Page 32 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 28. 1950 "elliyIt. e; 11t.e. eIIal" Critic Reviews WMC Grads And Students , ' Bow Tie And Ready Laugh Identify Joe Faculty Recital Participate With Alamedians It is a pity that more of an audi- by Chdrles Shook ence was not on hand to hear an out- Western Maryland "College has played a greater part in the Head man in the SCA. Leader of the Band. King of Tammany standing piano recital by Helen 'organization of Baltimore's Alamedian Light Opera Company Tunnel, and friend of everybody-c-Joe Culotta has worked. talked Brainard on Frida~ night .. An in- than most' people realize. Both of its directors and several players and laughed his way into the affections of nearly all in the WMC teresting program featured the eight are Western Maryland graduates, and some students now on the family who have come to know him. Characterized by the tallest Fantasie St.ueeke by Robert Schu- Hill are members of the Alamedian orchestra. corn east of Kansas, and the biggest smile west of Stromboli, Joe mann and works by Bach, Scarlatti, • The directors of the company are gushes forth his good will on students and faculty alike. during College Calendar Ch:~~:,B~:t:::~:;:ne:a~:rn~:~~~~~ ~ll:~e:~:nc;~ F~:~::e:~Sb~!'h:nd::;~ ~~es~!:~e~U~~I~:~ ~b~~~~ day which th~:~!~~~ w~;h~:;; ';a~~s'~:o:~e !~ with Bach's Chromatic Fanta.sie and graduated here in 1927 and 1930, re- Uncle Joe is easily identified by Tammany Tunnel, where his com- Fugue and three sonatas by Scarlatti. Tuesday, February. 28 spectively. Mrs. Bowlsbey, a French the bright bow tie, the short driving fortable room and big hear-t are al- The spacious Bach and dignified Scar- Basketball, 1\1t. St, Mary's, away. and history major, served Western step, the easy manner, the ready ways open. In this "homey" setting, latti provided an excellent back- wednesdnr, March 1 Maryland as a leader in musical ac- laugh, the Good or the grounding for the longer Schumann Lenten Communion Service, Baker ttvities, an officer of the Sunday Joe is counselor, father-confessor, work. This piece expresses the tur- Chapel, 6:45 a. m. School and Le Cm·de Francais, or- composition-c 0 r r e c to r, and food- moil of emotion, the shift from exu- SCA Discussion, Baker Chapel, ganist for echocl functions, news edi- sampler for the dozens of fellows who berance of spirit to melancholy which 6:45 p. m. tor of the GOLD BUG, and member file in and out, day and night. Never- characterized so much of Schumann's Thursday, March 2 of the choir, orchestra, and College theleea, he finds time for education work and was at the heart of the ro- Delt Tell, 4 p. m. Players. She was also a member of courses, eleven hobbies, (ranging mantic musical development of the Basketball Tournament opens. the girls' varsity basketball team. from photography to collecting let- ter openers), and sleep (six hours a 19th century. Friday, March 3 1\[1'. DeHaven sang in the College day). By instinct a shrewd politician, Chopin's Fantasie Op. 49 contains Arts Symposium, McDaniel Choir, played on the football and Joe expects to teach English just long an element of poetry which often Lounge, 4:15 p. m. basketball teams, was active with the enough to know the kids, and then, eludes the pianist. This was ·the least Saturday, March 4 College Players, and was captain of says he, jokingly, "1 will become a successful piece on the program, al- 'VSSF Bazaar. the band. He earned an infantry com- millionaire and run for mayor." ~~~~~;!:r:re:!t;e!~~~~igenee and Boxing, Catholic University, away. ;~~~na~i:~r!~~ i:~~~~ ::;YII;:~ Joe lias Empathy Sunday, March 5 a colonel. Like Arthur Godfrey, Joe has Bartok's Suite Op. 14 is .a work of Baker Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. They began working as a team here "oceans of empathy." If you are not good humor and lively spirit, coming Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.~. on the Hill when she accompanied a liar, a hypocrite, or a conceited per- early in the modern Hungarian com- Monday, March 6 his singing; .and soon after gradua- poser's life. It does not contain the son, you are, at any time, in line for more serious elements of the later IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, tion, they were both teaching at Balti- the Culotta smile, the characteris- Bartok, and Miss Brainard captured 7 p. m. more City College, where they have tic, "say, now-.-," and the friendly the youth and lilt of the charming Tuesday, March 7 produced an annual operetta since hand on your shoulder. piece. . Basketball, Gettysburg, home. 1936. At the present time Mrs. Joe does not profess to be a theo- Bowlebey is chairman of the music de- logian j so, when you ask him what he The Paganini-Liszt Grand Etude Wednesday. March 8 Service, Baker partment at Baltimore City College Lenten Communion thinks Heaven is like, he will jest- No. 6 is in the grand style of frills Chapel, 6:45 a. m. and Baltimore Junior College. Mr. Tom D'Alesandro moustache. Born of ingly picture for you a cloud-soft bed and ripples which makes it a very Lutheran Student Meeting, Mc- DeHaven is head of the speech and "fiery" Italian stock, he is equally with a jug of cider on one side and successful program-closer. It has a Daniel Lounge, 