Page 10 - TheGoldBug1949-50
P. 10
The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1949 Pins'n Points I "Pussqtootinq In And Around" I Uppermost in the mind of one Official studen~ newspaper 01 W .. tern Mary- Why should a college with an WMC eoed, at least, is the Sadie Perhaps it's because autumn is ing his affections. Naturally, these land College, published •• JU\-monthl,. on Fd- accredited m u sic department here and the brisk chill in the air people don't have the same amount of d,.y, during OClober, l'!"0vemher, January, Hawkins Dance. The other day she February, March and Apr,l, and monthly dur- have the same alma mater tune appeared at hoekey praetice in makes people a little more active, or "sex-appeal" as do those that Al Capp ~~g .~::~dm~i!~" D~~i:~erat ·{',fes:;i~s:rntP:.1 as that of a large university? All "sawed-off" blue jeans, Daisy Mae perhaps it's ~cause there are some draws; but we do the best with what Office, under Ihe Ad of Much S, 1879. words for these school songs fol- fashion. Corne November 5, let's see a big doings up on the Hill these coming we have, I guess. low the same sentimental trend; few weeks ... whatever it is, people Then again, there's Pappy Yokum. Member however, it is only fair that the fair display of this rustic costume. on campus seem to be moving a little Mammy's turnip patch had nothing Associated Collegiate Press students should be able to hum Overheard in the dining hall: faster and sometimes they even rush on last year's grill, according to in- "Do a btrd's legs bend forward like 8abllerlptlon Priee 12.00 • Year an original melody. human arms, or backward like legs?" around like old "Crazy Legs Kelly" formation from some of my friends who were in the habit of cleaning up Upon going to a game, the op- himself. ponent's band always bursts Take, fer instance, the office in everything dropped from the tables, EDITORIAL STAFF which I make my home . , . and I despite heated competition from a forth with our alma mater-and "Well, a btrd's frontiegs-" ~:!~~f~I!·~hJf:or '.': .: :Na~ey~/nk~r:::: :~~ it is nothing less than humilia- The question of the day seems to white bitch who had to. support her Managing Editor ••.. Mickey Harde.ter, '50 puppies behind the football stands. Jo Koehler, '50 ting to hear the same song of be, "Just what is a Green Terror?" ·::::::.~~~~ll!!eIBa::~::~~ Cornell. At pep rallies and as- Pappy always managed to get away ~!~:rEli:!:!:r. Activities at the Homeeoming game with a turnip or two, and the grill Jack Loper, 'S2 semblies before noted speakers, have promise of revealing this in Sports Editnr. .. . ...•. Peggy Brown, '51 we swing and sway to the same wasn't far behind with blanks when BIBckie Brandt, '51 more ways than one. Watch closely N"lft-Feature Editor ••.•. Mickey Rupert, '51 music as that of the school up inventory time came around at the Alice Yearl.y, 'SI and then draw your own conclusions. beginning of the month. (lopy Editor. . ...•• Stan Bowlshey, 'S2 in New York state. There are "So They Cut DoWn the Old Pine Oartoonlst ... . ...•. Pat McLaren, '51 seven members on the music de- As far as costumes for this occasion Phol<>gnpher ., •.•••.... Allan Albert, '53 Tree"-and they" carried it off to the are concerned, why must they specify Typing Edilon Janioo Ben.on, '51 partment faculty. It is nothing Ril .. Ludwig, '50 less than a reflection of their municipal playground. All WMC stu- that the people are supposed to come BUSINESS STAFF ability that WMC'ers should be dents who remember the large, gaily~ dressed "'Dogpateh style"? Don't at Bu_iIleR. Manager Edward Wright, '50 singing a borrowed school song, lighted Christmas tree on Pennsyl- least half of the men on eampus run Aut. Bu.ineR. Manager .. Betty LovelBee, '51 vania avenue will have to travel to around in dungarees and old shirts? Everyone of these people are very *;~~:!i:lta"nn..~ga~r.•......•·.l,~~O.w:P~l~!