Page 17 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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1-'===E=D=~U=oE::i~TiA:EL'i.:l:,::r:,s5'!" "1~ Library "::ostern College Maryland DOTTY ALEXANDER PAGE 2 PAGE 4 Z286 Vol. 27, No.5 WESTERN MAR~LAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, November 29,1949 'Who's Who' Pays Tribute Silber Attends Bachelor Frat To Sponsor To Ten Seniors At WMC New York Annual Christmas Dance Meeting Outstanding Students Receive Honor And Benefits John F. Silber has been selected to SemPrecter W,ith 12 Piece Orchestra Provides Music Ten senior students of Western Maryland have been selected represent Maryland students at the Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity will sponsor the annual Christ- as members of Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges fifty-fourth annual Congress of mas Dance December 10, from 8 :30 p. m. to 11 :45 p. m. in Gill by a faculty-student committee. American Industry, it was recently Gym. twelve-piece orchestra Sam Proctor's from Baltimore will fur- These members are: Dorothy Alex- announced by the National Associa- uish music for the occasion. Mr. Proctor will also include a male ,~:::;hSI;~~e;'lar~:.s~;~ePhG~::!~~: Women To' E!1 ter tion of Manufacturers. college vocalist with the orchestra. He is one of forty-nine Mlary Frances Jones, George Sey- Television Contest students---one from each state and mour, John Silber, Dan Welliver, and the District 'of Columbia-whom the Betty White. Representing Western Maryland in NAM is inviting to the nation's ma- Selection was based on the four the Collegiate Talent Tussle, nine jor conclave of industrialists in New traits of leadership, scholarship, girls will appear on the television York City, December 7, 8, and 9. character, and potentiality. Points show, station WAAM-Channel 13, Majors In Soc were allotted to each category and December 5 at 7: 00 p. m. A sociology major, John has played the total was obtained by an objec- This program is another of the tal- an active part in campus activities tive rating. These seniors will receive ent show series in which a group of during his four years on the Hill. an engraved certificate from the or- men students took part November 14. At present, he is president of the ganiaaticn and will appear in the Competing with girls from Hood Col- Student Government Association. His 1949 edition of the Who's Who publi- lege, the boys won the contest by re- sports activities included football cation. ceiving more points in every selection and wrestling in his first and second Following is a thumbnail sketch of than the girls. years. He is an ardent member of the each of the ten seniors chosen: Men from Washington College have Bachelors and holds permanent mem- Dot Alexander-Blanche Ward house been chosen to compete against the bership in Alpha Kappa Alpha, phi- president from Taneytown, Mary- Western Maryland. girls. The pro- lcsphical fraternity. land, SCA commissioner, Trumpeter, gram which the girls have prepared For five days the collegians will be and Phi Alpha prexy. includes a selection by an octet, a solo guests of the NAM, seeing the city's Shirley Clark-Keyport, New Jersey and a dramatic skit. sights by night and rubbing shoulders gal who heads McDaniel Hall dorm, The girls participating in the octet by day with three thousand industry member of SGA and SCA. are as follows: Dorothy Alexander, executives at conference sessions, Joe Culotta-former Patterson Park, Betty Bachtell, Betty Brandenburg, forums, and business luncheons. All Uamce Committee Cbai1"1ncn, jl"lmt row: Ed Nordby, Bill Porte)", Phil Kable,' Baltimore luminary, president of Ada Lee Hai-dester, Marilyn Hardes- expenses, including transportation back TOW: Lcrrv Bailey, and John Dorgan. SCA, band member, Black and ter, Jo Kompanek, Kitty Olewiler, and to and from New York, will be borne White. Winnie Spenser. Kitty Olewiler will by the NAM. William Porter has- been selected Concerning the dance, Bachelor Joe Fowler-President of Alpha be the soloist of the group and Pat The purpose in inviting the stu- by the Bachelors as general chair- president Joe Fowler has said, "I Gamma Tau, SGA member from Mc l.aren will present a dramatic re- dents is to enable them to gain from man for the dance. Edward Nordby can