherhood Sportsmanship Freedom andJustice 1. A May Court S1nith's stagli, shli's an phaeized, we have asked a representative from the Protestant, seems to be em- ,""k Catholic, and On' Miss Into the large room walked a man; added spark, Jewish religions to give their views concerning Brotherhood on this college Criticized a man who looked like many other She recently made her fame one campus. Protestant members of society, but who seemed day we represent As Protestants, There is a Baltimore radio different. He entered slowly, cautious- When Dr. Ea.1·P g(£ve he.r an A. hood of God and the Brotherhood the Christian belief proclaiming the Father- of Man. We may safely state that brother- sportscaster who uses this slo- ly looking around the large pine- s: Her name's a word that a.sks a hood means "in the state of being brothers" and this involves living as bro- gan: "If you can't take part In paneled room, which was illuminated question thers of one family at whose head is God. We maintain that members of the sports, be one anyway." Here on by light which came through the A ha.ppy wa.itrc8s without indi- universal family should be treated as we treat members of our immediate the Hill there is a definite large glass ceiling. The soft glow of family. Since we are all equal in the sight of God, we are therefore equal need for spectators to follow sunlight gave the room a warm cheer- With gestion the octet she Sllllg on our in the eyes of each other. Thus, all men's thoughts, beliefs, and actions should that motto. ful appearance, and the wide planks last T. V. Show, be understood. About a year ago students of the floor shone faintly. The man She was one of the "ludiaWJ" with While we are preparing ourselves for various futures, let us not forget were urged to show more school followed in the direction that his sad, a voice that is low, the preparation for a future brotherhood after graduation, the necessity of weary eyes led him. Nervously sur- spirit. Now, there is increasing veying the surroundings, he saw a which is quite apparent; At college, we have an excellent opportunity to pro- team interest and apparently 3. He 8a.yS that he's going to be mote brotherhood on a very practical basis. The varied religious faiths, with plenty of spirit. However, this large gray sofa in the middle of the mayor someday, which we come in contact, should be revered. They should not only be tolerated, room. He walked toward it, and let enthusiasm is not always di- his weary body sink into the soft Tammany Tunnel will m«ke the but they must be appreciated, as we would understand and appreciate our own rected in the proper channels. comfortable cushions. He closed his vote sway. brother's beliefs. We must respect the different r-acial backgrounds prevalent The team itself submits to decl- eyes for a moment. The muscles of Joklis are what hc's got a lotta, on campus. The many stereotyped names to which members of these races ar-e alons and takes setbacks with- his face became relaxed, the sunlight If you haven't guessed it, the subjected are not Christian terminologies. It means respecting our fellow stu- made his black hair glisten. At the rlame's~~. dent's fraternal or sorority membership and fostering a spirit which these ~b~sf::al~t:~:!~~ih:~g;~maai~ thought he was near- 4. She keeps the mimttes for the names suggest--namely, one of cooperation rather than one of competition. first glance one sportsmen. Why, then, should ly forty years old, but after observ- Freshmll-1t It means also, being considerate of our roommate's personal property, his spectators take it upon them- ing him more was evident A lively, e!tte c/aJlS, little blond-haired time, and his recreation. Brotherhood on the Hill will be as strong as the selves to question decisions and that he was much younger. His face tess. weakest personal prejudice. decide on the legality of a play? was pale and thin, with many prema- She shine8 in sports, cll-use that's There should be less public writing and more private action concerning Western Maryland's student ture wrinkles. His long slender body hcr hobby, brotherhood. Although the word brotherhood to the majority of people re- body has been quick to criticize was relaxed and his shoulders hunch- Tho she's realty a girl, they call mains a fine and noble ideal, it must spring from the heart of every member the unsportsmanlike conduct of ed slightly forward. After a short h,,~~. of the college community and find expression in our daily contacts, as exempli- other teams and other student time he opened his eyes and careful- fied by the life of our great Friend and Master. ' bodies. It is time that it took ly inspected the room, turning and 5. All thnt t.he Sea80n of football Jewish stock of its' own actions which looking carefully at each painting He nevC1' let our spirits fall What Brotherhood Week means to me--a Jewish student on the Hill. are quite similar to those that that hung in that section of the And now that baJIkctbaU timtl is This topic cannot be expounded to any degree, for actually, Brotherhood they criticize. 