Page 22 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Dec. n, 1949 "ComFort Ye/ My People /I Guest Editorial I "Pussyfooting In And Around" I The cold winter wind swept indefinite time to training for main- On Sunday night, the traditional through the chinks in the window tenance of world peace! Christmas chapel service was held for This being the last issue of the of those very same people they want sill and chased about the room fore- Just think, if he were in the capi- the students and their guests, Many GOLD BUG before the Christmas to be nice to! That might sound a ing Olga Stephanoff to pull the tat- talist's country he would be wasting people will agree that it was among holidays, I guess everybody and his little perplexing at first, but if you tered quilt closer about her legs al- these years, running around in some the most beautiful of such services brother will be writing about Christ- think it over, I think you'll see what ready pink from the heatless room. bourgeota outomobile, wasting good ever held here. The beauty and dig- mas spirit, bottled and otherwise, but I mean. She was waiting for her man to fuel, time, and money no nothing but nity of that service, however so it may 1want to put in a few licks here, too. Everybody wants peace on earth, come home from the factory; for on having a good time. How shameful, have been, was utterly ruined by the (Ouch!) good will towards men; hut the his way home he would stop in at when there was so much work to be behavior of an extremely ill-man- When I walk up the road through thing that's a primary bar to peace the cooperative store down the street, done! nered, inconsiderate and infantile stu- the center of the campus, the first is their own species. I guess you present his coupons, and bring heme Olga glanced at the simmering con- dent eudtencel! thing that catches my eye is the might say it's like the lone Arab the small piece of meat which would tents of the pot .. it certainly took lighted tree in front of Old Main. out in the middle of the desert and and members of the The director add flavor to the watery stew now a long time to walk home from the College Choir and the director and Now I don't know what it does to dying of thirst. He stumbles over a simmering over the fire. factory; but then, walking was good cast of the play were at their wits' you, but it makes me feel rather wen of poisonous water ... what's It was almost the end of the year. for one's health, and one must keep nostalgic and all warm inside be- he supposed to do? December 25; they called it Christ- strong in order to serve the labor end in their attempts to save the cause that's what Christmas always mas in the capitalist countries, but force to his greatest capacity. But service from being a complete dis- does for me. Not only that, people This Couldn't Mean Me! here there was no time for sentimen- it wouldn't be long now before she grace to the college in the eyes of the don't make a grab for me around this Maybe we cats are considered tal festivity. There was work to be would hear her- man's heavy steps at attending guests. The members of the time of the yea, . they might stupid by you folks, but our spats done, for was this not the third year the bottom of the stairs. student body, people of a supposedly come and go, and that's all there is of the present five-year plan, and And Don't Forget To Write! high intellectual level, couldn't have to it. We get along pretty well with- was this not the true way to be loyal chosen a more obvious method of out carrying a grudge over a long to society? One should work to build She unwrapped the quilt from demonstrating their painful lacking period of time. Maybe that's a little up the country, to enable it to be around her legs and got up stiftliy. in the social graces! far-fetched, you might say, because benevolent to other little countries Oue became stiff in the joints at this Of course this occurrence wasn't cats can't reason as much as humans, less fortunate than they and free age, and it wouldn't do to have the only one. To me it represents the and they don't have to live together them from oppression so that they the community know that it hurt climax of a growing resentment to- as you do. I'll grant you that point; could enjoy life unoppressed. to walk too far. The labor party ward compulsory chapel attendance but on the other hand, you're throw- She snuggled further down into might decide to transfer the Stephan- on the part of the students. Such ing a tremendous gift that of the quilt and sniffed a few times to offs, and she remembered the couple things as the reading of a book right the ability to reason right out clear her nasal passages. It was g0- upstairs who had been transferred. under the nose of a chapel speaker of th~ window, because when it comes ing to be a cold winter, she thought. They had promised to write; but she are certainly not news to any of us, to fine points, you start swinging Her eyes travelled slowly over the hadn't heard from them since that The problem is: who is at fault and fists and forget all about reason. few contents in the room and finally time, which was two years ago. what shall be the remedy? Sure, you think that as an indivi- rested upon a faded picture of a Just as she laid the last spoon dual you hold your own pretty well; young man in uniform. Olga smiled, down the door downstairs slammed, If it is the entire fault of the fac- even reach down and pet me a couple and if nations want to fight it out, and little wrinkles formed around and someone stomped his feet. She ulty and administration, then the of times. The shame of it is that the there's not much that little you can