promise that this will be a typi- Baltimore, Maryland, vice-president cital. first-hand observation an understand- will head tbe -decorationa committee. cal Bachelo'r dance with the main of the senior class. The selections chosen for the per- ing of American business. Other committee chairmen are as fol- emphasis on Christmas-type decora- Joe Giannelli-Medford, Massachus- formance are as fo11ows: a 'novelty In addition to the trip to New lows: tickets, Larry Bailey; orches- tions. Tbe frat hopes that the dance etts football star, former lacrosse number, "Ten Little Indians," by the York, the students will have a chance tra, John Dorgan; refreshments, will help get everyone into the swing goalie, Preacher officer. octet; a solo, The Jewel Song from to win one of six.J>.fi~es offered by Charles Kidd; clean-up, Phil Kable. of Christmas activities on -"e Hill" Mary Ji'rancelif Jones-Eastern Shore Faust, by Kitty Olewiler; a Mexican NAM for the best essays analyzing Mr. Proctor is a prc~stude~t- education student from Salisbury, and appraising the proceedings. French Club Gives' in his senior year at Loyola Collgee. editor of 1950 Aloha. dance by Joyce Warren. First prize is $1,000, others $500, His orchestra has played at several George Seymo!tr-FTA member from $250, $100, and two of $50 each. Cantiques de Noel Johns Hopkins dances and at Anna- Baltimore, Maryland, A r g 0 n aut WMC Adds Hill, Selection of the forty-nine students polis tea dances. college policy, the the Following president, English major interested was made by asking more than om! Le Cerele Francais will present its in education. thousand college and university 15th Annual Cantiques "de Noel pro- dance will be non-corsage and semi- John Silber-a native of Baltimore, Natzke To Faculty presidents to nominate one candidate gram on Monday, December 12 at 8 formal. Tickets may be purchased in Maryland, president of the SGA, from each school. Dr. John W. Stude- p. m. in McDaniel Lounge. This pro- McDaniel Office or from any Bache- perennial class officer, Bachelor. Among the ncw faculty members baker, former U. S. Commissioner gram of French Christmas carols lor frat member. Ticket price is $2.00 per couple, including tax. Dan WeUiver-Tri Beta president, on campus this selson are Major of Education and now vice-president has become one of the favorite tradi- This dance will begin the many vice-president of SCA, pre-med stu- Richard H. Natzke, of the military and chairman of the editorial board tions of Christmas Week on the Hill; dent from Westminster, Maryland. department, and Mr. J. Harry Hill, of SCHOLASTIC Magazine, made and each year it is performed, it pre-holiday activities that take place Betty White--vice-president of SGA, instructor of psychology. the final selection by drawing names achieves a higher degree of perfec- on the Hill before Christmas vaca- Argonaut, Homecoming Queen from Major Natzke is originally from at random from among those nomi- tion. tion. Other activities during the pre- Bloomfield, New Jersey, ardent Delt. the mid-west, having been reared at nated. The repertoire of Ca1!tiqlles de vacation week will include the an- nual college formal dinner sponsored Leavenworth, Kansas. After graduat- Noel increases each year. This sea- by the Trumpters, who decorate the Brainard, Royer Present ing from high school, he entered troduce Mr. Harry Hill, new instruc- son, fifteen numbers will be sung, in- cafeteria and plan a dinner program. solos. and quartets some cluding Also, the SCA will present its annual Combined Music Recital tor of general psychology. After Soloists will be Rachel Holmes, Betty Christmas program. Following dorm C e n t r a I from graduating High Bachtell, June Simpson, Betty Lam- and sorority open house, senior carol- School, in his home town of Provi- bert, Imogene Weybright, Patricia Miss Helen Brainard, pianist, and ing will complete the week. Mr. Philip Royer, violinist, will pre- dence, Rhode Island, Mr. Hill entered Shearer, Betty Brandenberg, Charles Brown University. inter- The war sent the second faculty music reci- rupted his studies, and Mr. Hill en- Shook, John Seiland, and Peter tal Of the year, this evening at 8:15 tered the Army as an enlisted man. Pomeranz. by Honor Society p. m. in Alumni Hall. Miss Grace He served in Africa, Italy, France, The