Page 28 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 14-, 1950 f'CREt:RSJ:' II .A«;h (j", <1tw. .:JI;jj, IBRIGHT Club News SCA To Award Pan-Hel Cups Arts Symposium "Willy" Has M.~y Talents The A·merican Humorists is the Sometime in April the SCA will Tuesday, Feb. 14 topic that Doris Day will speak about 'by Joe Fowler Tri-Beta Discussion, McDaniel on February 17 at 4:15 p. m. in Mc- present a loving cup to the sorority which have done out- and fraternity Lounge, 4:15 p. m. Freshman Basketball, Baltimore Daniel Lounge. She will discuss their standing work in social service dur- met Iti~~~:~nR:~:~i~~~~;e~i~,a~:;:a~a~~~r~:d Ch:!i:,n~~~a;l:nt;,a~a~=r:! Junior College, home. lives and their places in literature, ing the year. This is the first time western Maryland College directly from Kenwood High School. At Kenwood, Varsity Basketball, Washington illustrating with excerpts from their that such an award has been given, he worked on the school paper for two years and appeared as a member of the College, home. works. but it is hoped that the presentation Drama Society in every school production during his junior and senior years. Wednesday, Feb. 15 Lutheran Student Association will become an annual event. Bill's career at WMC has closely paralleled that of his high school days. SCA Birthday Banquet, Dining That five students from Western The contest will be based on the A member of the College Players, he has appeared in such school productions as Hall, 6 p. m. Maryland College will attend the community projects of each organi- "Where the Cross Was Made" and more recently "The Corn is Green." He is Thursday, Feb. 16 Middle Atlantic Conference at Buck zation-making up Christmas bas- also a top student in Miss Smith's dramatic art courses. Faculty Meeting. Hill Falls, Pa. was announced at the kets, helping in the negro nursery, or Basketball, Mt. St. Mary's, away. monthly meeting of the Lutheran. improving our own campus-and on Bi~h~:~~::t: hli:n~l'l~~:ljO:u;~::is~~~ ::c~:t~f~a:~ s: ~~l.°~~%u~~~:e~h~! Friday, Feb. 17 Student Association on February 8. the efforts to relieve suffering abroad Arts Sympoaium, McDaniel through CARE packages or adoption he is capable of budgeting his time Lounge, 4:15 p. m. Plans were also made to attend the of war orphans. A committee com- well, for he can frequently be seen Benefit Movie, Camera Club, Car- Tressler Orphans' Home in Loys- posed of Dean Howery, Dean Free, sitting in the Grill, laughing and ville, Pa. in the near future. Dr. Crain and Miss Disbrow will de- 1'011 Theater. joking over his cup of coffee or "coke" Saturday, Feb. 18 cide the winners. and acting as if he hadn't a care or Freshman Basketball, Baltimore Freshman Class The sororities and fraternities are worry in the world. Always out for a Junior College, away. Ashby Collins has been elected cooperating fully with this plan of good time, Bill usually manages to Varsity Basketball, Hampden- president of the freshman class. the SCA to foster citizenship. By . get just that, even though his desk Other '53 class officers include Arthur the keen competition the SCA hopes may be piled high with work to be Sydney, home. Shanklin, vice-president; Barbara Da- to break down any animosity and done, and his schedule tentatively Wrestling, Bucknell, away. vidson, secretary; James Moore, bring the clubs closer to the general calls for him to be in two places at Sunday, J·'eb. 19 \reasurer; and Robert Smyth, ser- activities of the college. Wm. G. Baker Sunday School, the same time. geant at arms. 9:15 a. m. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. seA has been desig- Thirteen Coeds Monday, Feb. 20 Because February Wednesday meet- Join Sororities ANNOUNCEMENTI Argonaut Tea, McDaniel Lounge, nated as Brotherhood Month, the sub- 4 p. m. ject of the regular An Inter-Sorority A Iu m n i IRC Meeting, Me Daniel Lounge, ing next Wednesday will be brother- Dance will be held in Edmonson 7 p. m. hood. The topic will be discueeed as it The four sororities on the Hill have new members. Village Community Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 21 pertains to family, campus, and race bid thirteen leads with seven Sigma new Tau Sigma February 18, 1950 from 9 till Basketball, University of Balti- relationships. Marion Auld is in pledges: Mary Bankert, Catherine more, home. 1. Rivers Chambers Orchestra Wednesday, Feb. 22 charge of the program, and Mary El- Loose, B'etty Linton, Chris Meinl, len Smith and Rogel' White will as- will provide the music. The price Doris Phillips, Janet