Page 13 - TheGoldBug1949-50
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Library ':7estern Maryland College ,A:~ld~'tl\d~msTo Head Cast In Annual Thanksgiving Play Miss Esther Smith Rehearses College Players For Presentation OF Williams' The Corn Is Green The Corn Is Green, Emlyn Williams' autobiographical study of life in a Welsh mining town, will be presented by the College Players as their annual Thanksgiving Play, Tuesday, November 22 at 8 :15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. Starring in the production will be Marion Auld and Harry Adams. Miss Faculty Gains Esther Smith, dramatic art instruc- tor will direct the play. Benneyan, Scene Set in Glansamo The story begins in Glansarno, a Uhrig small village on the Welsh country- side, which prospered because of the many mines nearby. Miss Benneyan comes to Westmin- Abo"V(l is pictured (left to right) Rachel Ennis, Zachary Jacquette, Mary Ellen Smith, Ma.rion Auld, Betty ster from White Plains, New Yerk, It was customary in such towns for Lee' Robbins, Harry Adam8, a.nd Howard Haines ilL the scene where Bessy WaUy (Miss Robbins) hfUJ just where she has spent most of her life. boys to be indoctrinated into the pro- announced that ehe is the P08SeOr of a "little 8tra,nger". The College Pla,yerB are now rehearsing for thf! Upon graduation from high school, cess of mining at a very early age; big night on November 22. Miss Benneyan was undecided wheth- and when twelve years old, almost every lad in the village was busily er to attend Wellesley College or laboring with the older men. Smith College, alma mater of her mother. She chose Wellesley, from L. C. Moffat Appears in Neighborhood which Miss Benneyan graduated with One day, the villagers learned that honors. She received her A.B. degree L. C. Moffat had inherited a local in music. Desiring to further her edu- estate and would be moving into their cation, Miss Benneyan attended Smith neighborhood and, not realizing that College, where for two years she L. C. could mean anything else, were a with having thrilled the idea of taught and at the same time earned her master's degree. lieutenant-colonel living in their vicinity. L. C. Moffat was soon re- Vol. 27, No.4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. November 8, 1949 Worked at Radio Station vealed to be a woman who intended to start a school to lead the boys into Last year she came to Washington, the light of knowledge. interest Miss Moffat took a great Fraternities Receive Club News '1 Delegates To Attend ~~e~to:oa:e:::ioa~t::~~t;~Q;:am in Morgan Evans, one of her students who became quite talented in writing, Many of the students here know 62 New Pledges Wesleyans US Alfai .. Meeting Maryland's Miss Benneyan as a music instructor and began to prepare him to enter ~ Oxford. as Western .Appointed The Wesleyans, now beginning a of counter-point, harmony, ear train- WMC's four fraternities received new term .under the direction of Dr. delegates, Richard Dunlop and Mary ing, and music analysis. The Delta Morgan Takes Exams a total of 62 new pledges this past Milton Huber and President Ed Francis Jones will be at West Point Sigma Kappa Sorority know her as Later, after taking scholarship week. Pi Alpha Alpha is adding 22 Wright, will travel to the Washington from November 30 to December 3rd. their sponsor. She also plays the examinations for the university, Mer- new members; Delta Pi Alpha, 16 Cathedral on Sunday, November 13. These seniors have been appointed trumpet in the WMC orchestra. gan learned that Bessie Watty, members; Alpha Gamma Tau, 12 There they will attend a church serv- delegates to the U.S. Military Acad- Miss Benneyan confesses that next daughter of Miss Moffat's house- members; and Gamma Beta Chi, 12 ice and then tour the school buildings emy conference on U.S. affairs. Mary to Wellesley she likes Western Mary- keeper, had just had an illegitimate members. and campus of Howard University. Francis, a history major and Dick, land, and as all newcomers, enjoys child by him; and he refused to go to an economics major, were chosen on the campus views. Her 1936 Ford, Bids Extended French Club the basis of their qualifications and which she calls Turtle, can be found school. Miss Moffat overcame this obstacle Bids were extended Wednesday and