~ capable teachers and un- its new location to see it this season. Maybe they do wear shoes, but that's doubtedlw could write a new With that memorable land-mark now only because the climate here is worse REPORTERS melody. They have never been gone, it is no wonder they have in- than that of Dogpatch. But despite Steve AdBm., Run _Deng"", Bobb,. Davison, stalled double red lights at the fork this fact, we did have one guy around Elaine Goldblatt, Bll! Henry, Ed Nordb,., requested to do so! But why? We might remark in passing that I can't D"ri. Reck, D"ri. RothhRupt, Betty MRe are all past our high school days; of the roads. last year who did away with the con- Shepter, Betty Simpson, Ph,.1l!. Smith, Gil help it if I have B. O.! .. , anyway, Stange, Jim Sullivan, Joyce WaITen, Jean this is one time when tradi- the whole staff is frantically prepar- vention of wearing socks ... some- Wilke., Estelle Zei... tionalism should be thrown out Among those of our faculty recog- ing for the Sadie Hawkins Dance. times he even went bare-footed .. of the window. nized off campus is Dr. Thomas Mar- Although I wasn't around this time but that's almost in the realm of A petition has been circulating shall who spoke on the Gothic Influ- last year, not having yet applied for legend. ... Letter To The Editor through the dormitories this ence in Poe at Enoch Pratt Library my citizenship papers to the cat Ki~kapoo Jo.y for Happy Joe week, Obviously there is student fortunate enough to make a killing their and Lonesome Polecat, Infirmary Comment interest in thejPrOVement. on October 19. world, some of my friends who were Joe, And how can we overlook Hairless I feel this letter is in order due to After consuming two full cans of on spilled coke tell me that last year's Kickapoo Joy Juice? Look at most of the many derogatory remarks I have Stuff Around the Campus Puss and Boots Cat Food, the GOLD dance was a howl. Of course, in our the G. L's on campus ... their checks heard concerning the new infirmary. It was good to see a male BUG's Aunt Clarence disappeared to language we take that literally. What don't come in till the beginning of I have participated in many group cheerleader out at the game gather up a good scoop for this issue. they really mean is that the dance the month, and there's a whole ka- discussions condemning the new man- Saturday, but it was very disap- Just goes to show what a well-fed kit- was the cat's meow, or the eat's boodle of 'em who'd give 01' Hairless agement. Now I wish to take the time pointing for all to have to listen ten can do. {She did, eventually, re- whiskeTs. plenty of competition right now. Ask to reveal the good service I received to that "Red Light" and "Boom, turn ~o the hand that feeds her.) From all appearances, this year the Westminster barbers ... they've during my three-day stay in the in- Boom" as an indication of looks like it'll be. a repeat perfor- been living on bread and water firmary last week. Western Maryland spirit. How mance. But I don't seem to fully un- (gruel on Sundays) this past month. The nurses proved very efficient, about some new cheers! ... In a more serious vein, now, all or- derstand why they have to celebrate Must I say much about Kickapoo and they used every means to make Don't forget the pep rally Fri- ganization heads on the Hill. please the . day ... goodness knows we Jey Juice? Joe and Lonesome had me comfortable. Temperatures were day evening as the initial hap. take a word of advice. There have have a Dogpatch all our own right their cave, but we go them one better taken regularly and medicine was pening of the Homecoming been many hard feelings and misun- here on the Hill. I see the Daisy Mae- and brew ours in a pit! At least that's administered with clockwise precision. Weekend ... How about that derstandings recently because the L'il Abner romance going on all the what it sounds like from local con- The food was horne-cooked (ineident- drill team that visited us from proper authorities have not been-no- time. One poor little girl throws out versation. I could very easily be ly, it was very good), and fruit juices Fort ~yers, Va.? Looked good, tified when and where programs and her heart to some big bruiser; and wrong. were given four times a day to every our men now know just how activities are to take place. In the though he doesn"t have a Salomey, patient. sharp one outfit can look . . . future, please notify the Aetivities there's always something else hold- I didn't find the motherly atmos- That Terror team is the bestest Committee and the person in charge phere "Mom" Griffin offered, but there in the land . . . It is up to of the place concerned, in advance, wae the effid:9'J:':1 that cc:alpeflsated every