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Library ~,jestern Ivaryland College 1/;~5tminster, Md. BASKETBALL FACULTY INTERVIEW REVIEW PAGE 3 PAGE 1 Vol. 21, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February M. Shaeffer New English Prof. L. Pietrofort~ ChosenQueen To Advise Paper Wins Position members as well as New faculty students have entered Western Mary- Stacy, Bachtell, Hale And land this semester. Mr. Frederick B. On New Staff Karl is welcomed by both the English Fish.r Voted Duchesses depar-tment as a teacher, and by the GOLD BUG staff as its new adviser. N. Winkelman Appoints Martha Schaeffer was chosen May Mr. Karl served in the Navy dur- Queen in the assembly elections this ing the war and saw active duty in Other Newspaper Posts morning. the Pacific. While serving as a Mid- Marty is a senior music major from shipman under the' Navy V-12 pro- Louis Pietroforte, topping the list Westminster and has been on the gram, he was fortunate in being able of new GOLD BUG staff appointees, Court all four years. to attend several universities of the has been made associate editor, ac- Senior duchess will be Peggy Stacy, U. S. cording to Nancy Winkleman, new another May Court and Homecoming Majoring in English, Mr. Karl re- editor-in-chief. Court perennial. Her attendants will ceived his A.B. degree at Columbia Lou steps into his new job after be Louise Hyder and Helen Scar- University, New York. He then having gained leadership experience borough. crossed the co..untr y to California to Neia staff, Finrt raw; Alice Yearley, Lou Pietroiorte, Mickey Rupert. Second in many campus activities. He has The junior class elected Betty take his Master's Degree in journal- l'OW: Ed Nordby, Blackie Bmndt, June Beavor, Betty Lovclace, Stan Bowlesboy, had exper-ience on the GOLD BUG as Bachtell as junior duchess, another ism from Stanford University. From feature editor since second semester music major. Mickie Rupert and Mary there he ,traveled south to the Uni- Jack Loper. of '47. A philosophy and psychology Ellen Hess will attend Betty on the versity of Mexico, located in Mexico major, Lou hails from Visalia, Cali- Mary- College Gains Court. City, to continue graduate studies. School Claims Prize fornia. Ginny Hale, a home economics ma- Before coming to Western Currently, he is a member of the jor, was chosen duchess by the sopho- land, Mr. Karl used his journalism Western Maryland boys' team on the of his time was spent, however, on New Students more class. Betsy Patterson and Anna working on a New York paper. Much In Cigarette Contest WAAM·TV College Talent Tussle Lee Parker are sophomore attendants. program. President of the class of '51 Freshman duchess will be Sally his favorite pastime, playwriting. Twenty-five new students have en- Western Maryland has been judged and secretary of the Alpha Kappa Mr. Maryland, Western at Here Fisher. The freshmen also elected Karl assumes his first position in the rolled at Western Maryland for sec- grand pr-ize winner in the Philip Alpha philosophical fraternity, Lou is Mary Laux and Nell Hughes to at- field of education, as an instructor of ond semester. They come from Mary- Morris Merchandising' Contest. also a member of the J.V. soccer team tend her. English. He also aids the student land, Massachusetts, New York, Coach Charles Havens has been and Gamma Beta Chi. staff of the GOLD BUG as its ad- Pennsylvania and New Jersey. awarded $100 as the college program Nordby Named Managing Editor new include Other appointments Girls Win T-V Contest; viser. These new faces on campus include: manager. Delta Pi Alpha, stadium Ed Nordby, a senior from Merchant- Coming from Forest Hills, Long Betty Herber-t, Janet High, Laura concessionaire, also won $100. ville, N. J., as managing editor. Suc- Louise, Lubaraki, Boys, Girls To Present Island, it is not unusual to learn that Lubarski, "Mrs. Mary Shannon, Dorothy Preachers Judged Best ceeding Lou Ptetrcrorte as feature Robert Pitt, in following Mr. Karl is interested editor ate Mickey Rupert and Alice Final College Talent Show the tennis news. He also has an in- Alonso, John Becker, Ellsworth because of their promotion of Philip . Yearley. Both have had previous ex- The Preacher frat was judged best Bunce, Jacob Bushey, Arthur Disney, terest in track news, and participated Defeating the girls of the Univer- Albert Donnelly, Lyman Earhart, Morris and because they sold more perience on the GOLD BUG as re- porters. Last semester they were co- sity of Maryland last night, the Jack Eccles, \Vi\liam Hallmark, Ger- cigarettes than the other 175 colleges Western Maryland girls captured the