Page 36 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 25, 1949 SCA Group Studies Oliver Splngl.,r, Pianist, Civil Rights Address Will Give Recital Feb. 29 What A Gill President Truman's State of the Salurday.Fobru~ry26- Mr. Oliver Spangler, of the music _ by Mary Jane. Price Union Address is the current subject Su!~~;~I'F~~~~~~n~7~pk;""away. department, will give his annual piano recital next Tuesday, 8:15 p. m. in The 10 o'clock bell in McDaniel Hall inevitably brings echoes ;~rt t~:in::~iel;·o;:::;ne~heWit~rs: Tu~ri~:~~"M¥~C:\:Wrighl. Bnker Chapel. Alumni Hall. A varied program from several d~o~~~gf~~~~i~~evb~~~i~! ~~ ~~~t:mPh~~i~~~nr~r~~ifO~l:na;~~~~ st;~e O~\:~Vi;e:!~:~~g programs un- w!d7£:t;~~;~€:h::ngler, Alumni Hall, periods of composition which will in- clude Bach's Italian Concerto, a ca~~I~~~y::kuepn~v~~r~it~~~e~~la~fhave YOU. - ~~: C~:~r~ig~:S ~~;~:~e :~:c:~~!~s ~!k~~'J~4:S";:~~~i~:c:::~~y:e::l:~~a::: Brahms Sonata in F Minor, Scotch dormitory life, she is well acquainted bulary with technical terms from her Maryland and the status of the negro ThT~~~~~'m~~~,..i~li"Unh'ersily, Poem and Of Br'er Rabbit by Mac- with all varieties of culprits includ- course in child care and more practi- in employment in Maryland. One of b'riday. March 4_ Dowell, Valse .. La Plu.s que Lente by ing bulb-snatchers, noise makers, and cal ones learned from her small niece. the speakers for the first discussion Sn~:~d.n;,m~(a~n~~i" Unive .. i~y, away. Debussy, and Chopin's Polonaise in A late comers-giving her prompt atten- A wonderful girl with the right slant will be the first negro admitted to SU~d~;~nM:~~h""i?~hO\iCUniversity. awol'. Flat has been chosen by Spangler. Graduated from Otterbein College, ~~i~lstoW:~~h:~dd:t;:;~i::~~:~ya!o~:: on life is our gal Phyl. fa~d~:~tinS;hi~o~o i~e ~:;~~:~~. p!~~Mo~ll~!'M;~c:l. 7:1 Ehlers, Baker Chapel, Westerville, Ohio, Spangler went on of the "few things" she has to say. presented by the interest group which IRQ,. M~Dnn;elJ..ounge,7-8 P. m. to obtain his masters of music degree At other times of the day she serves is studying the problem at the pre- w~~~~~~aul~.Kr~~has~"__Week. from the Peabody Conservatory of i;'~ve~~!~=:!minto~~i Music. He has studied with Pascuale ;san~~~ o~c:,r:~' se~Oili:ei·ng these, ther-e will be a Th~r::!~~~~M~~:~~~~~tT~c~;.~~.kor Chapel Tallarico and Jacques J olas. Prior to his work at Western Maryland, he "her girls". ::~~:i::,~:::1~s~g;:7~cl~~e~~i:I~::~ _ Fr&:I~i~~~~~m~;~~e.~V;iC~:~~ker Chapel was a member of the Catawba College • Education Student sent prospects of the Socialized Medi- JU",or PluY$, AlummHan, 8:15 P. m. faculty in North Carolina and taught Guard Organization privately in Harrisburg, Pa. sp:nSt ~~l" e:;s~ati:enme::~:e~;~v!~:~ ~:i~IP~;g:~~is;uhS:i~:co~: ~o:~~:,er~;~ :~~k,,;;:c~~;~~ ~~eC;!~~:i~~!:' ;;h;~: po~~~~:~:: ~~C!~~z:~s:~:!~!:\re al- Announces Openings education department. They must ready at work on the barn dance Battery C of 110th Field Artillery Everybody Is Welcome have a-ppreciated her friendly and un- which will be given at the end of "My Battalion of "the National Guard an- To Stop In At ~e:~:n:;~:. ~:;u~e t~~~:d~~ ~i~~~a;: ~:~~~o;'~~t~ ~:~ :ee:: ~~o!!~r~~a~;~ :~;nc~~i:o~::i~:~~:s t~n !~~i~~e~st::: among her "trophies of the battle" a man of the recreational and social and officers. Margaret & Earl's ~::~~ie~r:~:nfee:f~:\;;'~iC~a~:rr:li;~ iea:t~t~~eth~o;:n~ft~::' ~:heiC~a,sW~~los~: Vacancies exist for radio men, £0< our busy English major plans to teach announced later. This is to be the ;:~~~~-b:~~d r~~:;;!~:s i~n~h:o:u~~:; SANDWICHES- upon her graduation from WMC, but first barn dance of the year, complete insists that the fact has no connection with caller. The group premises an division. Further information is avail- SOFT DRINKS whatsoever with her affection for evening packed full of fun for all. able at the Westminster armory, cats, especially her favorite, "Bum" PhyUi8 Alexander Monday from 7:30 to 10:00 p. m. and on Fridays from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 and their association with old maid p. m. school teachers. to Junior Plays Satisfactory service in the Nation- Afflicted with a strange allergy Religion In Life al Guard pays full time wages in ac- alarm clocks, Phyl continually com- (Continued from page 1, column 5) Sunday, March 6 cordance with army scales as well as plains that there is so little time to Dr. Lowell Ensor follow her favorite pastime, sleeping, gave the initial performance of this Chapel service exempting a man from the draft. However, in spite of the fact that she stirring drama in 1918. Men subject to the Conscription Act has "so much work to do, I don't know The cast of Where the Cross is --Monday. March 7 of 1948 will be interested in the where-to start," she always gets an Made is as follows: Mrs. Gladys Walser availability of the positions. National amazing amount of things ac- Captain Isaiah Bartlett "Political action is a neces~ Guard service exempts newly com- complished with the greatest ef· William Porter saJ·y tool in organized society missioned ROTC officers from a 21 ficiency. Nat Bartlett, his son__Donald Lichty -where does religion fit in 7" month tour of duty upon graduation. Sue Bartlett, his daughter 7.00 p. m., McDaniel Lounge Alfred Yuglinski and Del Warheim • Hails From Frostburg Wednesday, Marcb 9 have been assigned to administrative Charlotte Goodrich And when we say that she gets Dr. Higgins ._" Duane Saltzgaver Dr. Edwin B. Jarrett, M.D. positions in the \Vestminster National ,things done, we mean she was Silas Horne, mate . Sherm Garrison "A doctor looks at religion". Guard Division. After having had the not chosen t6 represent WMC in Cates, bos'n . ._Jay Eggly 7.00 p. m., McDaniel Lounge two-year course in advanced ROTC from RCA Victor Who'e Who in American CoUegeB Jimmy Kanaka, harpooner Thursday, March 10 011 campus, the two Western Mary_ merely because she is an "habitual Lincoln Justice Mr.W.NorrisWeis land men have received their second Far Away Places dean's lister", her activities on the Eugene O'Neill once wrote to the "Does religion contribute to Lieutenant commissions which will On A Slow Boat To China Hill are outstanding. Besides being drama critic George_ Jean Nathan education?" qualify them for the Officers Reserve Lavender Blue vice-president of Phi Alpha Mu sor- concerning this play: 7.00 p. m., McDaniel Lounge Corps. And Bows ority, she is also secretary of the "It was great fun to write, theatri- Saturday, March 12 Buttons Powder Your Face senior class, a member of the cally very thrilling, an amusing Barn Dance With Sunshine Argonauts and of SGA. experiment in treating the audience Blanche Ward Gym 8:00 p. Good Health A Little Bird Told Me In answer to the question, "Where as insane." Crusing Down The are you from?" "Aleck" proudly reo The curtain rises at 8:15 p. m. To . River plies, "I'm from that town in God's Needles $1.50 $1.00, SOc country, commonly known as Frost- All burg, the city of churches and oars, population 7,962, a place of paradise From Radio- ... and don't ask me if I'm going back there!" (The answer is "No!") Electronics Another comment frequently heard AFTER EXERCISE REXALL from Phyl is, "I think I've got claustrophobia. I can't stand this 14 W. Main St. penned-in feeling. If I weren't house Phone 703 president, I'd advocate the "open- REFRESH YOURSELF door policy." Her neat appearance and well-pois- ed manner encourages one to delve in- to the underlying qualities of Phyl's charming personality. Already well versed in the English language, she Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays and is rapidly expanding her large voca- Holidays; Holidays; Sunday Matinees: 2 alld 4 Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. p. m. Evening sbow 9 p. m. Week Matinee 2 p. m.-Evenings 7 & 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 4:30 p. m. SAT., FEB. 26 Attention Graduates FRI.. SAT., FEB. 25, 26 CHALLENGE OF THE RANGE Order Engraved Calling THE KISSING BANDIT Charles Starett Smiley Burnette Cards Early Kathryn Grayson Frank Sinatra Also Engraved Wedding SUN., MON., TUES., FEB. 27, 28, MAR. 1 Invitations and SUN., MON., TUES., THE ACCUSED Announcements FEB. 27, 28, MAR. 1 Loretta Young Robert Cummings THE SNAKE PIT P. G. COFFMAN CO. Olivia DeHavileand Mark Stevens WED., MAR. 2 FRONTIER Times Bldg. Randolph Scott MARSHALL Kelly Nancy City WED., THUR., MAR. 2, 3 SEALED VERDIer THURS., FRI., MAR. 3, 4 Ray 1.Iilland Florence Marly BRING THEM BACK ALIVE Frank Buck FRI., SAT., MAR. 4, 5 SAT., MAR. 5 WESTMINSTER'S JUNGLE JIM HIDDEN DANGER FAMILY Johnny Weismuller Virginia Gray Johnny MacBrown RESTAURANT SUN., MON., TUES., MAR. 6, 7, 8 SUN .• MON., TUES., MAR. 6, 7, 8 WHISPERING SMITH Edmond FIGHTER SQUADRON Stack Robert O'Brien Benny's Kitchen Allan Ladd Brenda Marshall WED., MAR. 9 Technicolor MAN FROM TUMBLEWEEDS WED., THUR., MAR. 9, 10 Bill Elliot 'Where old friends meet NO MINOR VICES THUR., FRI., MAR. 10. 11 and like to eat Dana Andrews Louis Jordan SLIGHTLY FRENCH Lili Palmer Dorothy Lamour Janice Carter 59 W. Main St., Westminster Don Ameche IOmED UNDEJI AutHORITY Of TKE COCA..(;OV. COMPANY IY FRI., SAT., MAR. 11, 12 SAT., MAR 12 Phone 654-J WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTUNG CO., INC. THREE GODFATHERS GUN SMUGGLERS o 1948,Th.Coc"·Cal,,C-pa""f John Wayne Ward Bond Tim Holt
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