Page 15 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1949 On Top With Blackie Terror Booters Drop Two; Forward Wall Big Factor In Victors Over American U. Gridders Winning Streak Uhrigmltn Losers In Games Against 'Hounds, Bee.; btl Blacki6 Bra.ndt, Swamp Eagle. A. Kittel_. Scores Three Times Sports Editor Bucknell scores three goals in final quarter to edge Western Maryland soccer The football team has had one of its finest seasons in years, and the team by a 3-1 count Saturday afternoon Green and Gold Jine must receive a large share of the credit for the squad's success. The Terror forward wall has allowed only one touchdown, and that Snapping out of a two-game, losing streak, the varsity soccer team in the Gettysburg game. The other scores against us thumped American University's embryonic squad 4-0 in the first home game were made through the ail'~a weakness that could prove of the season. This year marks the first time the Eagles have fielded a soccer disastrous in the coming Hopkins contest. teanr;- 'Dhe center of the line has consistently opened large George Winfrey put the Terrors one goal ahead in the opening period, holes for the backs, and anyone viewing the Hampden. but it remained for Bob Kittels to put the game on ice. The latter ripped the Sydney encounter saw Corrado and Fieldman crack nets for two counters before halftime, and then slid another past the Eagles' through center for ten and fifteen yards at a time. Sid Albritain goalie in the final quarter. Coach Havens will have a job on his hands next Rain slowed the attack of the home squad, but despite this hindrance year replacing Corleto, Paul, Bush, Margarita, and Kern, Big end buwarks Green and Gold line they rang up the biggest margin of victory for a WMC soccer team since 1946 all first stringers with plenty of experience. Teams like when Frostburg was trounced 8-0. may Gianelli Scores Washington College and Mount St. Mary's will be gun- ning for the Havensmen and our football fortunes October- 29 saw the Terrors stall Loyola throughout the first half of the Philip Uhrig suffer. This year the Sho'men and Mounts were loaded contest played at Bverg reen, Then the Greyhounds caught fire and proceeded with freshmen and sophomore players, and in a year Thre~ Times In to swamp the Westminsterites by a 4-1 count. or two they will be ready to give a depleted Western Maryland team some Homer Earll put the local combine ahead in the first quarter as he sent rough games. Homecoming Tilt a shot in from 18 yards out. The Green defense withstood the numerous sorties The Homecoming contest proved to of the 'Hounds' until the third quarter. Two quick goals put the Baltimoreans be no pushover, and in the first half, ahead, from which point they coasted to two additional tallies. Hampden-Sydney actually outfought Sets, Preachers The Green and Gold gridiron ma- us man for man. The game in Lan- chine ran over its fourth straight op- Still plagued by sloppy weather, the Uhrigmen met the U. of Baltimore caster on November 12 will be no easy Lead T-Football ponent on Homecoming Day in a on the Ioeal turf on Tuesday. The Bees, who are casting covetous eyes on the game that was almost a replica of Mason-Dixon diadem, experienced an early scare but eventually returned to contest, as Franklin-Marshall pos- The intramural touch football last year's Homecoming contest. This their native haunts with their undefeated record intact. :~~::~.a good line and strong running league has been in full swing for year the Terrors beat Hampden- three weeks, with two teams as yet Sydney by a 25-6 count, and a year Franklin & Marshall Next The Diplomats have fourteen let- undefeated. ago it was WMC, 20; Randolph-Ma- termen back from last year, including three The Gamma Bets have turned back con, 2. a loss and opponents without fullback John TulIai, a 5 ft. 10 in., the Preachers a like number, while It was Joe Gianelli who again 190 pound sophomore, and cousin of the Wesleyans have a two and one broke the game wide open with: a 90 our own Mitch TulIai. The Blue and record. The Bachelors split even in yard touchdown run in the second White operate from a winged-q' for- quarter, while against R-M he went • mation that is a modification of the two contests, the Black and Whites 86 yards on a similar play-a punt straight-T, and are powered by a good have lost two and tied one, and the return up the sidelines. Ira Zepp's try passer and fast breakaway runner. Freshmen are winless in two starts. for the extra point was blocked and Franklin-Marshall's record has not The Seminary squad tied the Black the score was 6-0 at the half. been too impressive; having won and Whites 6-6, and were swamped by one, tying two, and losing three, but the Gamma Bets 31-0. Terrors Roll have had an edge in statistics in every A Corrado to Tullai heave in the contest but one. They lost to Hopkins Preachers Win third quarter set up the se~ond mark- by a 14-13 score, so all you football Long passes gave the Preachers a er, and Gianelli then spun over from pool players might be able to figure 13-0 victory over the Bachelors, while seven yards out to mak-e it 12-0. the Terrors chances against the Jays perhaps the most exciting game so far Gianelli and Lathroum counted ~or after Saturday'S game. Lehigh was was the near upset of the Gamma Western Maryland in the final period; the only team to swamp them-that Bets by the Wesleyans. The former Gianelli went off-tackle from the by a 53-0 score, but they're not in the pulled it out in the last 30 seconds to ten-yard stripe i.or his third touch- win 19-14. ..., down of the game, anti Lathroum On October 29, the Diplomats over- The opening game found the capped a 78-yard drive when he took Jim Hackman Homer Earll whelmed Swarthmore, 45·8, and the Preachers rolling over an outmanned a four-yard pass from Hank Corrado This year's,ptains (inset) havf:l sparked boaters. consensus is that t.hey have hit their Black and White squad to the tune of behind the Tiger goal line. 'Bilt Bartgis' passes to Homer Campbell in contest against Baltimore U. stride. 26-0, and two days later, the Gamma , Hampden-Sydney got its attack The Mason-Dixon Conference Bets smashed the Freshmen, 24-0. The rolling in the fourth quarter and seems to be loaded with outstanding Preachers made it two in a row, by dro~e for its only score of the B. U. spent the fil'8t five minutes pounding at the local's goal. A sudden teams this faU, and the Uhrigmen taking the Seminary 19-6, and the game. A long pass from Quarterback \change of events found Bill Bartgis centering the ban for Dave Sandler, who ~ have found the going rougher than Black and Whites managed to tie the Bill Blair to Halfback Edmonds gave 'got the Terrors away to a short-lived 1-0 lead' with a fine head shot. The vtst, anticipated. However, there is still an tor's Stan Rostek soon lined up his sights and proceeded to rip the Green nets excellent chance of a winning cam- Seminary 6. them six: points, but the attempted for four goals. A well-trained Baltimore forward wall kept the losers backfield paign; and perhaps Mr. Uhrig can Inciaentally, the new rules seem to conversion was blocked by AI· Paul. in a state of turmoil throughout the greater part of the contest. unt'rack his squad in time to pull a be much safer, as there have been no The footballers had an off-day on With three M·D matches still to be played, Coach Uhrig is hopeful that few upsets. further injuries. In fact, the players November fifth, and heavy scrim- the team will break into the win column again in the near future. The soccer team has had a tough themselves feel that the added pre- mages are in order in preparation for time keeping its head above water so cautions make the game more enjoy- the coming Franklin-Marshall and far this season, but they certainly de- able. Johns Hopkins contests. serve the support of the student body. .JIUjk FASHION by Ruth Allen Although somewhat hampered by minton tournament. All girls Inter- the weather, the girls' intramural ested in playing should sign their (!)n
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