ard Kalb, Thompson Lang, Daniel that entered the contest. Mr. Dodson back-page editors. Hagers- Mickey who comes from semi-final record in WAAM-TV's Col- Osborne, Arthur Plsetzner, Thomas of Philip Morris wrote a letter of town, is majoring in math and En_g- Reed, Robert Richardson, George Sa- lege Talent Tussel competition se- vitsky, Carl Sturgill, Norman Webb, recommendation which was also lish. Besides being junior class rep- ries. and Bruce Williams. Three students counted ill the judging. resentative in the Student Govern- Since the WMC boys also won in Philip Morris were advertised in mcnt, she is in the Argonauts, the the semi-final division, there will be who have arrived hack on campus the football programs, hot dog con- Choir, Glee Club, and Phi Alpha Mu. a brief arc Eleanor absence after no final competition. On Monday, Feb- Nettleship, Robert Lizcr, and Hal cession baskets, and with Johnny, the Alice comes from Towson and is a ruary 20 at 7:00 p. rn., the boys and Travis. Philip Morris trademark. math and science major. In addition girls will combine to give a final all- Two Members Added to Faculty t.o her active participation in the girls' star prcgram. Thc English department and the Purdue Places Second sports program and her duties as Ada Lee Hardester, Louis Pietro- Second and third prizes were junior class historian, her interests forte, President Lowell S. Ensor, and education department have each add- awarded to Mr. R. C. Woodworth of include the Future Teachers of Amer- to our faculty. ed a member Mr. Mr. deLong will plan the program for Frederick Robert Karl, who hails Purdue University, Lafayette, Indi- ica, the Argonauts. this night. This performance will in- from New York City, is the new in-, ana, and to Mr. Comer Whithead of June Beaver has been appointed clude selections by the boys' quartet structor in English. Mr. William A. the University of Georgia, Athens, news editor. Last semester she held , and the girls' octet from previous pro- Liggett, who is from Pennsylvania, Georgia. that post in conjunction with Jack grams and also several new numbers. has done most of his work in the Honorable mention goes to Mr. Loper, and prior to that, she had been Last. night/s program included a fields of history and education and is Howard Myers, Johns Hopkins Uni- a reporter fOJ"two years. June, who is selection, Listen to the 1I1ockil1g Bin!', the new associ ate professor of edu- versity, Baltimore, Maryland; Mr. a math and English major from Bal- by the girls' octet. Participating in timore, is pr-eaident. of the Interna- this group were Dorothy Alexander, .Mr. Fredericlc Karl cation. the end of last semester, William S. Gooch, Jr., College of Wil- tional Relations Club and treasurer With liam and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.; Betty Bachtell, Betty Brandenburg, in this sport while a student at Co- twenty-five Western Marylanders Mr. Erie E. Snelgrove, Hobart Col- "Ofthe junior class. Among her other Ada Lee Har dester', Marilyn Hardee- lumbia. left the hill, having completed the lege, Geneva, New York; Mr. Edward activities is included membership in ter, Jo Kompanek, Kitty Lou Ole- The GOLD BUG hopes Mr. Karl requirements for graduation. Since Parsons, Northwestern University, the Argonauts, the FTA. wiler, and \Vinifred Spenser. will continue to find his stay here on we had no commencement in Febru- Boston, Masa.; Mr. A. 1\1. Powell, Handling the back page of the Kitty Olewiler sang Ouvre Ton· our campus as pleasant as he states ary this year, they will return in May Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsyl- GOLD BUG this semester will be Coeur, by Bizet. Accompanying her- it is now. to receive their diplomas. vania; Mr. George E. Lawson, Muhl- Stan Bowlsbey, an ex-City College self, Betty Bachtell sang her own enberg College, Allentown, Pennsyl- boy from Baltimore, who has been arrangement of There i8 A Bit of vania; Mr. Lloyd H. Lux, Bates Col- appointed news-feature editor. Jack Sororities, Frats Elect Officers Loper, sophomore math major from For an encore, the winning team lege, Lewiston, Maine; and Mr. Hugh of Sykesville, will be copy editor. Institute Virginia Bosley, West sang The Italian Streot Song, with To start the second semester, so- bar-a Payne; sergeant at arms, Jean 'Technology, Montgomery, West Vir- Blatkic Brandt has been asked to Kitty Lou as soloist. This was pre- ror-it.ics and fraternities have elected Simms; sunshine messenger, Dorothy continue in his job as sports editor, sented by the octet in the previous the following officers. Shoemaker; and inter-sorority repre- ginia. as has Joyce