Page 19 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 19
On Top With Blackie Western Maryland Captures Mason-Dixon League Diadem Western Maryland College has won the Mason-Dixon Conference crown for the first time in Its history, and many people have no doubt wondered just what the import of the title is and what it means to OUT athletic future. I First of all, the league is a loose confeder-ation consisting of about fifteen colleges in Maryland and vicinity. run by paid officials who hire and assign referees, release bulletins and statistics, help in arranging schedules, etc. Its primary purpose is to encourage athletics and promote cooperation among the various schools involved. The officials are headed by Paul Menton, sports editor of the BALTIMORE EVENING SUN, and their salary and the money required to run the whole works is . supplied by dues amounting to over a hundred dollars aPie~h!ro:~~:~h m:;:~:r!~~:~tU!i:i:ed by winning the title would be little more than a trophy for the showcase, but the real worth will be realized in the favorable publicity we have had and will receive. This publicity, and the prestige accompanying the crown, will act as a Blackie Brandt, persuasive to get topflight athletes for future Terror Front: row: Gene Frank, Hank: Corrado, Joe Gianelli, Julie Dyke grid machines. Second 1'OW: Joe Cor/eto, Donald Denny, John Sgariglio, Harry Bush, Tilo Margarito, Ed Ransford on November Up in Lancaster Walter Hcdjuk, Preachers, Bachelors a spirited and hard-charging Frank- 12, Thi1·d row: members, the nucleus Chuck Kobosco, Al Yaglillsfci, Bill Kern, Al Paul game in a Green and of the '49 Terror Fifteen squad, have played their last football Lead Touch football lin and and Marshall squad gave the Gold unifol"'1l!. Green Gold all it could handle for sixty full minutes. Two fifteen- and Soccerites Slump Havensmen Swamp Hopkins; The intramural touch football sea- yard penalties in the second quarter son is drawing to a close with the gave the visitors an advantage, Preachers commanding a substantial they proceeded to score on a Corrado lead in the standings. The rest of the to Lathrcum pass. As Season Ends; league is in a jumble, but with tbe The Terror line and Fieldman's Win Seven Of Eight Games Bachelors assuming the runner-up off-tackle drives kept F & M deep in G-burg Beaten position. its own territory, and late in the Western Maryland's gridiron machine reached its greatest peak since Th~ Preachers got their hardest third quarter the Diplomats fumbled A hustling Bucknell University the days of Dick Harlow when it ran roughshod over a badly outclassed contest and their worst scare from the a wet and slippery pigskin. Hank team snapped out of their lethargy on - Johns Hopkins squad before a substantial crowd of about 6,000. The weather Wesleyans, who exploded with two Norman, who has played great ball November 5, and poured three goals was cold and dreary, and the sky was dark, but the elements failed to deter a quick touchdowns in the first quarter defensively at end all season, pounc- into the nets in the final quarter to determined and spirited Green and Cold squad. and held the twelve point lead against ed on it for WMC's second stx-poin- their taller and heavier opponents un- ter. :~~~t.western Maryland by a 3-1 I defe::i:~i~~ni~e;l~~;'P t~:llT:~t~a~~;,:~:i~; :nt:;:e bt~~c~~~~,~~c~d~:n~~:i!~: til the fourth quarter. Then the It was a different story in the Bob Kittels put the locals ahead in halftime. Preachers passed for two scores and final quarter as a weary Western the first period, and then for some 70 The initial score was hard-earned as the Terrors an extra point to win 13-12 in the Maryland line allowed an opponent minutes the Terror's defenses held had to drive more than half the length of the field to most interesting game of the season. to move through it consistently for out against the determined on- the two-yard stripe from where Stan F'ieldman plunged The Gamma Bets also felt the dis- the first time this year. The hosts sluughts of the Pennsylvanians, only over. In the second quarter Leo Lath'rcum intercepted appointment, a last period letdown push-ed over one touchdown, but in- to collapse in the closing minutes. e pass by Bob Foster and ran 20 yards to score the when the Preachers pushed over a terceptions halted their attempt for On the following Tuesday, Towson second TD; Corrado made the conversion and the count touchdown in the closing minutes of at least a tie in the closing minutes. Teachers edged the Uhrigmen by a stood at 14-0. Walt Hart set up the third score with an play to triumph, 7-0. The Gamma Congratulat.ions to the soccer team interception at midfield. He cut down the sidelines and, Bets dropped another close one, this for ending. its season in a bla'1:e of after being trapped on the six, lateraled to Al Paul who time to the Bachelors by a one-touch- glory. They beat 'Hopkins by a 5·2 went