Page 23 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Dec, 13, 1949 On Top With Blackie WAA Revises Press, Lathroum Shine As Four Booters On All-Stars; Constitution; Key Quint Drop Close Contest .A .. I . AIumnl sscciation mportant HonoraryAward w.. no,"oo'm·~3'~~; ~:t:~:;da~;::n~::own 'I'errur Bve At a meeting the WAA recent board presented their revised con- B'IJ Bla~kie Bramdt stitution which has now been sent The Green Terrors pried the lid SportB Editor to the printers for future student off the local basketball season with publication. In the constitution the a spectacular, hotly-contested game Alumni Association and either basketball or baseball. To that went into overtime before Leba- Few students realize the valuable be eligible, they must be graduated in award system has been altered. Pre- non Valley could eke out a 79-77 vic- been awarded services which an aggressive alumni the upper third of their class. viously a blazer has athletes of the tory in Gill Gym, December 6. the to outstanding association can render to the all- Finally, he includes several sample graduating class. This jacket will be The Fergusonmen opened the game around welfare of a college. One of its schedules in which one or two inter- replaced with a gold key, bearing the with a torrid pace that found Art chief duties is to induce above-aver- sectional rivals a-re offered. The fol- school emblem. Twelve hundred Press sinking several baskets before age athletes and students to attend lowing nine game slate is the best points are necessary to be eligible Lebanon Valley managed to SOO1'e. the college in question, and it is composite of these schedules: for this honorary award. The locals continued this pace through the alumni of Western Mary- Swarthmore Gi!ttysburg . The honorary girl's hockey team throughout the entire first half to land that some of our best athletes Catholic U. Carnegie Tech pile up a ten point half-time lead the selected are here today. Albright Washington College has been member and by approved WAA by 39-29. board In connection with this, a letter was Mt. St. Mary's Drexel Miss Parker, the advisor of the However, the Flying Dutchmen passed on to the writer by Homer Hopkins board. The team is composed of the really flew back in the second halt. As it stands now, the administra- outstanding players of all the class \Vith but ten seconds remaining in tion is against contests that necessi- teams. Sportmanship, attitude, in- the game, Walter Hajduk sank two tate long trips, but Charlie Havens terest, and attendance, as well as foul shots to put the Green and Gold would like to see at least one intersec- playing ability, are considered in out in front 71-69. Victory seemed tional game a year, and negotiations selecting the team. imminent as Western Maryland pre- ere under way at present to play Al- This year sixteen girls compose pared to freeze the ball, but Floyd Art Pres8 bright College in the near future. the team. The forward line consists Carnegie Tech is another possibility, of Peggy Brown, Elsie Davis, Beckel' of the visiting team stole the and Mr. Havens would like very much Rachel Early, June Graf, Virginia' ball and dribbled downcourt to tie the to contract a couple of games with the Hale, Sara Lee Laramore, and Betty RiAemen Preparing game up at 71-71. Red Raiders. Lentz. The defender-s of the goal are Going into overtime, the locals, Sebastian, As Opener Even though the soccer team didn't Ruth Allen, Barbara Davison, Char- Nears led by Walt Hart and Ed Rydzew- rare too well this fall, they produced lotte Reed, Mary Ellen ski, put up a spirited defense; but the four outstanding booters who gained Betty Mae Shepter, Joan Walker, The Mid-Atlantic Rifle League is offense was greatly handicapped by berths on three all-star aggregations. Mary Will, and Alice Ann Yearley. preparing to get under way for the the absence of Art Press, who was Both co-captains were chosen on the Badminton is now being played in 1949-50 season, and it is reported that high scorer with 30 points, and play All-Maryland squad; Jim Hackman the girls' gym every afternoon after- the member teams are entering strong maker Leo Lathroum. Both had was made second-string fullback, and four and every evening. Class representative squads. Besides West- fouled out in the closing minutes of Homer Earll received Honorable Men- tournaments have been set up and ern Maryland, the league is composed the regulation game. are now well under way. These of Navy, Maryland, Georgetown, A new face, that of Ernie Makow- tio;he bigg~st prizes of all, however, tournaments will be completed before VMI, George Washington, VPI, and ski, drew particular attention from went to George Winfrey and Al Christmas, and the class victors will the University of Pennsylvania. Two Terror fans. Not only did he play an Al GrimsB Grimes. \Vinfrey was given a berth then meet to swing out the school matches are held with eac? team, one excellent floor game, but Ernie also. on the Mid-Atlantic All-Star team, championship. at home and one away. made better than 70 per cent of his Earll, former sports editor of the while. Grimes gained a spot on the With the Badminton tournament shots. Veteran Vance Hale turned in GOLD BUG, concerning the ways and Southern district's nominations for being played now, the basketball sea- Here at Western Maryland, the a creditable performance, while Phil means of strengthening the Alumni All-American consideration. son will be delayed until January. prospects are good for a winning Sack, Charlie Albert, Chuck Ham- Association of this school. It was The Eastern United States is di- team. Among the returning varsity maker, Steve Covey, and Smoky written by Harvey E. Buck, who. vided into four districts, and the members from last year's squad are Smocharski helped out where needed. graduated fram WMC in 1945. In it coaches of each district submit the Dave Patten and Charlie Kidd, both Colored Baskets he outlines several points which may names of outstanding players on op- with plenty of experience; but the Basketball enthusiasts were no aid in determining the school's future posing teams which they have met team will undoubtedly be hurt