Page 16 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1949 IN Where Far East And West Really Meet In Onh Tuesday. November 8 by Bryan HaddtJ,way and Lou Pietrojorte Varsity Soccer, Towson, home. Assembly 11:30. a. m., Strickland To most of the students on the For instance, there'e . the soccer Gillilan, "Sodom On the Tidal Hill, Jim Hackman needs no in- team ... where "Big Jim" became a Basin". troduction, but many of us don't bulwark of defense as a fullback and Wednesday, November 9 know much about Jim's back- was named to the All Maryland Team Canterbury Club, Baker Chapel, ground and those little facts oJ 1948. His departure this year will 6:45-8. that enrich knowing a particu- leave a big gap at that post. But soc- Friday, November 11 lar friend. Then, too, there are cer wasn't enough; so he decided to Varsity Soccer, Gettysburg, away. probably a few students around play lacrosse too. Then again, being Arts Symposium meeting, McDaniel who spend most of their time in loyal to Delta Pi Alpha played an im- Lounge, 4: 15. the dormitory, so that this little portant part in his attentions and sketch will serve a twofold pur- "Big Jim" took part in inter-fraterni- Saturday, November 12 Franklin and Football, Varsity pose. ty sports. Paul Schaefer, Tony Byron, Joe Fowler, and John Silber, left to MgM. Marshall, away. One surprising fact about this man What does this versatile gentleman The above eoene took place at the .WlLShington College home game pep about campus, unknown even to his do in his "spare" time (and we use rally. Similar ecenee can be expected for the raUy to be held Friday Monday, November 14 closest friends, is that he was born the quotation marks conscientiously)? evening_ French Club Meeting, McDaniel James Patterson Hackman of Jam- ... he reads poetry, and likes it too. Lounge, 7-S. shedpur, India! To hear him tell it, But he's not perfect because one of FTA meeting, Science Hall, 6:45. you'd think it was another one of his his weaknesses is his love of that Aloha Continues seA To Sponsor Wednesday, November 16 jokes, but further inquiry shows that good old harmony. Otve him a "uke" Varsity Soccer, Franklin and Mar- his father WlLS working there at the and a few voices, and he's happy for Birthday Banquets shall, away. time, and "Hack" came to the United the next few hours. This leads to Subscription Drive Each month, the SCA sponsors a SCA meeting, McDaniel Lounge, 7. States when he was two years old. false accusations that he serenades birthday banquet honoring those Thursday, November 17 That leaves out any questions about the girls at night outside the dormi- Subscription campaign for the 1950 whose birthday falls during that Faculty meeting. harems that you might think of ask- tory; but it's somebody else, he'll as- ALOHA will continue to run until the month. Held in the dining hall, a spe- Friday, November 18 ing. sure you ... laughing all the time, Thanksg-iving' holidays. cial meal is served for the occasion. Argonauts' meeting, McDaniel Sports Enthusiast of course. All orders must be placed with Everyone comes and has a great time, Lounge, S. At any rate, Dundalk, Maryland, is dorm solicitors during this time. The being surrounded by good food and Saturday, November 19 a far cry from J amshedpur, but Jim Alumni Plans Dance price for this year's annual will be entertainment. Those honored few Varsity Football, Johns Hopkins, went ahead to high school and proved $4.00., payable in two installments. who have birthdays sit at a special away. that he was stirctlv American by After Hopkins Game Howard Haines, subscription man- long table complete with place cards Monday, November 21 becoming president of his freshman ager, has appointed the following so- and are served by the Trumpeters. IRC, McDaniel Lounge. 7. and junior classes, and vice-presi- There will be a big dance Saturday licitors: Those working with the Campus and Tuesday, November 22 dent of his senior class. It was here evening, November 19th, in the South- Personal Affairs Commission, having Varsity Soccer, Johns Hopkins, "Hack" started his eoccer career in ern Hotel in Baltimore, sponsored by Alhe1~~~~\~£~;.~.:...