Page 37 - TheGoldBug1948-49
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Libr§ry· I'lestern Maryland 9011ege "':e~t01inster, Md. PERSONALITY WINTER SPORTS SKEfCH LEADERS PAGE 4 .PAGE 3 Vol. 26, No. 10 VVESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E~._VV__E_ST_M__m_S_T_E_R~._M_D_.~ ~M~a~rC~h~I~I~.~1~9~49 Formal Military Ball Features Trostle's Name Band To Ted Shawn To Offer Solo Orchestra Next Saturday In Gill Gym Be Highlight Of Dance Program March 22 Music by Don Trostle and his orchestra will be the feature at- Pan-Hel Dance traction of the coming Military Ball to be held on next Saturday in "Father Of Modern American Dance" Translates Gill Gymnasium, from 8 :15 p. m. until 11 :45 p. m. Social life on the Hill promises to Following the usual tradition, the dance will be formal (prefer- Religious Expression Into Medium Of The Dance red) and will be a corsage dance. The Military Ball is an invitation hit an all time high with the appear- ance of a nationally known band to be dance, and engraved invitations can . featured at the annual Pun-Hellenic Presenting a program of solo dances, Ted 'Shawn historic- be secured from any cadet officer, dance on May 7 in Gill Gymnasium. modern dancer, will appear on the stage of Alumni Hall, 'March 22, a~r which students may buy their Stern Heads New Replacing the May Day dance this 8:15 p. m. ' Having toured Australia in 1947 where he was widely acclaim- tickets at $2.00 per couple in Mc- affair is sponsored by the foul' local ed, Mr. Shawn is presenting for the first time a solo dance tour in or from any member of ROTC. The Teaching Fraternity fraternities and four sororities. this country. Daniel and Blanche Ward Hall offices invitations may be kept as souvenirs. Among the musical artists who have His program will include the fol- The first meeting of the new teach- been contacted are Carman Cavallero, lowing: Invocation to the Thundor- Trostle was a student on the Hill ing fraternity was held in McDaniel Glen Grey, Shep Fields, and Blue bird, Bat'earolle, 0 Brother Sun and and a member of the Black-and-White Lounge Sunday, February 27. Baron. Sister Moon!, The lIIevlevi Demieh, fraternity before his transfer last For many years the education de- It has been announced by the joint four dances based on American Folk September to Lebanon Valley. Six partment has struggled to launch a Inter-fraternity and Inter-sorority Music: "Sheep'n Goat Walkin' to the members of his jS-piece orchestra professional teaching organization at council that this affair is strictly an Pasture", "Nobody Knows de Trouble have played in big name bands. Stu- Western Maryland College. The idea experiment and will not be allowed to I've Seen", "Give Me that Old Time dents who have heard him and his behind this organization was to fa- set a precedent for the other org'aniza- Religion", and "The Battle Hymn of vocalist have commented very favor- miliarize the students with the practi- the Republic"; Dance 0/ a Cretin ably on his Stan Kenton arrange- tions. The tentative charge for the Priest be/ro-e the Snolce Goddess, menta. cal aspects of teaching and also to dance has been set at foul' dollars, bring together all those students in- and the music will continue from 8 :45 "Turkey in the Straw", Cutting the Grand March At 9 :00 terested in teaching long before their to 12:00. Jay Brewington has been Suga?' Cane, and F'Iamevco Dances. Ted Shawn, dubbed the "Father The Grand March will begin at single semester of education in the named chairman of the dance commit- Modern American Dance" by the lead- of !):OO p. m. George Davis, Jim Leonard, Senior year. tee. ing dance critics, maintains an his- and David Jones, who are in charge Last week this organization was set All profits wiJl be allocated to the torical position of dancer, choreo- of the decorations, plan to follow the up with an approximate membership building of a new infirmary. To offset grapher, author, lecturer, and educa- cUBtomary~military theme, highlighted of 70 students present. The new chap- the expected demand for tickets, only tor. Now at the age of fifty-six, he by a big drum. Other committees and ter, in honoring the former head of students, faculty members, and alum- has been dancing for thirty-seven their chairmen include: Orchestra-c- the Western Maryland Education de- ni will be allowed to attend. years, and has had an extensive Henry Muller, Ernie Leap, Guy partment, Dr. Alvy Isanogle, has ad- career of varied initiatives. Smith, and Jim Hackman; Invitations opted the name of this educator in -AI Bright and Marshall Engle; naming their organization. SCA To Sponsor Barn First American Dance School Publicity-Homer Earll and George At the first meeting the guest Ted Shawn reveu,ls his interpretation At one time a theological