the corners of her eyes. That was her could tell by the slow shuffle as he policy of compulsory chapel attend- season is over so quickly. do. But bring the situation closer to boy. He was doing his share for the went along the hall tbat it was her ance should be abolished immediately, I look at it tnis way: just what is home', in your own little sphere of society by lending his broad shoul- husband. Olga walked to the door, tradition to the contrary notwith- it costing those folks to be nice to operations, don't you forget to use ders to the military. What a fine opened it, and stood at the head standing. If, on the other hand, the me? Wby not be the same way all your head ever so often? But it looks looking lad! How fortunate they of the stairs as he trudged up. He students are at fault, it falls upon year 'round? No, they've gotta be to me like the other guy is standing were to be able to offer him for an smiled at her as he reached the top, both them and the college to enforce mean and ornery fifty weeks out of in the same kind of shoes that you're and they went into their room to- some drastice measures; among these the year, and then for these last two- gether. being a program to train the students they decide to turn on tho charm. wearing, and he'd like to get his own Borrowed Bits small paper bag which he was carry- in manners which they should have But do you know what I think? Well, way just as much as you'd like to into the reached Mr. Stephanoff get yours. I believe that With the Christmas holidays ap- ing and presented a small package. learned before entering grammar to have that most folks would like all Oh well, you'll think that this is feeling Christmas the col- school! One thing is certain: proaching, all the newspapers coming It was the meat. Olga took it and lege singers and players are not go- year round too, but they don't do it just a mess of sentimental slobbering, into the exchange department are looked into his tired face. Oh well, ing to rehearse for weeks another because they're afraid that other peo- and it'll go in one ear and out the other just like it does every Christ- filled with news of coming Christmas she thought, tomor-row's the twenty- year fo~ a program before an unwill- ple might stomp all over them. So mas. But you can't stop me from plays, glee club carol programs, and sixth, and he would have a day off ing and unappreciative audience. they become their true selves only saying one thing: I sure do hope traditional Christmas dances. on the twenty-seventh. A day of rest There are too many people who sin- when they're pretty certain that they that your Christmas will be the most This past week-end the campus fra- would do them both good. She drop- cerely look forward to the program to won't get slapped when they turn the enjoyable you've had, and that you'll ternities of Gettysburg College ush- ped the piece of meat into the stew, have it spoiled in such a manner. other cheek. come back with the same glow that that hoping twenty-seventh the ered in the Christmas season with Wouldn't be too long in coming. Richard Dunlop. That's a kind of confusing situa- you have on Christmas morning. It their annual house parties. Decora- tion. Here we have 'almost everybody would be nice to see. tions consisted of plump Santa wanting to be nice to everybody else, Clauses; snowmen, and all forms of ~~~~ and being afraid to be nice because yuletide wreaths. The inter-fratern- ity competition for the most outstand- ~I.e hit;ld BeJo.u e~ ing house decorations adds to the ~'UJQ.4. Pins'n Points holiday spirit which prevails through- out this college and many others. T'1Ua~ the night before Ch.ristma.B and hiOh 611. the Hill by Joe Fowler Two WMC students have recently The Me88iah will be performed by 'Neath. a 1uhite winter moon, in the atmosphere chill, The Student Government Associa- received honors in the field of litera- 125 members of the George Washing· Like a picture of frozfm SCfrruwlI, tion should like to thank all the stu- ture. They deserve credit for at- ton University Glee Club and the Stood in unbroken 8'iie'l'l.ceold WMC. dents who made contributions toward tempting such creditable undertakings United States Air Force Chorus, ac- All the camp1Ul around a,nd the slopes far below the purchasing of Christmas decora- and for their recognized abilities. companied by 70 members of the Air Wall smothered beneath a Boft blanket 01 81WW; tions for the Ree room and the Mary Lou Purdum, class of '53, re- Foree Symphony Orchestra under the In. the dorm8 spread about waB a life to behold, Christmas tree in front of Old Main. ceived notice that her poem, Memo- direction of W.arrant Officer Robert F()1" th8 temtnts 10Me Bleeping aU rnug from the cold, It is hoped that these decorations rieo--originally written for her high Sanders. Whi18 the crvstalline flakes fell 810wly and light have helped to put you in the mood school publication, the Hillh01Ule Several newspapers of neighboring On the 8till 8'ilcnt world ta adorn. it in white. for the many pre-Christmas activi- Gleam-has been printed in the colleges are stressing the fact that It was ca&y to know what thoughts we-re imprened ties that will follow in the next few Poetry DigoBt Annual Anthology of safe driving among students especial- In the minds of thll students in·their roomB as thfTIJ reBt. , days. V6?'8e for 1949. ly during the holidays is essential. S01M dreaming, no doubt, of the jrYJ/B which must r!1.'lI. The SGA wishes to call to the at- The recent edition of the Baloo con- With the e'I'lding of school and the betlinning of fun, tention of all organizations the new In competition for the College tained a copy of the Maryland