Page 26 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 26
The Gold Bug, Feb. 14. 1950 .======== No Bircls Sing 'Our Boys' Shine Spotlight on SGA AIX*OE?(Mark.)·s Try Again Last spring I ra-8hly chose a course Through The Smog Joe Fowler Marks, marks, marks. what are have marks, ======:;====. ~~~e: ~:r.:::nt~~:nO~!~~l~~o~i:::w The SGA wishes to thank all the variety anyway? Alas, they classifica- a and of meanings The Rec room was unusually de- organizations and students who gave tions. And who can say which one is te:;n~o~t~:~ c~~~l~~~e;~~~s~i~ I'd t~o1tght a little bit. serted for a Monday night; it was our so generously to the March of Dimes right? The term can be applied to thanks the voters and party of- I registered without a Qlmlm, fellows turn to shine on television. this year. Over $190 has been collected archery, trade, writing, navigation, ficials for "this great charge 1 7night not be the "type" Everyone had hustled to the nearest so far and this amount exceeded the sports, or veterinary; it 'can denote which you have bestowed upon But now 1 tl-uth.tully confess frat room wher'e they were treated total collected last year by more than a symbol or a real object; it can be me" and then reiterates his plat- My suspicions over-ripe. with overwhelming hospitality by the $59. The Inter-fraternity Council is an indication of character, or the also sponsoring a movie at the Car- form and promises to follow it Ah, What can ail this wretched wight, respective members. roll Theater on Thursday, February signature of an illiterate person. At faithfully. Not being a political Who looks the gift entirely Unfortunately, while some late- 23rd, and is donating the entire pro- WMC it may mean failing or passing candidate, a new editor cannot Of solving all those nonsense rhymes comers were seating themselves upon ceeds to the worthy cause. . a course. "coke" cases or other objects which at- Moreover, marks on the Hill seem ~af~es~~~v;;:itrodn~i~o~!~~r~n~ When he strives on-so direly! tempted to serve the purpose, they In the next two months, the mem- to have no absolute value; they are platform of some sort is in or- 1 sit in class and try to seem missed the first part of the show, but bers of the SGA will be quite busy all relative--relative to varying sys- conducting elections com- the many der. So keen and so perceptive the remarks heard later helped one ing up. First of all, the May Queen tems of grading. Everyone is familiar There has been for several But 1 fcar it has gone for natlght t; fill in the blank. The girls seemed and her Court will be elected, and with the numerals, one to one hun- years on the Hill a general To t.ry to be decept-ivc. a bit shocked by the daring Goucher then at the assembly on March 13th, dred, and with the letters A to F; and antipathy toward student publi- The day of reckoning scan will dawn, gals-c-imagine appearing in public nominations will be taken for office likewise, everyone has a different cations. Occasionally, there is a I'm rid'i1lg for a fall, wearing dungarees! Have they no of student president. Before this opinion of the value of these marks. flare up of approval or criticism. La belle dame SII1!S merci Dean of Women? Anyway, people sat time, the nominations must be sub- Webster Defines It However, such a show of interest flath all of ltS in thmll! sedately on their coke cases and mitted in writing to the SOA and at Just to illustrate the argument is rare. Approval is always ap- -Anonymous peered through the smoke screen. In the assembly, a nomination speech here, let us take a look at the various preciated but even criticism the far distance the television screen lasting no longer than five minutes is definitions Webster has set down for would be welcome as a sign that could be vaguely seen. At first it was required. Than on March 20th, the the word "mark" and examine their the paper is read. To stimulate (Received by Dean Howery, on Mon- thought that they had a foreign sta- candidates will be voted upon by connotative meaning to various peo- this, therefore, the platform of day, January 23, 1950. Postmarked tion, but it turned out to be Lou sing- secret ballot. During the week of ple on the Hill: the new editor and staff is- Westminster, Maryland, January 22, ing in French. Then from the sublime April 3rd to 8th, class presidents will A thing aimed at--eyes half-closed, promotion of student interest in 1950, 5:30 P. M. Return address: to the ridiculous-or from opera to hold elections for representation to pen poised for action to strike upon the Gold Bug. Instead of publici- "A Wretched Wight, Western Mary- hop-e-two more girls appeared on the the student government, each class the correct completion answer, or eyes ty, two other methods will be land College, Westminster, Mary- screen, very attractive femmes, the electing one man and one woman. wide open to detect the knowledge tried to encourage, readers. land.") audience grudgingly admitted, and At present, a committee is .wcrk- most required for a quiz, an A or a 1. Concentration on bet t e r with song and dance sang "We Wanna ing on plans for improving the Rec D grade. It could be almost anything! and more accurate writing. Institution White Dance With the Guys What Brung hall. Anyone "who has any ideas An indicat'ion of chal·acter-whose? 