Schmidt, typing editor. show. New officers of Delta Sigma Kappa sentative, Mary Kay Wills. Extra Prizes Awarded Larry Bailey and Betty Lovelace In the boys' last performance, the sorority consist of: president, Ruth Among the fraternities, Alpha Tn appreciation of the excellent co- have been appointed as co-business quartet sang two Negro spirituals, Allen; vice-president, Angela Caru- Gamma Tau fraternity elected: presi- operation on the part of the colleges managers. Little David Play on Yow' Harp, and thers; secretary, Helen Ray; treas- dent, Joseph Fowler; viee-president, and close competition among top con- Steal Away. Lou Pietroforw's solo urer, Joanne Koehler; chaplain, Nan- Charles Kidd; secretary, John Dor- testauts, the Philip Morris people Club was Tlw Flower Song from CartlUllt. cy Walker; sergeant at arms, Jeanne gan; corresponding secretary, Mal- have graciously offered to award 11 Argonaut Concluding the program, Woody Dixon; and intersorority representa- colm Meltzer; treasurer, Larry additional prizes. The three prize- Weeks and Bryan Haddaway played tive, Mary Lou Schanze. Bailey; sergeant at arms, Joseph Lu- winning program managers, plus To Give Tea The HawaiilL1t War Chant on the Gaining positions in Iota Gamma perini; and chaplain, Dan Welliver. those receiving honorabJe mention, "steel guitar and ukulele. Chi are: president, Louise Hyder; Second semester officers of Delta" will each receive a 17-jewel Longines- Inviting students with an accumu- vice-president, Mary Ellen Smith; re- Pi Alpha include: president, Anthony Wittnauer Wrist Watch. They will be lative B average and all members of seA Birthclay Dinner cording sec~etary, Carol Lowe; treas- Konstant; vice-president, wtutem given the opportunity to select a the faculty, the Argonauts will hold William Simpson; Munroe; secretary, urer. Beaver; June corresponding their annual tea at 4 p. m., Monday, To Be Helcl Wecl. secretary, Nancy Burdick; historian, treasurer, Leonard Zawacki; sergeant lady's or man's model, whichever is February officers of the organization, 20, in McDaniel Lounge. desired. at arms, John Molesworth; and chap- Betty Wiley; and Intersorority repre- The In honor of all WhiC students and sentative, Jean Dennison. lain, Bernard Kelly. which include George Seymour, presi- faculty who observe birthdays in Phi Alpha Mu elected Sara Lee Gamma ·Beta Chi elections show: dent; Donald Clark, vice-president; February, the SCA will give a birth- Larmore, president; Peggy Stacy, president, Edwin Ransford; vcie- ATTENTION Marian Auld, secretary; and Marga- day dinner tomorrow evening. vice-president; Barbara Jolley, re- president, AI Bright; secretary, Rus- A benefit movie, Holiday Af- ret Beyer, treasurer, will act as hosts Dinner will be held at 6 o'clock in cording secretary; Betty Lenz. alum_ sell Mettee; corresponding secretary, and hostesses for the tea. Dr. Isabelle the main dining hall, which will be ni secretary; Mary Will, treasurer; Edward Seerner; treasurer, Kenneth jair starring Robert Mitchum Isanogle, sponsor of the organization, decorated for the occasion. Norma Susie Bruning, sergeant at arms; Hoover; sergeant at arms. Gene and Janet Leigh, will be pre- and Miss Adabelle Robb, former spon- Avers and Lois Sauter arc in charge Marian Auld, chaplain; Mary Jean Frank; and chaplain, Ira Zepp. sented by the Camera Club on sor, will pour. of the program; Roland Fleischer will Rupert, sunshine chairman; and Officers of Pi Alpha Alpha are: friday, February 17, at the Chairmen of the committees for be master of ceremonies; the Boys' CharJotte Janney, intersorority repre- president, Charles Shook; vice-presi- Carroll Theater. Tickets can be this occasion include: June Beaver, Quartet, Louis Pietroforte, Bill sentative. dent, Joseph Cullotta; secretary, invitations; William Simpson, enter- Simpson, Charles Shook, and Don Offie.ers of Sigma Sigma Tau are: Richard Rem:; corresponding secre- bought fOl"40~ from any mem- tainment; Barbara Lain, decorations; Stanton, will present a number of president, Priscilla Lankford; vice- tary, Robert Douglas; treasurer, ber or at McDaniel office for Alice Yearley. refreshments; .David musical selectiQns. The .menu. is .still president, Elayne Close; recording Richard Dunlop; sergean£ 8,.t ·arms, the afternoon or evening ~~o"?,:s. Patten. a.nd Janice Benson, clea.rlup; the chef'~ s~et, but·th~re.-will ~·a secretary, Norma Moore; alumni gec-· Howard Haines; and muter of cere- and Betty White, equiim1,ent. birthday cake.. . - . ,. . . r~ta.ry, Doris Joiner; trea.surer, 8ar- monie", Essell Thomas.
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