student, Winfrey; Clean-up-Bert Veres. speakers were Dr. Isanogle and Mil- Dance Tomorrow Night 0/ "Battle Hym,n 0/ the Republic". Shawn, finding that his vocal expres- This will be the first use of str-ict- son Ravel', very prominent in connec- sion was equal to that of his body, Iy formal invitations since before the tion with the Ober Bill now facing Tomorrow night will mark the did the first complete religious service war. Marylanders. scene of a gala barn dance sponsored Lindahl NamedT oColiege in dance, a ritual which is still car- Colonel Smith, Major and Mrs. Du- The object of this group will be to by the Student Christian Association ried on by some New England Bose, Mr. T. K. Harrison, and Dr. discuss the down to earth problems in Blanche Ward Gym from 7:30 until Board of Mademoiselle churches. In his book "Dance We and Mrs. Ensor are to sponsor the confronting the teaching profession 10:00 p.m. Must" is found the creed of en in- recently With Robert Fringo acting as caller Helen affair. today. Due to the many rapidly vary- for the square. dances, a band com- appointed Lindahl has College .Boerd been of spired dancer-philosopher, who chang- to the ing ideas in this field, it is very im- posed of students and faculty mem- Mademoiselle, according to an official ed a religious vocation from the portant that all new prospective bers will provide the music. Dress release received last week from the church to the dance, and insisted that the was different, only the medium CluD News teachers keep alert to these changing will follow the pattern of informal editorial staff of the magazine. spirit the same. aspects. In On the basis of three assignments The officers which assumed their collegiate apparel. Students have been given by the magazine, twenty Guest Denis, 1915, with his wife Ruth St. in asked not to wear dungarees. Refresh- "Denishawn" he founded French Club duties at this meeting were: Norman ments will be served during the -eve- Editors will be chosen from thta board Los Angeles, the first American A showing of French films will be Stern, president; George Seymour, ning. to help write and edit the annual Dance school and company. In 1933, the main feature of the next French vice-president; Peter Callas, treas- Hea-ding the refreshment committee August College issue. \vhile teaching at Springfield College, Club meeting on Monday at 7:00 urer ; Jean Dingus, Wanda Bradman, is Priscilla Lankford, with Rachel Helen's appointment makes her he founded and directed the first all- p. m. in McDaniel Lounge. These' co_secretaries; Betty Wiley, assistant Ennis, Shirley Clark, and Miriam eligible for Guest Editorship. If she male dance group composed of young historic and literary films of France secretary. Simmons assisting her. Charlie Ham- is chosen, she will be paid round trip athletes. In recognition of his fight to were found during the war by a for- The next meeting of the organiza- mer is directing- the entertainment transportation to New York City plus make dance an honored art form for mer WMC studen~ in the ruins of a tion, which will be on March 21, will for the evening. The decoration com- a regular salary for foul' week's men, Springfield College presented school yard in France. feature a documentary movie on mittee is: co-chairmen, Joe Culotta him with an honorary degree of Mas- Also several French songs will be racial prejudice, followed by a dis- and Ira Zepp; Corinne Schofield, and work. She will also receive personal- ter of Physical Education. sung by members of Le Cercle cusston. Dorothy Shoemaker. Publicity is be- ized career guidance, interviews with Out of his men's group grew the Francais. "Before this meeting every Stern extends a special invitation celebrities, and trips to newspaper first University of Dance where all French student will know two stanzas to Sophomores and Juniors to come ing handled by Libby Schubert. offices, fashion workrooms, radio sta- branches of the art are taught by of Marseillaise and the chorus of and discuss the many problems fac- Admission charge for the dance will tions, stores, agencies, and printing famous artists and choreographers. Madelon", said Miss Margaret Snader, ing the teachers of tomorrow. be 25c stag ?r drag. plants. Also to his credit is the distinction of dub sponsor. being the first and only male dancer International Relations Club Dika Newlin, Pianist-(omposer, Presents Fourth ever listed in Who's Who. performance Tickets for Tuesday's William Donahoo wil speak to the are on sale at McDaniel Hall, admis- International Relations Club about In Series Of Faculty Concerts Next Tuesday sion $1.25 including tax-the student the Problems in the Near East, March activity booklet entitles each holder 21 at 7:00 p. m. in McDaniel Lounge. to one ticket. A film will also be shown on