2. Revised coverage of news. Us". What, no English department should submit them to Harry LeFew. instructor's or student's? New ideas have been put aside Pass in Review either? Then it was, "Come on Bryan The SGA also requests your coopera- Importance; distinction--every one until a well written, accurate and Woody, show 'em howl" Their tion in helping to keep the Grill neat- recognizes the well-marked student. Gold Bug can be published. In a cloud oLdust comes the mighty rendition of "Hawaiian War Chant" er by getting into the habit of throw- A brand, size, quality or the like- When this is achieved, students surge of humanity into that Empor- was straight from the Wakiki-just ing paper eups and straw wrapping maybe one or the other, but not all at and faculty will be requested to ium of Culinary Arts: the College off the boatjfellowa? The remainder of in the waste cans and by using the once. give opinions and to say what Dining Hall. I suppose you've heard the show was a bit hazy-the smog ash trays fo~' your cigarettes and Limit or standard of action o'r they would enjoy reading in the of someone who is all thumbs? Well, had become practically. impenetrable, matches. fact--enough action and facts to paper. a WMC waiter needs to be all thumbs so many heard rather than saw the -c-Lou, Charlie, Bill, and Don helped make a passing grade. pet, maybe? A label-teacher's People interested in any phase and then to have a hand to go with final acts. And then the grand finale us "Steal Away" the winner. A vi8ible sign assumed by, or put of newspaper work are .always each one of them to give the service upon, a person-aepending upon the expected of him. welcome. Freshmen and sopho- grade of course. mores particularly are asked to The preparation behind the scenes A written or printed symbol- tryout. for a meal begins first with the don- something one strives for, but never ning of tbe little white (on Wednes- Promotion of student interest days and Saturdays) jackets and, if grasps. is not a new idea, nor is improve- you're a waitress of the feminine gen- Grades for Prisoners! ment. Every editor hopes to der, a hairnet. The first piece of ap- The unit of award in any system of achieve both goals. Perhaps by parel gives one that "institution" regi8tering the work or conduct of combining the two, the desired look, while the latter, long known as pupils, priBoner8, examined candi- end can be obtained. The editor the greatest single means of enhanc- dates, etc.: also, the award made. and staff of the student paper ing feminine pulchritude of our mod- Enough said? • are determined to fulfill their ern civilization, adds the "well- A cOnspiCU0118object of known posi- platform: promotion of student groomed" and "sanitary" touch, tion-the controversy arises over the interest in the Gold Bug- fact that the position, also, is relative, through improvement. Alter finishing their meal and set- and not always known. ting the food order on the tables, The position at the starting linc as- the white jacket brigade waits tensely signed to a contestant-Some people Borrowed Bits for action. Then, just as the doors run in the wrong direction and some to be able to stand no more appear pressure on them, in overflows the are left at the line. On' the other hand, a good grade may indicate the Did you know? many cavernous appetites, each try- bcginning of a successful political There has been talk at nearby Dick- ing for the prestige of being first to career. inson of a campus radio station which enter. Now that everyone understands the would provide much opportunity and significance of marks, a suggestion practice for students interested in Remarks Abound would be welcomed that would serve public speaking, writing, music, and I've often thought how wise it to maintain a stable mark-it value. dramatic art. would be to educate waiters as tight- X (author's mark) Goucher students have been invited rope walkers before their waiting by the United Nations Organization duties begin. Without it they would No, Valentine's Day is not celebrated in honer of Rudolph Valentino; of Maryland to take part in a trip to have to be initiated into walking tbe although we must be quick to add that the number of hearts that he has Pins 'n Points Lake Success tomorrow. straight and narrow by rule of thumb. stabbed should safely qualify him as patron saint.' Students at Albright College are "'Vhy weren't we served first?" "Who Today it is a degenerated festival. Centuries before our own enlightened Congratulations go to Dottie Shoe- subjects for a new class attendance wants this infinitesimal, unreasonable times Valentine ceremonies were instrumental in bringing together prospective maker for winning the award for the experiment which will put, no limit facsimile of a piece of meat!" "Ugh! associates in marriage by the exchange of notes. Now, the automobile has most outstanding student in introduc- on number of "cuts" in a class. It is Fish tonight ?