Page 21 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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Maryland College !1Ilrrry Ql,l1ri.almu.a December13, 1949 Vol. 27, No.6 Choir/Players Seminary Nativity Guild To Give Service Offer Annual Outdoor Play For the students of Western Mary- Miss Dorothy Elderdice To Direct Production; land College and many guests, the college choir and dramatic art de- Vocal Music To Be Supplied For First Time partment presented their annual Christmas program last Sunday, Tonight the Nativity Guild will folk song, "Shepherd's Christ,lItas Creating the Christmas atmos- present the 20th annual production of SOllg" j the German traditional carol, phere, the choir under the direction of the outdoor Christmas Pageant at "Lo, How a ROBe 'ere", Mr. Alfred de Long opened the chap- 8:15 p. m. on the marthex and ter- Hopkins' "We Three Kings or Ori- el service with a [lumber of carol se- races of the seminary. ent Arej and the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's MeBmah. lections. Soloists for the choir were The pageant will be under the di- Different sections of the building Dorothy Alexander, Kitty Lou Ole- reeticn of the originator, Miss Doro- wiler, Louis Pietroforte, and Charles thy Elderdice, Professor of Speech will serve as stages of the different will be used to ar- scenes. Paintings Shook. at the seminary. range the groupings and costumes of Players Give 'A Child is Born' First presented in 1930 after the the pantomines. The College Players presented A manner of medieval mystery plays, The international and interracial Child is Born by Stephen Vincent this pageant is the only outdoor cast consists of seminary and West- Benet. The scene of this modern Christmas drama in this section of ern Maryland College students, and drama of the nativity was in the the state. Distinctive features are al- citizens o£ Westminster. kitchen of an inn in Bethlehem oi ways added, so that no two annual Judea. productions have been quite the same. Spangler to be Madonna Patricia McLaren played the inn- This year, for the ftrst time, the Marjorie Little Spangler, the ma- keeper's wife. Grieving for her own vocal music will be supplied by mem- donna, will be participating for the dead child, she was filled with jealousy bers of the Seminary Singers under seventeenth time in the pageant's toward Mary, who with her husband the direction of Professor Edward J. production. Others in the cast in- Joseph, sought shelter at the inn. The Moyer. They will sing the old clude: Edwin C. Thomas, Jr., as the Innkeeper (John Seiland) was a SCA Members French carol, "Gloria" j an Austrian Prophet of hope; Jack G. Ammon, miserly middleaged man whose only Club News the Prophet of Doom; William J. E. use for mankind was their contribu- Apsley, the reader; Kenneth Con- tions to his money bag. To Produce SCA Students To Present sant, Joseph; Stewart Johnson, Stacy. Auld Play Maids Programs have been planned by Voice, Piano Recital Herod; Tally Hanna, the inkeeper ; Sarah and Leah, played by Peggy Pageant the SCA cabinet for the month of and Clifton Cunningham, Gabriel. Stacy and Marion Auld respectively, January, 1950. Music students will present another Representatives of the different were the maids-a-each so filled with Following- a Christmas tradition, On January 4, a square dance, program in the series of music re- countries and races include: Benja- her own selfish desires that neither the SCA will present its Christ- sponsored by the SCA will be citals this afternoon at 4:30 in the min M. Nilajagi, India; Christopher attended the poor woman in the mas pageant. This pageant will be held in Blanche Ward Gymnasium Music Han. Nikolapopoules, G r e e ce; Beverly stable. given Wednesday in Baker Chapel, at 6:45 p. m. The following week To begin the program, Martha Omori, Japan; Lionel Lee, Singapore; When the Shepherds and Oriental immediately following the Christmas will consist of denominational meet- Schaeffer, pianist, will play Bach's Pak Snidvonga, Siam; Yvonne Ir- Kings refused to tarry with these peo- banquet. The organization shall en- ings by the individual groups which French Suite No. 5 including AIle- win, France; Roland Kircher. Ger- ple and seek the new-born child in- act a nativity pageant entitled, A will be announced later. lnaMa, Crmrante, Sarabande, Ga- many; Henrietta