loyal Western Marylander before holding a meeting of an¥ kind. current business. The SGA should like for the home touch and that will un- to give them his complete back- These "unwritten rules" may be to request that all organization heads doubtly lead to a very good infirmary. ing in the three remaining en- posted in the near future, but in the make an honest effort to try to re- Mary Lou Schanze counters , . . See ya! ! meantime, take heedl by Joe Fowler member to give Miss Parker and Mrs. Final plans for Homecoming week Jefferson (Blanche Ward and McDan- respectively) iel reasonable notice WMC Faculty Corner: "T oday's Peripatetics" end are now being drawn up by the ahead of time whenever they plan to Student Government. With the cooper- ation of all the organizations assured, make use of Blanche Ward Gym and Evelyn W. Wenner McDaniel Lounge. Permission must we expect to have a gala week end be secured ahead of time from the Present focus on contributions to marked his intellectual life and moti- period-has seen a revival of student this year. Every organization has Activities Committee but a great deal the World Student Serviee Fund pro- vated his quest. One playful poem be- activity which invites thrilling apecq- been assigned a particular spot on of confusion will be avoided if some- vides a reminder that the cause of gins thus: . lation regarding the possibilities of a campus to decorate. The Student Gov- one stops in and checks with Miss WSSF is only part of a great and "I and Pangur Ban my cat, new great Renaissance. Foreign stu- ernment is again offering three prizes Parker and Mrs. Jefferson to see if highly heartening tradition. Like their 'Tis a like task we art at: dents in large numbers have come to for these decorations. A loving cup they have been notified o.f the ocea- classical and medieval counterparts, Hunting mice is his delight, the schools and colleges of the United will be awarded to the organization sion. students of today are seeking knowl- Hunting words I sit all night." States, and many American students making the best all-round display. edge in far places; and in many other are seeking educational advantages in Second prize, a card table, will be Secondly, an application must be The humanist succeeded the goliard, ways, are affirming their belief in the but the exchange of knowledge went other lands. History provides its given to the group making the display submitted to the Activities. Committee whenever dances, informals, or get to- possibilities of international coopera- on. Erasmus, Pclydore Vergil, and analogues for the present movement, which took the most time and effort, gethers, etc., are planned in the tion. Undismayed by diplomatic stale- Bernard Andre came to England; but offers no exact parallels. Though and an album of records will be Lounge or the two gyms. This ap- mates and by prophecies of world dis- More and William Lyly studied on the traveling students of today receive awarded to the originators of the aster, they are resuming and expand- continent. Nationalistic emphasis and eneouragement in their quest and the most humorous display. The decora- plication should be approved before ing the age-old exchange of cultural United States Government has insti- tions will be judged by three members any advertising of the event is begun. and intellectual benefits, the hostilities of later times curtailed tuted a Cultural Cooperation Plan, of the faculty-Miss Benneyan, Miss The rules are few and simple. Let's but did not destroy the continuity. O'Rourke, and Dr. Huber; and the keep this in mind the next time we do The movement has always had its The English student and later the many students are here on their own judging will probably take place any planning. own orbit quite apart and beyond con- American student continued to regard initiative and receive no 'aid at all. troversies of isms and creeds. It has the "grand tour" as an essential part Still many others are studying at about 12 noon. flourished under many different orders of their education. home in war-devastated areas" and are Each organization has also been a decorated car of church and state. Having had the In this story of the traveling relying for relief and assistanee on asked to enter preeeding the football in Westminster Laundry parade the encouragement