Page 14 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 14
The Gold Bug, Nov. 8, 1949 Letter To The Editor "Pussyfooting In And A Dear Sir, I read with interest a few weeks I managed to' squeeze out of the dragging the other half ago your editorial about a proposed GOtD BUG office th.e other day and along with me, smack into change in our Alma Mater. I .ccn- decided to enjoy my newborn freedom, of the mob. They began to tacted a concert pianist-composer, who shortlived though it might be. Com- ward and I no longer felt also happens to be my brother, and ing up the steps of .Old Main was a ground beneath my feet. (the My previous life, huge brown, dog; so I hastily made a asked him to write a new melody for Part OF Tradition activities in conjunction with the our present verse. left turn, deeming discretion the bet- nine) was never like this JHU contest? Existing today at Western At the present time I am submit- ter part of valor, and scurried down Ukraine. There we had gruel was passed out to the opposite set of stairs. Maryland we have very few ob- Let's Gripe A Little ting a rough copy of the manuscript filed past the communal served traditions. With the pas- That new grille-why are the my brother sent to me. It is difficult any rate, I spilled onto the sing of time those practices that tables being ruined with pencil for a student body and the alumni five yards past the door, just have grown with the age fall marks? the paper shortage is to discard an old song and adopt a of so many marbles into oblivion as they begin to over; and the 'chairs falling new one, but if the new song is played little boy's pocket. I hamper progress. However, cer- apart? undoubtedly they are not occasionally it may catch the fancy of relatively protected spot tain of these traditions add re- the students. nearest chair and watched the finement and sophistication to rockers! Perhaps this new Alma Mater will go by. The soccer team is receiving the institution. never be used, but I think it is only One of the traditions we con- about as much support, as if fair to the composer to give it care- tinue- on the Hill is that of after they were not even on the cam- ful consideration. chapel services and assemblies pus. It is a varsity sport and-the Bill Dvorine. 'students leaveing Alumni Hall honor of the school is just as resonant voice began much at stake with this group on the basis of class standing. of players as any other team. nouncements to which So far this year, the women have The booters need our whole- Borrowed Sits to be paying attention, been observing the unwritten hearted spirit. Where is it! clamor did subside to a custom quite favorably; how- Each week the GOLD BUG receives degree. But even this little peace ever, the men have begun to act newspapers from schools all over the The first thing that I noticed was short-lived, for no sooner did like a heard of cattle just loosed country; it is the desire of this col- a motley looking group of individuals finish than waiters began streaming from a two-year bondage. If the umn to present articles which we leaning against the columns that sup- out of the nearby kitchen door to the seniors. were allowed to leave, think would be of interest to other port the porch in front of the Rae many tables in the room. then the juniors, and so forth, by Joe Fowler students. room. Upon seeing me they howled Sure, I make a bit of a slurping there would not only be prestige The Student Government Associa- The dramatic societies at Drexel "A cat, a cat!" ... kind of obvious I sound when I drink my milk, but is it added to class position, but tion would like to tbank all the or- gave their production of Blithe Spirit, thought since I certainly don't look anything compared to the shouts of furthermore students could exit . ganizationson the Hill for the fine November 4 and 5. They went all out like an elephant ... so I ran Iickety- "Throw me a slice of bread!", "Pass in a much more orderly manner. displays that were constructed for in their efforts to make this the most split as fast as I GOuld,straight down that mess!", "Save some for Vir- A mature atmosphere would pre- Homecoming Weekend. The displays outstanding play that has ever been the road. The nearest refuge was the ginia!", and "Geez, save some for us vail over all school meetings. this year were unusually good and produced within the walls of the in- open door to Science Hall and I made at this end!" to mention just a few! Custom that blocks personal, the judges-Dr. Huber, Miss Benne- stitute. This production was given on tracks for it without hesitation. Now I'm back in the office, a little social, and universal advance- yan and Miss.....O'Rourke-found it the Hill last year by the College From Bad to worse the worse for the experience, but cer- ment should be trampled under very difficult to pick the winners. Players and proved to be a great suc- This, perhaps, was one of the worst tain that I want my next reincarna- ~~.o:i~~,~ny feet in the "march Prizes went to Delta Sigma Kappa cess.