'f!:lere is no excuse he're, waak has little meaning here. WMC needs no one special week of the year at a college basketball game for Picture Has Meaning He leads us in filli?lg Gilt Gym to think about the brotherhood of man. The Hill is Brotherhood in action. adolescent behavior or conduct with our cheer. befitting a professional wrest- Slowly and carefully he continued Here is a place where the most stereotyped mind can enter and learn how ling match. Surely we know the his gazing; then, suddenly his glance £a.lJU!A\ qog '9 misguided his conceptions had been. Here is a small "melting pot" into rules for good sportsmanship: fell upon a picture which hung in UOSp!AUa £qqog 'J> which flows a host of cultures, races, and religions. Herein lies our wealth. fair play, generosity, honest ri- one corner of the room. The man's uno\n3 eor 'f: The natural resources are unlimited and everyone is welcome to share in its valry, gmceful acceptance of faee became paler, his lips more tense, 1HU'8!ll!.M. 1{1na A.HfW '8 profits. Our campus is a study of Inter-faith; in itself, a living proof that every reeuite. Apparently, some of us and with his hand he firmly grasped A;)1J1S £If.lJad "I man is judged for what he is, not by which path he takes on Sunday morning. So, we here at 1VMC need have no pang of guilt nor need experience have not realized that these the arm of the sofa. flash of understanding for seven days out of three hundred and sixty five. a in a Reporter Queries rules pertain to audience reac- The painting portrayed a young Brotherhood has become a part of us. It is almost taken for granted. tion as well as to team mem- man of a bygone era, dressed The only purpose Brotherhood Week can hope to accomplish on our shoulder Student Opinions bers. black blouse with lace at his throat campus is the naming of that intangible quality, which we, as students have his Crowning wrists. and Is. it fair play to make distur- length tresses was a tan black hat. always felt, and applied to our college lives. bances during a foul shot? His head was tilted slightly'to one The present GOLD BUG staff is But whatever you name it, it is the same broadening process, which the Haven't we criticized other side, and below his mustache his lips interested in finding out what the stu- Jewish student and many others have uudergone. It is an opportunity of schools for similar action? were smiling faintly, his eyes filled dent body would like to see in future which we must take advantage-c-an experience for which we should all be When a player scores a difficult with mischief. issues of the paper; so our roving deeply grateful. shot is it generous to question The man moved slowly toward the reporter traveled around campus this Catholic its legality? After all, we can't painting, his face alight with the week. Here are a few of the answers To the Catholic, the celebration of National Brotherhood Week affords an be proud of a similar play for emotions of fear and surprise. He of certain persons on the Hill. opportunity for him to examine the differences between his Church and our team if we have already de- stood before the painting for a few Fred Keefer-"My picture." Protestantism and to. explain his beliefs in order that there may be more cided it wasn't fair. We Question moments, and retracing his footsteps, Beverly RYB--"More'about people-s- understanding among all denominations. The Catholic looks forward to Na- the sportsmanship of campus he resumed his position on the sofa, not necessarily the big ones." tional Brotherhood Week as Ii time when tolerance and love of our fellowmen painting. But isn't it just as bad his face now covered with a blank ex- C. Wendell YO'!tng-"More sugges- may be more firmly rooted in all and to have it serve as an outward sign of to forget the duties of a host or pression, his hazy eyes staring tions as to the improvement of Col- our belief in the good of all mankind. It also helps to make everyone realize to abuse the privileges of a visi- straight .ahead as if in a daydream. lege life, especially on this campus." that we can love one another and work in harmony regardless of the way in tor? Rival?'y, yes, but let's keep His expression changed to one of Patricia B!lrr-"Anything I'm al- which we worship God. it honest. horror, and in his mind he traveled ways so glad to see the GOLD BUG At present the Catholic students on this campus are striving to form an Graceful -ccoeptcnce of re- back to a bright sunny day in 1939, that I'll read anything in it." organization comparable to the Lutheran students and Canterbury Club but euite is a theory taught as far when with a friend, he was visiting Laura'8ki.--"Cartoons. And many complications have arisen. This organization could help to further and back as grammar school. And an art museum in Berlin. He, a pros- 'Sayings on the Hill'. I'd like to see would advocate the ideals upheld by National Brotherhood Week. yet, we don't seem to be able to pering art student, was viewing the more personal opinions expressed." grasp the meaning. An official is same portrait that now hung before NONn Necdlc---"I like it as it is, but an official, and all the booing in him. He and his friend were discus- would like to see it come out'more the world is not going to keep sing the man portrayed in the pic- often." him from making a decision as ture--remarking that people could no Anne Pla.cht--"Let's have more By Joe Fowler Three cheers for the stupendous he sees it. longer smile, amid such turmoil. Un- about the kids on campus. presentation of the "All Star Talent This editorial is not directed der the Nazi regime, most of his Flo Riee-"More cartoons, and Now that the March of Dimes Cam- Show" last Monday night on TV. at any specific person or action friends were being thrown into con- more informal news." paign is officially over, Western Settled down in the comfy frat room but refers to a growing display centration camps, taken away from Diek DU,1110p----"We should have Maryland College will be credited chairs, the whole college population of antagonism climaxed by be- their families and friends. more editorials expressing student with over $225. This amount includes spent an enjoyable half hour. Under havior at the Baltimore U. Millions Suffer Persecution opinions on conditions around the the proceeds from the movie sponsored the leadership of Lou Pietroforte, our game. Actually, such undisci- school." ' by the Inter~raternity Council last male and female triumphants com- plined emotion has been present That afternoou, he too had been Bill Simpson----"Less 'plugging' ~y Thursday. bined to produce one great show. not only at varsity games, but arrested by the police, the iron hand the different societies and more news The committee working on im- also in other campus activities. which