Essom, Nether- , stead, each realized his own failure. S01l IB G-iven, by MTS.Racurc Smith votte, B01LrTee, Lowr17, and Giguc. lands; Amos Stone, Cherokc,,; and- Into this group came Diernaa (Bill mother of Mary Ellen Smith, '50. IRC Dorothy Alexander will sing two O. R. Carr, Negro. Porter) a thief, Each recognized his The pageant is patterned atter the A speaker from the World Fed- selections, Voce di donna from La. Alte~nate Date faults and gave up his evil ways and Gospel of Saint Luke, eralist Association will speak on Mon- Giocrmda by Ponchlelli and Whether In case of bad weather, the preeen- went to the stable with a heart full day, January 16, at 6:45 p. m. for Day Da.wns by 'I'chaikewsky. Sonata tation will be given December 15th at of love, faith, and hope. M. Rupert As Virgin Mary the members of the International Re, in C Ma.jar, by Mozart will be played the same hour. In accordance with Miss Esther Smith directed this Mickie Rupert will play the role lations Club and non-membera who by Patricia Shear. tradition, at six o'clock the gold production in which Joseph was of the Virgin Mary. Joseph shall be are interested in world alfairs. Ada Lee Hardester's contribution memorial cross on the tower of the played by Harry Bush, Mary by Ra- played by G len don Ashburn. Tri Beta to the program will be Sonata Op. 10 Seminary will be illuminated as a chel Holmes, the Soldier by Bob Charles Shook, Donald Stanton, A Christmas party will be held in No.3, Larga e Jl.fClfto. Following this, - sign that the night is considered Ebert. Michael Chandler was the nar- andWilliam Simpson will be the McDaniel Lounge on Tuesday. Dee- Louis Pietrotorte win sing Screfla.ta favorable for presentation. rator. three Wisemen, who came bearing ember 13, at 4: 15. The program will Gitana by Sandoval and three bal- The stage manager of the produc- Choir Members Provide Musk gifts for the Baby Child. The Shep- consist of carol singing and exchang- lads. These ballads include Waili,6 tion is Chester Stoyer. The girls' chorus which provided herds will be enacted by Paul Dow- ing of gifts. Wailw, which is Old English, Darli-n' the music to represent the Virgin in- son and John Isaacs. Elizabeth, Plans will be made at this meeting cluded Kitty Olewiler, Jo Kompanek, mother of John the Baptist, is Bar- to attend the biennial convention of ~::~:a~~~:~i~ni:~~s s:;!, :o~p~~ Five Music Students Winifred Spenser, Betty Bachtell, bara Lain, and her husband, Zacha- Tri Beta tn New York City during tlon. is Russel Deragon. The Angel rias, Betty Brandenburg, Dorothy Alexan- of Annunciation, appearing before the Christmas holidays. To Direct Orchestra der, and Imogene Weybright. Other Mar y, will be Kitty Olewiler. The Ev~th;ae s~:~nsts a:dar~:?r~!~n~a~~~ members of' the choir composed the other angels aTe: June Beaver, Eliza- Officer's Club Eva Mae will play three selections, Shepherd's and Kings' chorus. They beth Schubert, Mary Belle Sh> vn, David Jones, battalion oommander, Ballads by Debussy, Ball«d Told by The Western Maryland Little an were Bill Simpson, Ralph Collms, Ann Trice, and Connie Wisenbach. was named Ilresident of the Offio;;er'a Candlelight by Cyrie Scott, and Gyp- Symphony Orchestra in will present Hall, assembly Alumni concert Louis Pietroforte, Don Stanton, Don- Marian Auld and Donald Bailey Club. Other new officers include; Wil- sies by Wendsperget. Harriet will Monday, January 16, at 11:30 a. m. ald Makosky, Kenneth Shook, and will do the narrating. One unique liam Munroe, vice president; and conclude the recital with Scherzo: The orchestra, in its initial appear- Charles Shook, feature of the pageant will be the Edward Nordby, secretary-treasurer. The Cat and the Mou8e by Copland. ance of the college year, will be en- Don Bailey was in charge o£ set- introduction of a speaking chorus, tirely under the direction of students ting and lighting. Bill Henry was the which shall also double as the sing~ in the Music 403 conducting class. electrician and Clift' Pfaff the stage ing choir, singing traditional Christ- Faculty Gains Prof. C. E. Crain This course is taught by Mr. Philip assistant. mas carols. William Scheder will S. Royer of the Department of Music. play the organ, and Ada Lee Hard- Mr. Charles E. Crain serves the rounded by his books, in his office These five students, all