this Dr. Dika Newlin will present the ed in 1946. two original operas. The first, Fea- by Na- Dr. Newlin has acquired fame as a thertop, based upon a story topic. fourth faculty recital next Tuesday, thaniel Hawthorne, won the Seidle The IRC has planned its program 8 :10 p. m. in Alumni Hall. composer in addition to her outstand- Cash Prizes A wait for the year to covel' different fields This will be Dr. Newlin's first con- ing piano and journalistic abilities. Prize for outstanding musical accom- of international interest. Future meet- cert since she appeared in the Schoen- C"adle Song for the piano, one of her plishment at Columbia University. AIL College Artists ings will be concerned with Latin berg series of the New Friends of first compositions, has been orches- The Scarlet Letter, a second operatic In order to encourage today's America, the British Commonwealth, Music at Town Hall, New York, in trated and played by the Cincinnati project based on the novel by Haw- painters, and bring recognition to the and the Future Germany. Speakers November. Symphony, The Los Angeles Philhar- thorne is in a broadly chromatic best in contemporary art, the Hall- and films will be obtained for these At present, she is engaged in writ- monic, and the NBC 'Summer Sym- style. Dr. Newlin is also adept at mark greeting cards company is meetings. ing a book The Anatomy 0/ Contem· phony. chamber music and song composition sponsoring a contest for American porory lIfusic which is to form part Dr. Newlin has also worked with for local organizations such as the The Camera Club choir, the orchestra, and the glee club. and French painters on the theme of of the Norton Music Series. Recently, Christmas, according to Vladamir A photo contest, now being spon- Dr. Newlin edited and translated \Vebern's Variations For Piano Visson, American Director. sored by the Camera Club, is open to Schoenberg's book of essays, Style In addition to the rarely performed Besides offering the numerous op- anyone who would like to enter. Any and Idea. Her latest article on Scho- Beethoven Fantasie in G }I1iMr, portunities to earn royalties for use kind of picture taken in 1948-49 will enberg In Atnerica, based on her ex- Brahm's Four Pieces, OPU8 119 and by the Hallmark Company on "its be accepted, and prizes will be awar-d- periences with his teaching in Cali- Schubert's A Major Sonata, the con- Christmas cards, there are else up ed to the winners. Entries may be fornia was published by the English cert will include a special feature, to $30,000 in cash prizes for those given to any member of the Camera magazine, Music Surve.y. The Canon Variations /O'r Piano written in 1936 whose entries are rated as best in the Club. This contest closes April 11. Magazine, of Sydney, Australia, re- by Anton Webern (1885-1945). competition. printed The Composer Teacher, con- Dr. Newlin takes great pleasure in In each national division, prizes Debating Club cel'ning in part Dr. Newlin's teaching playing this work here on the Hill running up to a $2,000 top are offered, Dl'. Chandler, prol'essor of history experiences at WMC. as \Vebern was one of the most fore- after which the national victors will and philosophy at the Westminster most pupils of bel' own teacher, be entered in competition for the Theologica( Seminary, awarded the Ph.D. From Columbia .Arnold Schoenberg, whose theoretical grand international prize of $3,500. decision to Western Maryland College After receiving her MA degree at books are ·well known as music texts This is the biggest competition of in the debate with Mt. Saint Mary's the University of California, Dr. on' campus. its kind yet offered, according to Mr. on March 4. Mt. Saint Mary's debated Newlin earner her Ph.D., in musicolgy As Webern's music is unfamiliar to Vis son, and is open to all college stu- the negative and Herbert Klinger and at Columbia University. During her local audiences, she will repeat it af- dents and college or high school Jerry Lockman presented the affirma- work at Columbia, she studied inde- ter the intermission. Dr. Newlin is teachers. Entry blanks and lists of tive for WMC on the topic of Federal pendently with Roger Sessions, Ru· particularly interested in the modern rules may be obtained by writing to Aid to Education. The Debating Club dolph Serkin, and Arthur Schnabel. musical technique which she explains Dil'ector, Hallmark Art A war d, will discuss this same topic in future Bruckner, Manier, Schoenberg, her can actually be tr'aced back to such old Wildenstein and Company .. 19 East debates with Gettysburg, Hopkins, doctoral thesis upon 19th and 20th' masters as Beethoven ana Schubert. 64th Street, New York, 21 N. Y. and Penn State. century Viennese music, was publish- Dika Newlin
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