~~i~~;~lj¥;Jl charge of the banquet, are Lois home. earnest, and showed his ability for the Alumni for all students and alum- ·Sauter, Norma Avers, Phyllis Crom- Play, The Gorn is Green. doing a job well by becoming a mem- ni and their friends. ber of !he All Maryland Scholastic Tickets will be $3.60.per couple and Me}{ilns~t'I~or ......•. HowArd Sh ..nnon well, Dorothy Friedrich, Joyce War- team. To keep the fire going, Jim may be purchased from Carroll Park, 2nd floor.. . .. r ..ul SchAefer ren, and Jean Quelch. Anyone inter- became a member of the baseball er. 'I'he dress for the dance is optional. w8r1:~ai=r .:': ' .Charles Kidd ested in helping them please see Doro- thy Alexander. team. As an extra treat, five couples may 3rd floor. . . . . ~J~'::r~Ql'd::'~ Westminster's With this rich background, Jim reserve a table for the evening. The McD~~tG~!~l.' ~. . . .•• Lu ....y Wagner New Modern Drug Store came to Western Maryland as an edu- dance .will be held to celebrate the ~~ttf'oOo":.. ': . .~~':: ri!':f.D O~,:,~r: cation student with future teaching hoped-for victory over Johns Hop- 4th lIoor........ ..JeBn Quelsh PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DRUGS in mind and is now carrying an kins on the football field this after- :~~;~. ... Helen R ..y ~"Il: Englieh major and History minor. Blan1~: ~~::00::·.: :..:.M~;./L~~eS~~:~:~ SCHOOL SUPPLIES With his big smile and happy air, it COSMETICS 4th,1I00r ...••.••... didn't take long for us to learn to Ca •• ell HBII. RBchel Ennis Westminster Laundry like him and push him as one of the Marion Auld SODAS PriseiU .. Lankford most popular men on campus. Faculty: Laundry and Dry Cleaning Day Students: A sincere, hard worker, Jim was Meet at Men DAy Students: Pick Up And Delivery Bixler and Guild elected to the presidency of his fresh- Women David Myers man class on the Hill and has never Vet~\~~:~R~::: Service Drug Co. relinquished a position as one of the PET E'S in -daS!;· officers since. Right now, his John and Main Srs. big job is president 'of the graduat- Basement of Old Main ing class, but ..there are other things t.hat keep him occupied when he's To Get Your Eats SMITH & REIFSNIDER not attending to class business. Main St. Red Neon Sign Incorporated LUMBER-COAL WESTMINSTER, MD. Everybody Is Welcome JOHN GRUBER To Stop In At Balfour Representative Margaret & Earl's JEWELRY for FRATERNITY COLLEGE ~ORORITY SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS RINGS . KEYS • PINS T. W. Mather & Sons Department Store Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4_p. m. p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p- m. Free Delivery NOV. 6, 7, S NOV. 6, 7, S ANNA LUCASTA THAT MIDNIGHT KISS Paulette Goddard William Bishop Kathryn Grayson Mario Lanza Orders for NOV. 9 Personalized NOV. 9-10 TAMING OF THE WEST Bill Elliott CHRISTMAS CARDS ONCE MORE, MY DARLING NOV. 10., 11 Geo(gianna Galliher Robert Montgomery Anne Blythe Double Feature NOV. 11-12 HOLD THAT BABY 164 W. Main St. ROSEANNA McCOY TRAIL OF THE YUKON NORCROSS CARDS Day after day at the Univer- Farley Granger Joan E';ans NOV. 12 ANTIQUES sity Store in Athens, Georgia. HORSEMAN OF THE SIERRAS as in college shops through- GIFTS NOV. 13,14,15 Charles Starrett Smiley Burnett Come see us, anytime out the country, you can SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON always find University of Joh~ Wayne Joanne Dru NOV. 13, 14, 15 Georgia students and ice-cold ABBOTI' AND"COSTELLO l'tIEET .THE KILLER Coca-Cola. For with students NOV. 16, 17 Abbott and Costello Boris Karloff G. C. Murphy & Co. everywhere, frosty ice·cold UNDER CAPRICORN Coca-Cola is the favorite Ingrid Bergman Joseph Cotton NOV. 16 HA UNTED TRAILS The Friendly Store drink-Coke belongs, Whip Wilson Andy Clyde NOV. IS, 19 BLONDIE HITS THE JACKPOT NOV. 17, 18 Dormitory and Classroom Ask for it ~ilh~T way .. both Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Double Feature Supplies COUNTER PUNCH trade-marks mean the Jam~ thing. LEAVE IT TO HENRY NOV. 20,.21, 22 6_10 West Main Street BomED UNCER AUTHORITYOF TliE COCA·COLA COMPANY BY EVERYBODY· DOES IT NOV .. 19 Westminster, Md. WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Linda Darnell Paul Douglas MARSHALL OF MESA CITY Q19~9.Th .. C
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21