Page 31 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 28, 1950 Court Records Reveal Three Terror Quint Wins Two OF Winners In Thirteen Years Four Games As End Nears Hampden-Sydney, Baltimore U. Drop Contests; While by Blackie Brandt Sports Editor American U., Johns Hopkins Beat Westminsterites The athletic department at West- the following season, and his team Western Maryland won two of its four most recent basketball contests, ern Maryland College has been criti- posted a 13 and 6 record. The next giving the Fergusonmen a four and thirteen record for the season to date. cized recently because of the losing two years there was practically no. The Hampden-Sydney encounter proved to be one of the' most exciting seasons the ccurtmen have been post. formal basketball played at Western games seen in Gill Gym for some time. It was a nip-and-tuck affair all the ing lately. This situation warrants Maryland. way, with the 'terrors pulling it out when Ernie Makowski dropped in the an explanation, and the best way to The first fnll season following the winning basket with only seconds to go. Art Press was high scorer for the start is by reviewing' season records war was ,·ery unusual, considering victors with 29 points. and highlights from the past fifteen that the quint lost their first seven Baltimore U. Contest Slow years. contests; yet they won nine out of The Terror COUl"tmcnmade it two in a row February 21, when they over- Bruce Ferguson began his tenure the next fourteen to gain the finals in carne Baltimore U. by a 60-50 count, also in Gill Gym. The Bees jumped out as basketball coach at this school in the Mason-Dixon tourney. They lost to a quick seven point lead in the early stages of the contest, but the Green 1935. He coached the quintet for six the title to American U. Players like and Gold stor-med back and had a six point margin at the half. Press again led years, and here arc their records: Adamovich, Pia vis, and Jacobson re- the attack, but received some valuable assistance from Center Chuck Ham- W L W L turned to school at mid-semester to maker, who tapped in ten points. The game itself was slower than usual, 1935-36 .__.8 121938-39 4 16 give the added llf't needed for a sue- • lind only the one-handed push shots of MacCubbin and Phelps kept the visi- 1936-37 4151939-40 _ 714 cessful season. Wrestling.' .• tors within striking distance. 1937_38 ...... 2151940_41. 13 8 Good Ballplayers Bucknell defeated the matmen of The Western Maryland quint tra- In the 1940-41 campaign Fergu- The next two years weren't quite Western Maryland by a 27 to 5 score veled to Washington, D. C. on Febru- Women Basketeers son led his charges into tlle Mason- as good, the Fergusonmen turning on February 18. ary 25 to have themselves eliminated in the coming Mason-Dixon Holding Spotlight Dixon tournament, and they won in 7·12 and 7-13 efforts. They posted Boxecore: by American U. from any chance of their first league title by beating both a record score for Gill Gym in 1948 McShane, 121·1b., deeisioned; B. a berth Washington College and Loyola in by trouncing Washington College, Wilsey, 128-lb., pinned; F. Wilsey, play-offs. It was the same old story- the play-offs by one point. The over- 90-38. lS6-lb., pinned; Bartgis, 145-lb., de- too much height and experience for Intramural basketball is in the all performance doesn't look too good It's easily seen, from these statis- ciaioned ; Seigal, 155-lb., decisioned; the out-classed Terror five. All hopes spotlight for women's athletic activi- tics, that Western Maryland hasn't Rall, 165-lb., decisioned; Silber, 175- for an upset were quickly squelched, ties this. month. The basketball tour- had e, truly outstanding b~sketball lb., won by fall; Chirigos, heavy- and the rampaging Eagles went on nament is nearly over, and this year squad for some years. We've had weight, pinned. to an 85·57 victory. It was the first the laurels go to the victorious fresh- some fine ballplayers in this period, time in \ three years that Western men. but schools like American U. and Maryland failed to register at least In both the A and B divisions the Loyola can devote all their resources Intramural Basketball one win over American U. Nonethe- freshmen defeated the seniors, jun- to the court game because they don't less, the hosts couldn't hold Press in iors, and sophomores to capture the have gridiron teams. Many of the All-Stars cheek, and he managed to sink nine- crown. All classes had a large turnout varsity football players here are aided The following players were picked teen markers. and the spirit to win was high. In by jobs made available