Page 20 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 29. 1949 dlUjJt. f)n 1k& did/. WhitField Volumes Education Department Inaugurates Ti,me For Practical Jokes, Too Approach Their Student Program At Rosewood by Flo Rice Completion Education students began an extension of their practice teach- I have known Dotty now for three years, so when I approached ing at Rosewood yesterday. M. Whitfield. I'BRII·FaRECRsT I her the other day with pen and pencil and a "tell me all about One of the little-known facts about • Tbe students are concerned with yourself" look, in my eye, she gave me one of her loud, explosive one of. the well-known professors on the handicapped children who can be laughs and told me that what I didn't know about her by this time the Hill concerns the literary achieve- helped. They work with small groups just wasn't worth knowing. ments of Dr. Theodore of youngsters, teaching them to play games and helping them to lead lives As far as I know, there are only In May 1949, he saw the completion Tuesday, November 29 which approach the normal life out- two things which Dotty dislikes: one of the first of two volumes titled Violin Recital, Mr. Philip Royer, side of the institution. This gives the is coffee, which may explain her "Whitfield, Bryan, Smith, and Re- Alumni Hall, 8:15 p. m. students an opportunity to observe sound sleep; her other pet aversion lated Families". This first book con- Friday, December 2 how children learn. is conceited people-HAnd if 1 ever tains the geneological history of the Arts Symposium Meeting, Me- The work at Rosewood is part of get that way," she says, "knock me Whitfield family, attractively illu- Daniel Lounge, 4: 15 p. m. a program of the education depart- down good and hard!" strated with numerous reproductions Saturday. December 3 ment, which also includes community Dotty is a familiar figure in the of portraits and photographs. It is Sunday School Party, McDaniel service and public work. This work vicinity of the music hall, where she a credit to Dr. Whitfield's editorial Lounge, 7:30 p. m. is included in the FTA merit system spends hours at a time on her voice ability. Monday, December 5 which is important in the background and piano, although she usually The final editing of the second Assembly, 11:30 a. m. of future teachers. manages to return with some new volume is in progress and it is ex- IRC Meeting, McDaniel Lounge, The Western Marylanders are di- hill-hilly number. pected that the book will be published 7:00 p. m. vided into small groups which are as- about the first of the year. It will Varied Campus Aeuvtttes Tuesday. December 6 signed certain days and projects. Dot's campus activities are many contain the information on the Bryan Basketball, Lebanon Valley, home. Some help with recreational work in and varied. She is Photographic Edi- and Smith families. Friday, December 9 the afternoons, while others help tor for the ALOHA. Her work as French Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7- with the Scout troops and other ac- chairman of Campus and Personal Application Due For 8 p. m. tivities at night. added Civil Service Affairs Commission for the SCA has Exams Basketball, Wagner, home. had much to do with that Saturday, December 10 AKA Holds Initiation Dotty won't celebrate her twenti- spark we've all noticed at Fireside The U. S. Civil Service Commission Christmas Dance, Gill Gym, 8 :30- eth birthday until next month, al- this year. has announced an examination for 11:45 p. m.· For New Members though she says people have been Blanche Ward Hall boasts Dotty as Physical Science Aid to fill positions Sunday, December 11 taking her for twenty-one' ever since - its house president; and to themern- paying from $2,200 to $3,100 in Christmas Chapel Service, 7 :.15_. ca~;i~:~:ain A:: i;;~:SS~::S ri::1i:~~~ she was thirteen. She still gets a bel'S of Phi Alpha Mu sorority, she various Federal agencies in 'Vash· p. m. kick out of fooling her friends. is loved, honored, and obeyed as their ington, D. C. and vicinity. The op- Monday, December 12 initiation conducted by members of Speaking of fooling people, there's president and loyal friend. tional branches covered by this ex- Cantiques de Noel, French Club the Alpha Kappa Alpha Philosophi- hardly a girl left in Blanche Ward The result of those. long hours amination are chemistry, physics, Carol Program, M c Dan i e I cal Fraternity at the home of Dr. November 11. who hasn't been on the receiving end spent in Levine Hall are enjoyed by metallurgy, geology, mathematics, Lounge, 8 p. m. Holthaus on in the initiation Those were: participating of one of her practical jokes or stood all in her chapel solos and her work and other branches of physical Tuesday, December 13 openmouthed while she rattled off in the Choir and Glee Club. science. Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, 7 Dr. Holthaus, Dr. Ridington, George one of her famous stories; and if Dotty was one of the first members The. age limits, 18·62 years, will be p. m. Franko, John Silber, Lou Pietroforte, you're gullible, you haven't a chance of her class to become an Argonaut; waived for veterans. Basketball, Dickinson, away. and Dick Randall. Light refresh- -I know. she is treasurer -or the Student Further information and applica- ments were served by Dr. and Mrs. Dotty often gets teased about her Government, a member of FTA, and tion forms may be obtained from ~1~~~~~~~~~W~~ H~~~us h:!te:cc~~ete~er;~oni.;lloWing big, cow eyes to which she usually secretary and treasurer of the In- most of the. first and second-class post Hurry! Hurry! responds, "Oh, just call me Juno." ter-sororltv Council. offices, from Civil Service Regional Santa left his full pack of as associate members of the fraterni- William ty: Gilmartin, Lock- Jerry A Trumpeter Offices, or from the U. S. Civil Serv- Christmas Greetings man, Dan Welliver, Ed Wright, Her honors include also those of a ice Commission, Washington 25,·D.C. Norma Jean Moore, Ruby Williams, Trumpeter, as she was one of the Applications must be received in the Georgianna Galliher Russell Deragon, Scarborough, Meet at two senior girls chosen on the basis commission's Washington office not Helen Artis, and Malcolm Meltzer. Paul of leadership and participation in later than December 13, 1949. 164 W. Main St. PETE'S extra curricular activities. Dotty was NORCROSS CARDS Everybody Is Welcome also chosen as a member of the hon- ANTIQUES orary of that." volley ball teem-v'I'm proud Merry Christmas GIFTS To Stop In At 4 To Get Your Eats In her spare moments, and believe and Come see us, anytime it or not, there are a few, Dotty Main St. Red Neon Sign New Year • Margaret & Earl's _- - - baby sits for members of the faculty Happy \ or plays a few hands of bridge with 1o, - her friends. she does it all remains a P. G. COFFMAN CO; WESTMINSTER'S SANDWICHES-- How mystery; but it is a certainty that FAMILY Compliments SOFT DRINKS if our campus was situated on a Times Building of mountain peak instead of a foot hill, Westminster, Md. RESTAURANT you'd no doubt find Dotty "high" up 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. there, too. Benny's Kitchen Westminster Laundry Welcome Students Not the only place to eat in Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pick Up And Delivery The, Westminster, but the best Service Coffman- Fisher 59 W. Main St .• Westminster Phone 654-J Basement of Old Main Company DEPARTMENT STORE 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 SMITH & REIFSNIDER Incorporated Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and LUMBER-COAL Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 WESTMINSTER, MD. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenillgs 7 & 9 p. m. day shows coiltiI~uous from 4:30 p. m. NOVEMBER 29 NOVEMBER 29 Westminster's FIGHTING MAN ON THE' PLAINS CHICAGO DEADLINE Randolph Scott Janet Nigh New Modern Drug Store Alan Ladd June Havoc NOVEMBER 30 DRUGS PIONEERS OF THE FRONTIER NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 1 Wild Bill Elliott SCHOOL SUPPLIES SONG OF SURRENDER COSMETICS Wanda Hendrix McDonald Carey DECEMBER 1, 2 HEART PUR.PLE SODAS DS'1.a Andrews Richard Cummings DECEMBER Bixler and Guild DOWN DAKOTA 2, 3 WAY DECEMBER 3 Drug Co. Roy Rogers Dale Evans TALL IN THE SADDLE John Wayne dsk for il tither way ... bot}) trade-marla mean the same thing. DECEMBER 4, 5, 6 ' DECEMiiER4, 5, 6 John and Main Sts, RED, HOT AND BLUE '. THE DOCTOR AND THE GIRL Betty Hutton Victor Mature Glenn Ford Janet Leigh DECEMBER 7 HOUSE ON DECEMBER 7, 8 NINETY ·SECOND STREET The Georgia Tech College Inn in Atlanta, Georgia, , DAVID HARUM Lloyd Nolan William Engle T. W. Mather & Sons is a favorite haunt of the Georgia Tech students. Will Rogers ANGELS IN DISGUISE 8, 9 DECEMi3'ER That's because the Georgia Toch College Inn is a friendly place, always full of the busy atmosphere Department Store of college life. There is always plenty of ice-cold DECEMBER INN WOLF HUNTERS 9, 10 HOLIDAY Coca-Cola, 100. For here, as in university gather. Bing Crosby Marjorie Reynolds DECEMBER 10 ing spots everywhere--Coke belongs. LAWLESS CODE Free Delivery Jimmy Wakely eornrc UNDER AUTHORtTY OF THE COCA·COLA COMPANY BY DECEMBER 11, 12, 13 DECEMBER 11, 12 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC. STORY OF SEA BISCUIT YES. SIR. THAT'S MY BABY C 1949. n.. Co.:a.CoI" Co",..a~~_ • Shirley Temple Barry Fitzgerald Donald O'Conor Glori!'l- de Haven
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