Page 27 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Feb. 14, 1950 Courtmen Spirits High Despite Large Turnouts Basketballers Drop Eight Of Continued Basketball Losses Highlight Winter Ten Conference -Encounters Sporting Events By Blackie Bramit Western Maryland is having one of its toughest basketball seasons in games played, they have hit the win column Sporte Editor Basketball again holds the spotlight history. Out of ten conference against non-league opponents have resulted in only twice. Four attempts Western Miryland College has had one of its poorest basketball seasons in Blanche Ward Gym this month. a like number of losses. on record, yet the players themselves have nothing to be ashamed of. Stu- There are approximately 130 girls Art Press has supplied one of the few bright spots to an otherwise disap- dents can gripe about the losing streak the club has posted, but we've got to playing 'on the intramural teams, and pointing campaign with his spectacular scoring feats. His Jast tipte out admit that the courtmen have exhibited plenty of that old-time fight and interest is high. As yet, it is too against Hopkins netted him 29 counters and boosted his scoring average 'to "college try" attitude. It may not always win games, but it doesn't lose our early in the season to determine defi- about 21 points per game. Press's aggregate score for the season is 280, and support and respect. nite standings for. the various win- this ranks him second to Nick Scallion of Washington College for state scor- American U.' and Loyola were swept away by this ing honors. spirit, and it took determined rallies by both teams to In the "A" division the freshmen overcome the stubborn Terror five. The Mason-Dixon Con- have .defeated the senior and junior ference has good competition and some fine ballplayers, teams and only the sophomores stand and \Vestern Maryland does not have the material this between them and the crown. The year to cope with them. Furthermore, there's no relief in sophomores have lost to both the sight except through the Almuni Association and the juniors and seniors, so the freshmen students themselves, who must try and get good hoop- are eagerly awaiting their chance to sters to attend WMC. clinch the title. Blackie Brandt At the moment, Art Press is carrying the team on More Participation his back, and this is illustrated time and again when he Participation in intr-amur-al sports !~~~:s. o~: i:~?t :::: o:~;a;OOr;l:y~ To see the difference between a has increased this year, and a keen we've got, by a long shot, b'ut the losing team with "heart". and one sense of competition is very evident. rest lack the consistency to make the without it, we only had to view the The large \urnout may partially which be attributed to the new system difference between victory and de- Hopkins-WMC clash on Friday feat. Lack of height hurts consider- night. Consequently, we have nothing was installed this season. Each after- ably, but Ed Rydzewski, Jerry but praise for the varsity basketball noon was divided into three playing of twenty each. A minutes periods Phipps and Leo Lathroum have done squad, and the many fans who have great work off the backboards. Walt supported them throughout this dark list was placed on the bulletin board outside the physical education office Hajduk has done well also, and ap- where any girl who so desired could pears to be the most improved 'player sign her name signifying the position on the squad. she wished to play, the day, and the To make a bad situation worse, Boxers Drop Meets time. This procedure eliminated con- Walt Hart has left the team to rest fusion and made the job easier for vaca- To Army, Penn St. his injured knee until he can have the instructors. it operated on during Spring tion. Hart hasn't been too effective Laboring under the handicap of League Play Starts Hart jwnps, in contest aga':lIst Catholic U., as Press (22), Makowski (11), and this year, due partly to the bad knee, having to forfeit in the 125 and 130- On Thursday night the Inter- Lcthronm LIS), look on. and his accurate setshots were sore- pound weight divisions, the boxing Sorority circuit started league play. One of the high points of the campaign was the return contest against ly missed. That seems to be one of team found the going tough against Talent seems to