Page 11 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 11
00 Top With Blackie Boaters Click On Campus Due For FaceliFtingj Win Over Navy; H-S Homecoming Opponent Drop Next Two In its first game under the new by Blackie Brandt coach, Mr. Philip Uhrig, the varsity Sporte Editor soccer team pulled a mild upset by turning back the Navy JV squad, 2-1, For the past year or more, there has been some speculation as to the in an overtime period. Behind for changes to be made on the Western Maryland campus. It's true the .three quarters, the Hillmen tied the . is planning certain improvements, and already some parts score at one-ell on a boot by Kittels, plan have been undertaken. A new infirmary is in the process of being where it remained until George Win- and a service building was constructed. The rest of the program is frey came through to kick in the win- tentative, and as yet no definite steps are contemplated in the near future ning point in the extra chucker, carry it out. The -Drexel encounter was a dif- Admittedly, there are few colleges with a campus ferent story. Various illnesses and the such as ours, but there is room for improvement. The seat- long trip to Philadelphia took their ing facilities for the football games are outmoded and toll, and the Terror's lost by a 4-1 unsatisfactory, and lack of an adequate baseball diamond count, Drexel took a 2-0 lead in the Hllnk Corrado goes off-tackle for gllin ag_ainst Washington College C£8 Vic has long been a sore spot on the Hill. Grads returning for first quarter and scored once in both Mllkov-itch throws block. Homecoming in 1955 might find portable stands where the the third and fourth periods, while old cement .ones now stand, and a suitable diamond near Winfrey counted for the visitors in for his second goal the third quarter the farmhouse next to Hoffa Field. Just an idea now, but in as many games. Drexel made two Sho'men,' Mounts No Match it is something worthy of support. Another thing that has caused some concern among penalty shots good to account for shot proved to be the For Green And Gold Power the student body is the poor condition half of their scoring effort. the tennis courts have fallen into The penalty of late. Last summer they received JV Squad Winless deciding factor in the third straight practically no attention and have hit away game-this time against the Tullei, Gianelli, Tied For Stot" Scoring Leadership; a new low this fall. A covering of In Initial Contests University of Delaware. The Mudhens day has been promised for the next pulled it out on a last period penalty Fieldman Powers Attack In Rough Test V s. Mounts tennis season, and chances are the The frosh football team, under the kick after being outplayed for most courts may be moved to another loca- direction of Coach Bruce Ferguson, of the contest. The Western Mary- Washington College came to Westminster, October 15 to test Western tion and all-weather courts installed has drawn a blank in the three games land goalie, Al Grimes, made some Maryland's rejuvenated football team. The Terrors, just fresh from a one- in the near future. played to date; but this record isn't spectacular saves; and in fact, the sided victory over Lebanon Valley the previous week, smothered the inept On the gridiron front, the Horne- indicative of the squad's potentialities. whole defensive unit, led by Jim Chestertown eleven quickly, and went on to win by a 39 to 6 count. coming game with Hampden-Sydney, The opener was played away Hackman, turned in a fine effort. Mitch Tullai doubled his point total in this game to capture the State and attendant festivities, highlight against Baltimore Junior College, and The JV's played their first game, scoring leadership, while Joe Gianelli crossed the goal line once to assume the weekend of October _29. The the Baby Terrors came out on the on October 20 against Gettysburg. the runner-up position. Tigers, from Hampden-Sydney, Vir- short end of a 19-13 score. They The junior booters exhibited power Tullai started it off by taking a reverse from Stan Fieldman and scamper- ginia, will come to Westminster minus seemed to have the contest well under and speed in the clinches in turning ing 16 yards to paydirt. The dark-haired speedster folIo;"ed this with a six- the service of their Little All-Ameri- control until the final quarter, when back the visitors by 2-1 margin. Jack yard jaunt around end for the second marker, and set up the third touchdown can fullback, Lynn Chewning, but their opponents rang up three quick Marsh and Harris LeFew looked by an interception at midfield. Gianelli capped this drive by taking a Corrado still in possession of a good first team tallies. The visitors had established especially good, while Dick Clower uass and twisting 20 yards to make the score 19 to O. plus fair reserves. They had one of an early lead on touchdown runs by played well in the nets. Washington College came back to score its only touchdown on a pass their best seasons last year, compil- Charlie Sykes and Mike Rentko, but play that covered 75 yards; but it was only a gesture, as the Green and Gold ing a aix.won, two-lost, and one-tie the warm weather and lack of ade- had the contest well in hand from the outset. record j and this year they expect to quate reserves took victory from their Before the half ended, Tullai had do even better. The Garnet and Gray grasp. scored again, this time on a five-yard New Regulatioris have a nine-game schedule, of which The first home game found the heave from Hank Corrado. At the Western Maryland is the sixth and frosh dropping a hard-fought 6-0 half it was WMC: 26; Wash. Col.: ~. In Touch Football probably strongest opponent; but only game to Montgomery Junior College The Sho'men couldn't do anything Injuries, rough rumors two others are Mason-Dixon repre- on Hoffa Field. The difference seemed right, and in the third quarter Tilo