motor In their twmee !tp in the mouuta11J.8, on the far Eastern ShOl·C. rule governing the use of the main Board of MademoiseUe, June Beaver, vehicle laws so that all students could In the citie8 of JerB6'/I, and of oouree Baltimore,- bulletin board. Due to the number of a junior Education student, wrote an review what they parhapa have for- But alBo will m.ention., etee lace great ado, clubs using this facility, all posters essay on the former JGC Club, now gotten since they first received their MaB8achusllttB a7ld PfJ11_nsy, to quwkly review. in the future cannot be larger than the Iota Gamma Chi sorority. She has licenses. This is a part of a college Othw8 of Santa, lilt this not dismay one half regular poster paper size been chosen on the basis of this essay newspaper contest on safe driving For the gh08t of St. Nick rll-maim so they Ba1l. (approximately 11" by 14"). Notices to be one of 650 College Board Mem- sponsored by Lumbermen's Mutual In the hearts of the old who in II'pirit 8tay young, must be typed or neatly printed on bers out of over 3,000 applicants. In that cards and should 4" by 6" collateral tillse~ are strlmg. A8 the evergreens with Casualty Company. Incidentally, the appear under their proper headings. this position, she is now working on GOLD BUG is also participating in Thun. thi$ .9ilem:e of 6'Vening WIUI rudely disturbed And please, if you cannot find suf- three assignments, all within the this contest and requests that all stu- By a clanwr of merri'11W1tt flowing uncurbed, scope of the magazine, from which don't take them l'icant thumb-tacks, dents drive as if their life depended Up the hill from thll town of WeBtminBter below; from "immediate" sources, but either twenty guest editors will be selected with the Btudents nUlnbed could not know drow8ine88 And upon it---it does! for the August issue. Good luck, June! TI St, Nickola.s had not arrived in his flight buy a box from the book store or From his home in the ara,tic, unknown to 8ight, bring tacks with you. No "For Sale" Congratulations also go to the ten THE GOLD BUG To di8tribute gift8 in unselfi8h intent notices may be placed in the main women students who represented To all childrfm bulletin board without first being ap· who the 1Iear past in gOOdn.eB8 had. 811mt. WMC on the television show, Talent With hi8 eight reindeer, in hi8 8leigh pa.cked 100M!., proved by John Silber or Betty Tussle, last Monday night. The col- Ollie;.l student neWStlBper nf Wtoternlda'T' \sond Oallege, published 8emi-mnnthly nn Tu ... PMhaps he 1Ua8 ra.ci1!g now over thll dorm White. Failure to observe any of the lege is proud· of the talent and taste dr.y, during Oetnber. November; January, Toward Blan.che and McDaniel arose the ga1l clatter; above rules will result in the re- F~bruary, Mueb and April. and mnnlhly dur· of its students, as displayed on this ing, D~eemher. and May. Entered All dMhed from their, bed8 W Bee what wall thll mattMl moval of the notice. show and a former one, in which the .. se"olld elus mMiBr at Wedmln.ter P""t Ollies. under the Act Qf Mantt 9, 1819. When the cnrtains were dr04Vlt, down below them was se6n, Gotta Break It? Let's Know men participated. Both teams were Four 8tu.dent men who on each. other m1UJt lea.n. victorious. Mllmber The SGA would like to impress tMWW thdr dark shadow8 streuhed the white Associated Collegiat£ Press Ami ='0" held their position and started in BO'ng. long, upon all concerned the importance of Criticism has been heard concern- But they Snt..crlpUon Price '2." • Y"1' Though discordant the harmony, bright was the cheer notifying a member of the Student ing several inaccuracies noted in the Thnt alit with a warmMS8 the cord evening air. Government whenever one finds it college calendar as presented by the Thfl'll sang loudly the carols am/. songs new and old; necessary to mutilate or damage GOLD BUG. With the Christmas sea- Th6'/l continued to ring on fOr'getting the cold. college property for reasons of per- son here, there is an abundance of And the low wam'ng moon that 8wod low in the BJ.-1I sonal safety or for the safety of special activities which should receive Till they 8tirred 7~p.a pirel that drew to them nioh,. others. Such action will prevent a the notice of all. Bright Foreecut is Fo?' the Dean WIUI arou.sed-not to join ehe choir. great deal of ilI~feeling and will help taken directly from the activities cal- any suspicions promptly He advanced wward the group with his eyeB gleaming /ire. to that might arise settle in the eyes of the endar in Dean Schofield's office, the BId the beamS' of his light 8eOl1'ching out through th(IJdusk SGA and the administration. Please most authoritative source known. If Was 8een by a Cltlpnt creating the fus8. give this matter your fullest con- the separate organizations do not Let's away! Let'B a1Uay! Let'8 dash away all. sideration particularly where the schedule their meetings and activities Now Ja.ckBonl Now Emil Now Joey and Paul! property is supervised by members on this calendar, it is then possible And they ran 'cros8 the hillside chased close b'll the Dea1L that the GOLD BUG may overlook With their feet crunching r:rifrplll the sparkling snow elea.lI, of the Student Government. them. So in the future it is hoped that we have presented And now that But their shouts filled tM air 48 they ran Oltt of sight to you our gripes·, may we take this all organizations will follow this as "Merry ChriBflmas to all, and to all a good night." one rule of the activities committee. opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a very pros- And now, on with the Christmas perous New Year. activities!
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