be evenly spread be- Loyola College in Gill Gym on January 31. Terror fans had little hope for an the principle flaws in the attack-the Army and Penn State. Their first tween the competing teams and the upset victory even with the home team ahead at the half, 23-22. As the game absence of a reliable setshot artist. match, at .weat Point, resulted in a games should prove to be interesting progressed, however, the Green and Gold managed to widen their slender lead The shooting has been erratic, at 7\>2-% loss, with Hank Norman scor- and well played. to six points with four minutes left in the contest, but the Greyhounds surged best, with only Press hitting consis- ing our only marker with a draw. Several. games have been sched- back with an irresistible rally that carried them to a ten-point victory. tently, and every point has been Nick Denny and Buck Kelly lost in uled with neighboring colleges and Catholic U. had provided us with our only conference win up to this hard-earned. the exhibition bouts, while Harry Le.. are to be played later in the season, point, but on February 7 they got their revenge with a decisive 60-43 victory have but as yet no specific squads Basketball Sch.olarships? Few dropped a close decision in the been chosen for the school in these and ran the WMC losing streak to six in a row. Towson State Teachers It's how a. school like 145-lb. class. John Seiland and Jim contests. came to Westminster the following day and made it seven, at the same time Western Mar-yland is content to have Luby were T. K. O.'ed, and Watson exhibiting a smooth-working quintet featuring a classy eager by the name of its basketball team kicked around Solomon, fighting Army's' captain, Bucky Kimmet. year after year without something was decisioned. In the heavyweight Johns Hopkins ended the victory drought when they dropped a 65-36 being done about it. We spend con- d t vis jon, Jack 'Molesworth was contest to the Furgesonmen on Friday night. It was a low-scoring affair until siderable money for football scholar- knocked cut, the final quarter when the Terrors broke up the ball game with a torrid rally. ships but aren't willing to shell out Eagles Beaten CONFERENCE SCORES. JANUARY 10 - FEBRUARY 10 a fcw bucks (in comparison) for a~ The ringmen hit the win column Jan. 10 western Maryland 7. Catholic U. 70 least partial scholarships in basket- against American D. with a 5-2 vic- 12 59 Loyola 81 baU. If we have a gridiron squad that tory. LeFew and Seiland both did 43 Baltimore U. '0 is the best in its class in this part of very well in winning decisions, but " 49 l\1t. St. Mary's 51 17 the. country, why not do the same Jim Luby was again T.-K. O.'ed. Ted 21 ee. American U. 74 for the courtmenj We owe it to the Samakouris put up a great fight 31 Loyola 55 players as well all. to the students, against a taller adversary and gained Feb. 1 " aa Catholic U. 60 and the publicity gained now may a draw, while Watson Solomon had 8 60 Towson 73 pay handsome returns when student little trouble in winning by the techni- 10 Hopkins 36 enrollment le low, as it was for many cal knockout route. Joe Ccrleto toyed " years before the war. with his opponent in gaining a decis- Here are the point totals and per- To get back to the aforementioned ion. game averages of \Vestern Mary- Riflemen Practising For American U. and Loyola contests, the Corleto Back land's three leading scorers up to and Green and Gold deserves a monument The trip to Penn State saw the re· including the Hopkins contest. Coming Army Matches for the stirring battle they put up turn of Joe Corleto to the boxing Total AYe. ._.280 against overwhelming odds. Every- team. He had not been with the squad Press ._ ..__112 20.7 Sergeant Puryear, coach of the Lathroum !L3 thing was against them, yet they due to uncertainty concerning his Hndjuk __ ._ .... __ .__ ._._ 108 7.7 Western Maryland rifle squad, has overcame a ten-point American U. eligibility status. TVatsOl! Solomon. released the schedule of the Terrors' lead to tie the score in the final quar- The Nittany Lions defeated the Veteml! fighti1!U 111 irs-u., class. Baby Hoopsters Split :~~~~~l~-:;:::t:~.l.d;~e~:~~:~s f:;e~~~ ter, but the attack sputtered when Terror mittman decisively by a 6lh- Press fouled out. The Greyhounds put Ilh margin. LeFew. and Seiland were Intramural Basketball Eve:n In Eight Games ~~~st~~~~~!