A French film on Paris is scheduled interest in international relations, parked in front of her Blanche Ward in a matter befitting her character by were to be returned to the clubrooms for the next meeting of Le Cercle economics, history, and government. residence. rearing the child herself. She then by 7 o'clock Friday evening. Those ac- Fra,ncais on Monday, November 14 at Made up of two representatives sent Morgan on to Oxford, but he cepting Pi Alpha Alpha bids were: 7 p. m. in McDaniel Lounge. from each of 75 Zl,lleges, this student .public Relations Director promised her never to returr, to " ~e-,'t;Y_vser A:mt, Michael Aiter the film, the club will engage convention concerns the U.S. policy Glansarno again. F. Converso, Jr., John D. Costlow, in a French song fete, led by Betty toward Europe. There will be speech- Most of the students on campus Jr., Maurice A. Cubberly, Jr., John Bachtell and accompanied on the es, round table discussions, and for- know Mr. Phillip E. Uhrig, the Di- Members of Cast Isaac, Jack Lambert, Richard Leigh- piano by Dorothy Alexander. Accord- ums on the social, political, and eco- rector of Public Relations on the Hill. Members of the cast include: ton, Millard Les Callette, John Loper, ing to Margaret Beyer, club presi- nomic aspects of the European prob- Mr. Uhrig is originally from Tulsa, Miss Moffat .Marton Auld Lawrence Loper, Donald Makosky, dent, this will open the rehearsing Jem. Arizona, from which he graduated Morgan Evans Harry Adams Eugene Mechtly, L loy d Owens, for the annual French carol pro- with a B.A. degree with a major- in Goronwy Jones Howard Haines Thomas Page, Gordon Raver, David gram to be presented by the clu-b De- Discussion Participants anthology and a minor in geology. Miss Ronberry Rachel Ennis K. Poole, Jr., Kenneth Shook, Essell cember 12. Councilors who will participate in Following his graduation he was em- Bessie Watty .Betty Lee Robbins P. Thomas, Jr., James Thomas, Dale Canterbury Club these discussions are Gordon Craig of ployed as a ranger of the National Mrs. Watty Mary Ellen Smith Townsend, C. Wendell Young. Russ Deragon has been elected Princeton University, Frederick Dunn Park Service of Arizona. Aiter war Idwal Morris Leon Stover president of the Canterbury Club. of Yale University, Joseph Johnson was declared, Mr. Uhrig answered Sarah Pugh Peggy Stacy Pledges to the Delta Pi Alpha are: Theodore Bobelln, Alton A. Davison, Other new members include Betty of Williams College, Grayson Kirk of his country's call by enlisting in the Squire Zachary J aquette , Maynard F. Fones, Klein Haddaway, Linton, vice-president; Betty Cross- Columbia University, Donald McKay Army where he served in the Pacific Robert Robatch Bill Porter Charles Hammaker, Walter Hart, white, secretary; and treasurer, of Harvard University and Miss Ruth Giyn Thoma;> Lincoln Justice Victor Makovitch, James Marsh, Le- Charlie Pfeiffer. Russell. of Brookings Institute. Taught at New Winsor High John Owen William Dulaney roy Merritt, John Molesworth, Paul This group for Episcopal students This conference is made possible Will Hughes John Seiland Pcshkoff, Arthur Press, Edward is' taking a trip to the Washington because of a grant from the Carnegie Aiter being discharged from the -Old Tom. . .William Simpson Rydzewski, Chester Smocharski, Mar- Cathedral today. Foundation, non-governmental funds service, Mr. Uhrig came here to Car- In addition to these characters, a tin Tullai, Bert Veres. l SCA available to the academy, and aid roll County where he instructed the group of Welsh peasants will provide The last Wednesday night SCA from the Brookings Institute. students at the New Windsor High local color for the drama. Gamma Bet Pledgee meeting was a Hallowe'en party. The School. Mary Ellen Smith is stage manager Gamma Beta Chi pledges include: program included a ghost story, for- Mr. Uhrig first came to WMC to and Don Bailey, well-known on the Warren Bourquin, Jr., Blackie tune telling, bobbing for apples, and Quartet ToAppear work for his master's degree. He now campus for the past four years for Brandt, Lang Byron, Russell Dere- impromptu skits. serves the school as the Director of his originality in scenery design, is gon, Ward Glasby, James Gordon, Tomorrow the various groups af- Public Relations. His