• moves I could ever have made, and I tion to be in, Lower Slobbovia, Einstein's Theory Defined someplace dose by. Here we have a tradition that ~rp~~e A~~~aai~;o~;:_~~s~la:Je::iv~ One of the professors at Syracuse lick my wounds in reminiscence while University recently went on record I type with one paw. It happened to hi~A~~;~~o~~:~:~;e:1si'~~~ti~a~~~~~~e!~ Phi Alpha Mu for the most be a few minutes before twelve o'clock for giving the shortest definition of noon, you see. a considerable possession of ma- On Friday night before the Hop- Einstein's theory of relativity: Milling around in the foyer was a turity and refinement. kins game, the SGA has planned "When you sit on a hot stove for huge, disorganized crowd whose in- For Women Only: In Gratitude what _is hoped to be one of the best three minutes, it seems like three coherent babbling resounded through- but when you sit with your pep rallies WMC has ever seen. Ev- hours; the against We of the GOLD BUG staff eryone.will meet in front of Old Main girl for three hours, it seems more like out the room, bounced floor hall and by Jeggy Binks ceiling of the third wish to take this opportunity to and march- with the bend to the spot three minutes. That's relativity!" reverberated back into the foyer. Well, thank all of the students for behind the 6th Green. Here, the big Interested students at Villanova it was ·just like the old saying, "Out Our best sellers in the literary de- their expressed appreciation of woodpile, -which the' 'F'reshmen have were given the opportunity to view all of the frying pan into the fire", and partment. the Sadie Hawkins Dance. It js been so busily collecting, will be set the World Series ~ames on their tele- the only alternative was to make the • Freshman: She reads What Every our only hope that you -all had off. It is the hope of the SGA that vision set, which 'is situated in the Young Girl Should Know a very enjoyable evening. This every member of the studerrt body library. This set was a gift to the best of a bad situation, so I scrambled eSophomore s She reads How To Win around and between a dozen pairs of annual affair is a great under- will parttetpate.und that those of us school and is: u~for educational Friends and .In/hnm.cePeople . - taking for such a small group, who have strong anti-Hopkins feel- purposes. legs to the nearest corner. Even that e Juntor ; She reads The Art of LOVffJ but student and faculty grati- ings will use thiS' means to satisfy Sorority girls on Goucher campus was crowded. e Senier. She reads The Care A"I1.d tude is just reward for the many them and not. decide to "visit" the are "rushing" for the last year. This My new found refuge was short- Feeding 0/ Infants hours spent in 'preparation. Homewood Campus. (The football results from the rUling by the Board lived, however ... about five min- Our views on the institution of mar- utes, to be more explicit. All too soon team will take care of ThffJ Jaylt on of Trustees, based on investigation the 12:05 bell clamored through the riage- She wants to marry a foot- About That Pep Rally Saturday.) After the bonfire, there and polling, that all sororities will be din, frightening me half out of my .Fresh. ball player. . --.- During the season the Green will be a snake dance through town. discontinued at Goucher with the final skin. With a bound I shot forward, • Soph. She wants to marry her Soc Terrors have shown admirable move to the Towson campus in Sep- professor. tember 1950. School spirit means a great deal Looking Backward THE GREYHOUND of Loyola cei- Pins'n Points .Jr. list. She wants to marry a capita- enthusiasm on the football field. to those guys out there fighting lege was recently awarded an "All- .Sr. She wants to marry a man. for WMC honor. THE GOLD BUG staff just American" rating for the second At least three organizations on the Our "back-campus" slogans- Next Saturday we meet the happened to be browsing the semester of the 1948·49 school year Hill deserve credit for their contribu- • Fresh. She says, "Oh, please stop Johns Hopkins' eleven on their other night, and this is what by the National Scholastic Press As- tions to the Alumni Association Dance that!" battleground in an effort to they came up with from previous sociation. They received a score of after the Hopkins game in Baltimore. eSoph. She says, "Oh, please stop!" break the two-year jinx. How issues. 