-It seems like every- solved the mating problem, but the exchange of names still persists, albeit tory chemistry. The chemistry de- felt that college students should day is Friday!", "I feed my doggie useless in this matter of match-making. partment of W¥C has awarded her recognize the necessity of voluntary Thrivo", "Is this all we get?", "Save The lottery of young women's names was part of an ancient Roman feast with a handbook in chemistry and regularity in class attendance. Do. we? that one till last", and various other in honor of Pan and Juno held during the middle part of February. Future physics for this distinction. Five Minnesota colleges-St. Olaf, time-tested favorites of the multitude. wedlock was portended between the man and the woman's name he drew from Bob Ebert and Rachel Holmes an- Hamline, Gustavus, Adolphus, Mac- Then again, some huge percentage the box. nounce their marriage on January alester, and S1. Paul, are planning of our college citizenry is totally in The pastors of the early Christian church were disturbed by this relic of 28. Best wishes to the newly weds! an exchange of college variety shows the dark about the actual mechanics pagan superstition and were desirous of substituting a Christian one in its Basketball fans miss the cool- from the group. Each college would of the dining hall. Just to Jet you all place. This was simply accomplished by a_mere commutation of the patron headed playing of Walt Hart on the be expected to pay its own expenses in on a little secret, the waiters don't involved. For Juno th~y exchanged St. Valentinc, a third century Christian floor these days. welt is on the bench on the road from the funds received r-eally cook the food themselves. It martyr remembered on the 14th of February, a date approximating the because of a knee injury, which he by presenting the other two shows isn't too bad to be told that you en- Lupercalia so closely that he could fill in very nicely as a Christian supervisor. expects to be remedied by an opera- from other colleges. joyed the meal, but please see the Thus were all marriages resulting from this lottery made holy. tion in the near future. Good luck, cook if you don't-"We only work However, the pagans in Eastern' Europe have made up for this loss by Walt. recently here!" birthday stealing- Christmas from the Christians, and converting it into a The college choir is busy with ~ig party for Stalin, a celebration tbat neatly enfolds the 25th of Decem- THE GOLD BUG They Love Breakfast! ber, plans for several out of town engage- ments this spring. Tentative plans Then there's the .Instituticn for Samuel Pepys remarks in his diary that Valentine's Day is an occasion have been made tO'sing the Elijah in starting the day right, (or left, de- for exchanging gifts, and that the morning of February 14, 1668, he received Pikesville and Salisbury around Eas- pending on which side .you get up on) a little blue and gold package from his wife. ter time. Also, they are working up known as breakfast. Dearly do the For the honor and glory of commerce, Valentine's Day has become in- a program of secular music to be waiters love to put their fee.t out of creasingly cerebrated in this fashion. Every red letter day is Chr,istmas Day gi\·en in Washington on April 25. a nice warm bed on to a horribly cold for merchants. We are enjOined by advertisers to give matching Valentine Credit is due for such an ambitious floor at the hour of G:30 a. m. It pajamas and Valentine silverware this year; and of course there is the peren- undertaking. isn't so bad though, since most wait- nial heart-shaped candy box. Candy left over from this season will be spirited Tbanks to the frats are in order ers don't even remember getting up away into egg-shaped boxes fol' the Easter season later on. for their hospitality in giving the en- anyhoW. It is quite remarkable how 'Vindow dressers seize this opportunity to roll down a new back-drop for tire campus an opportunity to see our the' casualty list has been kept down: the. same old stock. Bow ties, television sets, jack_knives, smoking tobacco, tea- representatives on television.. WMC Only 3 pots of coffee spilt on an aver- trays, and night gowns are all transfixed to an excess of variegated hearts, is proud of them and is glad of the age each morning by blurry-eyed paper hearts, felt hearts, tin-foil hearts, and the large, the small, the pink, chance to see them in action. . waitresses. heliotrope, squat and elongated; those strung like beads and others propped Congratulations to the Preachers Just think, in 1980 we all return up, some dangling and more glued on the windows, all displaying the ap- for their original and attractive pres- to Ye Olde Alma Mater and find? prop'riate:gift for this Valentine's season. The rich grow richer, and the poor entation of the S~'eetheart Dance. Yes, you guessed it! A cafeteria. The consumers are left to subsist on the love that is so broadcast in the spirit of Their earnest endeavor to sponsor an age of chivalry is truly dead. Long giving. outstanding evening was appreciated will we the Knights of the Order of . The most distressing symptom, at least t{) the postman, is the bushels of by everyone. The bubbling wishing eUSJ:Io'ESS STAFF White Jackets remember with brim- extra mail hc must carry aroun$! on his back. These sleet and snow defying well, the door prizes, the corsages, .. ,. Beliy' 'Lo'~lace-'51 , Larry Bad"y. '51 ming eyes those joyous days spent in couriers mu~t be valiant for 'no more a heroic' mi.ssion than to distribute and especially the "balcony cafe" re- CireuTatio~ Manager .J. C. Higgins '50 penny burlesqu~s of .the wedded couple and ridiculous caricatures of teacher, ceived many enthusiastic compliments service to, .huml!-nity (or hung.eran- REPORTERS '. _ ity'!) with "the knowle'dge that we too s'W'ee.theart'and !Jubby. Of course, ~orhe people take it seriously, and the P(n!t- in the poSt-dance' remarks. And one Elaine Goldblatt,. Betty ,Sfmpson. Doris man discovers that ,lle ,also has' some scented ~i1rds the size of Life magazine of the·waitres1!;es wishes to thank the Reek, Betty' ~ae' ,Sb"epte.r. Befty Shl"",u. have been 'of' service' 'to. our age! ~t""V;:;.Y Ja~:;oot~~~:·M~,,;a.'i~ttnJa,..~li~l Amen. which he must ~tl1tf into: a.mail:<rl>theme.of.· youni centleman who le~·her.a: tip!
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