had separated his family and of campus activities." provements for the Rec room have Dean Howery was absent from An excuse such as an overabun- him. His family-that was the last Dan lVeUiver-"Rather than so been quite successful in their attempts. campus several days last week while dance of spirit is not valid. time he had seem them. His mother, much individual griping, let's have Mr. Black is busily working on some in New York. Her excuse is more care- a kind ',Voman with twinkling Two hundred blue than legitimate. It is time that non-playing eyes; his father who had been a student opinions expressed by such coat racks and several other things. fully seleeted graduates of Columbia students participated at games school teaclfer; and his younger bro- means as letters to the editor." The committee is still accepting ideas Teacher's College, including herself, lilS enthusiastic but sportsman- ther and sister--all had lived happily Mary BankeJ'f,-"What happened to that students might have for further got together to discuss and advise her like spectators, not as self-ap- in a small neat house in the suburbs 'Clarence'?" improvements aud anyone having alma mater. Welcome home, Dcan pointed officials or censors. of Berlin. He was placed'in a concen- Rachel Early-"More news about banners from high school, etc., and Howery! tration camp along with millions of the individual people on the campus." willing to lend them to the SGA are I other innocent victims, suffering asked to get in touch with Harry The hum of balls zipping through sound around THE ,GOLD BUG many persecutions. Those endless days walking in the rain, s~eing the bright LeFew as soon as possible. baskets is a familiar Art Press' easy the Hill these days. The SGA again wisl}es to caU your which were gradually him, drawing along with many other Jews, to the lights of a busy city, worshipping attention to the nominations for stu- sink-in is becoming the boast of Official student '.'e"'.p"pe~ of Westen> MaTT' God in the way he chose, watching a WMC. land College, published semi·monthly on Tn ... · gas chambers, ceased to exist when dent government president at the As- dRY, during October. Novern~r, Jann, .. -,., he courageously made his escape. It sunset, and expressing his own ideas. sembly on March 13th. We request In another realm or the sports February, March aDd April, aDd mon~bl:r duro ing September, De,ember .• nd May, Entered was a miraculous escape; an escape He was sure that he would be able to that you notify the SGA of your nom- world, the girls have had a sensa- as .eeond dass matte~ at W.. t.miMter POll against tremendous odds--the black eventually reach his goals iu these inations so that al'l'angements can be tional intra-mural season. Congratu- Office. under tbe A'I of March 3, 1879. night, the barbed wire, the many United States, a country free of per- made to have a qualified person give lations to the Freshman "A" team Member guards, his wounded shoulder, and secution. the nomination spcech. This speech who have come out undefeated. Other Associated Collegiate Press the knowledge that this was his last Suddenly he felt a hand grasp his should be at least two minutes in teams hal'e shown just as much spirit chance for survival. He recalled his shoulder. Panic came upon him, as length but not longer than five. On and skill. Here's to Ollr Amazons. Subscription Price t2.00 • Y.. r difficult entry into northern France, thoughts of the Nazis raced through the following Monday, March- 20th, and his work with the underground his mind. But he remembered that the elections will be held and voting With the end of the televison siege, forces there. He remembered the Ger- he was in the United States; he was will be by secret ballot. As in the our singing larks are already em- man defeat. He remembered the mes- safe here, a free and equal individual. past, the voting place will be in barking into new roles. Kitty Lou sage telling him of his family's ex- He quickly opened his eyes, and turn- front of the Old Main bulletin board, Olewiler, whose warbling on' TV termination by the Nazis! His search ing his head, he saw a figure in a weather permitting. On Tuesday, thrilled us all, will have the soprano through the rubbled streets, looking blue uniform. A cold chill ran down March 21st, the student body will lead in the Elija.h. Dotty Alexander ,for his family. His effort, having been his spine, but his body became some- vote on the candidates for the vice- \vill take the alto lead, and be on the in vain, brought him to the realiza- what relaxcd when he discovered that presidency. If a man studeut is elect- lookout for Elijah in the person of tion that he would never see his fami- the figure was that of a museum 'i!d president, only women students Dean Free. ly again. guard. The hand released the grasp will be eligible for this office. CongratUlations to the Pi Alpha Bu.iDe&S ?>I.nager .. Betty Lo..-eta'B '51 All this horror he had left behind on his shoulder, and he looked up in- Larry BRiley. '51 The positions of president and Alpha Fraternity upon winning an- Circulation Manager. J. C. Higgins '50 when he came to the United States, to the face of the guard, His body vice.president of the SGA are very other leg on the Frank B. Hurt Schol- along with many other people, who trembled, and his hopes and asph'a- important positions and only those arship Cup. Alpha Gamma Tau came like himself, hoped to start a new way tions suddenly were dashed to the students who are willing to assume in second while Delta Pi Alpha and of iiving. During the time he had ground as the guard's echoing words Gamma Beta Chi came in third and spent here, he had rediscovered the pierced his ears. "It's closing time, the responsibilities of these offices fourth, respeetively_ old freedoms of his prewar days--- I'f!'t out of here, you Jew!" should accept the nomination~_
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