to them by by officials and coaches of the intra- The return Blue Jays Hot Hopkins, divisions C and D the final games contest with the administration. There are a limit- mural league. on Saturday night in Baltimore, have not been played as yet and the ed number of these jobs, and the ques- First Team proved to be an entirely different tournament has extended over a tion arises: are we willing to help Landefeld ____ Freshmen story from the one played in west- longer period of time this year be- participants in other sports on the minster the previous fortnight. The cause of the larger number of girls Hill at the expense of the football Blue Jays, still hot from their terri- participating in the sport. team? _____ -ct •••• Preachers fic upset victory over Loyola, wouldn't The players on the champion A The athletic department is con- _______ ._..Gamma Bets team are; forwards, Barbara David- stantly on the lookout for athletes Second Team . be denied, and they eked out a 69-66 son, Sara Ann \Vilson, and Beverly verdict. WMC held a three point lead who excell in a sport other than foot- Hunt; and guards, Becky LeFew, at halftime, Hopkins ball, but this isn't always possible. Dyke ;~I;i~•••••••••~•..:. :::~:;;~~:; but in the third rallied to Lois Ohler, and Dixie Davis. Mikeinaki a 54-53 edge period. Consequently, these teams must take Foster Chuck Hammaker played an out- Sorority League what they can get without any addi.- Tullai , Preachers standing game for the visitors, and Basketball has also been an im- Honal help. Bailey _ .._ __ _.. . Wesleyans 'led their scoring with seventeen per-taut topic of discussion among the Improvement Needed Honorable "Mention points. sororities. Blanche Ward Gym is a The administration wants to give Munroe, Preachers; Landau, Gam. busy place almost every night. In the the student body a colorful represent- rna Bets; K. Shook, Black & Whites; Rinemen Win Two games already played, the Phi Alphs ative that can win a reasonable McCormick, Seminary; McCall, Black defeated the Iotas, and the Delts amount of games without hiring & Whites; Pra:ssi~a; Bachelors. went down to defeat before the Sigma on the surface, but we must take into players just to make the records look Of Four ,Matches six by a 22-11) score. The rest of the consideration the fact that the Ter- good. In other words, there isn't any games are scheduled for March, and rors played a somewhat heavier practical way to improve the situa- Court Crown Taken western Maryland's rifle team is the results should prove very inter- schedule, including teams like Villa- tion except by interesting better right in the midst of its season, and esting. nova, Georgetown, Bucknell, and players to attend Western Maryland By Preacher Quint of the five meets they have taken Games with other colleges have Delaware, plus squads from the M-D College. That can be done by the stu- part in, two have been victories for been arranged, and the athletic de- Conference. dents, the alumni, the athletic di- Intramural basketball closed cut its the locals, while results of one match partment is now trying to decide who It's also interesting to note that in rector, and the public relations office. season during the past week with the have not been tabulated as yet. is to play on the traveling team, since the winter of 1940 the Green and There are other factors involved, Preachers way ahead of the field, The University of Maryland was there is so much good material among Gold played its first game in Gill but principally Coach Ferguson needs being unbeaten in eleven starts. The their first opponent, on February 11, the classes. Gym, and celebr~ted this event with more, and better, material to work final standings arc as follows: and the Terrors dropped this match II. 50-29 vidory over Drexel. with in order to produce a winner. W. L. Ave. to the Terps by a 1398 to 1341 margin. Rhoads, Bill Dave and Buffington, Rip Engle, now head football men- This 'n that: If the contests against Preachers 11 0 1.000 Ralph Gorten all tied for high-scor- tor at Brown, took over in 1941-42 B. U. and Hopkins are any indication, Freshmen 2 .750 ing honors for WMC. and coached the team to third place Chuck Hammaker is the boy we've Gamma Bets .636 On February 17, the ramrods in the league, losing to Loyola in the been looking for to take the pressure Bachelors .546 traveled to Frederick to engage the play-off finals. ljis squad had II. 14 off Press. Great to see it, Chuek! Seminary .500 Frederick Rifle Club. The overall .375 and 11 record. • Al Paul is leaving school AD there Wesleyans 3; totals for each squad were the same, To illustrate