~t;i!~ ~1!~;lla~~e~a~:a~:~~ two men on Press and Leo Lethrcum decisioned, and Jim Luby lost on came along to take up some of the technical knockout. Nick Denny drew, Standings slack, but Loyola, 50% better in but Hank Norman was T. K. O.'ed. sit~h~a:~:~~e:17 :~::~~a~: ~~~~~; :~:~ ~;v~a~;a::d\:~~~ ~:~~~~at::i;r:~!~~c~ eve I' y department but gameness, Corleto outpointed .Chuek Drazeno- Preachers Won Lost thirds over, with the Baby Terrors on February 17. The remainder of the managed to pull it out in the final . vich, Eastern Inter-collegiate boxing Bachelors 9 0 still having a fine chance of finishing schedule consists of clashes with the minutes. champ. up the current campaign with a bet- Marines on February 18; a dual meet Freshmen ter than .500 percentage. The results with Georgetown and Hopkins at Gamma Bets of the past few games are as,follows: Georgetown, February 25; and on Kernmen Lose To Gal/audet, Hoyos, Black and Whites WMC 45 St. Paul's 35 l\Iarch 4 the Hillmen will conclude Wesle)'ans 32 Loyola 72 WMC their feuding when they shoot it out Beat Baltimore U., Tie Greyhounds Seminary ~~~~g!~ Ba~~.n~;~Cr~~ :~ ag~itns;J'~:::;' ~::k!~:~'PShooters a~e Kigmies __.__._._= Rebels Wl\IC 34 American U. 61 firing in the Second Army lntercol- Bill Kern's crew of wrestlers sey, I28-lb., won a decision; Frank WMC 33 Loyola 47 legiate Matches by mail, and if they doesn't boast a winning won-lost rec- Wilsey, 136-lb., was decisioned; Bill WMC 63 Towson 61 gain a place in the finals (as they ord as yet, but it has looked strong in Bartgis, 145·lb., pinned his opponent; Save Money WMC 41 John Hopkins 58 have done for the past five years) all its classes aud has definite grounds Seiga], I55·lb., was pinned; Jack Save Trouble Coach Al Jacpbson is using the they will then enter the National In- for optimism so far as future op- RaIl, I65-lb., also pinned; John Sil- same tactics he has employed all sea- tercollegiate Matehes, which includes ponents are concerned. ber, 175-lb., won a pin; and heavy- son. He installed variations of the \ all such rifle squads within the conti- A good Gallaudet team gave them weight, Mike Chirigos was pinned. BAUGHER'S special zone, a man-to-man defense, and on nental limits of the United States. a 32lh-7lh setback in the opening en- The fourth mateh was against offense the fast break is used, with The team has been practising every counter. Don McShane, Bob Wilsey, Georgetown U. in Washington, D. C. MEAL TICKETS pressing all over- the court. day under the guidance of Sergeant Ed Klohr, Frank Wilsey, Marv Sei- The Hoyas won 19-10 verdict by vir. The team has improved greatly Puryear, and hold good prospects of gal, and Jack RaIl alI lost by pins, ture of four decisions and a pin. Now On Sale since the beginning of the season, and a winning season. \Vhile several good but Gallaudet forfeited the I75-lb. Frank Wilsey pinned his opponent, Jacobson has built a smooth-working men were lost via the graduation match to John Silber. Mike Chirigos Silber gained a decision, and Mc- Worth $5.50 - Cost $5.00 quintet around Russ Shivers, Roy route, Freshmen John Twiddy and gained a draw in the heavyweight Shane won by forfeit for the visitors Ryan, Harlowe Henderson, Bob Lang- Ivan Martin have shown promise of division. ' ten points. rail, and Bob Kaufman. capably filling in some of the vacan- Western Maryland won its first cies. mateh against Baltimore D., in Gill Gym, by a 15-4 cou'nt. McShane lost Best Quality Engraving The Cutest Cards In a decision, but Bob Wilsey pinned hfs Town Are Here ''MEET AT opponent. Al Davidson and Marv Monarch Cleaners INVITATIONS To Bring You Greetings Seigal were deeisioned, and Frank All The Year Wilsey gained a draw. Jack Rail pin- ANl"OUNCEMENTS ned his adversary, and Captain John Cleaning and Pressing Georgianna Galliher Silber won a decision. Chirigos lost CALLING CARDS a dose verdict. 164 W. Main Street Loyola proved to be slightly strong. Westminster, Md. P. G. ,Coffman Co. Westminster, l\Jd_ To Get Your Eats" er, and the best the K.ernmen could do Norcross ·Cards was gain a. tie. The individual re- Phone 484 Phone Westminster '401 , Antiques Gifts Main St.-Red Neon Sign sults read like this: ?),-12hlb.,: £ru:feit; Bob· Wi1~
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