seniors, Seniors To Continue ester will have charge of the choir. College on the Hill as director of located behind the SCA room, or at who will be making their debut as The whole production wlll be under in Westminster playing home his campus religiOUS activities. conductors are Eva Mae Davis, Ada Born in North Dakota, Mr. Cl'ain Traditional Carolling the direction of Mary Ellen Smith. in~ spent most of his yo~th in Minne- with his five-year old twin daugh- Lee Hardester, Edith L. Sanner, S. SCA ters. extends The an open E. Schaeffer, and Joseph Martha vitation for all to oome and enjoy apolis, Minnesota, where he attended The GOLD BUG, in closing its Climaxing the Western Maryland their Christmas ·feature. series' of new faculty personalities, Culotta. Christmas activities with traditional high school. He attended Asbury Col- once again wishes the new members MaTtha Schaeffer will open her chann and. nostalgia, is the annual lege at Wilmore, Kentucky, from of the WMC family much success in part of the assembly, by conducting early-morning Christmas caroling by WSSF Drive Nears End which he graduated with an A.B. their stay here on the Hill. Preludll in E. Minor, J. S. Bach fol~ Edith psychology with t~El,l:lefliol: class. The caroler&. will degree, philosophy. majors Mr. in Crain then" lowed by Prelude, direct A. Jarnefelt. orchestra the will Sanner and To date WSSF has collected in its l~~.~t:D:~~l::n~: th~o~:gi:~n! drive a little over $630.00. There lire traveled East to attend Drew Theo- through Gopak, M. Moussorgsky, and :"Ot'blu'istmas holidays. For approxi- still, however, over $100.00 out in logical Seminary at Madison, New Tra?l1l1erni, E. Mao Dowell. pledges. Those pledgees who have Jersey. He received his Bachelor of "Triumphal March" from Sigurd ~1!1i~;0thl~o~:s~Ul~~ew~l~st~: u;~ Divinity degree in 1941. Two years Jorsalfor by Edward Grieg will be not paid are urged to see their can- later, he was ordained a minister by heY~~ vasser so that the monetary drive the Methodist Conference, at New- conducted by Eva May Davis. Next ~or tbe senior girls, the nocturnal may be brought to a final close. on the program is BOltrTec, J. S. Bach festivities will start in the sorol'ities Chairman Bob Fringo wishes to ark, New JeTsey. and "Interlude" from Sigurd Jorsai.- 1'Qomsof Blanche Ward HalL There extend thanks to all those who have In 1948, Mr. Crain received the for, Grieg, under the direction of Ada the sororities sisters of the junior aided in the work of the (hive: the Pilling 'Traveling Fellowship for Lee HaTdester. class of Iota Gamma Chi will serve canvassers, Libby Schubert and her study abroad. He attended the Uni- Culotta Conducts Finale colfee, the Sigma Sigma Tau, cookies, publicity committee, and Head Wait- versity of Cambridge, where for As the finale of the assembly, the and the Delta Sima Kappa and Phi ers. seven months he did research on his orchestra will play Jean Sibelius' Alpha Mu, sandwiches to their up- The next WSSF sponsored pro- doctor's degt·ee. While abroad, Mr. tone poem, Finlandiu, under the di- per classmen, before they depart on gram will be a benefit movie lit tht' Crain had the opportunity to travel rection of Joseph S. Culotta. the traditional adventure. Carroll Theater, "The Doctor And in England, Scotland, France. The orchestra is oomposed of stu- About seven, the students will re- The Girl", on Decembel' 16. On Feb- Mr. Crain assumes his first teach- dents and faculty members and has turn to the campus, going directly ruary 4, the annual WSSF bazaar ing position here at Western Mary- been praeticing to make this annual to the dining room where they will will be held under the co-chairman_ land. teaching all the college religion concert one of the most enjoyable per- thaw out while enjoying their class ship of Dot Causey and Ida Dawson. courses. As director of religious formances of the college year. Christmas breakfast together, and It is hoped that the student body activities, he serves as counsellor to Later in the year, the College record the fun they had for future will give its full support to these the SCA and the Sunday School. Little Symphony Orchestra will pre- college memories. programs. After classes be may be found, lIar- Mr. Charles E. Crain sent its annual Spring eoncert,
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