office is respon- constructing the sets for this produc- Hilliard Hayzlett, Vincent Landau, filiated with the SCA will hold separ- OnTelevision Show sible for all the publicity and publi- tion. Lionel Lee, Dick Stone, George ate meetings. Scheduled for the 16th Tickets can be purchased for 75 'I'scuprake, Ira Zepp. is a speaker from the Board of Mis- Appearing on television, station cations on the Hill. He also handles cents. of many school the sale of tickets New members of the Alpha Gamma sions and Foreign Service. WAAM, Channel 13, Monday will be functions. His interests in athletics Tau are: John Dennelly, Joe Eline, Fireside, November 6, was faculty a quartet of Western Maryland stu- promoted his appointment as coach of Music Students Give J. C. Higgins, Bill Jones, Jack Nau, night and Dr. Hendren presented a dents. This group has already given the varsity and Jt V. soccer squads. Charles Pfeiffer, Keith Radcliffe, Mar- program on ballads. A satire on radio performances in Westminster and The members of the student body, Piano, Voice Recital vin Siegel, John Spencer, ..Elwood shows has been planned for Sunday. will be one of the main attractions of through the' GOLD BUG, exte'nd a Weeks, Jr., Paul Welliver, John A special service will be held at the the Junior Show. Music students are giving a recital Wolfe, Jr. Thanksgiving Fireside, November 20. Members of Quartet sincere welcome to Miss Benneyan this afternoon in Levine Hall at 4:25 The Pledges met with their fra- Home geonomiea Club and Mr. Uhrig, and wish them suc- p. m. ternity members Friday night. Initia- Continuing a tradition of several The quartet is composed of the fol- cess in their stay on the Hill. The program includes a piano solo, tion extends until late this coming years, the Horne Economics Club sent lowing: Louis Pietroforle, first tenor; Schubert's bnpromptu Op. 90 in A Friday. Christmas gifts to children in Europe. William Sirnpjson, second tenor; Flat Major, by Betty Bachtell. Shir- This year the presents are headed to Charles Shook, baritone; and Donald ley Bankert is playing another Schu- Stanton, bass: Your Class Memorial? ,the Netherlands. A total of twenty The program on which tbe quartet bert composition, Moment Musical in six were shipped to the World Friend- is appearing is the Collegiate Talent A Fla,tMaior. by T. tc, Harrison ship Among Children. From there Tussle given for the purpose of com- Vocal selections by Bill Simpsoll they will be sent abroad where they are: Did you know you had one? It is will be distributed at Christmas time. petition among Maryland colleges. that portion of the Student Loan One group of the competitors is usual- The P08t Schubert The Raven Schubert Fuwi, contributed by the members of ly chosen from a men's college and The Story Morning Schubert your class. Have you-personally- the other from a women's college. The Martha Schaeffer is playing Bloch's made a co_ntribution? If not, why not Announcement Western Maryland College Quartet Enfa'lj.tines for the piano consisting do it now, and have a part in this will compete against a group from of: LuUaby, Joyous Party, With worthwhile work, which is adminis- Wednesday, November 23 and Hood College. Mother, and Teaging. tered by Dr. Ensor and Mr. Schaeffer. Monday, November 28, will be The program includes: Dorothy Alexander is singing the Your contribution may be dropped $5 days according to Dr. Wi!. Medley-De Animals A' Comin Cantique d' Amour by Liszt. anonymously, in your class jar, in the liam R. Ridington, chairman Daniel in the Lion's Den Kitty Lou Olewiler's vocal selec- Book Store, or may be handed to Mr. of the Absence Committee. Sol()---Nocturne by Curran tions include: Harrison, for record. The standing of These two days preceed and Louis Pietroforte Wie Melodien .zieht eS_._Brahms the classes, as of October 22, 1949, is: follow this year's Thanksgiving Monologue. . "Sam Shovel" Jewel Song from Faust __Gounod -1950 $201.52 recess. There will be no required Jay Eggly 1951 79.29 chapel service Thanksgiving Plans are being made to give a Ada Lee Hardester and Mr. Oliver . 1952 week-end. group of Western Maryland girls the Spangler are accompanyin~ the vo- 1953 same chance in the near future . Miss Jean Benneyan calists.
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