music will be directed Cordia Murray's organ recital, Nov. Betty Bachtell, and the accompanist Bids Members 2, marked the beginning of this and Germany with tbe Military will be Martha Schaeffer, assisted by Police Force. He again entered Brown story Kahn. The Christmas Harriett series. University upon his service discharge will be told in French by Margaret Miss Brainard and Mr. Royer will Twenty-nine juniot students have present sonatas by Beethoven, Mo- and later graduated with honors. Beyer, club president. Mr. Philip been invited by the Argonauts to sart and Faure in their recital. At. present, Mr. Hill is a special Royer will render Schuber t'a Ave become associate members. The program includes: instructor of general psychology lIfaria as a violin solo. The faculty These eligible students are: L. Sonata No. J,. in A minor ....Beethoven here on the Hill, .and at the same advisor of the production is Miss Bailey, E. Bobo, R. Deragon, R. Gor- Sonata No.8 in D major Mozart time, is commuting from Johns Hop- Margaret J. Snader of the Modern ten, F. ~eefer, E. Klohr, J. Lockman, Sonata in A '1Iwjor Gabriel Faure kins University, in Baltimore, where Language Department. W. Simpson, A. Skvarek, B. Bachtell, Miss Brainard is an assistant pro- he is preparing for his master's de- S. Bankert, J. Beaver, J. Benson, J. fessor of music and also teaches gree in psychology. He makes his Hildebran Wins Honor Brown, A. Crothers, J. Dennison, B. piano. She received her Bachelor of home in Baltimore. Duvall, B. Harlow, R. Holmes, 1". Music degree from Oberlin College Dr. Katheryn Hilderbran was hon- Kerns, P. Mcf.aren, J. Newell, K. and was a student with Carl Fried- ored with reelection as Secretary- Olewiler, M. Rupert, E. Shivers, S. berg. Treasury of the Association of Mod- Wine, A. Winnberg, S. Wright, and Mr. Royer, a graduate of western Wentworth "Military Academy, States at the Sixty-third Annual Con- A. Yearley. rlaryland College, received his A.M. fayette, Missouri, to do his college ern Language Teachers of the Middle Composed of three kinds of mem- from Columbia University. work. Major Natzke continued with vention of Cclleges and Secondary bers-associates, fellows, and honor- his education work by taking special Schools and Affiliated Associations ary, the Argonauts has as its tri-fold courses in the field of accounting at held in Atlantic City, November 25th purpose to promote sound scholarship Announcement La Salle University, located in and 26th. at WMC, to recognize high scholastic Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Hildebran, professor of Mod- standing, and to promote fellowship W-(lmen students may visit fra- In April, 1941, Major Natzke ern Languages on the Hill, is a grad- among students and faculty members. ternity rooms on Sunday afternoon joined the army as a lieutenant. To be eligible for associate mem- from 1 :30 to 5:30 p. m.; on Sun- Major R. H. Natzke was ordered to uate of Oberlin College and received day evenings after the college Greece at the close of the war to act her Ph.D. degree from the University bership, a student must have an over- of Chicago. Her re-election all B average for four college semes- as Secre- chapel service; during dance in- as advisor to the Greek Army. When fluential position among Modern ters. At least one of these semesters termissions. Special permission and he returned to the United States, he tary-Treasurer places her in an in- must be spent at Western .Maryland. announcement from the office of was stationed here at WMC. He Associate members who graduate the Dean of Women will be re- serves the College as assistant pro- Language professors. cum laude or summa: laude are quired for any other occasion when fessor of Military Science and Tac_ Western Maryland was also repre- eligible for fellowship. Cllm Honorary women are to be entertained in the tics, teaching the third year ROTC sented at the convention by President members consist of all faculty mem- Miss the and Ensor Registrars, fraternity rooms. classes. He resides with his fami_ bers and graduates who have at- OFFICE OF DEAN OF WOMEN. ly in Westminster. Martha Manahan and Miss Cora Vir- tained honor in their respective fields. The GOLD BUG also wishes to in- Mr. J. HaT11l Hill ginia Perry.
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