1,025 out of a possible 1,055 points. The Homecoming displays of the eJr. She says, "Oh, please!" about every guy and gal on the All exchange newspapers are posted Delts, the Black and Whites, and the .Sr. She says, "Oh!" Hill supporting the pre-game April 12, 1945 in the GOLD BUG office for any Iotas will be used as decoration for Our educational aims- . The GOLD BUG staff asks whether- pep rally and the many other each student would \Ie willing to interested students who would like to that affair. It may be remembered that • Fresh. She thinks a college educa- pay $.75 for the next two issues of read them. these exhibits centered around a tion leads to things social, cul- sleigh, a statue, and a humpty-dumpty the year as all current funds have tural, and academic. THE GOLD BUG been exhausted. Unless there is an ly, your food doesn't digest. It just theme, respectively. the football team eScph. She thinks a college educa- Portraits of immediate response, this is the last decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up mysteriously disappeared from the tion leads to things social and issue of the GOLD BUG. your stomach. You ~et ~onst1pated. WAA Homecoming display, leaving cultural. Your whole system IS poisoned and eJr, She thinks a college education December 10, 1942 you feel sour, sunk, and the whole Coach Ravens' likeness alone to do leads to things social. The wind velocity across New world looks punk. - the honors. This goes to show that, .Sr. She thinks a college education Dorm path is to be docked by mete- Laxatives are only makeshifts. A although football players may come leads to things. orology students. and go, Coach Ravens still carries on. Our "Pit" faUs- MCUllber mere bowel movement doesn't get at Our Ferocious "Green T err 0 r" • Fresh. She drinks a coke on a date. Associated Collegiate Press N01Jember3,1936 the cause. It takes those good old proved to be none other than Klein .Soph. She drinks "pink ladies" on a WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Smith's Little Liver Pills to get those Haddaway in a green tiger suit. Nice date. SlI.bacrlption Price U.OO a Year Without Calomel--and you'll jump two pounds of bile flowing freely and going, Klein! Symbols are "always eJr. She drinks hi-balls on a date. out of bed in the morning rarin' to make you feel "up and up". Harmless, more impressive when seen in the EDITORIAL STAFF gentle, yet amazing in making bile flesh. .Sr. She drinks anything, anytime, Editor-in·Ohie! ..•....... BiIl Porter, '50 gOThe liver should pour out {two flow freely. Ask for Smith's Little anyplace. A.sociate Editor' Winkelman, '51 Freshman caps have ceased to ep- Our extra-curricular activities- M..naging Editors Mickey Hardest,,,, '50 pounds of liver bile into your bowels Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse any- pear on this campus for another year. Jo Koehler, '50 daily. If this bile is not flowing free- thing else. 25c .Fresh. She likes to smooch. Feature Editor Louis Pletrolorte, '51 Congratulations to the freshman tug- .Soph. She likes to smooch. News Editors Jun6 Bener, '51 of-war team, who made this possible. Jack Loper, '52 .Jr. She likes to smooch. Sports Edito,"". . .•... Peggy BroWli. '51 However. after it was aU over, 'they .Sr. She likes to smooch. Blacki. Br ..nd!., '51 News-Feature Editor •... Micke), Rupert, '51 tossed their caps to the wind-and Our confidential dispatches Alice Yearle)" '51 then carefully donned them aguin! .Fresh. She tells her mother every- Copy Editor •..•..•..•• Slan Bowisbey, '52 Oartoonist ... ·.. Pat MeLanin, '51 Habits are funny things. thing. Photographer. . .. Allan Albert. '5a During the recent sorority initia· .Soph. She tells her roommate every- Typing EditOrs .... ; .. ·J"~i~:e:d!j~::~~ tions, some bright pledges decided to thing. awaken an upperclassman to the tune .Jr. She tells her diary everything. Busines" Manager ...•.. of "Jingle Bells". It served the pur- .Sr. She doesn't tell ad ... thing. Asst. Bus;ne88 Mansger . pose, all right, but also awoke a facul· Adverti~ing M"nBger Oirculation Man"ger ty resident of Blanche Ward Hall. R-eportera She leaped out of bed and ran to her window to see the snow! J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Rae Acher. Olenn Ashburn, Bomer Earll, Industrial steeple climbers (or Howard Ha;nes, Jane McLeod. Doris Reek, Belty Mae Shepter. Betly Shivers, Betty what_have_you) have been working Hdqs. for Keepsake Diamonds Simpson, Gil Slange, and JoyceWnren high in clouds cleaning the smoke stack of the eollege heating plant. A The Store of New Fashioned deaner outlook to surrounding scenery Jewelry and Old Fashioned Compliments is greatly appreeiated. Honesty Blanche Ward girls welcome a new of "coke" machine in the second floor TIMES BUILDING East Main Street 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. kitchen of their dorm. This project is Westminster, Md. managed sponsored and the under auspices of the WAA )~o~rd.
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