by the doubt puzzled to see the baskets athletic policy. during the course of the season. The loss of four of its topnotch marksmen painted orange this year. This is the from graduation. First of all, Mr. Buck thinks that players most consistently chosen are result of a rule change to please the games, 'J'M~ scheduling opponents in areas where then placed on the districts "All" 'Iwalva freshmen joined the team in fans with high scoring concentnltians o.f our alumni are team. That means that Grimes and October, making a total of twenty-two principle involved here is mostly heaviest would renew their inte-rest Winfrey have about one chance in aspirants. From these, their coach, psychological. Orange can be seen in the school. (We can't miss on that four of being placed on the final All- Sergeant Pu-ryear, hopes to find a better and faster than black-hence more baskets should be scored. as most of the graduates are from American squad. The results will be winning combination. Immediately preceding the varsity Baltimore and vicinity.) Secondly, a determined sometime in January. Last year the ramrods had one of tilt, the Frosh quint, coached by Jim minimum of twelve scholarships All four of Western Maryland's the best seasons in their history. Dave Boyer and Al Jacobson, lost to V. F. should be awarded each year to ath- stars richly deserve the fine tribute Buffilngton broke the record for W. by a 49-45 count. As was the case letes who are proficient in football tendered them. standing range firing with a score of with the var!~jty, the junior Terrors 94 out of a possible hundred, while led throughout most of the game Boxers Opening Bout With Army; the sharpshooting of Kidd helped gain only to lose in the closing minutes. at- the fourth paced the fresh spot in the Secand Army Howard Phipps Kernmen Oppose Gallaudet First Bob lVihulY Area, which includes five Mid-Atlantic tack as he racked up 19 points for scoring laurels. high States. Boxing and wrestling is well under way here at Western Maryland, with Veteran beginning third c(unpa.ign Intermural Touch Football All-Stars daily practice sessions in the cellar of Albert Norman Ward HalL The hard- working candidates for these two winter sports are engaged in the prelimi- Varsity Basketball Schedule First Team nary stages of conditioning and assimilating the finer points. December Ends 6 Lebanon Valley Horne Burch .................................. Bachelors 10 Wagner College "Home Bright. ............................. Gamma Bets 13 Dickinson Away Munroe, W.. . Preachers The matmen eee ready to launch In the boxing department, no head 16 Quantico. Away Tackles what coach Bill Kern hopes will be coach has been named at this writ- January Mettee. Gamma Bets one of their most successful cam- ing; but it is hoped that Dick Har- 7 Washington College Away Dorgan ...................................................................... Bachelors paigns. The regular season will not low will undertake the task. For 10 Cathalic University Horne Center start until after Christmas, when the present, the work-outs are going 12 Loyola Away Gruber .................................................................... Preachers Gallaudet will be met on January along under individual initiative with 14 Baltimore U_ Away Backs 14; but there is the possibility of an the assistance of Joe Corleto, fo.rmer 17 Mt. St. Marys Home Luper-ini ........................................................... Bachelors informal match before the holidays, outstanding heavyweight who is in- 21 American U. Home Munroe, K. ......................................................... Preachers probably with Gettysburg. eligible this year. 31 Loyola Horne Collins . wesleyans The rest of the schedule is uncer- Jack Molesworth is expected to February tain as yet, but Towson Teachers, take Corleto's place and has ahown 3 Shippensburg Away Second Team Catholic U., Loyola, and Bucknell ability and style. Watson Solomon 7 Catholic U. Away have so far been included. Efforts and Nick Denny are vieing for the 8 Towson Home are also being made to meet George- 175opound post, while Hank Norman 10 Johns Hopkins Home town and Shippensburg. and Buck Kelly are aiming for the 14 Washington College Home The overall picture looks encour- 16S-pound slot. 18 Hampden-Sidney "Home aging, with many new faces and a In the lighter classes, Freshman 21 Baltimore U. Horne good share of returning veterans. Jim Luby and veteran John Seiland 22 American U. Away One of the newcomers, Don McShane, look like starters in the 155 and 145~ 25 Johns Hopkins A way is expected to start in the 121-lb. pound divisions, respectively; and "'Afternoan gumes begin at 2:30 p. m. class, while holdover Bob Wilsey is hard-hitting Harris LeFew is trying the 128-lb. nominee. Another veteran, to take off sufficient weight to enter Ed Klohr, is competing with Frank in the 135-pound class, with Dave Wilsey for the rse-tb. position, hut Sartorio. and Tony Roach out for WESTMINSTER'S the 14S-lb. division lacks an entry as a 130-pound berth. FAMILY PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS The All-Star teams were selected yet. Newcomers Huck Hazlitt, 125 Ibs., by officials and coaches. John Silber will captain the squad Paul Farnham, and Barnet Anen- RESTAURANT this season, and will also wrestle in berg at 135 Ibs. aid in giving a the 165-lb. class. Jerry Lair is batt- promising boxing outlook this sea- Merry Christmas ling it out with the more experienced son. Benny's Kitchen Jim Marsh for the 175-lb. berth; and The schedule opens with Army on and Bill Kern rounds out the squad, in January 14, followed by Penn State, Happy New Year T. W. Mather & Sons American U., and Catholic U. Bouts Not the only place to eat in with C. C. N. Y. and Patuxent Naval Department Store Base are tentative as yet. Westminster, but the best P. G. COFFMAN CO. Compliments of his final season as the heavyweight. 59 W, Main St., Westminster Times Building Free Delivery J. C. Penney Co., Inc. wrestler who is graduating in Jan- Phone 654-J Westminster, Md. veteran WMC Paul Schaeffer, uary, is assisting Kern in coaching.
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