Preston, and Bill Porter Lenten Communion Service, Baker sist her. is $3.00 per couple. Dress is Chapel, 6:45 a. m. Wesleyans Jane Wullschlager. talent to the GOLD BUG. Starting optional. SCA Panel Discussion, Baker James Shannon was chosen as Delta Sigma Kappa added three in his sophomore year as news edi- Chapel, 6:45 p. m. president of the Wesleyans for the members: Dorothy Klinefelter, Betsy tor, he rose rapidly to the position of Thursday, Feb. 23 coming semester. Ira Zepp was re- Patterson, and Bernice Rydzewski. managing editor and later, in his Iota Tea, 4 p. ru. elected vice-president, and Kenneth Iota Gamma Chi has two new mem- junior year, was made editor-in-chief, Benefit Movie, Intel'~fratel'nity Tyson was chosen as secretary- bers: Marianna Remsburg and Imo- a position which he relinquished this Here's The Announcement Council, for March of Dimes, treasurer. gene Weybright. Phi Alpha Mu's new month. You Have Been Waiting Carroll Theater. pledge is Barbara Friend. An ardent member of Alpha Gam- Friday, Feb. 24 French Club ma Tau, Bill has taken a very active For: Boxing, American University, • A program consisting of bingo, part in fraternity circles. As general away. bridge and singing of French songs G.C. Murphy & Co. dance chairman, he was largely re- Our representative will call Saturday, Feb. 25 was held in McDaniel Lounge at 7 13 for the first p- m.. on February sponsible for the success of the at your dorms Wed. and Basketball, Johns Hopkins Univer- meeting of the French Club of this The Friendly Store Bachelors' Christmas Dance. At pres- sity, away. ent time, he is fervently working as Sat., between the hours of Sunday, Feb. 26 semester. editor of the Bachelor Yearbook, a 12 noon and 1 :30 for pick- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Dormitory and Classroom job which is by no means new to him. up and delivery_Featuring Monday, Feb. 27 Compliments Supplies Right now, the education depart- Classics Club Meeting, McDaniel ment takes up most of Bill's time. An the best in dry cleaning, Lounge, 7 p. m. of 6·10 West Main Street English major and biology minor, he laundry, and tailoring. is making a very serious attempt to J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Westminster, Md. learn the 'necessary essentials for SMITH & REIFSNIDER teaching English to high school stu- Eddie's Cleaners Incorporated dents. LUMBER-COAL One might wonder if "Willy" ever WESTMINSTER, MD. Every.body Is Welcome finds time to be with his friends and T. W. Mather & Sons To Stop In *t WESTMINSTER'S Department Store Margaret & Earl's FAMILY RESTAURANT Free Delivery SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS Benny's Kitchen Not the only place to eat in Westminster, but the best 59 W. Main St., Westminster Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Phone 654-J Holidays; .... Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. FEB. 15, 16 FEB. 15 JOHNNY EAGER THE HATCHET MAN Westminster'l Edward G. Robinson t.oretta Young New Modern Drug Store Lana Turner Vall Heflin FEB. 16, 17 DRUGS BEYOND TIlE FOREST FEB. 17, 18 SCHOOL SUPPLIES T~HE HOLIDAY AFFAIR Bette Davis Joseph Cotten COSMETICS Robert Mitchum Janet Leigh FEB. 18 SODAS THE MASKED RAIDERS Tim Holt Richard Martin Bixler and Guild In Fayetteville, Arkansas, there is THE FEB. 19, 20, 21 FEB. 19,20,21 HASTY HEA~T Drug Co. always a friendly gathering of Ronald Reagan Patricia Neal Shelley Winters MacDonald Carey SOUTH SEA SINNER University of Arkansas students at John and Main Sre. the Student Union Building. And, FEB. 22 as in college campus haunts every- FEB. 22, 23 STAR PACKER TELL IT TO THE JUnGE John Wayne where, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps Rosalind Russell Robert Cummings make these get-to-gathers something FEB. 23, 24 FAREWELL TO ARMS to remember. As a refreshing pause Gary Cooper Helen Hayes FEB. 24, 25 Westminster Laundry from the study grind, or on a Satur- THE GOLDEN STALLION FEB. 25 Laundry and Dry Cleaning day-night date-Coke belongs_ Roy Rogers Dale Evans BULLET CODE Pick Up And Delivery George O'Brien Service Ask for it eitktr way •. both trade_marks mean the sam/! Jhing. FEB. 26, 27, 28 FEB. 26, 27, 28 in TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGB BORDERLINE ey Basement of Old Main .OTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COO·COLA COMPANY Gregory Peck Hugh Marlow Fred MacMurray Claire. Trevor WESTMINSTER COCA-COL..4.B01TLING CO., INC. 01~5C.lh.Cooa.C<>Ia C"""1'd1l)'
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