the type of low- will be a new lacrosse coach this Black & Whites 3 .273 so the standing scores were used to scoring, "control" basketball played Spring .. Rebels .250 decide the winner. This gave the before the war, Mogowski, of WMC, 'Twas even better to see Hepktns Kigmies .000 match to Western Maryland, 392 to was high scorer in the conference knock off Loyola, especially after the As a preliminary to the Hampden- 387. Charlie Kidd and Dave Buffing- with 211 points in 15 games. shellacking they took from the Grey- Sydney-WMC contest in Gill Gym on ton were the best marksmen, each Ferguson returned for one year, hounds in their first meeting. February 18, the Preachers met an firing 269. All-Star aggrega- Marine Matches Roster Altered As Mittmen Ready tion coached Dick by fired in the Marine Matches against riflemen The day following the Gamma Bet Clover, and made clubs from Maryland and adjoining For Eastern Intercollegiate Matches up of players from states. The Puryearmen entered two seven in- the-ether tramural squads. teams in this event, but the results are point. Bill this unknown at For the past three weeks the West- keeping in condition because of in- The game was Rhoads was high for one team, and ern Maryland boxing team has been juries and lab work. Denny will try hR"rd_fought and Paul Schatzberg top man for the Leo Lathroum diligently sharpening its claws for the to duplicate his fine effort in the Penn closely - contested American U. match on February 25. State encounter when he gained a thronghout, and other. National Guard was The Frederick They won a convincing victory over draw fighting a favored opponent. the All-Stars man- the next opponent, and the Terrors the Eagles in their last match, in Gill Ted Samakouris turned out to be Julie Dyke aged to eke out a took their second match of the cam- Westminster Laundry Gym on February 4. the surprise package of the campaign 52-50 victory, scor- paign. This was by a twelve point when he also gained a draw from a The line-up has changed somewhat ing the winning markers in the final margin. Ralph Gorten fired high with La undry and Dry Cleaning since that contest in an effort to more experienced and taller Ameri- minute. Ed Landefeld and Ding Den- a 277 total. Pick Up And Delivery strike a consistent winning combina- can U. mittman. Still a novice, Seme- nelly were the leading point-getters Febrnary 25' found the rifle team in tion. Harry LeFew has been moved kouris is developing ;teadily and for the "All" team, while Mitch 'I'ulla i Washington, D. C., firing against both Service from the 135-lb. to the 155-lb. class so could turn into an outstanding op- and Bill Munroe were the high scorers Georgetown U. and Johns Hopkins. it won't be as difficult for him to erator in the I65-lb. bracket. for the Preachers. The ramrods ran third in this meet, make the weight. LeFew, a natural Forfeit Three Classes The intramural basketball league ,vith Freshman John Twiddy shooting Basement of Old Main US-pounder, found that class already The squad, now forced to forfeit drew a lot of interest this year, and 271, enough to hold down the top filled capably by John Seiland, so he the 125, 130, and 135 pound classes, is Julie Dyke deserves much credit for position. put himself on a strict diet in order to facing a big handicap for the rest of organizing and running the program fight at 135 pounds. This lessened his the season. No one is immediately smoothly and efficiently. The compe- endurance considerably; so now Harry capable of filling these weights even tition and spirit was very good, and EveTybody Is Welcome can eat to his heart's content, pro- though newcomers Allan Albert this was best illustrated by the high viding he stays under 155. (140), Richard Dix (130), Dan Mc· quality of play seen in the All-Star To Stop ]n At T. W. Mather & Sons Joe Corleto and John Seiland have Lea (134), Charles Deicher and Ed contest. furnished a winning combination and Barber (140), recently joined the Marg.ret & E.rl's Department Store inspiration, and Corleto's decision team. They need more polishing be-- over Drazenovich of Penn State has fore they can step into the ring. Compliments been the most outstanding fight to From here on in, the stalwarts of of SANDWICHES- . Free Delivery date. the squad will have their eyes on the Nick Denny will fill the 175-1b, slot Eastern Intercollegiate matches w be 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. SOFT DRINKS in placE1of Watson Solomon against held at Syracuse, New York on March American U. Solomon has had trouble 10 and 11.
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