4:15 p. m. drama departments at the Junior proud of his Latin descent, his Balti- a stack of comic books on the other. steady melody line with all the 'ern- SCA Discussion, Baker Chapel, College. more neighborhood, and of Patter- As fOI· Joe's friends, they will not bellishments that Liszt required to 6:45 p. m. . son Park High School. He thinks be the least surprised if, on Judg- prove his virtuosity. Miss Brainard Veterans Form Company most people would be surprised to mcnt Day, Gabriel comes forth as a gave it a keen narrative quality and 'fhursday, March 9 The Alamedian Light Opera Com- know that he does not like spaghetti-c. stocky little fellow with a moustache all the flush and fireworks that go Phi Alph Tea, 4 p. m. pany is an outgrowth of these shows. and that he has never missed a break- who outsmiles the angels and happily with it. Friday, March 10 - Returning from the war, veterans who fast in college and that he holds a taps his foot as he blows on his trum- There were two encores before the Wrestling Tournament opens. played in the high' school operettas local preacher's license (although his pet. house lights were turned on. Junior Plays, Alumni Hall. formed a company and asked their relish for Sunday chicken and his ad- Sunday, March 12 former directors to lead them. Sing- diction to speeches would make any Baker Sunday. School, 9:15 a. m. ers with professional experience have Methodist minister blush with envy.) Save Money G.C. Murphy & Co. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. joined the company, presenting five Old Jonathan Edwards WQuId Save Trouble .Monday, March 13 shows since its founding in the fall probably wag his minatory finger in French Club Meeting, McDaniel of 1947. It is a non-profit group, disdain, if he could see how much The Friendly Store Lounge, 7-8 p. m. whose proceeds go toward the John Joe enjoys living his religion. He is an BAUGHER'S special Faculty Recital, Mr. deLong and Denues Memorial Scholarship, estab- able leader and a hard worker. His Dormitory and Classroom Mr. Spangler, Alumni Hall, 8:15 lished by the company and awarded philanthropic approach has inspired MEAL TICKETS p. m. annually to an outstanding music stu- one of the most pop\llar SCA pro- Supplies Tuesday, March 14 dent graduating from the Baltimore grams in years. His work in the band Now On Sale Assembly, 11:30~a. m. ~ high schools. reflects a vigorous love for music and 6·10 West Main Street Gerald Ackerman, of the class of an energetic school spirit. A loyal Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 Westminster, Md. '49, played a lead in the last produc- member of the Blaek and White Fra- Quality tion, and WMC members of the Ala- ternity, Joe has been honored in this Best Engraving median Orchestra include Bill COQk, year's Who's lVho as one of the Hill's John Suckling, Paul Tromburg, and top personalities. INVITATIONS Karl Yount,. playing French horn, ANNOUNCEMENTS flute, trombone, and violin, respect- ively. Membership in the company is CALLING CARDS open to anyone who can meet the re- Westminster'. quirements of an audition committee. will present Vic- The Alamedians New Modern Dru~g Store P. G. Coffman Co. tor Herbert's Sweethearts, March 10 DRUGS Phone Westminster 401 and 11, in the Baltimore Polytechnic SCHOOL SUPPLIES Auditorium. Tickets are available on campus. COSMETICS SODAS Bixler and Guild Drug Co. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays. Holidays. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 John and Main Sts. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 ;po m. Week- Matinee 2 p. m.-E ....enings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. MARCH 1 MARCH 1, 2 "OUTLAW ROUNDUP" Welcome Students "RED SHOES" Dave O'Brien Technicolor The Anton Walbrook Moira Shearer MARCH 2, 3 Coffman~Fisher MARCH 3, 4 "ARCTIC FURY" and Company "ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD" "SAVAGE SPLENDOR·' Olivia De Haviland Errol Flynn MARCH 4 DEPARTMENT STORE MARCH 5, 6, 7 "THE COWBOY ·'SANDS OF IWO JIMA" and 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 John Wayne Adele Mara THE PRIZEFIGHTER" In Ann Arbor, the Grand Rapids Jim Bannon Room on the campus is a favorite MARCH 8, 9 SMITH SGREIFSNIDER "EAST SIDE, WEST SIDE" MARCH 5, 6, 7 Incorporated student gathering spot. In the Barbara Stanwyck Van Heflin "MONTANA" LUMBER-COAL Grand Rapids Room-Coea·Cola --I Technicolor WESTMINSTER, MD. MARCH 10 Errol Flynn Alexis Smith is the favorite drink. With the "CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS" MARCH 8 college crowd at the University of Fredric March Florence Eldredge "LEGION OF THE LAWLESS". "MEET AT George O'Brien Michigan, as with every crowd- MARCH 11 PETE'S Coke belongs. .. h()/n Ann Blythe Percy Kilbride Cummings "STRANGE BARGAIN" FOR ALL" "FREE MARCH 9, 10 Robert and trade_marks mean the samt thin"". "THE THREAT" To Get Your Eats" MARCH 12, 13, 14 BOnuD UNDERAUTHORITY Of THE COCA·COLA. COMPANY BY "BATTLEGROUND" MARCH 11 Main St.-Red Neon Sign WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTI'LING CO., INC. Van Johnson John Hodiak "RENEGADES OF THE SAGE" eI95(),T~.c..:".Col"C_p"ny Geore-c Murphy Charles Starrett Smiley B-qrnett
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