of rulers who sought scholar and of the sharing of knowl- the great brotherhood which now game. Those taking part are to as- to build great nations, it yet reached edge, Western Maryland College has seems to aspire towards and almost to semble on Green. Street by 12:45. The Laundry and Dry Cleaning a heyday under the hegemony of a played a small but none the less dis- attain the status of a world univer- parade will proceed down Green Pick Up And Delivery world-minded medieval regime. tinguished part. A quick glimce over sity. Street, turning up Bond to Main and old catalogues reveals that this col- Spirit of Exchange. Goes On then to. the football field. The SG-A Service Western Maryland Plays a Part lege has its own history of visiting ho.pes to have the school band and a in students. The school roster for the The tide of students flowing from town band marching in the parade; Great names and familiar stories year 1869 (two years after the college other countries to Ameriea is matched Basement of Old Main mark the progress of the movement. was founded) carries the name of by almost equally sJ;rong currents in and, of course, the freshmen will be Alfred the Great and Charlemagne Antonio W. Da Silva, of Santos, Bra- co.unter directions. The Veterans Ad- there too. time, the Homecoming half At saw the national benefits which are zil. Subsequent lists include the names ministration lists more than a thou- made possible by the exehange of cul- of students from the West Indies, sand schools in various countries that Queen and her court will present ture and knowledge. Both called into from Japan, China, Siam, India, are approved for study under the G.I. flowers to Mrs. Ensor. Following this, Compliments their service noted scholars of various Sweden, and Denmark. Misso Tsune Bill of Rights. The Fulbright Aet and the freshmen will entertain for a of short time; and this will be climaxed lands. Alcuin of York and Abelard of Hirata, graduate of the class of 1890 the more recent Smith-Mundt Act by a tug~of-war between the freshmen Paris, .though separated by eenturies, and native of Yokohama, Japan, is open up possible exchange on an un- 1. C. Penney Co., Inc. played their part in the continuity of pictured in a group photograph re- and the sophomores. Should the frosh student ex.change. The traveling cently reprinted in the Baltimore precedented scale. win, they will be permitted to discard scholar of the Middle Ages-the goli- Sunday Sun. Students now here do The wandering scholar of earlier their beanies. ard and the 1JagU8-has become a not need to be reminded that our last days took his scrip and his staff and Homecoming will be brought to a well-known and romantie part of the year's May Queen, Miss ~elen Lin- went to sit at the feet of his chosen close with the Homecoming Dance sponsored by the Black and Whites in medieval tradition. Songs and lyrics dahl, was a native of Katrinholm, teacher. Students of today travel by Gill Gym. During the dance, the Meet at of the goliards have been preserved in Sweden. ship and, whenever possible, by plane; sufficient number and variety to indi- but the spirit and purposes are much Queen and her court will be present* PETE'S ed, and Dr. Ensor will crown Betty cate that the scholar's interest has The Thirst fo.r Knowledge Unquenched the same. The difference is in the di- White as Homecoming Queen. So let's nQt been exclusively mental. Home- mensions of the movement. sickness, eonviviality, love-making- Wars and international hostilities make Saturday a day long remem- interpretations Various pos- are now to see the these and many other familiar con- have not greatly impeded the inter- sible, but the signs are good. When bered. Make plans WMC beat Hamp- To Get Your Eats paradE, to watch cerns of student life are recorded in change of knowledge among countries Main St. Red Neon Sign these peems, which though expressing or even fully di_ss.olvedthe -world fra- the vagantes appear, knowledge is den-SydI\ey, and to attend the big the. emotional side.-pf tbe~1!tuder).r.1I ternity of s~uden.t_s,.Theprel!ent cen- stirring. A Renaissance seems inuUl- .-dance.later-in the evening. life, partake of_ tbe:·· ~n~nstty _·:that~ tury-in particulit:r- this Post war nent. Let us loo~to the fllture.. --"--n::nd--n:ow;--let's-gee--d-owrr-w-'S"ome