created such a furor play, after and the first sentatives. to be in the passing attack, but the Margarita crashed through to block week of intramural football that play In the only two previous encounters Terror running game showed much a punt, which was recovered by the against the Terrors, in '46 and '47, the promise. Terrors on their opponents' 20 yard was auepended for a week, from last Tigers lost by 38 to 6 and 26 to 0 On October 19, the Gettysburg JV stripe. Corrado then' smashed over for Monday to yesterday. scores. came for a visit, and went away with the fifth TD, taking two defenders On the casualty list thus far are On the side-Several people have a 27-6 triumph. Harlowe Henderson with him on the way. The tinal tally Jerry Smith of the Bachelors and Joe asked what happened to the Novem- made the only touchdown for the was made by Chuck Kobosko, who Keenan of the Preachers. Jerry suf- ber 5 date with Catholic University. losers, which was set up by a long took a five-yard paaa from Paul Ter- fered a badly broken nose while Joe That was a tentative arrangement, Sykes to Durst pass . reshinski in the closing minutes. Keenan had the misfortune to break . and it was found later that a meeting his shoulder. was impossible this year between the Mounts Mashed A special conference of the Athletic two squads because of scheduling dif- the job as trainer for St. Paul's Mount St. Mary's came to town the Commission and Charlie Havens, di- ficulties. Catholic U. will be back next school in Baltimore, but his close following Saturday, hopped up for an rector of the administration-sponsored year.-Julie Dyke, all-around athlete friend, Charlie Havens, prevailed upset. Instead, they went home on intramural program, produced many at Western Maryland, had an ap- upon him to come and help out at the short end of a 32-0 score. It was rule changes to safeguard the physical pendicitis operation performed shortly W~~~~~l~la~~ .. Boyer is selling Mitch. Tullai one of the roughest and most unusual welfare of the players. before school started; but it didn't Sophomore FIllsh. has been 'lnlJ,insillY games ever played on Hoffa Field. Through its chairman, Jay Lock- prevent him from donning a football some very fine sports apparel at re- in. Terror backfield Illl s~ason. The Saints (1) lost a total of 108 man, the Athletic Commission an- uniform at the first possible moment. duced prices just inside Gill Gym. yards on penalties, while Western nounced the four most important rule -This year, instead of an All-Mary- Maryland was set back 90 yards for changes: land team, it will be an All-Mason- the same reason. (1) A 15 yard penalty results in an Dixon aggregation. man As for the game itself, Stan Field- immediate loss of the ball at the spot ground attack led a crushing Shop at that netted 244 yards and two touch- where the foul was committed. (2) Ball becomes dead immediately Boyer New Trainer downs, while Hank Corrador passed upon touching ground (so players for two scores and Julie Dyke, one. don't break each others necks diving Jim Boyer has been associated with Leo Lathroum broke into the scoring the athletic department here at Rosenstock's column late in the first quarter on a for possession of fumbles). announced be must (3) Kicking Western Maryland for more than pass from Corrado, and in the second and executed; linemen are not permit- fifteen years, but 1949 marks the first period this same pair counted again ted to charge until ball is in the air. year he has operated as full-time and be on a similar play that covered 14 trainer for the football squad. yards. (4.. Downtield body blocking is Mr. Boyer joined Stan Fieldman, who personally ac- now illegal; only the head and the U. S. Navy counted for more than half the home shoulders can be used to block. after graduating IISUIT -ed" team's total yardage gained on the To compensate for the offensive from Baltimore ground, powered a Terror drive that handicaps created by the new rules, City College in brought the ball to the %-yard stripe, the playing field has been widened 1927, and was as- from where he dove over for the third from 50 to 60 yards. As a result of signed to the Navy to a marker. this widening, games can and will now Academy as assist- In the final quarter the Green and be played on Hoffa field. ant trainer of the Gold scored three times; but a great varsity football falling catch of a touchdown pass '!?y team. After receiving his discharge, Walt Hart .rrom Corrado was nullified Jim took a fling at pro baseball with T by a backfield-in-motion penalty. Just Martinsburg of the Blue Ridge before this, Gianelli had scored after League (as a shortstop). Unfortun- taking a pitchout and running beauti- ately, a knee .lnjurv cut short his fully for 44 yards and the goal line. playing career, but didn't prevent Later in the period, Gianelli scored him from umpiring in the local Formation I again on a 16-yard pass from Julie Carroll County League. His friendship with Jack Ogden, Dyke. then general manager of the Balti- more Orioles, got him a position urn- CARROLL COUNTY'S FASHION CENTER piring their exhibition games, and 1937 found him working the Eastern Orders for Shore League. From here Boyer PERSONALIZED moved to the International circuit, and Rosenstock's after a brief stay was bought by the CHRISTMAS CARDS American Association, officiating in two Little World Series while there. Ladies' Shop now being taken Finally, in the Fall of '43 he was sold to the American League. Dur- P. G. COFFMAN CO. ing the course of his tenure in that GIYIUJ Fra1lk loop, he worked the 1947 All-Star 1 67 East Main St. I Times Building . game and the Dodger-Yankee World ._W~.t;ipiM'*:r!~-~4: ~Don't -forget pep rally at Alumfti 6:45 P_ M. Series of the same year. Hall.·olf.Frldq, The winter seasons -found--Ilim -ea ia .tore tol" aU.
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