over. It had the appearance of a lineman's dream down margin, while the Wesleyans count, as George Winfrey and Charlie for Paul scoring his first touchdown in the final game of his collegiate career. closed out their season ,with a 1:-0 Kettels each scored twice. Bill Bart- Not satisfied with the score and still in the mood for revenge, the west- victory over the Seminary. gis made the fifth marker. minster eleven trotted out on the field for the second half determined to make the margin even more decisive; and it seemed the Jays were jlist1£s Juniors Intramural Hockey Champions; resolved to help their opponents gain that margin. own territory, and Stan Hopkins again found it foolish to pass in their Fieldman made the seventh interception for Western Maryland and carried Towson Teachers Match Scoreless the ball to the host's 25-yard line. Several plays later he cracked over fo)' the fourth score. Another interception, this time by Mitch Tullai in his end by Betty Shepter zone, paved the way for the final Terror counter. \Vith Fieldman powering an irresistible running attack, the visitors drove to the 16, from where Joe The junioi· girls' hockey team won Tbe seniors were not as successful Gianelli sprinted over. Corrado made his conversion good to end the Terror the intramural tournament, by down- when they met the Sophomores, that scoring. ing the freshmen and sophomores, game ending in a one to one tie with The Jays averted a shutout in the last quarter when Ed Wroblewski even though they did lose to tbe senior Laramore and Grice doing the honors started from deep in his own territory and galloped te the Green and Gold class team. The seniors and sopho- for their respective teams. five before being pulled down by Joe Corleto. Foster then swept the end mores were runners-up with the In the final game of the season, the for their .only score. freshmen following closely. senior team, handicapped by absence The season opened with a game be- of experienced players, tasted defeat tween the juniors and sophomores. In from the sticks of the freshman team, Bill Rhoads the second half, Rachel Early, :II. with the score reading 4-0. transfer student, scored the only The freshman "8" team and the 2-1 score. Leading 1-0 going into the goal of tbe game, putting her junior mixed "B" team battled to a draw in final stanza, the Teachers were sud- team ahead. both of their contests. denly faced with an attack that rid- LITTLE The following week the freshmen On November 11, the Green Ter- dled their defense in every possible "greenies" met with the juniors in a rorettes traveled to Towson where way without scoring. In the latter clean, hard-fought game. The third they were guests of State Teachers stages a quick upfield surge lifted the year students again came out on top, College. Two teams represented victors to a 2-0 bulge but Leftwing THINGS with a 2 to 0 score. WMC. Although the Towson girls Bill Bartgis retaliated within a min- ute to again nat-row their lead to a single point. that are so Goalie Al Grimes distinguished himself on November 11 at Gettys- burg as the Terrors eased past the IIRIGHT!/I Bullets in overtime, }·o. A shot by George Winfrey in the first extra period bounced off the G-Burg goalie, whereupon Jim Culhane, who has played a fine game all season, rammed the ball into the nets. Numerous "im- possible" saves by Grimes made even the partisan crowd applaud. For the Terrors, the victory halted a four game losing streak, but next week saw them slumping again. A trip to Chestertown proved to be disastrous as the Shoremen handed • Handbags the Terrors their worst defeat of the • Skirts season, 4-0. Washington College could do nothing wrong and their defense • Blouses proved very difficult to penetrate. • Bras Absence of several members of the drove hard and fought strong the freshmen team enabled the sophomore 'j'crrorettes were able to hold them "chargers" to spear ahead of the scoreless, being unable to score them- G. C. Murphy & Co. "greenies" to 2 point favor. selves, however. Due to unfavorable weather condi- WMC's second team did not fare as tions the senior "lung era" were out of well as the first, the Towson girls The Friendly Store Rosenstock '5 practice when they met with the scoring two goals, WMC girls re- team of '51. After a hard-driving, maining scoreless. Following the game Dormitory and Classroom closely-contested games, where both the players enjoyed dinner as guests Supplies Ladies' Shop teams played superior hockey, For- of the college. ward Graf was able to scoop the ball The climax of the season came last in the net, giving the seniors a one Wednesday when the Honorary Team, 6.10 West Main Street I point score margin, which they were composed of players from all the Westminster, Md. 67 East Main St. \ able to maintain for the remainder of classes, was announced by tbe WAA the match. Board.
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